Dr. Aviv Zohar (The Hebrew University) Accelerating Bitcoin: Fast money grows on trees Bitcoin is a potentially disruptive new crypto-currency based on

Dr. Aviv Zohar: Accelerating Bitcoin: Fast money grows on trees [ZG90Znhm9GK]

Dr. Aviv Zohar: Accelerating Bitcoin: Fast money grows on trees [ZG90Znhm9GK]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

Dr. Aviv Zohar (The Hebrew University) Accelerating Bitcoin: Fast money grows on trees Bitcoin is a potentially disruptive new crypto-currency based on a decentralized open-source protocol which is gradually gaining popularity. Bitcoin's success is largely dependent on its ability to scale and to process transactions quickly. I will discuss some limitations on Bitcoin's scalability and present protocol modifications that can ease the problem. Joint work with Yonatan Sompolinsky. The presentation - #21shares bitcoin etf #warum steigt bitcoin gerade #sollte man bitcoins kaufen #new cryptos

Aired: December 15, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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