German Gov Sells BTC & Ethereum Doc Announced & Andrew Tate launched meme coin ⚡️ Hamster News [BO-Cg76W1xq]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
⚡️Hamster News⚡️ Hey Hamsters! From over $650 million in liquidations, millions on the move, and a documentary about Ethereum – here are today’s headlines. Over the past two days, crypto markets have been bleeding, resulting in over $650 million in daily liquidations over the 24 hours alone. Andrew Tate launched meme coin called “DADDY”, it surpassed $150 million in market cap. Wallets associated with the defunct exchange Mt. Gox moved 47,228 Bitcoins to a new address from cold storage. A wallet that has been sleeping for over 12 years moved 119 Bitcoin. All while the German authorities have again sold Bitcoins, this time 1300 of them, prompting a German lawmaker to urge the government to stop this “hasty sell-off.” A feature documentary "Vitalik: An Ethereum Story" and the "Ethereum Stories" short film series, which have been in the making for 3 years, is launching September 18, with a trailer that you can mint dropping July 23. Well, that's all for today! Subscribe and remember: Hamsters are power 💪 🚀 Watch every video closely to get clues that you can use later 🖇 Crypto market sees $665 million in daily liquidations Andrew Tate launched meme coin called “DADDY”, it surpassed $150 million in market cap Mt. Gox moves $2.7B in Bitcoin to new wallet address A wallet that has been sleeping for over 12 years moved 119 Bitcoin German lawmaker wants government to hodl Bitcoin (BTC), not sell Release schedule announced for documentary "Vitalik: An Ethereum Story” #hamsterkombat #hamsternews #crypto #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #cryptonews #cryptoupdates #cryptomarket #andrewtate #memecoins #memecoin #cryptowallet #mtgox #bitcoin #btc #ethereum #eth #vitalikbuterin ——— TG — PLAY — X — 📍 For cooperation please contact [email protected] #crypto mining simulator #bitcoin halving auswirkung auf kurs #bitcoin chain
Aired: December 16, 2024
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