I Made $2M On Bitcoin In 10 Months | BLING LIFE [n4JlLod2XBR]
I Made $2M On Bitcoin In 10 Months | BLING LIFE [n4JlLod2XBR]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
SUBSCRIBE to Truly: FROM $5,000 in his bank account to over $2million, in just 10 months, Alex Meurer has changed his life trading Bitcoin. 34-year old Alex, from Germany, has traded his way to over $2million and is now living the high life, fulfilling his dreams of travelling the world and buying designer clothes. However, Alex hasn’t always been as fortunate as he is now and didn't grow up wealthy. Even as recently as last year, Alex lost almost everything and was down to his last $5,000. However, his courage and vision for what crypto could bring him meant that he pursued trading the digital currency. Now, Alex is wealthier than he ever could have dreamed of being. He has a wardrobe full of designer shoes and shirts, he drives a Lamborghini and has a diamond encrusted watch worth over $30,000. Alex said: “I do have expensive taste, but it’s more about the quality, unfortunately quality comes at a high price." Despite his wealth and success, Alex hasn’t forgotten where he comes from and to help give back, he has started a YouTube channel to give others advice on how to turn their life around, like he did. Today, Truly meets Alex in Dubai, where he has travelled to to replace his $30,000 watch, as the last one was stolen from him. But that’s not all, Alex has bought a surprise gift for his girlfriend, claiming “It feels amazing to treat other people. It makes me more happy to treat other people, than it does to treat myself." Check Alex out here: Videographer: Luis Grolez Producers: Frazer Randalls, Kim Nguyen Editor: Tom Buckman Truly is on TikTok! Now you can watch our videos in Spanish!: Click here to follow your favourite Truly shows on Instagram! Truly - Born Different - Shake My Beauty - Hooked On The Look - Love Don't Judge - Beastly - Ridiculous Rides - Dog Dynasty - For more amazing content, click here! Beastly: Barcroft Cars: #wie verkauft man bitcoins #crypto voucher wallet #bitcoin euro kurs live
Aired: December 16, 2024
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