From Kelley classrooms to Foster Quad, colleagues from across IU are getting into the swing of all things Microsoft Teams as they call, chat, videoconference, and more thanks to IU's collaboration platform.
Without Teams, it's just work

She's a true Teams player
IU Bloomington Athletics' staffer Breanna Last is a fan of using her Teams app on the field and off.
It's how college students collaborate
The Kelley School's Brant Moriarity shows his students that Teams is how today's budding business professional gets work done.

The tool for staying on top of things
“I wear many hats and Teams is the perfect closet,” quips IU Southeast's Rebekah Dement on how Microsoft keeps her organized.
Streamlining the purchasing process
She may be new to Teams, but Procurement Services' Lisa Hardy is already adept at using the tool to manage sensitive documents and emails.

'Teams has made my life so much easier'
For Jody Whiteside, residence manager for two of the Big Ten's largest dorms, Teams is what keeps her and her staff on track with their many daily tasks.