UITS User Survey

2019 UITS User Survey IUK – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

(At start of the survey): As you get started, please take a moment to share with us any thoughts, concerns, issues, and/or ideas that you may have. What positive experiences with UITS staff or services have you had? Are there concerns or negative interactions that you want us to know about? Do you have recommendations for new services or improvements to existing ones? (You will have a chance to review, amend, or add to your comments before submitting your responses.)

(At end of the survey): If you entered comments at the beginning of the survey, they are displayed below. If you would like to edit your comments, share recommendations for additional services and support resources, or add additional comments or suggestions please enter them below.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:

On our campus (IU Kokomo) the I.T. staff is always responsive and helpful (whether I need help on campus, or working remotely)!

The UITS helpdesk always responds in a timely manner.

On an occasion I have sent an inquiry or a request to the Help Desk. The response I consistently get in return is very confusing, something about responding above the line.

I don't get it. Is this an automated response telling me that my inquiry has been received? I don't know. If so, the response could be more user friendly to the reader. Often, not knowing what to say, I just ignore it.

I was not in serviced on the Skype type of telephone. It takes me 3 or 4 times to dial a campus phone. Most of the time, I give up and use my cell phone to call or send an e-mail.

Since it is through a central system it is difficult to contact IT on my campus directly.

Students at the IUK service window are usually rude, NEVER smile, and don't greet. Seriously, they just stare at you, frowning. And with rare exception are almost completely unhelpful. Do better! You REALLY need to provide instructions for printing. It is not self-explanatory at all. Students blow their allotments on color because it's not clear how to make B&W the default. Library staff spend most of our time teaching students how to print. IT manages all digital displays and information Kiosk in our library. They are out of service or display error messages more often than not. It's sad and ridiculous.

The 24/7 support has been essential to me, as a faculty, to get my work done. The service people are very knowledgeable about Canvas.

I would like to be able to send an email to a student directly while reviewing their grades in Speed Grader, instead of having to exit Speed Grader to communicate with the student.

I get a lot out of my courses offered through the IUK CTLA center. I wish more courses were offered in the summer, because that is when new faculty like myself have more time.

I've used UITS for several wireless issues in my classroom, with mixed results. Large classes and Respondus don't work well together.

I have not had any negative experiences with UITS with the last year.

My experience at IU Kokomo has been highly positive, especially the level of service re classroom software assistance and also helping our faculty and students get their laptops up to date.

When I have had a need, it has been addressed promptly.

Every interaction I have had has been positive with the staff. However, I think the WIFI is an issue.

Typically I've had quick and helpful responses with UITS and they have been either able to solve the problem or explain a workaround. Only once or twice was that not the case.

UITS staff is always helpful. My struggle has to do with my own knowledge of the equipment.

My positive experiences are they have responded by coming to my classroom to fix some technology issues when I needed them to. Negative experiences include not being able to get a computer that can run a program I need for work because the program cannot be installed on my current computer. My recommendations are to have all the computer labs and classrooms already set up with commonly used software.

Help desk (walk-in) staff at IUK and UITS (by phone) have been very helpful!

I have always received prompt, effective assistance whenever I have requested it.

Many of my issues have been responded to quickly, which I appreciate. I find the formatting of the emails/tickets for issues a bit confusing. I do not like that I cannot use "task manager" on my desktop computer.

Staff responses:

The IT department at IUK have always been very helpful and prompt in response. Michelle and Giovanni are the two I have worked with more than anyone else in the department and they have both been very patient and quick to educate when necessary.

Our campus IT department is unfailingly helpful, knowledgeable, and patient. They're all top-notch, and we're lucky to have them.

My experiences with UITS at IU Kokomo have run hot and cold. Sometimes the service is quick and efficient; other times the person on the Helpline or at the Helpdesk hasn't been trained adequately and "troubleshoots" the problem by trying different solutions in a sort of random way. They are not very service-oriented. For example, after not being able to solve the problem over the phone and letting him access the laptop remotely, we were instructed to come down to the Helpdesk. We did that, and had to wait for more than 10 minutes while the chap at the Helpdesk sat on the phone with someone. We didn't get any acknowledgement, eye contact, apology, any idea of how long we would have to wait, any indication that he even knew we were there waiting. (We were in clear view.) Another person came up and stood in line behind us. Finally the Helpdesk guy hung up and turned his attention to us, but still was unable to address our log-in issue, explaining it was a problem outside of his control, but couldn't advise us where to go for help. If he knew it was outside of his control, why did he work so hard over the phone and in person to address the problem? It felt like he couldn't solve the issue, so he found an excuse to get rid of us. And I don't understand why someone else in the office couldn't intervene and help with the backup at the window, especially when we had waited for so long and other people were queuing up behind us.

Very strong department. I have no problems with them.

I appreciate the hard work of UITS.

The UITS staff is always friendly and professional.

Always ready to help!

Any time I've required the assistance of UITS, the staff member has been wonderful and gladly helped me.

The service received from IU Kokomo UITS staff is very good! They work diligently to troubleshoot and problem solve issues that are brought to their attention.

I've been pleased with how quickly my requests have been handled when I have needed help. Michael Lynch was especially helpful to me when my laptop died, directing me to the Apple Store, where it was fixed.

The work I've had done with the professionals there have been great. I hate to sound this way but, my only concern is for student workers up front taking up valuable time by trying to help with situations that they are not fully prepared to help with. And then not achieving any kind of a result. I have no recommendations for new services or improvements.

I miss the personal touch of the days the helpdesk would send a student worker to you when you were having issues. Now, their first response is usually did you re-start your computer? That question makes you feel like you are being talked down too and most of the time it is not appreciated. Most of us know the basics of computer problems.

Kelly is wonderful, she is quick to respond and very helpful. I have had experiences with other members of the team that have not been so pleasant. The reason why is they seem to talk down to people. One interaction that I had with someone in UITS was overheard by a person standing near by. Later I was approached by the person who overheard the conversation and stated that she would not have put up with being talked to in such a manner.

Another question I have why is the IQ wall in the cafeteria promoting other campuses, why couldn't the activities on our campus be promoted and not those on other campuses?

I work with the UITS employees a lot and think you have a pretty good crew here on this campus.

Undergraduate responses:

The staff was friendly and helpful.

The UITS staff has always been helpful and friendly whenever I reached out for assistance.

I do not have any suggestions and so far my experiences have been pleasant, informative and smooth.

Every interaction I have had with UITS has been less than pleasant. On the positive side, they have always been able to fix whatever issue it was that I had, but on the negative side, it either took days to solve, or I got passed from person to person. I personally think if the knowledge base was more user- friendly, well known, and easily accessible, I wouldn't have such a negative opinion of UITS.

The UITS staff has always been more than helpful to me! I took my computer in and the gentleman who helped me was very nice and gave me tips and advice on how best to use my computer!

The only thing that I would like to see change is the hours of operation. There are a lot of students who have to work while going to school. These students sometimes have to work during the day, as I did when I first started at IUK. I ended up having to take a half day off of work to come in and get my laptop set up. That was money that I needed for my family that I had to give up because the UITS office closed before I got off work. I think that if they could find a way to have some evening hours, it would be helpful to a lot of people.


There is a real need to help older students get used to the internet, canvas, and general usage for the classes. IT representatives were not available before classes began because they were booked ahead of time. I couldn't get an appointment until October after classes started in August. There was no information ahead of time what you might want to load for your classes or how to set up printer services. If you have been out of school awhile it was a difficult learning curve. IT was helpful when I could get in. I heard they had 2 IT specialists to help; that seems extremely low.

I have been having a lot of problems with the Wi-Fi on campus for a week or two now, my laptop will not connect to the school's internet instantly but it does at home.

Being a CS major I have a decent amount of friends and fellow classmates that work in the UITS department. They all seem to enjoy it, and appreciate their job.

I have no issues with UITS staff. They always answer politely to questions and are ready to assist whenever. The two step login has made security more safe and secure, even though its a pain in the neck looking for my phone to connect. Overall I like it.

I met with Greg in IT prior to starting my semester at IUK and he was phenomenal!! He set up my computer, showed me how to navigate the site and gave me written instructions of what he did to my computer as well as what updates to run, when and how. He also gave recommendations for what virus software to purchase and where I could purchase it. This made things so much easier for me since it has been nearly 12 years since I was in college. Greg was very professional, courteous, patient and knowledgeable.

One recommendation I have is navigation within Canvas, there are too many places you have to go to see what is needed for one class. For example, you have the module, then the assignments and you have to go back and forth to see when things are due. This was very overwhelming for me and has definitely taken some adjusting to. Seems that it would be more convenient to have all information together rather than having to look all over (because of not being familiar with this navigation system).

Every experience that I have had has been positive! From my first week on campus helping me get my computer set up to helping me format my project posters and print them, the help that I received was nothing less than amazing! Also, whenever we had a technological issue in class, someone came to address the problem quickly which I appreciated as a student.

Quick service with Crimson Card.

All my experiences with UITS staff have been very positive. I don't believe I have any recommendations for the program.

UITS has been very helpful and has been very thorough in teaching me how to use certain applications, options for buying hardware, downloading software, and how to troubleshoot certain problems.


Everyone is very nice. They know how to fix almost everything and it is very appreciated.

I appreciate them walking me through the necessary steps taken to solve the issues I have had with my laptop instead of them solving it on their own.

I haven't had many experiences yet, this is my first year and I'm just learning.

I have really enjoyed getting to know my advisor and professors. I do not have any complaints from anyone.

I have never had a bad experience with the IT department. They were always able to see me in a timely fashion and have never failed to give quality assistance.

The UITS is very good at what they do. They work quick and diligently. They are also very flexible with times and will work with your schedule.

The UITS staff was very helpful with one of my projects for my International Study class and helping me put sound on PowerPoint. They did a good job of thoroughly explaining everything and scheduling a flexible schedule for me to meet up with them. I was very appreciative of their help.

I would like it if the computers upstairs had better mouse’s to work with especially for the art students. They are hard to maneuver and make it hard to edit photographs and video edits and to make 3D prints.


Everything is great.

I have been very pleased with the UITS any time something isn't working they are always there to fix it. But I find that the WI-FI isn't working quite a bit which is very inconvenient as well as there has been quite a few times when I will try to get on Canvas to do homework and the site is down for maintenance which is also very inconvenient.

The UITS staff is very helpful when you have something wrong. It does get annoying when you are on the internet and it kicks you off in the middle of doing homework. UITS staff did have a hard time getting my computer to connect.

I appreciate that even at a regional like IUK that STC computers are regularly updated and replaced as well as the computers the staff use. I've never come across a PC on campus as a student that I felt was entirely lacking or out of date.

On the negative side, there have been a few instances I've noticed of one PC in a room being entirely unusable. They usually are marked as such and I haven't had a class where there weren't enough PCs, just that sometimes those broken ones hang around awhile. I assume that's probably due to trying to fix it rather than replace it which is understandable. Additionally, most of One.IU feels very up to date but anytime we have to use SIS it's like stepping back in time 10 years. When signing up for classes I haven't had any outright issues but it's certainly the most antiquated-feeling IU website I have to use.

IU offers a lot of software to students for free and I think it would be worth making more students aware of that, especially freshmen who are often buying new computers for campus. Letting them know they get Microsoft Office for example and easy instructions on how to claim it I think would make a lot of students and parents happy.

I think the services are good. They offer great products for free for the students. They also always can fix a problem with a computer.

I went to UITS at the beginning of the semester for assistance with setting up my laptop for online classes. Very helpful! They did a great job with giving instructional assistance as well.

I have not had many interactions with UITS, but when I have it has always been a positive experience. I think the UITS staff go above and beyond to help with any technical issues. My only complaint is a that a couple times I was unable to walk-in and see them due to their office being closed or being understaffed due to the high need of IT help.

Chris Butte is awesome!

I believe we have a wonderful UITS staff that are always doing their best.

All of the staff I have worked with at UITS have been incredibly helpful and very nice. I think having the office open later with more staff would be beneficial.

All positive interactions with our IT staff. Great guys.

No problems/issues. Nice campus. All staff was helpful and friendly. Positive experience! Definitely recommended college.

Due to my work schedule I can currently only take evening classes. One of my required classes was cancelled this semester. Also there is never an option for an evening advising appointment.

Quicker response times to ticket claims would be fantastic.

I do not have a lot of experience with the UITS department. They are helpful when I take my computer to them and ask for help. The campus Wi-Fi is frustrating sometimes because it will often shut off and not work.

UITS has always been professional and friendly in my interactions with them. They are always helpful and I have never had any complaints.

I have enjoyed using the IT support that is available daily on campus.

Staff has always been able to help me with any issues that I have had. The only issue I have is not being able to connect to Secure right away as it connects to Guest first.

There needs to be 100 times the amount of closed off, quiet, personal space with an IUK computer! People do NOT act like adults! In study open study areas, on many occasions, people are loud, rude, obnoxious, disruptive and disrespectful!!! I've even seen people making out in these areas. I try to do my [IRD] on campus where it SHOULD be a good environment for this, but half the time it is not so. This problem exists even with earplugs in. The library's 2nd floor needs dozens more computers to get away from the noise. This happens in the library nearly every time I go. It should not be a place to hang out. Some of them are Annex students, I know because they were so loud and distracting. I pay just as much as these students do and deserve and have a right to use the computers peacefully and productively.

I have had a very positive experience with getting my accounts and my laptop set up. I also have had a positive experience with getting help with a project using multiple programs.

I am very grateful for the excellent level of support and assistance that is available at IUK. It has enabled me to integrate back into finishing my degree without any technical difficulty. I would have been lost in many ways without it!

The Mac lab is great. The Wi-Fi throughout campus is really bad, I have struggled with it basically every day that I'm there.

UITS is eager to help via scheduled appointments but not they do not fix issues in classrooms without work orders and they don't fix issues promptly such as; nursing simulation labs. The wireless network does not work well at all. I have had to use the guest.

Graduate responses:

56480949        My experience with UITS staff and services has been satisfactory. I have found the staff to be very helpful and positive.

My one concern is the switchboard service at IUK. The message has been coming through with static, which makes it rather hard to hear, although it is a recording.

Another seemingly needless issue is the same recording that one must listen to, while awaiting a staff person to answer. I'm not sure of its purpose, but it takes up time before someone answers to direct my call.

Another concern is that when a student /staff person answers, I have heard them laughing into the phone before saying "This is Indiana University - Kokomo, may I help you?" I feel this is not good phone etiquette.

Thank you