UITS User Survey

2019 UITS User Survey IUPUI – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

(At start of the survey): As you get started, please take a moment to share with us any thoughts, concerns, issues, and/or ideas that you may have. What positive experiences with UITS staff or services have you had? Are there concerns or negative interactions that you want us to know about? Do you have recommendations for new services or improvements to existing ones? (You will have a chance to review, amend, or add to your comments before submitting your responses.)

(At end of the survey): If you entered comments at the beginning of the survey, they are displayed below. If you would like to edit your comments, share recommendations for additional services and support resources, or add additional comments or suggestions please enter them below.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:

I have had overall good help. However, sometimes things get rolled out and they haven't been tested correctly. An example is the Pulse debacle. It caused all sorts of issues for both PC and Macs and when IT contacted, there was no good answer. Finally a work around was found, but it took weeks.

I really haven't had any interactions.

Nothing stands out. I do find it annoying to have to request CAITS help for simple things like updating certain programs just because I don't have admin access. But otherwise, I don't really think about UITS.

-           Having an orientation about IT policies during the new employee orientation will be helpful. As a new hire at IU, I didn't know several IT policies until the policies started affecting my work negatively. If I have known such policies in advance, I could have resolved sooner. Now, all issues that I had have been resolved thanks to the help from UITS.

-           Giving administrative privilege for a limited time (e.g. 30 min) will decrease the workload of IT team and make it easy for the end-users. At my previous institutions, once I enter the last 4 digits of my social security numbers to the computer assigned to me, I was able to install key scientific software while IT team can audit what I'm doing. It is time-consuming to keep calling IT team whenever I have new updates to install for the programs that were already installed by the IT team.

UITS staff have always been helpful and friendly.

I appreciate that a UITS staff person comes to the student orientation I organize each August even though I oversee a relatively small program.

I enjoy working the CAITS folks as they best seem to understand my needs; they are polite and positive in their responses.

When there are enough people available, wait times are short and service is excellent. But that is WHEN people are available. I had an incident occur with what turned out to be an equipment failure on the first day of class, and while someone was there to answer the phones and help as much as they could, they only had 2 people in the field and no one to help me in time to avoid losing most of my class time that day.

I am happy with the UITS services

Service has been good.

I always have positive experiences with IU help - the phone system where you call a consultant for assistance with computer and electronic communication issues. This has been a great service.

I have had very positive impressions on the staff and services from UITS.

I have few interactions with UITS staff. The walk up window people are friendly.

One problem that I would like to have resolved is the very frequent problem with Outlook on my office desktop that indicates a lost connection and therefore not updating incoming email until I click the Connect button at the bottom of the screen.

The IT chat seems to be the best way to get quick responses. They are usually able to troubleshoot any problems. I do have concerns about the equipment. I teach in IT 265 and the sound on the computer has never worked, even after reporting the problem. I also teach in Eskenazi Hall 191 and 194 and the projectors seem to be aligned.

About 50% of the time I call or a student calls the help desk for real time assistance, the technicians are not able to offer sufficient help or troubleshoot the issues effectively. More time and resources should be dedicated to ensuring that the front line technicians have sufficient knowledge and skills to assist with issues that students, staff, and faculty face.

In general, I have been happy at how quickly I am able to get in contact with someone when I call.

Service and response are very slow. Not at digital age. Reminds me of dial up internet speed!! The survey is too long and not targeted.

Positives: network speed and Wi-Fi coverage have improved.

Negatives: proliferation of platforms and software for video-conferencing is confusing and could be streamlined. Lync phones are difficult to use and all seem to have LCD screen problems.

Desires: Increased software availability through IUware; more seamless access to backed-up storage space on the UITS network.

First, Gary Curto has been very helpful in trying to resolve the problems that I have had. He was prompt, respectful, and concerned. However, he knew the limits, yet offered reasonable alternatives to the challenges I was experiencing. Thank you, Gary.

Second, I have been issued a computer that does NOT have a VGA "plug" in it. Apparently, the university doesn't offer a computer with VGA plugs in them anymore. However, the lecture halls and some classrooms I've been assigned to use only have VGA sources. This has caused a good deal of frustration and hoop jumping to find solutions. UITS has NOT been helpful with this. University issued computers DO have HDMI plugs in them, so why aren't all rooms supplied with HDMI cords?

Last semester there was a significant problem with playing video's or items that had sound in them; MANY of my colleagues had the same difficulty that I did. Volume didn't work. UITS' solution, turn the system off and start over. That did not work either. This was an ongoing situation all semester, and in some rooms, it is still an issue [IRD]. We cannot offer our students excellent learning experience when we do not have the tools we need to provide those experiences.

This semester, I am having trouble with creating Rubrics in Canvas. I have now reported the problem twice in one months time, and there still isn't a solution. Students REALLY rely on Rubrics, and I am avoiding making them right now because there is so much difficulty in doing so. Again, this is unacceptable. I respect that some problems take time to resolve, [IRD] no one has followed up with a status or a resolution.

Finally, the DVD player in one of the classrooms I use [IRD] works, but the controller doesn't. Rather than fix the problem, we were told to use the DVD drive in the computer in the room. One of the discs we use doesn't work in the computer. The only alternative we have is to carry a computer to which we can attach an external DVD drive. Is there a policy against fixing things? The DVD we use is required for the course we are teaching. Why was it our problem to find a solution? Seems UITS should make sure the equipment they provide is in proper working condition, or perhaps they should replace it.

Usually the equipment is well maintained and when I get to class is ready for use. The problems encountered are usually the first week of classes.

Is there a way for UITS to connect remotely to the classroom equipment to see if it could be fixed?

I have enjoyed working with our tech experts in terms of keeping our office computers up to date, developing technical resources for a new space we developed at IUPUI University Library and working on projects related to student enrollment and CRM software.

As a new department chair, there have been a number of IT administrative systems that I have had to get access to and learn how to use. While I have been helped in figuring most of this out, there have been some glitches and lag-time involved--a more systematic training process would be helpful. On the other hand, attention to computer issues has been prompt and, so far, no serious classroom technology issues.

Overall my interactions with UITS have been positive. With the exception of classroom technology. (Which maybe isn't directly under UITS? I confess the reporting lines are confusing.) I was teaching in a classroom in CA last year and the projector/monitor would not stay on. It kept shutting off every few minutes. I called the classroom technology help number and basically was told there was nothing they could do to help me. I couldn't show anything to the class and my session depended on being able to display things via the projector/monitor. It was really frustrating.

I have always had good interfaces with the helpdesk when I have called. Our IT staff for our department does a good job for the amount of users and tasks that they are assigned.

I have had good and bad experiences with UITS. First it was the bad interaction: being told incorrect information. Then when I decided to just use the chat service, I finally got the information I needed and help clarifying what I needed to do, which I deem the good interaction. I am only putting this down so that someone is aware that certain employees have incorrect information that they are passing along, as well as not being able to look up the correct information before informing people about what they need to do.

Mitch was very efficient and helpful with my new computer set-up - thanks so much!

Staff is friendly.

We need to make changes to our IU Infectious Diseases fellowship website and have had discussions with IT.

I believe due to lack of staff, our project has not been completed. This directly affects the hiring process of fellows.

  1. As a Mac user, it would be nice to have some more direct support for OS operating systems.
  2. I am not always happy with the technology that is available in classrooms. The devices and setup can be different room-to-room, and sometimes some components are not working. At some level, it feels like the equipment (DVD player, CD player, amplifier - at least I think that is what it is, computer, projector, doc cam, etc.) can be overkill. Unless the class needs to show a film in high definition and high quality sound, I would think using the computer would be just fine for small classroom spaces. Reducing the amount of hardware would simplify ease of use, reduce clutter and free up some space in some of these smaller classrooms.
  3. It would also be nice to know more about technology that is available such as, the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Centers (ATAC) [e.g., Assistive technology loans, alternate formats for instructional materials (braille, tactile diagrams, Kurzweil 3000, LiveScribe pens, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, TextHelp Read&Write Gold, etc.]. I've had students with special needs (sight or hearing) that would benefit from using some of this technology. I did not know we had access to this tech.

I almost always have a great experience when I call 274-HELP. I haven't taken IT training classes recently but found them much too slow paced and not learner centered. The courses offered via the teaching centers are better and I wish there were more on learning technology. I wish all of our conference and classrooms were equipped with Zoom and more universal systems. I teach and work at both IUB and IUPUI and things are challenging because of such differences across schools, departments, and campuses.

I can't think of any issues beyond occasional glitches with Canvas.

I'm always very impressed with UITS staff and services--very helpful! I especially appreciate the call-in help and walk-in help. I've used these multiple times.

Some of the Canvas features: Kaltura and Zoom do not seem that intuitive. I have struggled at times with utilizing these platforms.

No recommendations! Glad to know they are available when needed.

Need a quick response.

It would be awesome to have one consolidated system so I don't have to repeat everything with IU and IUH.

Great folks. Quick service. Work hard to get concerns addressed.

I have always had positive interactions with UITS staff. Not involving staff, but the provided computer in my office does not allow me to download and use tools that help me in my grading (i.e. grammarly) which is quite a nuisance and then I just have to use my personal laptop in the end.

My interactions with UITS staff have always been productive, and the staff have always had a professional attitude. However, from a time perspective, the return on investment has been low.

My chief concern about this service is that I am dually employed by IU and IUHP. So, my devices need to be able to serve both jobs. I have had an extremely difficult time getting IUH IT and UITS to collaborate to make my devices fully functional. I am required to be the go-between for all issues, and I have no background in IT or software, or Wi-Fi or any number of other issues. So, it becomes a very frustrating game of telephone, wherein I finally just give up and live with a less than fully functional device.

UITS has been one of the most pleasurable departments to work with in my many rolls at IUPUI as a student and professional. I work in the technology and geospatial sciences and have interacted with many departments over the years from telecom, general support, software licensing and purchasing, and most recently last summer participated in a sUAS (drone) mapping demo last summer at IUB. Thank you all for your support and expertise. UITS is a core reason IU is a great university.

Whenever I have had an issue with classroom technology, UITS has responded promptly and helped me get class back on track.

Clinical departments create additional problems by adding software that is meant for PCs on Macs which creates major problems when working remotely. The responsiveness to fixing the problems is inadequate as several issues have not been resolved. I realize this is a PC campus but slowing productively of Faculty is not an acceptable practice.

I have not had any negative interactions with UITS staff ever! :)

I think UITS is a valuable service that has served my IT needs well.

When I set up my polycom phone after transferring from IUB to IUPUI, I had an excellent experience.

Overall staff has been resourceful and polite. Almost all issues have been resolved quickly.

Only had great and helpful interactions so far. Everyone seems to be knowledgeable on many topics and able to address concerns effectively.

Box Health needs to be replaced!! Every time that a file is downloaded on a computer, a temporary internet file is created on the laptop! Many people who use box health are not aware of this. This goes against every attempt to protect patient confidentiality. It is obvious that the people who implemented Box Health have never had to protect confidentiality and/or are not researchers. Please provide secure servers for researchers to store their data.

Everyone is always helpful and responsive to my needs.

UITS staff is knowledgeable and very helpful!

Positives: responsive, timely.

The computer provided to me at work is old and slow. The camera monitor to monitor patient condition at the console area is at least 25 years old, with bad resolution and not easy to operate.

I have always had phenomenal help from UITS when I call the help desk.

I have always received prompt and friendly service.

I mostly work with CAITS since I'm with the School of Medicine.

I have been frustrated by having to wait a long time to have the projectors in our library classrooms updated, but I don't know if that's a UITS project or a CAITS project.

Thanks for supplying free Microsoft Word.

Good experience. Great services. Convenient for students and faculty.

It's informative for us. Need more updates on new scientific discoveries and job vacancies.

Yes. [IRD], for some reason, I was the only provider with Printer Issues, no matter which computer I went to. The entire 8 hour shift, the nurse/staff coordinator called IT at least 6 times.

I could not print discharge instructions and some patients ended up leaving without discharge instructions. The IT person told our coordinator that with Cerner changes, some people had printer issues, and despite repeated requests to send someone down to look at the exact error message, no one came. This left a dangerous situation with some patients who didn't get discharge paper work or instructions/addresses/physician follow up information. The IT person didn't know to refer us to another on-call Desktop person who could come remedy the situation. 8 hours we waited for someone to show up. No one showed up in our ED. Was Very frustrated.

Most of my experiences with UITS has been very positive.

Sometimes the KB can be frustrating when it links me out to a community guide for platforms like Canvas or Box because then I have to start my search over again.

IU AnyWare is a great idea but very clunky on a Mac.

I find the IU security messaging to be patronizing and infantilizing. Thank you for letting faculty use the Box G Suite Integration!

Very good experience/interaction with UITS staff.

I always have very positive experiences with our IT staff at East. They are knowledgeable, friendly and always ready to help when I'm stuck, either in my office or classroom. They know what they are doing

and also have a good sense when something is really urgent--like when I'm in class trying to get technology to work well. I am so glad to have them here on campus.

I have also called off-hours several times and typically those folks are also helpful, and always friendly. I have struggled a couple of times though with less than helpful calls--one that comes to mind specifically was when I needed to verify I was creating "Searchable Adobe Documents". I called IT Helpdesk to ask for a way to verify this, and it was obvious the IT helper had no idea what I was talking about. His response was "Well, just call the file something you remember when you save it, and then save it to your desktop--it will be searchable by looking on your desktop". That was not helpful.

One of the projectors in LE100 projected a pink circle for the first month or so of the semester. I used this room in the fall semester and the projector was beginning to malfunction in November. This issue should have been addressed before the beginning of the Spring semester.

No immediate concerns.

They have been very helpful.

Lecture theaters should have the ability to allow guests logins to download or use presentation from a USB stick.

Lecture theater in Emerson Hall was most unfriendly in terms of ability to connect my Mac.

UITS is a great service for faculty. I love the 274-HELP phone line.

The staff should have more training to help faculty with canvas related issues and all the new teaching technologies. The CTL folks are very helpful but since they are not available 24/7, we should be able to get useful help from the UITS.

It would also help to hire some IT professionals who can also communicate in non-technical language so that a lay person can understand how to use the technology easily. Also, if the directions online about various technological tools are written so that they are user friendly that would help. Many of the directions use technical terms/words and they assume that the user knows exactly what they mean.

However, the user has to spend a lot of time decoding each sentence to figure out the full meaning of the sentence/words. This involves googling the words etc. and wastes a lot of precious work time that could be spent actually using the technology. Clear, easy to read and understand directions for a non- tech person are needed. I suggest hiring a few people who can easily translate technical language to everyday language, and also run some pre-tests and post-tests to gather information on the effectiveness of this.

UITS is always pretty darn good about quickly handling any issues I have. All the people I have ever worked with have been fantastic. Really no complaints from me at all.

No recent experiences.

The UITS staff are always giving me quick feedback and solve the problem. By now, I am very satisfied with UITS service. However, I still hope UITS can update some software with an expired license. Meanwhile, the wireless network speed is very slow.

I feel completely disconnected with technology services. They may be helpful for students; however, newly joining faculty does not seem to get into the loop at all. I do not know the overall concept and goals of IT services. If it were not for students and trainees that introduce me to needed features, I still would be entirely clueless. In fact, I just recently accidentally heard about UITS. Trial and error is the only approach that I know.

One reason may be that I am being overstuffed with emails virtually forcing me to delete everything that is not of life-threatening importance (literally). And all support branches at IU appear to be content to just overfeed faculty with those mails falsely believing they are making themselves known.

I probably received hundreds of UITS emails since I joined. I never had any meaningful contact.

Staff responses:

My interactions with IT staff have always been pleasant.

I've worked at three other universities and I feel that UITS is as good if not better than what I've been exposed to in the past.

I have never had a negative experience with UITS. Its staff, as well as its website have been very resourceful from my time as a student to my time now as an employee. When I began as an employee, the UITS staff person I spoke with to help transition from my old student account was very knowledgeable, friendly, and efficient. I've also utilized KnowledgeBase successfully for a number of issues.

I have always had pleasant experiences with UITS staff. They seem to always be quick to respond and fix any issues as well as professional and knowledgeable. No complaints.

All UITS interactions I have initiated have been positive.

We are a lucky department that has our own IT systems specialist and so my interactions with UITS staff are limited. Most have been positive though trying to describe an issue over the phone is mostly an exercise in futility.

UITS has been easy to work with when I have had questions.

Not sure what the "Request Software" feature in IU Ware is for. I thought perhaps someone could look into the feasibility of getting a license for a particular software but was told that they couldn't help me. Maybe the function of this service should be better explained on the page?

The UITS staff have always been super helpful and prompt whenever tech problems plague our office. Recently I had to have my laptop changed out and they made the transition completely painless.

Overall the staff does a good job. I would like to see the request forms streamlined into one, but understand this may not be possible with the different work groups.

I have made use of the UITS chat help service many times and have always found it helpful and efficient.

I work in the Herron Art Library and students using the building computer labs frequently ask us for help with problems (rooms locked, printers broken, software questions). As we have no control over the labs, better communication about those rooms or obvious staffing would be helpful.

It's probably pertinent to note that our technology is administered by CST in the University Library and I have little interaction with UITS outside of that.

I work fairly closely as I support some enterprise systems and need to regularly collaborate and partner with a handful of teams and product owners.

I often find that no one can help me, but instead, they often pass me to a different department who ultimately sends me back to the desk I first called. The disconnect between CAITS and UITS is very poor.

I don't exactly know if I've worked with UITS staff. Our office has someone who helps us with computers, website, and other general technology related questions. But, I am not under the impression that we rely upon UITS services for this sort of thing. When I've needed anything related to One.iu.edu, I assume I'm working with someone from UITS and believe I get the information I need in a timely manner.

One issue/concern I had was when we started using Qualtrics as an institution. There was no training available from UITS and we were told there were no plans to offer training. I thought that was unacceptable given I (and others) had no control over nor input into the decision to disallow the use of Survey Monkey. How are you going to force people to use a new product and then not offer training? I've basically taught myself how to use Qualtrics. In hindsight, it's a much better product than Survey Monkey, but the first semester using it was frustrating.

I have very positive experiences and support from Adam (no longer at IUPUI), Devin, Michael, and Davis. They have all been very professional and helpful every time I have had an issue and needed their help. I have nothing but good things to say about their service in my unit.

I have had great experience for the past 3 years. Long time ago, 2006, it took too long for them to answer the phone but now they have become so efficient.

I have only had positive interactions with UITS staff. They are always so helpful when I call.

Connectivity in Taylor Hall is spotty at best. I'd love to see more investment in making Wi-Fi more accessible in Taylor.

I am concerned that CAITS is understaffed. Someone is supposed to be checking the auditorium equipment on campus either every day or every evening. Specifically those auditoriums in Fesler Hall and the Medical Science Building. The equipment, most of the time, is not set up correctly to display the monitor to the PowerPoint screen. Nor is the microphone or the pointer charged with good batteries. And there are no spare batteries to be had. Not to mention there are no working telephones in those rooms. Personal cell phones do not have service in those buildings. You must go outside to get service to call for help. Depending on how early in the morning or late in the evening you get a voice mail to leave a message. Not helpful when you are supposed to be giving a lecture.

Email forwarding for students between various accounts (@iu, @iupui) has been problematic. The instructions are either wrong or confusing and students are often missing important email communications due to lack of awareness or inaccurate routing between OWA and Gmail.

UITS has been good, on the whole. The only real complaint I have in 2.5 yrs was from a training session I was facilitating on the IUPUI campus in a room where UITS was supposed to provide support and it was challenging getting help. I called the UITS help desk, who routed me to another UITS line, who tried to get someone to come to give me assistance, thankfully I arrived 15 min early and had some time. It was a frustrating process and took far longer than I would have liked. Before the UITS tech arrived to assist, I was able to solve my own issue, but we started my training session 15 min late.

When I see UITS being constructively responsive to critical feedback from end users, my experience is positive. When I see UITS being defensive, dismissive, or digging in as a response to end user feedback, my experience is negative. UITS is at its best when it is supporting the seamless availability, security, and high performance of tools developed outside of UITS that best meet the needs of end users at IU.

I do not understand why IUPUI has so many independent maker spaces. It seems like IUPUI would spend fewer resources and have a better product to create one large maker space that encompasses all needs.

I have had good experiences with the UITS help desks around campus though I have had to walk them through what's happened with my accounts multiple times in order to get the correct assistance. I understand that they deal with wide range of skill sets and tech knowledge bases so I understand the urge to over question.

Quick responses.

When in need of help right away, I like the fact I can visit and talk to a real person to help solve my issues.

I want to give kudos to Justin White whose expertise and professionalism never disappoints. He knows what he is doing which is invaluable. Most of us do not have time for "do-overs" and that is never the case with Justin. He is my preferred go-to for any IT I might have!

Very quick to respond to requests and will update progress on user requests in a timely manner.

Would love to be able to install office add-ins such as boomerang.

I have had only a few instances since working here that I've interacted with and requested help from the UITS staff. One is very personable and friendly and the other is more introverted but does his job well.

UITS has always responded promptly to any of my concerns or questions. This has been greatly appreciated.

I am a member of [IRD]. I do not feel like UITS planning is done with [IRD] as a fully engaged member of the UITS community. IT Security appears to be focused on what the general campus is concerned with and not engaged, or open, to the concerns of the [IRD] needs on the IUPUI campus and only consider issues related to the [IRD] schools after repeated attempts to engage them, running the concern up the chain of command or needing to get a school Dean involved to move issues forward.

UITS Staff are usually responsive & polite. Small/simple issues are usually solved quickly and painlessly. Occasionally, when there is an issue, there is a feeling of being "left hanging" because there is no solution for the problem at hand (i.e. time-sensitive issues during a presentation). Often, most issues could be resolved by better preparations (likely on both ends). I often prefer to find my own work-arounds because the amount of time/effort needed to work with UITS is not worth the end solution. I've found some interactions difficult due to the lack of human interaction skills on the technician's end.

The computers in our facilities are very slow, and the nightly reset makes it hard to be able to send and check emails in a timely manner.

Negative concerns are students do not have good wireless service. Every other campus I have visited has wonderful wireless service everywhere on campus - inside buildings as well as outdoors. Our wireless connectivity/service is embarrassing. School of Medicine classes are now using notebooks and other devices, and there are classrooms in Med Sci which cannot be used due to lack of or sporadic service. Please fix this.

I rarely contact the help desk, but had a positive experience when I did.

No concerns at this time. All good.

When reaching out via chat, the UITS staff members have been very helpful and even reached out to gather additional information for troubleshooting and avoiding future problems. Regarding services such as AdRx, I would like to have more abilities to pull reports of students and their notes for those I have met with. Additionally, I would like to see additional presentation resources available for those of us teaching courses, presenting regularly, etc.

UITS staff is always very helpful and responsive. Great to work with.

Great staff.

I have worked closely with the UITS Advanced Visualization Lab and Virtual Reality staff for over four years. Chauncey Frend has been an amazing supporter of our academic unit. Up until a week ago, he was leading tours for our recruitment team when we invited potential high school students and their families to visit us. I have been very thankful to have him partner with us. We are saddened that they will no longer host our K-12 tours.

Complaints/issues are usually met with quick response, whether it is an immediate fix or a "we're working on it". I know part of the time it is user issues, but we really do try to go through all the possible problems (reboot, clear cookies, etc.) first.

We work very closely with Ron Voter and Keith Koontz who have always been very helpful and fast with their responses to our needs.

Everyone I have worked with from UITS have been very helpful! Much appreciated!

It would be helpful for the UITS staff to understand that many of the School of Medicine sites are not on IU campuses. Some have campus affiliations with other universities and reside in a city where no regional campus exists and a handful are affiliated with IU campuses. IU School of Medicine - South Bend is the only site in the same city as a Regional campus that does not reside on that campus.

Routinely UITS staff will suggest that we simply go to the IUSM UITS support center, but it is not that easy for our employees and students. We do not have parking privileges on that campus and most do not even know where that is.

Additional comment after the survey is that this survey was way too long!

The UITS staff have always been very helpful. It would be nice to have an integrated IU and IU Health IT department due to the never ending challenges faced by those of us who work for both.

After taking this survey I realize there are many security related resources I was unaware of. Perhaps more education/getting the word out would help.

I wonder if there are services which are under-utilized because people don't know they are offered. I have never found the central location at which new services are announced. Often I only learn of the existence of a service when I see in change management that it is scheduled for maintenance. It is irksome to have spent considerable effort to set something up for our department, only to learn later that (had I known) an acceptable alternative was already offered by UITS.

First of all, we need even and strong internet connection and security on the IUPI campus. Second of all, campus facility services excess is not executed well, to get on computer or shall I say trying to get your phone service to connect with two tier verification by phone is poor. The internet coverage is not good. I understand that some buildings are hard to get internet coverage, that is why we need good infrastructure for the internet on all IU campuses.

They do a great job. I appreciate all their help.

Communication of UITS services to the rest of the campus, particularly faculty, remains a challenge.

Very concerned about the state of consolidation across the university when it comes to the IT organization. You can't automate good, local customer service. Neither can you automate relationships, which create trust. We're becoming more technical and less personal.

I've seen too many good ITLP graduates leave because you didn't allow them to lead. It's still happening. Please stop putting non-ITLP graduates and others who have no desire to lead in their leadership journey path.

Great responsive service team!

Able to help/answer questions in a timely manner.

I rated the CTSI website question a 3 because of the recent poorly introduced new site that now direct inquires to the studies that I manage to some unknown person that sometimes forwards those inquires to me. I don't think this has anything to do with UITS, but rather the people that decided to change policy without informing anyone.

My biggest frustrations come from Skype for Business and Box. Group IMs/chats are much more difficult than they should be in 2019, and if you join one late, you can't see what has already been said. Something like Slack would be really helpful for my team. Box is great in theory, but it can be temperamental and really slow down a meeting when it is doing something weird, like not allowing a document to be opened in Microsoft online.

Having IT on campus has been a big plus however, DUO has continued to be an issue with our Volunteer Community, requiring an IU email is an added burden and the username is confusing. Why don't you just do what other companies do and use the full email address? Fax did not work at all and sometimes too much information is not the answer. For non-tech people, keep the info simple or have a novice read and give you feedback. Calls are not answered and Volunteers should not have to fill out a "ticket". Password resets have also been a problem. IU forgets we have regional campuses and Volunteers cannot come in to campus and show ID! IT support only thinks in black and white terms and does not listen or understand the needs of staff and Volunteers. I am only referring to staff needs since I cannot answer for faculty or students.

My experience is that UITS and Ricoh (the copy machine company) do not communicate well. I have had multiple interactions in setting up new printers/copiers where they force me to be the middle man instead of talking to each other to get the thing set up. Or they'll say, "oh, we can't do that." You need to talk to Ricoh. And vice versa. Very frustrating.

They do help you.

I have not had to use them, but every time someone is in my building they are nothing but positive and always say hello.

I've had nothing but good experiences with UITS. They are very prompt and courteous when handling the tickets.

I really have no comments, complaints or requests. The network and systems work for me as I suspect they are supposed to work.

UITS staff typically respond pretty rapidly to requests!

Whenever the server is down can a text message be sent out? Putting it on the Peds IT home page isn't useful if you can't access it.

All of my interactions with UITS staff have been very good, and that has spanned my 23 year career here. I cannot think of any negative interactions or a time when my concerns weren't addressed.

Learn to love and be patient with everyone.

I do not have anything negative to say. When I have asked for help with any issues I have, they have responded quickly. You can't ask for anything more.

I've always had satisfactory or excellent experiences with UITS staff and services. Timely, skillful, and thorough.

All of my interactions with UITS staff have been positive. They have all been very helpful and quick to resolve issues.

Why are we always changing systems? They get to the point where they are working and then we change them. Chrome River is bad.

The support in chat has very much improved. I was able to have my problems resolved quickly. I work remotely and use the vpn, so sometimes there are other factors involved when I run into problems.

I would recommend a SQL training course that is similar to the Excel and Access certification series available on the UITS site. I completed both the Excel and access certification series and they were very beneficial to my learning and greatly helped with my work at IU.

I have had nothing but pleasant experiences with the PedsIT staff that I have had here. I don't think I've had to specifically call UITS, just my local IT area. It would be nice to find an easier way to know what classes were offered to employees to help with using different programs.

It would be nice for UITS to help groups adapt to group wide changes that they make. For instance if UITS were to re-name a printer, they could leave instructions for the whole group of users to fix the printing issues that would result from the re-name.

I think the current IT staff is incredibly responsive and diligent.

Feel like the Wi-Fi outside could be strengthened and can be helpful during my summer camp since a lot of time is spent outside.

I work in the IU School of Medicine. I am in an IU Health facility. I am very disappointed that since my computer is a School of Medicine computer, IU Health help desk can't help me and treats me like I'm from another company. I thought we were all IU. I have frequent computer issues because the School of Medicine server has to talk to the IU Health service and they don't communicate well. I wish IU Health would recognize the need to assist IU School of Medicine with their computer connections. Our IU School of Medicine IT support had issues with IU Health trying to get our printers and computers set up. Since my department is School of Medicine, IU Health was not helpful to our School of Medicine IT support staff. It took many phone calls and weeks to get data jacks activated so we could function properly. Totally unacceptable. We are all IU just different entities, not different companies.

UITS staff are always nice and professional and try to help, but they are very busy. The centralization of campus UITS has not worked thorough at all in my opinion and each school needs to have their internal, specialized IT dept.

Everyone that I have talked and worked with has been a great experience, they have been very helpful.

UITS helped me when I had trouble with my school laptop. They were quick and explained the problem clearly so I understood.

UITS staff have always been super helpful and quick to respond! I also appreciate the information on the website when it comes to navigating pieces of technology

Quick response times; I have always gotten a solution to the issues I've had.

Overall, I found interactions with UITS staff to be helpful and pleasant. Response times from Managed Print Services lagged.

UITS staff are always helpful when I have called in to address a tech issue.

Some initial thoughts that come to mind:

-           UITS can feel like an amorphous blob at times (who do I contact for what, how can I get faster service for last minute issues).

-           I don't often need to contact them, which is a good thing. Things are working.

-           I would really like to see IU push open-source options and tools. Or at least make a pathway for options for those that request. As IUAnywhere and the like become more common, other steps can be done to allow better support of Linux, etc. as the host system.

-           It would be nice if IU Secure would be considered for access outside the buildings. At least a few feet from the buildings, or at least in dense areas like on Campus. Having my signal drop in and out randomly because it cuts off JUST enough to be useless, but just enough to not trigger solid mobile is exceptionally annoying. And as more VOIP and alerts will come through our devices, this seems like a logical next step.

It's been immense pleasure working here at IU. I am working as an Associate Web Developer for WebHelp, UITS and my recommendation is place hand sanitizers available to the people (staff/students) in the accessible points like hall and walkways of the campus.

Staff have always been very helpful.

Most of our IT pain results from the (lack of) interactions between IU and IUH systems and networks. Having our departmental IT group (Peds IT, in IUSM) helps a lot, but there is always a lot of finger- pointing between the two entities and not always the best results/most useful solutions. It's understandable, but it still makes work difficult and way more complicated than it should be.

I have no problems with UITS or CAITS. Issues that I submit to these groups are always handled professionally and in a timely manner.

The support chat line has been really helpful in random times of need.

The internet services are adequate for me.

When I have to reach out to UITS, I find that they are prompt with a response, and typically have a solution for my issues. This is very nice.

An issue I do have is with the phone systems. HD Voice touch screen phones, I believe are supposed to pair with the skype for business app on my desktop. However, it does not play too nicely if more than one user is logged into the desktop/phone system. It cannot handle multiple users and cannot toggle between multiple accounts on a desktop. It really pains me, and I cannot figure out how to login to my phone. Say for example...I get everyone off of the desktop and I restart etc. etc...If I sign in I cannot sign into the phone. Someone from UITS did eventually I believe come to our lab to help me set up the phone. This refresh actually worked for about a week. Then the phone system crashed and signed me out and I didn't have a PIN to log back in. I also don't know how to request a new PIN or override. I cannot pair the device either. It is unfortunate.

I wish that there was a way for the skype for business, polycom, and all of the other various user interfaces to not pop up on my desktop every time I sign in. Basically I can sign in and sometimes have to wait for 5 minutes until my desktop has fully loaded every single thing that is installed...that kind of sucks.

The Wi-Fi connectivity could be WAY better in my opinion. I have a windows surface pro as my work laptop. I can be completely signed in and fully functional in one room of my building. If I literally just lock my surface to carry it to literally the room next door the Wi-Fi connection will die, and I have to restart the lap top and resign into the Wi-Fi and resign into the desktop and wait another 5 minutes for the desktop to load all of its stuff...you get the picture...basically I don't see why moving 10 feet makes a connectivity issue. I would recommend better Wi-Fi.

No recommendations.

In my 7 months here I have had a positive experience with any technology issues.

When I first started, I had a positive experience with IT. They helped me get my computer set up and helped with my phone situation.

I would like to see all of the technology services supported through one department/company. I feel like we shouldn't have to go through several different companies depending on where we work.

  1. Having lost 3 direct dedicated IT staff in our large complex [IRD] since I started in [IRD] limits our ability to be properly and timely supported, delayed improvements and efficiencies in our area, pushed us down the priority and wait list, and has been frustrating.
  2. Repeated and often uncoordinated and uncommunicated network drive and server naming changes within our [IRD] has disrupted our workflows and created a significant amount of rework to get things back in proper working order.
  3. It has often taken 5 to 8 communications to isolate the specific support staff to address a given need. This can take upwards of 20 to 30 emails and a significant amount of phone and screen time to work through any single issue. In certain instances it feels like the issue is in a circular reference mode with the reporting person having to figure out technically what is going on.
  4. In a number of instances support was timely and effective.

The only real problem I have is with the link system. 1) Many times I am required to sit at someone else's computer. In order for me to do my job, I need phone access. I have to log them out of their computer/link system which threatens any of their unsaved work. 2) It always pops to the "primary screen" when a call comes in, I haven't found a way to hide it so it doesn't. 3) Probably the most annoying, the first call of the day always gets dropped/won't connect.

Several systems provide the same type of information for students (iGPS, degree maps, AAR, ...) and they are not always correct, or complete. Students are confused and sometimes led off-track by this.

I have always had a great response from the IUTS staff. They are timely in responses--both to acknowledge they have seen your issue and to come work on it. The only recommendation I could think of is to make more options for 'remote-in'. I believe I've had some updates done to my computer that they had to come to my office for, but I thought it might be easier for them to simply remote in.

Good response time to issues.

All of my UITS experiences have been positive. Every request has been promptly responded to.

I have only had positive experiences with the UITS staff so far.

  1. More training for Salesforce.
  2. I would like a campus-wide survey tool.
  3. We NEED a Digital Asset Management System for the campus.

We have had repeated issues with non connectivity in classroom spaces and offices.

I love that UITS is available 24/7 for computer help. My students have reported that this service has been very helpful. I have had less positive experiences as a staff person trying to get training on or assistance with particular applications, particularly Salesforce. It is not at all intuitive, and the training we received consisted of a Zoom session with a staff person (not a trainer) talking us through it. A lot of technical language was used, and it only made us more confused.

I would love for computer classes that are offered to be held in Fairbanks or Hits building.

All interactions have been very professional and the UITS staff has been easily accessible for questions, thanks!

I am an IU employee in an IU Health building (with IU employee equipment) so there has been a lot of difficulty regarding who is responsible for which part of a process/repair. In particular with wireless and not-wireless internet connectivity. The UITS and IU Health IT staff were all very knowledge and attempted to help to the best of their ability, but the limited communication between the 2 sides made the process very difficult and lengthy and also relied on my limited understanding of the technology to communicate who had tried which thing, between the 2 sites.

I got a new laptop/computer within the past year, and it has already needed a rebuild. IT has been great about responding to the problems, but the computer error cost me a PTO day at home instead of being able to work as hoped.

The HELPNET/TechSelect staff are always very quick to respond and extremely nice in their interactions. CTS is also very customer focused and we appreciate them as well.

When having issues with something outside these areas, UITS support is always friendly and helpful as well, for example, with Canvas questions.

My experiences with the TechSelect group have been positive.

Unclear about what we can contact UITS about versus the school's IT support. The school's IT support is often not helpful as it is usually a student without experience troubleshooting business related IT issues so many things end up unresolved or a "Band-Aid" fix, take a very long time to troubleshoot, or eventually figured out by non-IT staff (co-workers, other staff).

I have always had great encounters with UITS.

Sometimes the response time can be slow. If one person starts your ticket and another person needs to finish. The 2nd person doesn't always know what was already tried. Maybe a log sheet would be nice.

The ITHelpLive chat is great. It is the first place I go to when faced with an issue.

I've only had one direct interaction with UITS. Last summer we needed to have some of their computers moved because we were using the space while a renovation was done in our building. The staff responded and moved the computers quickly after my request.

UITS staffing at the Dental School seems to change regularly. And sometimes service is delayed because there are only 2 or 3 people. They are pleasant to work with, but one issue I submitted on Friday required several follow up requests, and was only resolved today when the faculty member went downstairs.

It would be helpful to have one main person to connect to obtain solutions that occur and need immediate attention.

Staff members are always available and willing to assist students coming from outside the institution and need to set up their access for e-mail, Canvas, and other sites.

I have been very pleased anytime I have had a question. The Staff has been quick to respond and take care of any problems I was having.

I don't have any concerns as I haven't had much interaction with UITS. I do appreciate the emails with news from UITS.

For the minor tickets I have submitted the issue is taken care of immediately or within a day. When I have urgent matters or "longer" tickets, it seems that it takes time to get back to me. I would like to have more information about UITS and its capabilities.

No concerns, only positive experiences.

I love the chat feature for help at IUPUI. I would love more webinar tutorials and tips on the most frequently used software besides SIS. I wish the search feature in KB was more intuitive. I also wish all the systems spoke to each other. It would be nice to have communication when Adobe or other software is updated and affects user login. I find most of those things out by running into a usage problem.

Thanks for all you do!

I have had a good experience with uits.

Traditionally, UITS had been slow to respond due to their overwhelming number of urgent requests. However, I have seen improvement in timeliness and resolution.

It is hard to find where you need to go for help; I would much rather speak to someone than wait for a response on an incidence report; the Knowledge base search is very confusing.

My interactions with UITS have been positive.

My experience with submitting issues for help tickets is that they often get lost. I typically contact my IT staff directly and they are great about helping. I don't know why the ticket system seems ineffective.

I have reported what I thought was a phishing email and received a response indicating that the email came from outside the system and nothing can be done. While I understand if this is the truth, that messaging does not encourage me to continue reporting these issues. My assumption is that a submission is both to fix an issue that can be or to make us aware of a scam to prevent issues. I know I have had colleagues receive similar messaging and were surprised as it seemed an inconvenience that we were trying to report something we found sketchy. I anticipate a simple change in messaging would prevent staff from feeling discouraged when trying to do the right thing and report harmful emails.

I am very pleased with UITS across the board.

They are quick to respond when I need help.

My role is full cycle faculty HR, so my interest is making their experience top notch and reducing administrative barriers for them and the staff who support them. There are so many systems that we use (which do not talk to each other) for faculty, from People Admin for posting jobs to HRMS for hiring, DMAI for annual reviews, eDossier for P&T, etc...

It is frustrating that these systems do not speak in order to have a "source of truth" for faculty data as well as for faculty and staff to not have to enter duplicative information in various systems.

Additionally, approval workflows for different campuses vary and IUPUI has some cumbersome approval processes that we have recently learned do not exist in Bloomington. Would love to see these streamlined. For instance, faculty cannot get early access to email because of the hiring process at IUPUI which is tied to HRMS approvals. And UITS does not want affiliate accounts to be used for this purpose. This makes it challenging for faculty to transfer grants, post syllabi, schedule meetings, etc... prior to start date.

HRMS and IUIE are insufficient for faculty data management. We have to create our own "shadow systems" as a result to track faculty.

When system changes are considered, getting more input from end users is CRITICAL. Having systems analysts design these systems in a vacuum (e.g. in IUB Academi Affairs) is not working and a huge source of frustration. We are told changes cannot be made because of bandwidth but we were never asked for input on system design and yet we are supposed to champion and use these systems. Much more attention to end user design is needed in faculty, HR, and finance systems from my experience.

I have not had any negative interaction with UITS. Whenever I have needed assistance, the team has been very responsive and accommodating!

As a Mac based user I have found the support IT staff to be outstanding, they work with you until the issue has been resolved.

Thank you!

I've had good experiences with the UITS staff.

Slow to get things done.

Clinton Wade and his pal Bennett (sp?), as well as student consultants Coty and Cameron are always nice, positive, and friendly. They are also competent and very responsive. Please give them raises.

My experience with UITS services and/or staff have always been positive and helpful.

As an employee, I wish that all university machines had the IUPUI and IU fonts pre-loaded on them. I have to put in a ticket with my technology services for them to download the fonts for me since I am not an administrator.

I also wish that SIS was more user-friendly. The endless codes and pages make it difficult to find information. As someone who uses SIS daily, I feel like I got no training on how it actually functions or interacts with other systems across campus. I also wish that all units had to use the same CRM or at least databases that can talk to each other. In my role I work with a lot of other units across campus and each office has their own homegrown system for recording all sorts of information and it is a pain to try and share data.

UITS always helps me when I call. I appreciate their help immensely.

Appreciate when the IT staff can train additional functions in video conferencing. Also, staff providing alternative pathways to users unable to access through normal connections. In regards to improvements, I work with individuals with limited understanding of IT and understand general terminology such as access to a browser, etc. Is there any type of online visual tutorials that explain the set-up of Duo, etc. outside the knowledge base. The knowledge base language can be confusing

for the limited user. Also, having a class in how to use different type of video equipment - and access to video conferencing - such as using zoom or other platforms.

274-Help is always helpful. The cloud-based software is more challenging.


In that time I have never had UITS provide any service that was expedient, useful, flexible or responsive to our needs in the [IRD] Program. Moreover, and a program that uses a great deal of technology we could greatly benefit from a decent partnership with UITS. Unfortunately, that has not been the case for my colleagues or me. We have tried to work on projector and classroom support, on Wi-Fi connectivity, and on a print management system that could meet our needs. The response from UITS has always been uncreative, silent, or uselessly expensive in terms of time and money.

My experiences are positive. UITS staff members are knowledgeable and dependable, quick to respond to needs.

Constantly changing formats, systems, infrastructure, and software reduces productivity that costs time and money. Functional systems should be left alone rather than upgraded every year or two.

All of my experiences are positive, one issue I have is sometimes the requests I send in are needed to be done day of, but a technician usually won't answer until the next day or so.

I hate Adobe Cloud - I have issues signing into Adobe using my IU ID on my work computer. I wish we had the old version. Overall, the free software (which is amazing, yes) moving more towards Cloud has been frustrating with issues trying to download but it not letting me login.

Timely response.

I've had nothing but positive experiences.

Very efficient and helpful for my issues.

In general, the CHAT feature is awesome. Staff are always very friendly. Always very helpful when classroom technology issues arise! Only compliant is that it's difficult to get things escalated beyond the front line staff when there are issues that need further analysis due to complex situations.

The new Chrome River travel system is very cumbersome and not easy to manage. I have not been happy with the transition to this new system.

Generally speaking I have been pleased with UITS services and have had no major concerns. The systems implemented by IU itself are generally well designed and implemented.

I find the technology support staff in my building (University Hall) to be extremely helpful, courteous, and informed. I have no complaints.

UITS is not easy to work with - not easily accessible to fix computer issues quickly and very slow in getting new machines out. There are significant issues between IU and IUH systems interacting.

Video conferencing technology is abysmal.

We have an on-going request from our faculty (IUSM) to allow us to set up their initial email address for them. This is for paid and unpaid faculty. It would greatly serve us with the onboarding process.

I have had to use UTIS on a couple occasions for questions in regards to equipment set up in one of our conference rooms here at the HITS Building. Each time I have called, the person answering has been super helpful! If I've needed someone to come to help in person, they have always come in a timely manner!

Overall, I am very satisfied with the IT environment on campus and I work with a great team who keeps growing and updating with every new change technology throws at us. Thank you for sending out this survey to make IU's IT even better!

I have not had many interactions but the few I have had were positive experiences. Very helpful when I was locked out of my computer. On some of the software downloads it may be helpful to provide step by step instructions for download.

I have had wonderful service from UITS staff. They are helpful and patient. The only thing that needs to be replaced is Zoom. Most of the time there are technical difficulties, the audio is horrendous, the print on the screen (if attending in person) is horrible, and you can't see everyone who is attending remotely. It is a horrible program and it needs to be replaced with another product that works.

We do not get good Wi-Fi in the Med Science building. It's very frustrating.

I love the immediate email acknowledgement when submitting a ticket; I would like to see the expectations as to when someone will start the work. I would like to see a periodic review of our network and printer access. Multiple occurrences of slow performance for both. I would suggest a brochure listing all of the IT services and hardware available. I was totally unaware of a number of options until I completed this survey.

Kali time sometimes goes down at the oddest of times and sometimes the clock station computers too. I've had multiple times that I had to do missed punch but couldn't do it. The printers we have are also awful and our IT strongly says there is nothing wrong with the machine. I have not had to have much else to do with the system and I am fine with most IT.

I typically seem to get the help needed when I call.

Super happy with current services. Walk-in and phone-in for personal devices is a key benefit that makes me think twice before I might leave IU. All technicians seem to be expert in everything!!

TechSelect is very responsive and also an expert with my office needs.

I had to get a new crimson card last year and the student worker was great.

UITS has always been very knowledgeable and prompt when I needed them for assistance.

I have had to use services and staff help to sort out public computers in presentation rooms that were malfunctioning. All staff has always been courteous and even came out to diagnose a computer. We were unfortunately unable to present, but we at least saw people working to fix the solution.

I have always had a fast response rate from UITS and have been met with kind professional service.

Everyone is friendly.

I don't have anything to add at this time.

I have always had great experiences. Student and professional staff are helpful, knowledgeable, and prompt.

I'm indifferent.

It has been great. However, wireless network needs to be improved. When our research monitors visit our site, the can't access the wireless network. I can't even tell if the institution has a wireless network.

Generally the staff is prompt and helpful.


They have always been very responsive to my needs - especially when trying to set up an electronic meeting on Zoom.

I think the student center remodel and Medical Library "Grab N' Go" was a great idea.

I find most aspects of working with UITS favorable. I find most often that people are knowledgeable in their roles and provide guidance and service wherever applicable.

An area of improvement would be the UITS review of redundant services through SSSP. They really only focus on very specific enterprise solutions and do not look at something from a more holistic approach. I would recommend that each functional area within UITS have insight into the review process and can provide expertise on items that my impact their portion of the organization.

The 2 or 3 times I have put in a ticket, it was followed by uncertain personnel. There was never a solution and emails that never helped me. I usually figured it out without their help.

I really appreciate that I can call UITS at any time day or night because I have had to call in the middle of the night before. I do wonder why when I am parked in the parking lot at CAPS I am not connected to IU Secure, but when I am inside the building at CAPS I am connected to IU Secure.

Greg Brenner is so kind and courteous. He's a pleasure to work with.

If all of the conference rooms in University Hall could be swapped over to the same system as 5023, that would make our lives so much better!

I will not call UITS for technology help unless I absolutely have to. More than one person has been curt, not willing to explain their response, and not helpful.

Outstanding services provided by UITS. No issues. :)

to review

Undergraduate responses:

Have a place for UITS help in the campus center and not just in IT.

Haven't had any interaction.

I have had nothing but positive reviews about the UITS staff. Recently, my computer broke down and did not have Microsoft Office included. The UITS staff member (I do not remember their name) was very knowledgeable about MS Office and installed it onto my computer in no time. If you have a problem with your computer that prevents you from being able to complete your school work, visit UITS and they will more than happy to solve your IT problems!

I have had no issues, nor do I have any ideas for new services.

They fixed a bad projector almost immediately after the professor asked, which was nice.

I am a happy customer so to speak. IT staff are able to assist with issues they are not responsible for, in fact the office of the registrar and office of admission should be absorbed into IT due to their incompetence.

Very helpful

I am concerned with the possibility of 5g service coming to IUPUI's campus, I would not feel safe if that were to happen.

Quick tech support and good support questions/answers.

Printers are a little confusing to first-year students.

Logging in with Duo in the testing lab is annoying if the code expires. Internet keeps disconnecting even in buildings.

UITS has always been very helpful to me and problems I have had. They always resolve the issue and explain everything to me. If possible an improvement to the UITS area of expertise would be improving internet issue diagnostics relative to students campus housing. I've had issues in the past with campus internet and the UITS member could never check the connection from my devices.

Overall, I haven't had many issues with technology while at IUPUI. Setting up DUO on a new mobile phone recently was a little difficult to figure out but other than that no issues.

A crimson card app would be nice as the mobile experience for checking balances and whatnot leaves something to be desired. Also the Wi-Fi at the IT building is not always the best, specifically in room 255.

I had issues with connecting Wi-Fi to my Chromebook which I didn't know how to do.

I believe IUTS is such an integral part of our education here at IUPUI. It is also often one of the most underrated and unappreciated departments on campus. I have never had a bad experience with IUTS. Their service when dealing with issues are prompt and very courteous. Thank you for what you do.

Every time I interact with a UITS staff, they help me resolve my problems in many areas.

Wi-Fi and internet in the SL and LD buildings are horrible and needs to be improved.

I've always had timely and helpful interactions with UITS staff and don't have any recommendations at this time.

I haven't had any issues with the IT service/staff.

A positive experience would be during orientation the staff was able to help me with connecting to the Wi-Fi at the school. I have no negative experiences or suggestions.

I feel as with the amount of UITS being in building & iupui is different from building to building. Some I might see wondering the building checking the computers and printers. Others I might never see or they are just playing on the pc at there desk. One thing that is big is the projectors and trying to have uits make sure they are turned off or even somehow showing that the projector is blanked so that there is always going to be a working bulb.

I work for the University Library and I am constantly referring people to UITS whenever I cannot help them further. They are a great source to have here on campus.

Make sure Box Tools are updated and installed on every computer on campus. It isn't for the Campus Center PCs. This interferes with a student's ability to open a Box document and then save it back. Just something that makes sense to have on every computer. From my almost 4 years using the computers on Campus, I have only had two computers in the ET labs crash on me, which didn't end up being a big deal because I save often. Otherwise, the computers run well and they have a lot of good software.

Helped me change my last name, great.

I think they do a really nice job so far, although the hours suck. If I cannot receive help from the campus center later than 5pm I would have to walk to the building, which sucks when it is cold.

I've only had two interactions with UITS staff and they were very helpful both times.

I think the IU.one is not navigation friendly. I feel it is hard to find things on this page. I feel as though the word should be put out for some of the services that are offered, half of the things on the list I was unaware of. I didn't take many prerequisite classes at IUPUI and maybe this is why I was unaware of the available things because most of my time on campus is spent in the nursing building. Overall I am pleased with canvas and the ease of navigation on that page. I wish all instructors were taught how to use Kaltura because I find it helpful to be able to go back and watch lectures after I have attended them. I know a lot of instructors don't like to record them because they say people don't come but I do and also watch them. I feel it helps me. I think a class needs to be mandatory for instructors to learn how to use the equipment because I have noticed a lot of them don't know how to use what they have available.

The man I talked to with UITS was kind of sarcastically rude, which was really annoying. But in the end, after we couldn't figure out what was wrong with my phone, he finally figured it out and later emailed me to help me.

No specific interactions come to mind. Most of my interactions with UITS staff were very helpful. I have also noticed that the on campus WIFI has been rather slow in the spring semester. I didn't notice it first semester, but it seems slower now.

When my phone broke, I came to UITS to receive a password token to log into duo. I had a very positive experience. Although it was a long wait to get helped, it was a simple process to receive one.

The support staff was super nice and helpful in setting up my Duo token.

Bigger gym

I would recommend more people working at a time, especially for faster help. Most students hope to solve problems in-between classes. Any time I visit IT there is only one person at the help desk.

I haven't had any issues.

I have had positive interactions with the staff helping me set up the token for Duo and also help with printers. However, I would like to see an expansion in the UITS staff to have some people who are familiar with and able to fix some hardware problems rather than mere software issues. Many students expect to be helped with any and all problems since UITS does not specify that they can only fix software. Maybe clarify this on the website and publicity or expand your staff.

I heard about a friend who had asked how to upload a video to a canvas discussion but the staff told her "that would be cheating, we can't help".

I've had only a few issues with technology that required the assistance of UITS staff, but I would've been dead in the water without timely support. Each time I got what I needed quickly and politely.

I wish searching for and adding classes was easier.

The 24 hour hotline staff are always kind, patient, and helpful. I've called a handful of times and different times of the day and they've always walked me through the steps to solve my issues.

The printers on campus need more maintenance. There have been multiple times that I have been unable to print due to low ink, no paper, or it was just downright broken.

I love everything IT services does for the community and all it has to offer. I think personally it would be better if more apps were made to strengthen the community. One idea is study apps perhaps students that are into their studies could use it to contact students with experience or others that are in the same classes. Sometimes resources, such as the MAC, are closed so it is inconvenient. Sending a mass email is a Canvas issue because there is no send to all button that I am aware of any more. Lastly, often students are too shy or think ideas of reaching out to study groups is weird or out of their reach. The second I request is more services and programs as far as technology goes. I am aware of the virtual reality technology aware to students and programs such as malware detectors online on the website. It would be cool if there was a video-game emulator or a collection of movies, or just new programs to try even if they were prototypes from students or if there was just a few extra nifty programs we could use. If there is a vast amount of software such as video makers and such on the website, I think it should be advertised much more. Thank you for hearing me.

I have not had any interactions with UTIS staff, however everyone that I see always appears to smiling.

All my interactions with UITS were positive and I found help very easy to find and always on point.

There have been a few times that the Wi-Fi here on campus housing has stopped working and that is really inconvenient.

I find that issues with the printers occur a lot and sometimes I don't have enough time to try 3 or 4 more printers before what I need is due or just the will to do so in general. If there could be some way to track working printers on an app or something, that would be cool. I've seen that with laundry machines before.

I wish using the scanner was easier.

No problems at all.

I would love to see something that is equivalent to the MacSTAT for computer science majors. Such as being open every day whenever you need to go in to get help.

I haven't had the opportunity to interact with the UITS staff in the past, but I've witnessed them be very helpful in fixing equipment in classrooms and printers.

My laptop has never been able to connect to Wi-Fi but my iPhone has!

I have had really great experiences with using the online chat tech support. That is a great service that is provided that I have utilized several times.

I like it the way it is, but they should educate employees who work at the IT building to know how to help students with chemlab. I went there to get help with installing it into my computer and they literally had no idea what I was talking about or how to do it. It was pretty sad.

I do not interact with UITS directly, but when I do have a concern, it filters to them fairly quickly and becomes resolved in a timely fashion.

I think the staff is great! They have been helpful whenever an issue occurs.

The only time I have been to UTIS was when I got my token and the lady at the desk was very nice and helpful. I have had trouble in the past trying to download creative cloud on my laptop, but have not went to UTIS for help.

I have always had great service from UITS the few times I have called.

I don't have anything negative to say about the staff, they are all extremely helpful whenever I need anything. One issue I have encountered is slow Wi-Fi in the Library here at IUPUI.

There needs to be a different way to test remotely other than Examity. The service is cumbersome, invasive, and irritating.

I have no negative experiences with UITS thus far. I do think that there should be UITS stations in every building to help with technical issues. I feel that would make students and myself with technical issues more convenient to get fixed better than trying to make time to go over to UITS.

Get rid of Duo, improve the Wi-Fi on campus.

I've heard they are great and very helpful!

UITS was really helpful last semester when I was trying to get my forwarded emails changed.

On multiple occasions I have felt discriminated against by UITS staff. I'm consistently asked to move, constantly being monitored, and disturbed by UITS staff. It's not a very welcoming environment overall.

Should update iu app. Whenever I download the app, I can open the email so I always need to go back the browser. Good for nothing IU app.

I will recommend to a friend.

Need to improve internet service for more consistent use, Wi-Fi cuts out in residence buildings and some buildings on campus have poor signal, particularly IT. Certain computer labs on campus lack specific software, I recommend posting lists of available software per room.

I have difficulty hooking up my wireless TV provider and wireless printer to the system. If there was a way to hook it up to either IU Secure or ATT, there should be a pamphlet or document available for students to hook up their equipment. We spend hundreds of dollars on our equipment, we should be able to use it.

I've had trouble with connecting to IU Secure at times, and I take my computer in to get it checked. All the staff are very kind and considerate and explain things very well.

I have not had any experiences with UITS staff and services...yet. Though I have heard from other students that UITS staff are great to get along with and that their services are quite helpful. I hope that whenever I do need help, the UITS staff will be just as great!

I think the staff have been a great help when I need them!

I had trouble connecting to the Wi-Fi. UITS quickly identified my IU password change was the reason.

I had trouble downloading EndNote and UITS was able to help. This was very important because I was working as a research assistant and needed the tool to work.

Someone hacked my computer on campus (webcam turned on) and a UITS professional helped run some tests and found the likely method of attack. My webcam has not turned on since.

Some of the Wi-Fi doesn't work best in certain areas on my phone and computer. I hate that canvas always shuts down.

They are nice.

I have always had positive experiences when interacting with the UITS Staff.

I have found everyone I talked to at IT to be very helpful, positive, knowledgeable, and patient. No complaints from me.

I teaching recitations and often have to rely on the on campus Wi-Fi to ensure connection for Zoom to work. I have on occasion had to turn off the wireless on my phone and use that to teach because the internet was acting up and kept disconnecting on my laptop and/or was being a negative influence on me helping my students learn the best they can to be able to succeed in the class.

Downloads are fast and I've been happy to use free applications such as word.

I have had good experiences; they are helpful.

As a student and intern on campus, having my email switched fro Gmail to Outlook is a pain. I sometimes have to open an extra window to read the email and I can't get my phone to send me notifications. I don't understand the need to switch.

I have had positive experiences.

I work with UITS staff and they are all appropriately professional and do their job well.

I appreciate that the staff always ensures that the problem is resolved before you leave.

Having to use a cell phone verification each time logging onto a device on campus.

I have not had any personal experiences with UITS, however whenever there is a technology issue in a classroom they are always quick to respond and very helpful. I'm not sure if UITS handles IU anyware, but I use that constantly. A few years ago it was a bit of a pain to use the citrix receiver, but it works much better now and I hardly ever have issues.

All their software are free and all the computer on canvas are fast and swift. I just hate that we have to pay from basic printing.

I wish instructors would use Canvas in a consistent manner. Sometimes the syllabus is a Word or Excel file, sometimes it is embedded in Canvas. Sometimes Modules and Assignments list different types of things in different classes, or are incomplete, etc. Blackboard at Ivy Tech was used more consistently in my experience.

All interactions I have encountered have been positive.

I think UITS does a great job! They are always checking the printers and ensuring that students can print off resources. They always come quick to the classrooms when there is a technology problem.

Love my coworkers and work environment.

They always fix my problems and they are always patient with me.

Faster/ better network and internet

I haven't talked with a uits member for two years.

UITS helped me last semester to work out an issue with my IU account and Microsoft. It took a little while, but once it was fixed, I never had the issue again!

I haven't had much experience with UITS. My friend has, because she gets locked out of canvas/Wi-Fi a couple times a year and she just always has to call UITS, but no permanent solution is found. A professor this semester has also complained a BUNCH about UITS not getting back to her or telling her to try some steps to fix her issue that she already has tried. I remember UITS would come into my freshmen classes (bio 101, bio 103) to help students connect to TopHat, but I never see them otherwise. My internet connection on my smartphone SUCKS. I'm not connected half the time I'm on campus.

I have had plenty of interactions with UITS. My experiences have been mostly positive, with the worst experience being one where the person seemed somewhat tired and uninterested, but not rude. For any suggestions for new services, I have none. However, some improvements that could be made would be updating the user interfaces for some of the administrative applications. For example, the class registration application is difficult to use and it doesn't help that you have to use multiple applications to help visualize and test potential schedules.

Wi-Fi in the nursing building isn't get. I also get kicked off.

Not at the moment.

There are no negative concerns.

They helped me install Microsoft for free as an IUPUI student.

UITS has been very helpful during my first semester at IUPUI. They helped me with problems regarding email set up and canvas use.

Kaltura has been immensely helpful with succeeding in my classes.

I think it would be beneficial to have more printers with the color option. Also, the last couple of times I used the colored printing option, the color did not show up well.

None this year.

I have only had positive experiences working with UITS. I have submitted two tickets and they resolved them in a timely manner. Very helpful!

If I ever had issues or questions with the printer the UITS staff have always been able to resolve my issue.

In the past, I had issues with connecting to the internet and the UITS was great in helping out with this. However, the only recommendation I would make is questions or concerns are not always answered when you need them to be. I am also understanding that they are probably helping out several others as well, though. Responses sometimes just seem delayed.

So far so good, you guys have been doing wonderful especially for incoming students like me.

Fix the canvas phone app.

Before school started, I was having troubles with canvas, and when I called the IT support line, they were very helpful, kind, and understanding!

At the moment I do not have any thoughts or concerns to share. Positive experiences are that staff are always nice and seem to represent their position responsibly. I didn't notice any sort of hesitation to help or answer questions and have always seemed to feel welcome if I were to have any questions.

I have not had many experiences with UITS staff.

I haven't used or have needed to use this service...yet... I'm not sure if I just missed something when I first transferred to IUPUI but I felt like I was just kind of thrown in, which is normal--ya but maybe if there was an orientation (similar to the transfer Tuesday online seminar) that was about the technology at IUPUI and how to use/create/manage all of the different accounts (and the accounts you need to create) on One.iu and canvas/email...

I have received help when my computer locked me out and I forgot my password. They were very helpful.

The UITS staff is very quick to respond to any technical problems I have; either on campus or off.

The secure Wi-Fi always disconnects from my Mac book and switches to the public Wi-Fi.

I have gone to UITS multiple times. Not one interaction was negative.

I think the uits staff is great and any problems I have they usually solve it pretty fast.

I cannot say that in my time at IUPUI I had a bad experience with any service provided by UITS staff or services.

Just faster internet.

I have interacted with UITS staff when activating my U2F Token. They were very helpful and made the process easy for me and explained how to use it well.

I have not received any negative interactions with staff.

The second floor of the business/Kelley area doesn't have enough outlets in student study areas.

The printer in North Hall is awful. It rarely works properly and there aren't enough computers in North Hall.

My mom used to work there and she helps with a lot of this stuff for me. She asks uits for help if she can't figure it out. However, we realized many pages need updated in the knowledge base.

The Wi-Fi is slow.

Improvement of the existing one is fine and it will be okay.

Wi-Fi always cuts off. All The one.iu pages looks like a 5 year old coded it with no professionalism and difficult navigation. I pay tuition, I might as well get nicely upgraded school webpages. Go to the student center in one.iu and you will see what I mean by how sloppy it looks. Even smaller less profitable universities I've gone to have had way nicer, more user friendly navigation. I just hate when the school does what's in favor for them when I'm the student paying the big bucks to go here. Listen to us for one time. Thanks.

I have not had any negative experiences. It is my first semester on campus, and the staff at the testing center were very helpful and made the process much easier for me.

More available software and programs on IUware and IUanyware would be nice.

In my opinion, the university is providing good help and technology for the students.

I like the fact that you guys are relatively timely in delivering services based on the experience I have had.

Everything has been positive so far!

The staff is always so helpful and understanding. I have been able to work through a few technology issues easily with the help of staff. I really like canvas and one.iu. I think they are very effective.

I feel like it takes too much time to print. I think it would be more beneficial for computers to be able to scan our cards to login as it takes too much time and some professors tend to alter notes last minute which results in wasted prints (about 30 prints) and late to class.

I've had no complaints. I've noticed that even when a issue occurs with the printers it gets solved within a few hours or a day at the most which shows a lot.

At the start of spring semester 2019, my laptop began automatically connecting to IU DeviceNet. Not really an issue, but weird that I now have to manually connect to IU Secure.

The iu one website can be very confusing at times. Trying to find out your financial aid information, and seeing your money information clicking through many tabs and pages that don't have the information I need. I think it would be wise to make the site simpler or more organized so that people don't have this experience. I am not the only that thinks this.

Great experience.

For tophat, on the phone, when the instructor pauses a question there's a huge cancel sign that blocks the question from being read on the phone.

I've had exclusively good experiences. They helped me out with some duo issues once and have been very helpful when my professors needed assistance.

I don't really have any concerns or experiences with the UITS staff or services.

Not real concerns or negative interactions from the UITS. They have been really helpful and fast when needed.

I have not had any negative interactions.

Send less unnecessary emails.

I have had positive interactions with UITS.

Wi-Fi is slow.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the Wi-Fi occasionally doesn't work well. Everything else has been pretty good.

For the love of god, let me use my own router in my dorm.

Better Wi-Fi in the buildings. If I'm in the basement of the IT building I can hardly get signal, and then it's really slow.

The UITS people in the campus center at IUPUI always help me when I need it and know all the answers to my questions!

The staff has always been really prompt to come out to a classroom where we were having technical difficulties and were really efficient to help me with Duo issues.

I find it difficult that sometimes the internet connection is slow and it is hard for me to do my work.

No concerns

I have only good thoughts about UITS. They have been helpful to me all year long.

I have not had many interactions with UITS staff but did have one encounter [IRD]. A representative emailed the professor, and her supervisor and I got "slapped" on the hands about taking my issues (which were never resolved) up another level. In other words, I went to tech support for help who sent me back to the professor, who sent me back to tech support. Frustrating that they could not figure out the problem and I was reprimanded.

I have contacted them a few times over the course of my time here at Iupui. I have had only positive experiences. They are kind and always get to the solution.

I've needed help recovering a password for my adobe account, and set up two factor authentication.

All interactions with UITS staff have been positive. I haven't had many interactions with the staff, but they are always helpful when I need to reach out them. The only recommendation I can think of is updating the student service pages (bursar, transcript, adding/dropping classes). Mainstream the page and make it more simple to use. It has poor navigation functionality (can't easily go from page to page and hard to find where some items are.) My first degree was completed at [IRD] and their self service page was awesome and very easy to use.

I strongly dislike the disconnect of the services at random times without notification before or after an issue.

I've only asked for UITS assistance once, and they helped me set up my duo code. They were pleasant to work with.

The staff and services have been helpful throughout my college career. I'm thankful for the help they have provided over the years.

They are quick to fix any technological issues very effectively.

I have not interacted with UITS in the past.

Great feedback!

I don't have any negative comments at this time.

I think trying to incorporate signal into the basements of the buildings for phones so students can access their accounts using DUO on there phone. I can't participate in activities sometimes due to not being able to receive the notification on my phone to okay access into my accounts.

UITS has been very helpful, even when I just call over the phone!

Helpful, even though we did not solve my issue. They worked hard and were easy to follow up with. Also very polite.

They have been very helpful.

The services are pretty good but maybe you should do something about how to use canvas for the new students.

I have barely had any interactions with UITS except my first week on campus and they were helpful.

Graduate responses:

I received help with an issue I was having on my mac regarding my VPN software. All staff involved was very helpful.

It would be helpful to learn more about all of the services when you start rather than having to discover them as time goes by.

We have an IT person come at the beginning of each of our exams (we take them on our personal laptops) and it is always comforting to have someone there just in case anything goes wrong.

I have used the online chat and had positive experiences. I have only had positive experiences with technology at IUPUI.

I had an issue migrating my old and new email accounts when starting school in the fall and they were extremely helpful and got my issue fixed quickly.

All of my experiences have been either good or not memorable, which is a good thing when it comes to tech help! I usually only remember the bad experiences because they are so frustrating, but I haven't had many of those through IU. Most of my bad experiences have just been because of the tech itself, not because of the people helping me navigate them.

Indianapolis campus IT set up my duo token quickly and efficiently. As a medical student, we test in computer labs that often have issues. An IT staffer is always on hand and does his best to keep things running, but the computers still often fail.

The school website one.iu and the knowledge base website are not user friendly. It's like an attempt was made to make things easy to find but it just made everything harder to locate and get things done.

I am a grad student working on a Master of [IRD]. I am very interested in digital humanities.

I do a lot of programming in Python, if there was one thing that I really wish UITS would offer, it would be some sort of virtual private server for student projects. I have been messing around with many different applications, including Web frameworks like Flask and Django, RDBMS software like PostgreSQL, and data stores/search engines like ElasticSearch, Apache Solr and Jena. It would be cool if the university offered some sort of VPS or cloud computing because I would rather not use Azure or AWS--I trust and support IU much more than Microsoft or Amazon!!

Another thing that would be cool is if there were workshops for students who are not from the traditional math/science/engineering areas to learn how to use some of the more advanced computing tools. For instance, I do not know how to use git very well and it would be cool if there was a workshop about version control--it's hard to teach yourself everything from online tutorials and books. I don't know if there's much community stuff that goes on, but I would probably participate if I knew about it.

I mainly use GNU/Linux and I feel that it is pretty well supported, so I applaud that. It would be cool if some of the workstations on campus could boot into Ubuntu or Debian or something. I am using Emacs Org-Mode to write an annotated bibliography, and it would be great if I could install Emacs on my workstation at the [IRD], where I work. I guess I will call UITS or something to see if that can happen.

At the [IRD] and we have a lot of problems with the printers. I don't know why the undergraduates have to print so much, but it seems like the printers are always having some problem.

Many of the computers at IUPUI (particularly in the medical school buildings) seem to be aging and running slowly- perhaps unsurprising as they appear to be the same models I used as a freshman in Bloomington nearly 7 years ago. Running student organization events at the medical school, I have been very grateful for the IT support in getting presentations recorded and posted online.

Positive: the UITS staffs are skilled, competent and responsive. I enjoy the IT-related services across campus.

Negative: There seems to be many sub-divisions of functioning departments under UITS and there seems not to be a good inter-sub-division communication and/or information sharing. One such experience that I had was that I was trying to contact UITS for some issues related to the computer lab in an on-campus apartment, but I was told that they were not the right dept. to reach out to, subsequently I referred to contact another office, but I didn't find an appropriate contact information of my preference to reach out to that office. I went back to ask UITS for the contact information of the office again, but I didn't get a satisfactory answer. I understand that the services that UITS are able to provided cannot be inclusive of all students', faculty's and staffs' needs, but I didn't feel very supported through that experience.

As a campus I believe that the UITS staff has been very responsive. We have had many internet issues though. It seems as if it is never fixed. Every day it disconnects even if it's just for a second.

I have had good experiences with UITS staff when I have called/emailed asking for assistance for computer/university supported systems issues.

There are times when the support for the system that my school purchased and housed on an UITS server is not as responsive as I would like it to be.

I would also request that the IU Secure/Wireless internet access be looked at in the AD classrooms. I often teach on the [IRD] floor and have difficult accessing the internet which compromises some of my teaching.

The Linux staff that are available are really good, you just need more of them. Most techs arrive and respond quickly and I am glad we have such a good IT dept.

A couple of gripes:

The Box service that IU uses is awful. It's interface is clunky, It's sometimes slow to upload, and recently mysteriously did not upload complete folders, which almost caused a serious data loss issue. I have went back to using Google Drive, which is not large enough. Also, Box has no real Linux support, which seems crazy for a university.

I do not think it is appropriate for techs to be in labs by themselves with the door closed. Our lab has dangerous equipment and raw materials that are valuable (like gold, etc.), plus sensitive experimental setups here and there. One day I opened the door to our lab and a tech was in there working on a computer. I can think of no good reason to have the door closed. Although I do not believe the individual was up to no good, they could very well have gotten blamed for something they did not do, it's just not a good look. I think they should leave the door open and let someone know where they are at.

Holy cow, this survey is way to long. Many questions were not relevant and could have easily been bypassed with a question such as "Do you use any teaching services," etc. A couple were either redundant or poorly worded.

I've had great experience. They respond fairly quickly either by phone or email.

Technology in classrooms often does not work - whether they be sound, projection/display problems, internet, etc.

Technology platforms are not generally user friendly to individuals who haven't used them before/are new to IU. If there is training on how to use it, it isn't well publicized.

The only concerns I have is that staff at the dental school who are designated to help with Axium problems often seem overworked and unavailable.

Love the online chat available when troubleshooting software issues. Also had great experience with UITS in my research laboratory where we regularly have licensing and/or hardware issues (usually printing).

I have had no interaction with UITS staff. I have utilized the UITS IUWare website to download various program, and am saddened that the Endnote9 version that is downloadable is only a trial version and I am not able to utilize it to it's fullest extent. If there was a way to get the full version, there is no information on the IUWare website with instructions or any instructions regarding how to transfer libraries when switching from Endnote8 to Endnote9.

Called to help setup email on my phone... quick and easy process...very helpful!

Bursar management could be improved...feels as though I have zero control over how my funds are distributed.

No comments at this time .

Any issues that I have had are always taken care of via email, so I have never met with a UITS support specialist. I think my biggest issue is feeling like my requests are being taken care of in a timely manner.

I have had multiple emails recently from "UITS staff" claiming that my account will be deactivated. I'm sure it's not true, but maybe sending out an email addressing this spam.

I am very impressed with the lecture recording systems in the classrooms - HOWEVER, many of the professors cannot seem to figure it out, so many lectures go unrecorded. Possibly a training program to get these professors more comfortable with the technology would be helpful. It was very frustrating when some professors used the system with ease and others just could not figure it out.

The training courses are probably my favorite thing about UITS; they're very well designed and cover a broad range of topics. I have also generally been pleased with the online chat support; it's prompt and helpful. The knowledge base is pretty useful.

Physical support with UITS tends to be disappointing. There is often no consultant in the labs at peak times or they are hard to find. Printing is also often unreliable: large print jobs just get lost in the server after I've been charged (and again no one around to help).

I thoroughly enjoy the technology IU offers students and have bragged about it to co-workers (at a local hospital) more specifically on how updates/ upgrades are handled. I would like to see Qualtrics being a free software like Office without having to download/pay for updated software every semester.

The printing services here need to be re-examined. Students are given a printing stipend but the printing is slow, I frequently get my account charged to print something then the printer fails. It's extremely frustrating. The Wi-Fi is also really spotty at times and consistency in that area needs to be improved.

UITS is always very knowledgeable and helpful.

The response time is really nice. I have always received responses within 12 hours which is commendable.

One interaction: I visited there with a laptop that had just become entirely unoperational. It was a time of mild panic, and although the UITS student staff on hand were unable to fix the problem (it was beyond fixing), they were very kind and attentive and gave me some good advice on next steps that resulted in me being able to save the majority of data that was on the laptop.

You guys do good work! (In my experience, at any rate)

Literally anything you do would be better than this. ANYTHING


So far the experience has been good. Especially, during the shift from umail to gmail.

The IT in the School of Medicine is wonderful!

I found most of the things positive with my experience with UITS staff. They are very concerned and cooperative. In my last semester, we had few issues in connecting to the server at the peak time of a project and for a few assignments. They solved these issues within no more than 3 days. Thank you for that.

I have had several workshops (both in person and online) in the past. While I enjoy in-person interaction more, I sometimes find it hard to arrange it (due to conflict with time and place, parking issues etc.). Some of these courses were excellent for my level (e.g. adv. excel, SAS, access) but some (even said introductory, e.g. supercomputing) were quite quick to pass my level. Also, some covered only a part of the topic and ended without going over the parts that are needed for general coverage (GIS, SQL for example). I certainly would like a slower paced course where questions can be asked, possibly with an online recording available for review afterward. R and Julia beside Python should be included. A deeper coverage of Bash would be of interest as well.

Some IU KB database need a more structural approach to find the information. But thanks for the info anyway.

The UITS staff is always very quick to respond and help with any technical issues, even those not related to in-class computers.

I have not had any interactions with UITS staff.

We get charged an obnoxious technology fee each semester yet, our technology is never updated. The printers and computers in the clinic space are atrocious. They are all well over 10 years old, which is absurd to expect us to be able to work on. Additionally, the IT staff seems to be unable to get v-drives to work among other things.

I have never interacted with UITS staff before

I have always had very prompt assistance from UITS whenever I have needed it!

I have not had any issues with technology services during my enrollment at IUPUI.

I'm not entirely sure what UITS encompasses; so it was difficult to accurately respond to the survey questions. I generally feel overwhelmed with the UITS website, which prevents me from taking advantage of UITS offerings.

I would recommend to have all mechanical softwares available at UITS. Hypermesh, Nastran, Siemens Nx. Must be included.

Rest no issues.

I have had nothing but positive experiences: access to useful software when I have to re-install things in my computer, responsive help desk when I call on the phone, nice people.


Our IT services is always available to help and any questions.

Graduate students pay higher tuition than undergraduate students, but they are not allocated any amount of free prints. Also, unused portions of prints for students should also be allowed to be carried over to the next year which would benefit students transitioning from undergraduate to graduate status.

I haven't really had any interactions with UITS staff, but I am pleased with the online applications that IU uses.

As an online student enrolled in a graduate program I have nothing but good things to say about my interactions over the past two years UITS. The courteous level of attention and time to resolution to any issues I have had has been stellar.

I used their online information to help set up IU email on my phone when I switched from iPhone to Android. I was able to get it figured out eventually, but maybe someone can look at these articles again and see if they can be simplified.

Out of date materials.

Everyone has been very responsive to my needs, and I love the access to top notch software.

This year, IT staff at IUSM-Gary has been helpful with computer-related issues.

Hilarious commercials.

Friendly, helpful staff that I've only interacted with once - great guy!

Email move over was terrible. I tried getting help on moving my emails since I file them all and they didn't transfer. I did the chat box and nothing worked. Finally my dad figured out how to move them.


Always helpful at quickly resetting passwords.

Sometimes it ask for security keys multiple times. I have issues while using Kuail time. Printing should not be charged to students as in other universties.

I have used the services only once and they were really helpful.

Speedy, efficient problem solving. Policies make sense. Responsive staff. I'm a fan.

Logging-on to university computers is a terribly slow and aggravating process. It needs to be improved.


I have only needed to call tech support a few times to work out any issues I had. Every time I have called I have had prompt support that offered guidance in addressing the concerns. I would like to suggest possibly combining Canvas with Sonia. As a graduate student, completing practicums having these two tools in one spot would be helpful.

I'm not a great user of UITS services, but when ever I used them I had a good experience.

The staff are always very responsive and timely in their responses. I have found the team to be very helpful. My computer is very old and slow, but I'm not sure that's IUTS's responsibility.

Canvas is great and helps a lot with learning. Many of the interfaces on one.iu.edu are a little difficult to access and not as user-friendly.

All of my classes are online so most of this survey doesn't pertain to me.

I have not extensively used UITS but during the course of 6 months at IU, UITS have helped me to setup the ACSEL lab and procurement. If UITS can give us a discreet session on the use of super comps, it will be easy for the grad students involved in heavy simulations to find a way out from those long sim times.

Everything up until now is good. Every time I need help, you helped me. So, I am satisfied. I may wish you have some others IT centers all through the campus, so that we can come, talk and solve the problems face to face in some cases.

The cabin spaces within UITS is a boon for all the students equally who have to do a lot of group works throughout their major. Graduate students like me use them regularly for the work. The only suggestion I have for UITS is that some graduate students need bigger whiteboards to discuss.

Overall positive, but the process for graduate students receiving money to print, and the process to print on campus, is confusing and not well explained

I'm finishing my Masters in Library and Information Science which is 100% online. I love the fact that I'm able to log onto an image of computers on campus to complete my assignments. I have a Chromebook and am not able to download Microsoft Office and other tools on my laptop.

However, some of the applications on the Legacy_IUPUI instance need to be upgraded e.g. Firefox in particular. I've have not heard of a number of services that UITS provides for remote students. It would be helpful if that information was available to new students as soon as they are enrolled or start a program of study. I would have used more of the research and statistical computing tools if I had been aware of them. At times, UITS offers training. I'd like to see any training, seminars, or talks that are scheduled on campus have the capability to be accessed off campus e.g. either live access using Zoom or other technology or the ability to review a recording of the training after the fact.

I do have a recommendation for the future. I highly recommend that the university install some electrical vehicle charging station in those parking garages.

I have three reasons to support my proposal. First, the Blue Indy charging stations on the street is not a rational EV charging solution for us. According to their technician, their stations only provide 210V and 16A, which equals to 3.36 kWh. For a standard EV which has 75 kWh battery capacity, it will take about 22 hours to gain full charge. The charging and parking fee is $2 per hour. Thus, we need to pay $44 to gain 300 miles, which is even much higher than fill up a normal gasoline vehicle. As a student of IUPUI, we must buy an annual or monthly parking permit in particular parking areas rather than the expensive street parking. Second, based on the recent tendency, some authorities predict that there will be 25% vehicles on the road will be EVs. Consequently, the campus will require more and more charging stations sooner or later. Third, the cost a level 2 charging station is only $500. But it will bring numerous benefits including constructing environmental friendly campus, improving working and studying environment, facilitating the normal life of students and faculties etc. Therefore, it is quite beneficial to install some charging station on the campus.

Canvas was down, the system was experiencing an outage and I wanted information. The tech I had contact with was friendly, responsive, and informative.

Good service and helpful staff.

Some of the printers in buildings such as the Technology building are a little difficult to use. Clearer instructions about how to print out a file on my laptop would be helpful.

As far as I can recall, I have always have positive experiences with UITS staff and services. I like the UITS Monitor newsletter. I skim that almost every time I receive it and often find interesting tidbits of helpful info.

I have gained a lot of knowledge about our IU servers whenever I encountered problems. But, when I tried to get some printer issues, it was hard to get help immediately.

Staff has always been extremely responsive and helpful.

I have not had any negative interactions. The few times I have asked questions, I received emails quickly.

All staff and support are great!

UITS has always been very helpful to me and my students. My students have been able to call 24 hours a day for assistance and this is "golden" for them and me.

Good email responses to tech issues.

Hits is very helpful, staff is nice and patient.

I have always had positive experiences with UITS staff when having basic canvas issues or issues with IU anyware, etc.

I have always had great experiences with IT staff. The only change I would like to see would be the accessibility to printing services. Currently we are restricted to 100 free pages and that is too low.

The IT staff in my department have been wonderfully responsive and in addition to providing remote help, have even come in person when needed to set up and explain changes.

Never had a bad experience with the staff.

Always answer my calls and are patient to help me through the issue.

Overall your UITS is pretty good.

The UITS staff are well versed and knowledgeable about how to solve almost any task related to technology. I always visit the help desk in the Campus Center.

I think UITS should provide better tutorials on how to use cluster computer environments and job submission. Additionally, duo mobile is very annoying. I have to do duo sign in at least 30 times a day because every time I log into a computing cluster or have to transfer files have to use duo mobile.

Please allow once a day duo sign in for carbonate, bigred2, and karst.

They helped me get access to Cerner and work EndNote.

I recommend going back to OnCourse. Canvas is trash, and none of my professors know how to use it. Half of them use proprietary course-management software from things like lexis or westlaw. IU spent a decade developing OnCourse just to jump ship when it was finally running smoothly.

Also, duo two-factor authentication is TRASH. if somebody wants to hack my account and pay my loans or read my 10000 listserv emails from IU, let 'em.

I've always had a positive experience when working with UITS staff whether for technological issues or questions.

The UITS has been doing a great job providing their services to students.


Most, if not all, of my dealings with UITS have been outstanding. It's easier when I can deal directly with staff located here on this campus, instead of being routed when I call for assistance to Bloomington first. That's too far from where I am.

The only issue I have is that the internet doesn't work every so often in the buildings I have class in, which can make it difficult to download lecture notes ahead of time.

I've had good experience with UITS staff who were able to answer my questions quickly. I am not fully aware of all of the technology support services and unsure about how to learn about them.

UITS staff has always been helpful to me in the past. I have only had minor trouble such as email and other logistical things.

There are significant connectivity issues in the dental school when students use the electronic health record (Axium) from their personal device. They frequently lose connectivity when moving from room to room.

Less steps to open email, canvas and the outlook app.

When an issue arises on the hospital computers during clinical rotations, it is not clear whether I need to talk to UITS or to Cerner/hospital IT services.

They are willing to help and have always had solution for my problems. I have had the same constant problem with the program I use at school.

I have had no interaction with UITS.

IUAnyWare times out of Citrix much too fast and does not allow the user to walk away from something like an SAS workspace even long enough to use the restroom. It can be infuriating to work through IUAnyWare because it constantly requires logging in repeatedly. We all continue to use it because SAS licenses are expensive. Otherwise, I would have my own and never use Citrix again.

I was directed to the correct individual to solve my issue and the person who helped me, Bhavya, was very helpful and even sent a follow-up to ensure that my issue was resolved. The supercomputers are great and relatively easy to use and as long as I stat with the debug queue normally the jobs run quickly.

I don't like that I have to re-sign in on EVERY device EVERY time even though I have selected 'remember for 7 days.'

The duo is obnoxious to log into. Especially when I'm on campus and need to log in but my phone is dead from working a 12 hour shift. Then I cannot access what I need to.

I have not had a lot of interaction with UITS directly and I don't have any negative experiences from those limited interactions. I am happy with how easy I can navigate and find what I need on my own without requiring the direct interaction with UITS personnel.

My experience with IUTS is overall positive. Staff have responded promptly when I have expressed concerns, and the technology services available throughout campus are ample and sufficient for my needs.

I've had great experiences with both the UITS staff and services!

UITS has been very responsive every time I needed help with technical difficulties!

I haven't had any recent trouble where I needed to contact UITS, but when I did in the past they were great.

Every time I have reached out (which is not that often) it has gone well. I like that someone can get on my screen remotely and help out.

I had a very positive experience. My problem was addressed very quickly. I had issues with KALTURA video recordings.

Zoom recordings work good, but you need help to do it. Instructions on it not clear.

I have had a great experience with UITS. There was a bit of a problem with getting remote access but that was sorted out very promptly by UITS.

It would be nice if we had a UITS member close to the medical school campus.

The cellphone signal in my lab is pretty bad. Also, it doesn't help that my phone keeps on getting disconnected from the IU secure Wi-Fi.

No concerns or negative reactions.

No comments at this time.

Kaltura is difficult to search - I have correctly typed professor's names to find videos I know they've posted and they do not turn up in the search results.

I find One.IU confusing and I don't always know where to look for the services I need, especially regarding loans and payments.

I am already at 90% of my OneDrive storage, which I use exclusively to store school materials. Possible solutions: tips on how to decrease the data I use or increase available space (that could be expensive). Also, will I have access to my information in my Drive after I graduate?

They've been extraordinarily helpful. I realized I don't have a good understanding of what research resources are available and would love to have a run down of what's available.

I have not had any direct experiences with the UITS staff. So far, my use of the technology platforms has been flawless.