UITS User Survey

2019 UITS User Survey Summary IU Southeast (IUS)

Brief guide to understanding the data

The UITS User Survey is administered by the Center for Survey Research. Surveys were sent to 1,359 randomly selected people at Indiana University Southeast (122 Faculty, 90 Staff, 1,025 Undergraduate students, 122 Graduate students). Please note that respondents who reported in the first question of the survey that they did not use UITS systems or services were not asked any additional questions and were removed from the results presented here

The questions on the survey are primarily Likert opinion scales (1-5 rating scales with 5 being the most favorable rating). Responses to open-ended questions (for example, Question 9, see the survey questionnaire [INSERT LINK]) are not presented here. The results include:

  • the average opinion score (generally labeled “Average (mean)”)
  • the percentage of people who were satisfied with the service, who found it helpful, who rated it as important, or who were aware of it (rated as a 3 or higher, labeled “Satisfaction Rate”, “Helpfulness Rate”, “Importance Rate”, or “Awareness Rate”, respectively)
  • the percentage of people who used the service (the percentage of people who expressed an opinion about it by selecting one of the rating categories, labeled “Usage Rate”)
  • the percentage of people who agreed with a statement (rated as a 3 or higher, labeled “Agreement Rate”)

For the average opinion and the satisfaction (helpfulness, importance, awareness, and agreement) scores, confidence intervals are provided. The confidence intervals indicate the sampling error for each estimate at the 95% confidence level. Average opinion and satisfaction (helpfulness, importance, awareness, and agreement) scores and their associated confidence intervals are not reported if they are based on fewer than 25 respondents. For categorical response questions that do not involve ratings such as whether the student lives in University housing or how often computing problems prevent accomplishing daily work, data are not reported for the full question if they are based on fewer than 25 respondents and data are not reported for a particular category if at least one (1) but fewer than five (5) respondents selected the category. Data that are not reported are indicated by “N/A”. “Not Applicable/Do Not Use” responses were removed prior to the calculation of estimates, except for usage rates. Missing data and “Unsure” responses were excluded from estimates as well.

This summary includes data from 194 people who participated in the survey (29 Faculty, 34 Staff, 117 Undergraduate students, 14 Graduate students). Results were weighted to reflect the total counts of faculty, staff, and students (Undergraduate and Graduate students, combined) at IUS in the fall of 2018. This helps to correct for overrepresentation of some subpopulations (for example, staff) and underrepresentation of others (for example, students) among those who chose to respond to the survey by bringing their representation in line with the total counts in the overall IUS population. Sampling error estimates account for weighting of the data.

It is important to note that some services are used only by certain subpopulations, so results are shown for the appropriate subpopulations. Subpopulations are indicated by FAC for faculty, STF for staff, GRD for graduate students, and UND for undergraduate students. In some cases, the scores are for groups of subpopulations, indicated for example by [GRD, UND] for services used by graduate and undergraduate students. Results are shown separately for multiple subpopulations where appropriate.

For detail on the study methodology, please see [INSERT LINK].

General Services

1. Overall, how important are UITS systems and services to your work or study? [ALL]

Question 1 results
Average (mean)Importance Rate (%)
4.08 +/- 0.15 94.5 +/- 3.7

2. Overall, how satisfied are you with the services and support offered by UITS (uits.iu.edu) during the past year? [ALL]

Question 2 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
4.12 +/- 0.15 95.1 +/- 3.697.95

3. How would you rate your computer expertise? [ALL]

Question 3 results
Average Expertise (1=novice, 5=expert)
3.51 +/- 0.15

4. Do you live in University housing? [UND, GRD]

Question 4 results
Respondent groupYesNo
Undergraduate17.1% 82.9%

5. Please indicate which of the following devices you use regularly to access UITS services. (Select all that apply.) [ALL]

Question 5 results
ResponsePercentage checked
Desktop computer53.14%
Laptop 81.04%

6. How often do problems with your primary computing device prevent you from doing your best work? [ALL]

Question 6 results
A few times a week7.62%
About once a week8.14%
A few times a month8.01%
About once a month15.20%
A few times a year25.75%
About once a year11.82%
Less than once a year19.74%

7. What forms of support have you ever used when dealing with technology problems at IU? (Select all that apply.) [ALL]

Question 7 results
ResponsePercentage checked
Friend or roommate31.10%
Family member20.54%
Local (school or departmental) IT professional35.61%
UITS Support Center telephone consulting19.37%
UITS Support Center email consulting8.52%
UITS Support Center chat consulting9.94%
UITS Support Center walk-in consulting24.52%
UITS computing lab consultants8.58%
UITS Webpage10.49%
UITS Knowledge Base10.28%
I am always able to fix technology problems myself13.46%
None of the above5.93%

Respondents who selected only one response for Question 7 were coded as “N/A” in Question 8 to reflect that they had already reported their primary (only) form of support.

8. When you experience technology problems that you are unable to resolve on your own, which of the following do you use as your primary form of support? [ALL]

Question 8 results
ResponsePercentage checked
Friend or roommate24.43%
Family member18.37%
Local (school or departmental) IT professional14.10%
UITS Support Center telephone consulting9.48%
UITS Support Center email consultingN/A
UITS Support Center chat consultingN/A
UITS computing lab consultantsN/A
UITS Webpage0.00%
UITS Support Center walk-in consulting14.12%
UITS Knowledge Base3.04%


10. Please indicate your overall satisfaction with the email systems UITS supports by selecting the appropriate response.

Question 10 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Gmail at IU [UND, GRD]4.09 +/- 0.1792.7 +/- 4.7 95.35
Microsoft Exchange/Outlook/Outlook Web Application [FAC, STF, GRD]4.00 +/- 0.32 89.8 +/- 11.876.57

Support Services

11. UITS provides a wide range of IT resources and services for IU faculty, staff, and students. If you have used or received support from any of the following sources in the past year, please indicate your satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response. [ALL]

Question 11 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Telephone consulting (from your campus IT Support Center)4.16 +/- 0.2496.6 +/- 4.741.00
Walk-in consulting (at your campus IT Support Center) 4.35 +/- 0.2095.1 +/- 4.856.18
Computing lab consultants4.07 +/- 0.2794.5 +/- 6.238.19
Chat consulting (http://ithelplive.iu.edu)4.04 +/- 0.2897.3 +/- 5.525.81
Email consulting (from your campus IT Support Center)3.97 +/- 0.32 89.0 +/- 9.0 32.97
Knowledge Base (http://kb.iu.edu)4.05 +/- 0.25 93.3 +/- 6.835.47
IUanyWare usability (the virtual system enabling access to most IU-supported software from your personal computing device.) 4.16 +/- 0.1897.5 +/- 3.3 59.67
IT Training (e.g., online courses and certificate series, webinars, classroom workshops) 4.05 +/- 0.2393.6 +/- 6.8 34.62
IUware (iuware.iu.edu, free downloadable software at IU; e.g., Microsoft Office, Windows OS) 4.27 +/- 0.1695.1 +/- 3.9 78.54
Cloud Storage Resources (e.g., IU Box, Google Drive at IU, Office 365) 4.26 +/- 0.1796.7 +/- 3.763.50

12. Overall, how satisfied are you with the UITS support services available at your campus? [ALL]

Question 12 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
4.31 +/- 0.1398.5 +/- 2.1 92.32

Communication Services

13. UITS communicates with students, faculty, staff, and external audiences through a variety of media and activities. If you have seen information from any of the following sources in the past year, please indicate your satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response. [ALL]

Question 13 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Electronic news (e.g. Monitor or Newsbit email newsletter, IT Alerts, IT Pro)4.03 +/- 0.1697.8 +/- 3.1 64.19
Social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, podcasts, YouTube) 3.83 +/- 0.2390.8 +/- 6.654.84
UITS websites (itnews.iu.edu, uits.iu.edu, newtoit.iu.edu) 4.01 +/- 0.2093.7 +/- 5.354.30

14. Overall, how satisfied are you with UITS communications? [ALL]

Question 14 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
3.96 +/- 0.1792.0 +/- 5.0 81.34

Classroom Technology Services

17. UITS provides Classroom Technology Services (e.g., permanently installed classroom equipment, classroom technology support staff) designed to facilitate the use of information technologies in the classroom. Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of these services? [FAC]

Question 17 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
3.81 +/- 0.4485.2 +/- 14.3 93.10

18. UITS provides several services for video communications and Web collaboration. If you use these services and facilities, please indicate your overall satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response.

Question 18 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Videoconferencing (Zoom, 23 bridge, Hangouts Meet, conference room technology) [FAC, STF] 4.08 +/- 0.29100.050.98
Class recording (Kaltura Lecture Capture, iStream) [ALL]4.02 +/- 0.3391.6 +/- 8.7 29.59
Kaltura Media Management (Kaltura Mediaspace) [ALL] 4.09 +/- 0.3393.2 +/- 8.2 25.91

19. Overall, how satisfied are you with the physical learning space design in student study locations? [UND, GRD]

Question 19 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
4.15 +/- 0.1994.3 +/- 5.0 73.11

20. Overall how satisfied are you with the design of classroom learning spaces? [FAC, UND, GRD]

Question 20 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
3.84 +/- 0.1792.2 +/- 4.986.32

Digital Learning

21. UITS provides digital learning resources and services in support of teaching and learning. If you use such resources and services, please indicate your satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response.

Question 21 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
eTexts [FAC, UND, GRD]3.88 +/- 0.2287.9 +/- 6.9 66.31
Assistive Technology and Accessibility Centers (ATAC) [e.g., Assistive technology loans, alternate formats for instructional materials (braille, tactile diagrams, Kurzweil 3000, LiveScribe pens, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, TextHelp Read&Write Gold, etc.] [ALL] 3.76 +/- 0.4687.8 +/- 13.9 18.17
Canvas (Online learning environment) [ALL] 4.21 +/- 0.1695.1 +/- 3.796.85
Support for creating course materials (e.g., eDS, IU Online, Teaching and Learning Technologies) [FAC, STF]N/A N/A 34.02
Centers for Teaching and Learning [FAC]N/A N/A 75.86
Teaching.IU (Online portal for universitywide teaching resources) [FAC] N/A N/A 20.69
Top Hat Student Response System [ALL] 3.71 +/- 0.3789.9 +/- 11.522.02

22. Overall, how satisfied are you with UITS digital learning services and resourcesavailable on your campus? [ALL]

Question 22 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
3.99 +/- 0.1694.1 +/- 4.388.72

Research Technologies

Respondents who chose “Never heard of it/Not at all aware” for services in Question 23 were coded as “N/A” in corresponding services in Question 24 to reflect their lack of awareness and experience with the service.

23. UITS provides facilities and services in support of research. Please indicate your awareness of the facilities and services by selecting the appropriate response. [FAC, STF, GRD]

Question 23 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Awareness Rate (%)
Supercomputers and high performance computers (Big Red II, Karst, Carbonate) 1.57 +/- 0.3415.7 +/- 10.8
Interactive research computing (Research Desktop, Jetstream)1.22 +/- 0.177.8 +/- 7.9
High speed disk storage (Data Capacitor, Research File System / Geode) 1.26 +/- 0.287.1 +/- 7.7
Scholarly Data Archive (formerly referred to as MDSS / HPSS) 1.47 +/- 0.3314.7 +/- 11.6
Research Data Services (Research Database Complex, RADaRS enclave, consulting for data workflows)1.43 +/- 0.32 13.4 +/- 11.4
Advanced Visualization Lab (including IQWalls, IQ-Tables, and Reality Labs) 1.20 +/- 0.16 6.5 +/- 7.6
Research Analytics (formerly Stat/Math) 1.17 +/- 0.133.8 +/- 4.3
Support for digital humanities, arts, and creative activities1.31 +/- 0.19 6.8 +/- 5.4
Support for life sciences - including the Advanced Biomedical IT Core, the Indiana CTSIhub and CTSI web pages, and National Center for Genome Analysis Support 1.21 +/- 0.177.8 +/- 7.9

24. UITS provides facilities and services in support of research. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response. [FAC, STF, GRD]

Question 24 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Supercomputers and high performance computers (Big Red II, Karst, Carbonate) N/AN/A3.45
Interactive research computing (Research Desktop, Jetstream)N/AN/A0.58
High speed disk storage (Data Capacitor, Research File System / Geode) N/AN/A0.58
Scholarly Data Archive (formerly referred to as MDSS / HPSS) N/AN/A7.48
Research Data Services (Research Database Complex, RADaRS enclave, consulting for data workflows)N/AN/A7.48
Advanced Visualization Lab (including IQWalls, IQ-Tables, and Reality Labs) N/AN/A0.00
Research Analytics (formerly Stat/Math) N/AN/A1.84
Support for digital humanities, arts, and creative activitiesN/AN/A1.84
Support for life sciences - including the Advanced Biomedical IT Core, the Indiana CTSIhub and CTSI web pages, and National Center for Genome Analysis Support N/AN/A4.03

25. Overall, how satisfied are you with the UITS research technology services available at IU? [FAC, STF, GRD]

Question 25 results
Average (mean) Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)

Enterprise Software

26. UITS supports a number of information systems in support of administrative and academic services on campus. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response.

Question 26 results
Enterprise Student SystemsAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
General SIS functionality (Admissions, Advising, Bursar, Records, Financial Aid) [FAC, STF] 3.88 +/- 0.4385.6 +/- 15.747.49
Academic Advising Services (Degree Map, AdRx) [FAC, STF] N/AN/A39.00
Student Self-Service (Register for Classes, My Unofficial Transcript, My Bursar Account, Make a Payment, My Financial Aid Account Summary, etc.) [UND, GRD] 3.97 +/- 0.19 94.4 +/- 4.491.45
Question 26 results
Business and Integration SystemsAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
General human resources functionality and employee selfservice (Employee Center, eDocs, ePTO, eDossier, Kuali Time, Activity Insight, etc.) [FAC, STF] 4.26 +/- 0.23100.0 66.50
Kuali Financial Information Systems (KFS), including Procurement Services [FAC, STF] 3.85 +/- 0.53 84.0 +/- 17.142.17
IU Libraries Catalog (IUCAT) [ALL] 3.97 +/- 0.19 91.4 +/- 5.673.31
One.iu.edu navigation/usability [ALL] 4.04 +/- 0.18 92.0 +/- 4.889.28

Cyber Security

27. In general, how satisfied are you with the information provided by UITS about security threats that might affect your use of technology on the IU network? [FAC, STF]

Question 27 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
4.29 +/- 0.25 95.3 +/- 5.793.24

28. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? [FAC, STF]

Question 28 results
StatementAverage (mean)Agreement Rate (%)
The tools and information related to identifying and reporting phishing messages are helpful. (e.g., the “Report a Phish” plug-in for Outlook, tips at protect.iu.edu, etc.)4.12 +/- 0.2592.8 +/- 7.4
I know where to go for help with accessing and using institutional data3.87 +/- 0.2988.5 +/- 9.9
I know where to go for help with IT security and/or IT policy questions.4.42 +/- 0.2297.6 +/- 4.7
I am satisfied with the response I have received from the it-incident and other IT security and policy staff. 4.41 +/- 0.25 95.3 +/- 6.9
Indiana University’s information technology and data management policies are up-to-date and clear to understand. 4.10 +/- 0.2596.1 +/- 5.8
The Security Center (securitycenter.iu.edu/) is helpful. 3.81 +/- 0.41 95.3 +/- 9.4

Web Services

29. UITS supports the use of various web services and tools. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response.

Question 29 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Departmental publishing on IU Web servers (Webserve for Linux, CHE for Windows) [FAC, STF] N/AN/A13.67
Individual publishing on IU Web servers (Mercury, pages.iu.edu) [ALL] 3.82 +/- 0.3887.4 +/- 11.9 22.34
Web Content Management (Cascade Server, WCMS) [FAC, STF] N/A N/A 5.59

Network Services

30. UITS provides wired and wireless network access via IU Secure. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response

Question 30 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Wireless network access available on campus [ALL]3.91 +/- 0.2086.5 +/- 6.191.49
Wired network access available on campus [FAC, STF] 4.43 +/- 0.26100.067.12

31. Overall, how satisfied are you with the network services at IU? [ALL]

Question 31 results
Average (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
3.91 +/- 0.2086.9 +/- 5.9 94.40

Campus Voice Services

32. UITS provides telephone services to the university. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by selecting the appropriate response. [FAC, STF]

Question 32 results
ServiceAverage (mean)Satisfaction Rate (%)Usage Rate (%)
Unicom/Lync/Skype for Business3.99 +/- 0.2898.1 +/- 3.956.50
Customer Interaction CenterN/AN/A13.20
IU Fax (IU’s Enterprise Fax Service)4.23 +/- 0.26100.034.07