So LTC Litecoin Crypto is absolutely Skyrocketing today and has gained over 30% in 2 days and looking like it may take another run at an ATH! Now Litecoin



| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

So LTC Litecoin Crypto is absolutely Skyrocketing today and has gained over 30% in 2 days and looking like it may take another run at an ATH! Now Litecoin is a hard fork of Bitcoin but has much cheaper fees. Litecoin has a huge community behind it and always pumps pretty close with Bitcoin as it rises! On our Bitcoin Renegades road to 100k YouTube subscribers we will be giving away thousands of dollars in crypto to our loyal community as well as our new subscribers. Just use both gleam contests to be entered in to win at 1k subs and this one for 100k subs to giveaway $6,000 in crypto .1 BTC 1 ETH and 500 Cardano paid by sponsors(not yet determined) of the Bitcoin Renegade channel!! If you want to support the channel and help me make better videos by getting better equipment then you can support it through my Bitcoin wallet! please send Bitcoin if you can help the channel or subscribe, view and if your feeling generous hit the like!! Thanks a bunch I knew I could count on you!! 12QMSepLkEu8xGUCuarBi5gNykxCMTwgaP Join my patreon for Altcoin Moonshot gems before they blow up! Also to help the channel grow and donate for my community giveaways so I can put more money into the videos. Telegram group to join the community and earn free crypto. Instagram Renegade0264 twitter/ @Renegade0264 I'm inviting you to start investing in crypto with Voyager. Download the app and trade $100 to get $25 of free Bitcoin. Use code JEF3A8 or this link to claim your BTC: Hey! I’ve been using Cash App to send money and spend using the Cash Card. Try it using my code and you’ll get $5. SZKJGXR Start your investment journey With 2 free stocks. Open an account and get a free stock! Deposit and get another free stock!   Friends who trade together - get paid together. Click my link to download the dough app and we'll both get a free share of stock! Hi - I've been using Coinbase which makes it really easy and safe to buy, sell, and store digital currency (like Bitcoin). Sign up now and get $10 of free Bitcoin when you buy or sell at least $100 of digital currency. Claim your invite now: Let me know if you need help, Jeffrey Anderson Once your friend joins and starts trading, they’ll receive $50* Up to 10 for a total of $500.  You also receive $50, and can invite up to 10 friends I earned .116 Bitcoin on this site worth $5600 USD join and earn yourselves!! Disclaimer; For entertainment purposes only not financial advice at all and always do your own research before investing your money into Cryptocurrencies of any kind you can lose money if you don't understand what the market is doing #litecoin #ltc #ltcnews #ltccrypto #ltcprice #buyltc #sellltc #ltclitecoincrypto #ltclitecoin #nu #polymath #ethereum #storj #ankr #bat #cardano #ada #flexa #amp #algorand #solana #grt #btc #thegraph #roadto100khugegiveaway #Ethereum #BitcoinRenegade #buyCrypto #sellcrypto #nucypherprediction #nucrypto #cryptoprediction #cryptoprice #ampcoin #ampcrypto #nucoin #nucyphercrypto #icp #cryptopriceprediction #crypto whales #buy bitcoins

Aired: December 15, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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