UITS User Survey

2021 UITS User Survey IU Bloomington (IUB) – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

(At start of the survey): As you get started, please take a moment to share with us any thoughts, concerns, issues, and/or ideas that you may have. What positive experiences with UITS staff or services have you had? Are there concerns or negative interactions that you want us to know about? Do you have recommendations for new services or improvements to existing ones? (You will have a chance to review, amend, or add to your comments before submitting your responses.)

(At end of the survey): If you entered comments at the beginning of the survey, they are displayed below. If you would like to edit your comments, share recommendations for additional services and support resources, or add additional comments or suggestions please enter them below.

The responses are listed by respondent case number. Case numbers, in which the respondent did not leave any text, are not included.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:

I have always had positive experiences with UITS.

I've had a great experience working with the staff at UITS. Some people I want to call out are [IRD], [IRD], and [IRD] But I could go on - everyone's been really nice and helpful.

I wish it was easier to search UITS for help guides on tech issues. I spend too long searching for it.

So far every time I had an issue (big or small) I was able to work with my local department's IT team or broader UITS to get it resolved.

I also am overall impressed with the types of technological solutions that I was given access to through IUware.iu.edu.

Whenever I send a student to you for help, problems always seem to be resolved quickly. I appreciate that deeply.

One.IU is quite nearly useless. There are too many apps, it is not intuitive, and it's not clear what apps are important or not. Apps are not suggested to me based on my role(s) within the university. It's basically a dumpster fire that I'm told to go digging in if I need something without any helpful way to navigate it.

I have had a good experience with the IT staff. They have been helpful during my few visits to the helpdesk chat. The only frustrating thing was the multiple email issues I have had. They could identify the issue, but were not able to resolve it. The email services in general are a bit confusing. It feels like I had to hunt for information on my own when it could be centrally located or linked on the email management page.

The IU anyware is very hard to use with IBM SPSS. I don't know if there is a way to work around this, but it makes it very difficult to work with students. If I have to work with a student in SPSS we typically spend as much time troubleshooting and setting up SPSS as we do actually using the application. It is very laggy and is hard to get set up, especially with accessing files.

I enjoy all of the "free" software through UITS, including Office and the Adobe Creative Cloud.

UITS has always been helpful when I've contacted them. The printers scattered throughout campus are SUPER glitchy sometimes. Some of the printers in the residence halls (i.e. Collins, Foster, and Read) aren't connected properly to the network, so you can't print to them, or they don't print at all. They also still charge you for the print job, but then they won't print. Also, just a friendly tip, if you want to increase chances of people participating in your survey, you should consider writing a mail merge that pulls preferred names and not legal names.

The staff at UITS has always been very helpful, professional, and polite.

I work in the Hamilton Lugar School, and it is frustrating for scholars abroad not to be able to fax us documents but to use the "secure" email system. It would be much easier for all concerned if the school had a fax number and fax machine.

It would also be helpful for faculty to receive detailed instructions on how to access and use OneDrive!

I have very positive experience with our Departmental IT people. I cannot say the same about the University UITS staff. Their responses are slow and in some cases not very well informed.

The quick service and no-BS way of helping students get their technology problems solved quickly.

Tough to wait for my computer to be updated (native software updates on my Mac) through an administrator's assistance, as it requires their log in and password....

It's very annoying not to have administrator privileges on my own desktop computer. I can't install or update software, unless it's the standard stuff that IU offers.

That, combined with the pandemic restrictions, have made me move most of my work to my home computer.

My office computer is also painfully slow, despite being a new Macintosh. It must come with pretty minimal RAM.

Sometimes there is a lack of clarity on best way to get stared with HPC and what pricing looks like for supported services.

Biggest issue: many of us are Linux users, and it is just about impossible to get any support. This is a significant problem, especially for the scientific / STEM disciplines.

Overall my experience has been good. However when things go wrong or don't work properly, the lag time to get help is very frustrating.

My main negative interaction is the constant shifting of available resources and how to access them. For instance, we now have the move to Exchange online that is inconvenient, happening quickly, and to my mind ill-motivated. Each time you shift how we use information technology, you cost every member of the community some amount of time and energy. This is burdensome and seems to happen on more and more rapid cycles. I understand that someone working in IT might want everything optimized and up to date. But on the user end, having consistent products and systems that don't require changing installations, programs and learning new software is simply better. Learning new IT tricks isn't part of my job description, and it really should not be. Another example is mathematica, where it went from being available offline, to being available IUAnywhere, to no longer being supported. In something like 5 years.

For as long as I can remember, UITS staff and services have been positive. Having said that, it's painful when I have a technical problem on a weekend and call the helpline. The consultants sure try hard, but sometimes what seems to be a simple request can turn into an hour of frustration. The solution, of course, is for me to avoid problems on the weekends.

Good experiences so far.

All of my interactions with UITS staff have been professional and positive.

I have been really satisfied with my experience. Out of the dozens of times that I have called UITS, only once did I feel that the representative wasn't prepared to respond to my questions.

I love UITS and sing its praises in my class. I also use UITS services on a daily basis and am very grateful for UITS.

Only complaint is that I used to be able to talk directly to the people who ordered software for the STCs and now I can't. I don't like just filling out a form. I want to also have an email/phone number for the human touch that leads to more details.

Also. I despise WCMS and think it should be eliminated like the plague.

UITS services generally seem to be deteriorating. Canvas is more or less a disaster. The upcoming e-mail migration, in contrast to the Box migration, is simply unclear--who has to migrate and what do we have to do. The communication is horrible. Whenever a problem is reported to UITS, especially about Canvas, the first response is "clear your cookies and history"--the attitude is very much that we must configure our computers to be compatible with whatever piece of software they choose to make us use, and everything else be damned--even other pieces of software that they force us to use that require cookies.

First, I want to thank the UITS staff for all of their (extra) work during the pandemic. My frustrations in terms of UITS have always been with programs or tools and availability, not with the helpfulness of the staff

My basic issue with UITS is that the help-desk services are extremely unreliable. The last three or four times I have called for help, I have been given contradictory answers, and also answers that turned out to be simply wrong. In my calls I have been misdirected to a variety of offices, each of which claims not to be responsible for the technology that I am inquiring about. UITS seems very poorly organized, with no communication among its employees, and with poor access to current information among the front-line help desk staff. And don't even ask me about CITO, which takes an average of THREE WEEKS to respond to help requests, and when they do, the problem is generally not solved, e.g., they have never been able to set up network printing from my office to the department printer down the hall: I have not been able to print a pdf from my university-owned computer to the university-owned printer in the 20 years I have been employed here. Ridiculous.

Platforms and procedures change too frequently. Just when I think I have mastered something, we switch to something new, and I have to start the learning curve all over again.

I was impressed with all that was done to make online teaching work. I had a lot of anxiety about it before fall semester started (I wasn't teaching last spring), but with all of the resources that were available, my transition went pretty smoothly.


UITS has really gone downhill in the last 6 months - unstable systems, poor migrations.

Mostly positive.

I have interacted with IT a couple of times. Every time the response has been in a timely manner; they have been very helpful and have solved my questions and helped with the equipment of my office station.

All positive, as I frequently require assistance in unlocking my account.

I understand this occurs (my record is 11 times in one day & over 30 times in a week) because I have a simple user name that is compromised when individuals with that same user name + digits fall to notice that the spell check on their device has removed the digits when they attempt to log in.

I ask that the practice of assignment to new users with my 5-letter user name + digits be discontinued. It is wholly impractical for me to change the username I have had for over 30 years.

Biennial renewals for affiliate accounts – as in the past – are far preferable to the annual process now in place.

It is frustrating that there are functionalities of Canvas that have been requested & received substantive support that have not been implemented (e.g., the ability to have all content copied from another course UNPUBLISHED when transferred, flexibility in configuring extra credit points, grading based on choice of question …)

UITS has always been helpful by phone, with staff available to address rather complex issues. Moreover when I taught online for the first time during the pandemic I received excellent support whenever needed. I have a high opinion about the knowledge and skill of the staff and their ability to communicate to a layperson.

I'm an Adjunct Instructor in the School of [IRD]. I've always been "technologically challenged", and the impacts of Covid, virtual learning, and conducting communications with my students via Zoom made the Fall 2020 semester even more challenging. Without exception the capable staff at UITS were there to help me, provide useful tips and instruction, and well, kept me from going crazy. I especially appreciated, and by the middle of the semester relied heavily upon, their exemplary accountability and rapid response to my questions and needs and problems.

Yes, I have called 812-855-6789 dozens of times the last year and continue to be very very satisfied with my service there. My hats off to you in this regard. I have worked at three other universities and none come close.

However, I have spent about four hours trying to install Creative Cloud on my secondary laptop and it just won't work. Two calls to help support, and it just hangs. I gave up, but I really miss adobe acrobat on that machine.

I hardly ever called UITS before the pandemic. With the move to online teaching, I called them A LOT. 9 out of 10 times I got help right away. A couple of times I had to wait to be contacted by a "special team", but I always got help eventually.

The few interactions I have had with UITS staff have been very positive. Friendly, helpful, patient people.

When I have contacted UITS for live support, they have always been very timely and helpful. They have been great in this time of pandemic.

I have had good luck calling and chatting at odd hours (weekends and nights). I appreciate the 24 hour support.

The UITS Support Center staff have been very helpful this past year through many challenges technology-related issues. Most recently, a staff member helped me troubleshoot an issue where Canvas was not allowing me to embed videos from Kaltura (it turned out that one of my browser extensions was causing issues in Chrome).

I understand that UITS is under pressure to cut costs. Please, please do not sacrifice the programs utilized by social scientists and humanities scholars (e.g., Qualtrics, Stata, SPSS, SAS, ArcGIS, Adobe). These programs might seem like low-hanging fruit, especially compared to big-budget research infrastructure like Big Red 2, but they are *essential* to the work of many scholars (including graduate students and undergraduate students) on campus. Social sciences and humanities scholars cannot compete with the physical sciences and health sciences for government and private funding. Thus, it is very difficult for us to get the grants necessary to pay for our own technology licenses. Losing access to these technologies would absolutely cripple social science and humanities scholarship at IU.

More generally, I hate that the RCM (Responsibility Centered Management) model forces units like UITS to cut their own costs by passing work or costs onto other units (e.g., with the Box migration, and with threats to other essential programs and software). I hope that the leaders within UITS will lobby university administrators (and particularly the new President, whoever that will be) to abandon this broken funding model in favor of one that ensures that all units have the technology resources and support they need.

I have had one encounter with UITS, and they were very helpful and professional.

For my IU mail, I receive my emails on two different portals, mail.iu.edu (Microsoft app) and gmail.iu.edu (Google app). I have not been able to fix this issue and keep checking both of my email accounts as I never know whose email will go where.

It will be an extremely useful tool if you can add ocular to supercomputing accounts. I have never understood why is it so difficult or a big problem to do so.

I have also faced a problem with my slate-project account that my access to the file in my slate- project directories is much slower and lags a lot.

Overall, my experience with UITS is very good. I think the departmental support I receive is exceptional. However, I don't like using IUAnyWare because I think it's challenging to figure out and slow to use. I also would like more access to more qualitative and quantitative software-- especially if the expectation in courses is that we use it.

I arrived in August so have had very little interaction with UITS. The only major issue I had was that for whatever reason my Canvas sites could not be merged. I could not do it, and the tech team could not do it. In the grand scheme of things, not horrible, but required having to post 3 versions of everything, which wasted time.

Unilaterally deciding to close off IMAP email access and forcing exchange/Outlook is very bad, and y'all should feel bad. Many faculty rely on IMAP and have built tooling and processes around it.

Using a proprietary email protocol that forces the use of certain email clients is an academically criminal act by UITS. Shame.

Once in a while, a course in Canvas has some type of "clinch" such as missing assignments I created. Lucky I am able to access a previous course and import again. This is similar to other things; one example, I created Zoom links with schedule from the beginning to end of the semester. Next thing, 3 courses were missing with Zoom links. Again lucky me had to click on the previous meeting and edit from there. Weird stuff's been happening lately.

None that I can think of.

The knowledge base only offers the option to do full-text searches. This makes it difficult to find relevant information for specific problems. It would be helpful to have an advanced search feature that would make the knowledge base searchable by keywords only in titles, e.g., or to have subject tags that would allow for both more precise advanced searches and browsing.

I've called UITS several times this term and they have always been prompt and helpful. Sometimes the audio quality of the phone call has been poor, but it hasn't been a major issue. I use the Knowledge Base quite often and am grateful for it. Thank you!

I have always only had positive interactions and experiences with UITS staff. I have always felt really supported in regards to anything that I might need that involves technology devices or classroom technology. The only concern I have moving forward is if we are going to move to a more Microsoft-based organization or not. I would not mind if we do; I think there are a lot of untapped resources in the Microsoft suite that we probably pay for and don't use, and I think we should use what we pay for instead of paying for another tool that does the same thing, but I would like there to be a lot of training offered if we are going to move that way. Even if we aren't, I would be interested in learning more about all the Microsoft tools we have and how they can all be integrated.

Overall experience is satisfactory/good.

I have had good experiences with UITS. The response time is really good.

As a new faculty, I have had only positive experiences: help setting up my IU computers and getting the classroom tech I need for teaching hybrid.

I've been fortunate to interact with UITS staff/services for years now through faculty initiatives that I was involved in (such as piloting Next technologies, Communities of Practice, etc.). My experience and interactions have always been great, and when I've reached out to individuals with questions, they have always pointed me in the right direction!

Easy to request for help, many options to get help, and there's follow up to my inquiries if the problem is not resolved

I was given a deadline to renew my SMIME certficate but was having difficulty retrieving the original passphrase that was stored in my work computer. I could not have access to my work computer remotely due to various complications - I moved my office location and my work desktop had to be set up, I filled out the exemption from mitigation testing which means I could not show up on campus etc. All of that made it stressful, and there was no way to extend the deadline. I was given the choice of retrieving the passphrase somehow to renew my SMIME or letting it lapse and apply for a new one again. None of these two was a good option!

The chat helpline is great, but I was promised a follow-up on something over the break regarding an office computer and never heard back. Our office Mac was wiped and given a software update. It no longer has the windows suite and we can't download any other software without an admin PW.

Additionally, the wifi in our office does not work. We cannot use personal devices in the room. We have to use the only wired computer.


Chatting online has always been really easy and quick. I haven't had a bad experience yet in dealing with staff. I have run into issues using printers on campus where paper is out or print options won't be followed through on. I've also found creating supercomputer accounts quick and easy with the documentation online easy to follow.

I often have trouble scheduling COVID mitigation test through iOS.

Data classification matrix is helpful, but there are others that are not included in the matrix that I am unsure of.

All in all, I appreciate all the various resources available through UITS. They are not perfect and have some kinks, and you might need time getting used to all the functionality, but once you know how to use them, they are very convenient.

For the most part, my interactions with UITS staff have been helpful in guiding me to solutions of access issues and concerns about personal and classroom technology.

The one exception was this Fall of 2020. A Canvas course I was teaching as part of a team somehow got unpublished. When the course coordinator contacted UITS, he reported that their initial response was "we've been experiencing a number of unusual issues this week." Rather than approaching the problem as "unusual," I searched Canvas help forums and found the answer almost immediately. While I don't blame the UITS employee for being puzzled, it was an exception to the more methodical troubleshooting that I expect and have experienced from other personnel.

I'm generally quite happy with the technology services provided by the University. But I didn't respond to this survey at first because the email only referred to "UITS" and I don't know what that is. Acronyms surround us, and many of them are meaningless to many of us. Please consider sending out correspondence to the University community that refers to "Information Technology Services" so that we know who you are and what you do!

In general I have had good experiences with UITS when I needed their help on campus and have used some of their web resources. I wish IU (I realize this is not necessarily a UITS power) had helped us buy or borrow all the technology we have needed this year to do remote learning well.

I receive the UITS newsletter-style email and often do not read it, so I would suggest anything like a security threat should always be sent out in its own email.

I also wanted to take a moment to recognize the great work of the Kaltura team. In the fall I had to use it for the first time and the team was extremely helpful and proactive.

I call UITS fairly often and nearly always have spoken with folks who have helped resolve my issues. I'd suggest all UITS folks be able to access my computer system remotely. I'm fairly low tech, and the time it takes for me to explain the issues I'm having is not a good use of anyone's time. It would expedite service if all UITS staff could simply access my computer to resolve the issues.

It is good so far; when I started my semester it was a little bit slow-responding, but now all good.

Good experience picking up a loaner laptop.

Uploading Zoom recordings often fails. Canvas is often sluggish.

Changes to Zoom settings are communicated well. However, it would be nice to have an option to opt in or out rather than the changes being pushed through to all users. For example, disabling waiting room on Zoom was a nuisance to many users.

I am fairly new to staff. I do wish that I’d received information about the tech steps I needed to take upon hiring (how to set up email, how to find payroll information, how to access IU services, etc...). I was just emailed at my personal account by department management with a contract to sign, and set free from there! Thank goodness for Google.

I have no recommendations because UITS does an excellent job!

I had a very prompt service call with UITS that was very helpful, and the staff were very nice.

Good experience so far

I wish there were an easy, obvious, super-visible, and easy to remember place to go to to contact UITS.

I recognize this is a big institution, but if you intend to make it easy for people to use your services, there needs to be some human - UITS connection, a go-to place, a number, which one can call (or email address to write to) with any tech trouble and that can then direct on forward - the same idea as "call 311 for city hall". Unless, of course, the intention is to leave people to figure things out on their own or with their friend network. Which is what I do 80% of the time - and I hate it!

I had to contact our departmental administrator because I did not know where to turn (and obviously one needs help at moments when one is most frazzled).

Once contact was established, the person couldn't have been more helpful and nice, and he has helped me on a couple of occasions now.

I feel like, with the elimination of Box, I don't have a centralized place for accessing all the documents from the Department, University, and other offices. I always feel confused which sources I need to look at to find the necessary information, because every office has its own storage place.

Over the year, I have only had positive experiences with UITS. Prompt and efficient service. The staff are very knowledgeable and cordial.

I have only had positive experiences with UITS, and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work, support, and help.

Responses to service requests are prompt, and issues have been solved to my satisfaction, for the most part. Remote service also has been very effective.

the fact that CITO has administrative rights to our computers is really time consuming. Sometimes I need to download something very simple (a very simple program), and I always need them to do it.

I hope the UITS can provide more GPU service for faculty who are engaged in deep learning.

Mostly positive--very helpful overall, quick to reply. There was some confusion about the Box to OneDrive transfer, and there are ongoing issues when multiple users on a project have to manage using both Zoom Health and Zoom at IU accounts.

The assistant from the UITS provides a quick response to my questions or difficulties, which helps me to solve problems much easier.

I have not had any personal encounter with UITS staff yet, but I use my department's desktop for research at times, which is serviced by CITO. At the moment, I am satisfied with the services.

Taking Box down was a bad idea, but maybe necessary. And the new exchange mail setup not being compatible with IMAP is awful, if it is going to happen that way. But the tech capabilities are, generally, pretty amazing.

The UITS staff or services are very efficient; they are quick to respond and solve any issue in a timely manner.

I have only had negative experiences with UITS. The mandatory Windows updates performed by UITS interrupts our running code to process data, and it's very annoying that to install basic software, we always have to go through UITS. This slows down research and is extremely frustrating.

Too often received "I don't know" responses, particularly from first-level support, without escalation. Sometimes, KB articles are incomplete or contradictory. I would prefer fewer/longer KB articles than more/shorter ones (the latter seems more likely to lead to conflicting information as things change).

I appreciate the desire to help and solve problems when I contact them.

All positive. Help with setting up my new computer. Help with campus technology.

So far, I have only had positive experiences with UITS! They've always been super helpful and quick in responding to my requests!

Most interactions have been great. Obviously, lately the turn around time has been a little protracted. The SPHBITS team is able to cover most of my needs, and going out beyond to Canvas, Kaltura, or other services, the staff is usually helpful. I seem to be a lightning rod for edge cases, and so I end up having problems that no one can resolve. The Box transfer is a perfect example where my migration is still not complete and had over 300,000 errors. I had to use my own server to make the transfer successful. My officially moved files I believe are still co-owned by the third party assigned to the moving, so that is concerning. Box has not switched ownership either. Just one example of where I have odd issues that seem to have no resolution. Nonetheless, the UITS staff I discuss with are helpful, even if at a loss with what to do. For the other services throughout the survey, I have colleagues that use several of them and are happy with them, even if I do not personally use them. Thus I marked NA because I do not personally use them, but I am sure several of those services are supporting my work through others.

Extremely unhappy with change of e-mail. Very sudden, and we can't meet with our excellent departmental computer person in person so we're on our own. The kb instructions online didn't work. I tried to get chat help for an hour and the UITS person was not able to make it work. He said I should do some things to try afterwards, and they didn't work either.

You did not think the Exchange switch through and you are springing this irresponsibly on us in the middle of a pandemic!!

Also, all you do is to keep pushing all of us more and more into doing everything with Microsoft products.

A much better security approach would be to have a separate password for less-secure activities and a separate password for more-secure activities, rather than to throw us all into some crazy Microsoft business system with features that nobody wants. Or at the very least to wait till the end of the pandemic.

Basically the great majority of people need e-mail, Canvas, Kaltura, and some kind of text- processing. It's nice that you're adding fancy other capabilities for the people who want them, but your main task should be to reliably deliver the basic things that the great majority of people need, and you are not doing that.

THANK you for all that you are doing and have done as faculty and students move to online learning. I have had much help and assistance, and I am most grateful. My complaint is the time I have to wait for answers, usually days and weeks. When in reality I need an answer immediately or sooner than multiple days. As a faculty member, my department and students would find that unacceptable.

Training is great but never heard about the service.

I am not happy about having to pay money to keep using Thunderbird for email.

I am always so impressed when I call in for support. We are truly spoiled to have the resources we do at IU. When my doctoral students move on and start at other universities, one of the first things they comment on is how good they had it here with UITS!

Have been very happy with UITS whenever I've had issues in physical classrooms; haven't dealt with them much during the pandemic.

Last year UITS allowed me to borrow a laptop while mine was broken down, and the staff was very helpful with the process. They even allowed me to borrow a hard-drive transfer doc. Their helpfulness made my transition to a new laptop about as smooth as it could be. I still say hi to the representative who helped me when I see him in the hall (well, before COVID at least).

It takes a long time for the job I submitted to the supercomputer to be executed. Everything else is great!

This past year, several of UITS responses seem like a cut/paste of weblinks that only broadly relate to my initial question. For example, same broad topic, but nothing in the resource/weblink addresses my specific question.

As a faculty member, it is my experience that UITS does an excellent job of resolving technical problems relating to my most common tools, i.e., Canvas and Outlook. The only criticism I have is that certain problems are "systemwide", affecting not just me, but whole swaths of University users. In those cases, UITS staff can walk me through a solution, but when I point out that the problem is inconveniencing large numbers of people (i.e., everyone), and that the UITS person should inform somebody at a higher level, the UITS person just shrugs and says, "There's no way to do that". An example is a recent change to Outlook. It took me and the UITS person several days to resolve the problem that change created. It made me wonder how frustrated your technical support staff feel to be getting hundreds of calls from frustrated users. It was just rolled out without explanation or documented steps to fix it.

I have always received wonderful help whenever I needed it.

When I have problems, I use the chat feature, and for the most part, it's been very quick and easy to use. When we could still go into the library, I would also go into the library to the UITS help desk, which I found to be the easiest UITS process.

I know this already exists, but I think having more information on how to build good online courses would be helpful for faculty. Some of my faculty are aware of UITS resources but others are not.

I have had problems with classroom technology services, as we have a classroom in our office. However, that is in a residence hall, and there is always an argument over whether that is governed by UITS or the auxiliary team.

I need phone support. That has recently been difficult to get. I find the Knowledge Base totally overwhelming and thus useless!

My experiences with the UITS staff have consistently been very positive, and every time I have brought up a problem which is solvable, I am impressed by how quickly it is addressed. When the problem is not solvable, the UITS staff are always courteous and offer alternative options. I also attended a workshop last spring right before IU shifted online, and found the introduction to Zoom and Kaltura particularly helpful during a stressful period.

I have also been very happy with most services/software offered, especially IUCAT. I have had some issues (which are perhaps not 'solvable') with certain programs like Microsoft Outlook, which create frequent headaches due to running slowly on my computer or not consistently applying rules I set up to organize my inbox. There are a number of other programs which have minor issues or could have clearer user interfaces, but overall I think the services provided are very good, and I greatly appreciate the work of the UITS staff!

Remote guidance is difficult. Sometimes, I feel like I get sent a link or documentation that I've already found but am having trouble implementing. Sometimes, I'd like more help.

The entire student center service via one.iu is cumbersome and frustrating to use. The app structure of one.iu is also confusing. Both should be redesigned.

As always, my answer will be that, from the user perspective, it's hard to know what is a "UITS" and what is an LSP issue. But I'll add this year the double-edged sword of the introduction of MS Teams/SharePoint/OneDrive/GoogleDrive over the past few months. These tools add incredible flexibility but their rollout was not very well supported with information or training opportunities. As a result, all units are trying to figure out what to use for what purpose without any guidance. Do you set up a Team in MS Teams or a Group in SharePoint (what's the difference)? Why are we using OneDrive for sharing when it is meant for personal files, with sharing through Teams/SharePoint Libraries? That's just one of a zillion areas where users could use guidance.

Generally good experience with UITS though sometimes I feel like I get the runaround. CITO sends me to UITS, and UITS wants me to go back to CITO. Some recent problems are still unresolved because everyone thinks it is someone else's responsibility.

I have had a hard time downloading and using software or applying for license for EndNotes.

UITS changes to Microsoft exchange were poorly managed; info for Mac users was misleading both on what you could do before, and what you had to do after. Until a late change, website implied you could amend the existing account settings, which was not true. The initial instructions also suggested you could change the settings in advance, which was also not true.

What is generally excellent is the UITS call line - apart from the Bohemian Rhapsody waiting tune. Responders are generally very knowledgable and very helpful.

While I realize that UITS had extensive extra work due to Covid, all of us have. This year has been made far more stressful and unproductive due to the failed transfer of files from Box. Mine were tried 2X, and I am left with having to manually transfer enormous amounts of files, or have my Research Associate stop what he is doing and help me. Some of my files are for me alone and are not meant to be shared; the sharing is not very flexible. Further, many servers have been moved here and there, and new policies for printing were in the mix, i.e. nothing staying stable for months with Covid on top of this!

It is very difficult to figure out how to organize enormous amounts of research and teaching data with the new system. The security is far more difficult to implement than might be expected. More thought needs to be given to methods of storing and transferring sensitive or critical data, and not just to tell people that they must protect these data. Give tools that are robust!

A few years ago, it had been agreed that there would be minimal software changes without faculty buy-in first, but there are several rollouts of administrative systems. Some of these have training that is likely to be needed. This is too much extra work, given that everything that I do takes more time than usual.

Working remotely is impacted by the uncontrollable upgrades to my desktop. It has to be restarted by someone in the building. For many months, almost no one was in the building. It is not just my computer.

The model used to build our computers was said to be based on the one for the clerks at the front desk in the Evansville Nursing School, rather than reflecting teaching and research at IUB. We have spent considerable time on the issues of what software can be installed, leaving lab computers running long enough to finish an experiment, etc. Assuming that the Dean is the appropriate person to understand computer difficulties is counterproductive. A hierarchical structure with a Dean's approval on technical computer issues and feedback from the Dean is not working. I do not know how things stand as of today because my lab research is on hold.

The Canvas aspects of the UITS help have been successful. Covid has interrupted the good work on this.

I am not as big a fan of Kaltura, since the lack of accessibility that is a major reason to not use other products is not fixed by this, i.e. the visuals that may be difficult for people with low vision are not edited. Making written audio transcripts from word slides that I read is a waste of my time. I do not see why we cannot use a standard product, i.e. learn only 1 piece of software for editing, such as Adobe Premiere.

I think some instructions of WCMS in the knowledgebase are not updated; sometimes, I cannot find the button, folder, or items on my side. That was really depressing, I followed steps 1 to 4, then on step 5, the folder did not exist, or did not look like the instructions. Like got stuck right in the middle.

Also, the Microsoft Outlook on my Mac never works as I want; the emails go to two different places (the iu.edu with Google and the indiana.edu with Outlook), which really bothered me for years.

I have had no experience with UITS staff because I have been off campus for the whole of last year.

So far I have not had any problems with any IT-related service. Everything works great.

There haven't been any negative experiences but I did wish there was a way that accessing this resource is easy. I can say I have no idea how I would go about asking for help if needed, off the top of my head. I would have to ask around, research before stumbling on help.

I have had good response from UITS staff always, from the more general questions that are answered by whoever is the Help Desk- chat, to the response I got to more specific and kind of stranger issues I had using Kaltura.

Generally good experiences. The real reason for taking this survey is to voice the annoyance at the choice of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen as a background music for those on hold. The lyrics go, "Momma, I just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger, now he's dead..." and also, "nothing really matters" as a recurring chorus. I cannot turn the music off, so I am forced to listen to this objectionable material until the line is open, which can be more than ten minutes. "Nothing really matters" is not what I want to be hearing when I am trying to untangle some issue with Canvas, and am on hold for a long period of time. This is IU, a known music school, ought we not do better than this?

You all may want to take another look at your survey format. Many questions which I would have ranked as 4 of 5, I seem to have ranked as 2 by the sequence of options presented. Somewhat dissatisfied = mostly satisfied (ought to be 4 and not 2), and somewhat satisfied = mostly dissatisfied, which ought to have been 2 and not 4 in the sequence from bad to good.

Positive and helpful, including a timely follow-up email to check on the status of my problem.

I have always had positive experiences with UITS staff except for one--and that was taken care of quickly. [IRD], [IRD], and [IRD] ROCK!

UITS has been pretty responsive

Please do not migrate anything in the middle of a very busy semester! Additionally, I have yet to find a UITS consultant who knows how to present information in plain English. Just having computer savants available does not customer service make.

Prompt response time

My experiences with UITS have always been positive, professional and solution-oriented.

No negative interactions, but it has been hard to get in contact with them. The phone number is difficult to find, and submitting a ticket consistently takes over a week, which is not helpful as an instructor who is usually dealing with immediate tech issues for a class. Since we're all remote and can't just walk over to Wells anymore, it would be helpful if you expanded your remote help options and made them more obvious and easy to find.

The staff have been very helpful the few times I have contacted them.

7/24 chat Box is really helpful.

I have had experience with the phishing team, and they have been prompt and very helpful. Given the pandemic, I have been at home since March and have not had other occasion to call on UITS for help.

Positive experiences: all staff at CITL for their knowledgeable help; some long-time support staff at the Bloomington IT Support Center who help faculty with setting up courses on Canvas. Some dedicated staff at STC.

Concerns and negative interactions, both from myself as well as reported by students in courses I teach: many interactions with some Bloomington IT Support Center staff who did not seem to know anything about specific UITS-provided services and systems, nor even know to whom to direct questions and support.

Recommendations: provide knowledgeable support for all systems and services offered by UITS, not just the main ones. For example, non-Microsoft based services don't seem to have almost any knowledgeable staff supporting them. Specifically, having one single knowledgeable person in charge of all system administration for Mac systems on the Bloomington campus seems to point to a completely neglected endeavor.

Finally, very often often the response from UITS is to contact the "local IT support" for help, e.g. from the department or school. Unfortunately, this oftentimes results in no help at all. The process of delegation and intermediaries quite simply does not work as it should - the time it takes to get any response may take days, weeks, and in specific situations I personally witnessed, months went by without ANY response to requests for support related to UITS-provided services for regularly scheduled courses.

The old exchange web platform was great. The new Microsoft office Outlook web platform is [REDACTED]. It looks terrible, it is super slow, and its functionality is way worse than before. Examples: the calendar is not well integrated and opens in a separate tab requiring several more clicks, the search feature does not sort things by date as one would naturally expect but uses some kind of bizarre algorithm that tells me that the 'top results' for my query are those in my trash can that I have already deleted, or it finds emails I sent four years ago rather than ones from yesterday, and other smaller things such as marking items as read when you switch between folders. I have no need of whatever extra functionality that this new interface is supposed to provide, but I would suggest providing the option to return back to the old exchange web portal.

The biggest improvement this year for me was the addition of Lynda / Linked In Learning again. That's game changing for the kinds of courses I teach where students need to learn a technology and the resources and time for me to make and maintain videos on all that is a non-starter.

The new email is good - I find it annoying how much it bings at me and wish I knew how to turn that off, but I appreciate that upgrade.

Beyond the email though, Microsoft - enh. I didn't care for Box that much either, but have no plans to use the new Microsoft, or plan to use it as little as possible. The Google tools are just better and more intuitive, and I don't have to teach students how to use them because they came in from high school knowing that for the most part.

Changes to Canvas this year have been really helpful.. especially in how assignments are muted/released, and I appreciate the work CITL did in setting up templates for us as we all moved online.

I have had limited but positive interaction with UITS. Most of my interactions re: IT are with CITO, which I believe is completely different from UITS. But on the few occasions, mostly related to help sorting out IT in classrooms, where I have called UITS, you all have been extremely helpful, prompt, and clear. Very high satisfaction already!

My one major complaint relates to Zoom's reporting feature. For all of its capabilities and data capture, it is remarkably difficult for me to get longitudinal attendance data for my online classes. (I have to go to the report for each class period, download the data, import it into a single Excel file, sort it, and organize it.) In contrast, it seems like it would be quite easy for Zoom to be able to generate an attendance report since my class is a recurring Zoom meeting. If it is possible to actually do this, I have not heard about it despite inquiring with CITO. (Maybe I should have been inquiring with UITS!?)

I also rated wireless connectivity on campus low ("relatively dissatisfied") because about half the time, my phone does not seem to connect automatically to EDU-ROAM when I'm on campus.

I have had pretty good support from UITS staff when I've reached out, primarily via the chat service that is provided. I only had a frustrating experience one time, and that was probably due to my not explaining my issue very well over chat.

I had a wonderful experience when communicating and engaging with UITS staff. No complaints whatsoever.

My main issues are with email. I'll withhold opinion on the brand new platform as I've just migrated, but I know little about how to access Gmail, and it says I cannot access Gmail through IU. At the moment I think I'd rather use this platform for its features and accessibility over Outlook.

I have no idea about this topic..things just appear about changes being made. Half the time, I don't know if they are relevant to me or not. I try to deal with all of this as best I can. Anytime I have tried to call the help line, it was either busy or closed or something (which is not my preferred way to get the changes done anyway). Thank goodness my unit has its own tech support team that is WONDERFUL.

UITS staff have helped me with a number of log in and outage problems over the years. I have not had negative experiences with them.

UITS is generally friendly and helpful. I don't know why they had to migrate email the week that everyone was coming back to campus this spring, but generally speaking, UITS is great.


Our research group (lab) relies on numerous services provided by UITS. We have often needed to reach out for assistance. For the most part, people respond quickly and positively, but there have been occasions when this has not been the case

I have huge concerns about the timing of the big IT changes that impacted faculty, staff, and students this year. They retired Box and moved all cloud storage right before the toughest semester start, with COVID teaching formats and challenges in the Fall 2020 semester. Then, they migrated email at the beginning of the 2021 semester when we are all still facing the extra challenges of covid teaching. It's like UITS is out of touch with their audience. This created extra stress and confusion during a very challenging teaching year. Also, I wish we had more support to deal with the technology issues and changes for face-to-face teaching this year.

Very quick to respond to support tickets!

The support from the School of Public Health IT is outstanding. I do not call on university UITS very often. When I have they have been quick to respond with a solution. I have used the Knowledge Base several times and find the information very useful in solving issues.

Chat support.

Please hire more experienced IT staff to be more competitive for fixing issues in an efficient way. We might cut other unnecessary "logistics" staff as they seem to be more than needed. But we are in short of technical staff.

I've always had good experiences with UITS.

I appreciate the 24-hour availability and generally brief wait times for assistance by phone.

IU's ongoing promotion of e-texts and related proprietary platforms seems to me way overboard and not mindful of the ways that students may learn more effectively with physical texts. 

It's been mixed for me. When I first came to IU, I initially had a fair bit of help. But it dried up after that. Fortunately, when newer colleagues arrived, they got the help I had hoped for, to the benefit of all.

UITS is usually very helpful when needed.

Classroom technology varies greatly across campus; some rooms have no computers while others have touch boards. I wish it wasn't so disparate across buildings. I would often have issues with WiFi connectivity on campus. IUanyWare also posed many problems with the Citrix receiver and trying to use apps through IUanyWare. I do really appreciate that those programs are available to use on personal computers through that service; it is just often difficult to use.

UITS has always been very attentive and quick when responding to my needs. Particularly when I had issues with the Kaltura recordings of my face to face classes.

UITS staff really helped me a lot to set up wifi in my on-campus apartment.

I've had productive experiences with staff members when setting up my email and troubleshooting why it wasn't working/ setting up properly for me. I felt like the UITS staff members at times provided me with more information than my department could.

I've mostly had very positive experiences with UITS! Of the many support experiences I've had, only one stands out as not great because the support staffer did not seem to understand my problem and simply told me to restart my computer/clear the cache and cookies (which I had already done prior to reaching out). Otherwise, staff is attentive, responds quickly, and are very knowledgeable. They don't give up on an issue even when the problem becomes more complicated then they think, and they are very polite. Overall, very pleased with my interactions!

I have called the UITS number for help with Canvas (I am an instructor and a student had an issue with an assignment upload). The staff member I spoke to was extremely helpful and gave me the information I needed to resolve the issue in just a few minutes. This was only a week ago, and it was a very positive experience.

I was able to borrow a Macbook Pro as an instructor. The response was quick and really helpful.


I have had useful professional assistance from UITS staff with regards to e-mail configuration on the movement of emails to Exchange, etc. and in solving problems with Zoom.

UITS staff and services are prompt and good. The staff is knowledgeable. I do not have any complaints.

It would be nice to see more sanitizer/wipes available throughout the STC's in Wells Library. They seem to be all located near the entrances, which makes it less likely that folks will sanitize before leaving.

It's also notoriously difficult to get local/classroom support since practically none of our classroom equipment is managed by UITS. Instead, it's handled by an LSP who manages all of the stuff within the Colleges of Arts and Sciences (at least that's my understanding), and since they're understaffed, you can't call them. If you miss a call from them, you can't call them back either, which is infuriating. I know it's not anyone's fault, but it makes it next to impossible to get even the most basic issues fixed in the same business day.


I have only needed to call UITS for help once, but the person I spoke with was very helpful. Also, all alerts from UITS about transferring email systems were helpful.

UITS has been enormously helpful. The hotline has often solved issues with both dispatch and unending patience.

I have nothing to add.

Mainly positive interactions with UITS staff and services. Thank you! Transition to online modalities was difficult, and responsiveness took a bit longer, but that was understandable.

Staff responses:

All my issues were attended well and resolved.

I think IU has a great IT crew. Working at the student health center [IRD] has helped me on numerous occasions. I have enjoyed being able to access some free online learning in regards to Excel.

Out of all the places that I have worked in my life, and this includes my time working in the military and for the DoD, Indiana University by far has the best Internet and Computer Technology team out there. They are vary valuable with a breadth of information about just anything you may ever have questions for, and if they can't answer it, they find the answer or get you to the person who can answer it without bouncing you around like a ping pong ball to 10,000 people just to get the answer to "restart your computer and it will all work again". I thank you for that because it is a tremendous time and life saver.

My experience with this department has been great. They are friendly, helpful, and respond promptly.

Overall I've had a pleasant experience using UITS services.

Zoom has been reliable while I work at home. I don't feel like I'm made aware of updates leading up to, or after the updates. The updates have all been helpful, but I've usually had to spend more time than I need to troubleshooting small issues that arise with updates.

The Box Migration happened during a really inopportune time. The beginning of the year was extremely stressful, and the migration happening at that time added stress unnecessarily.

Every experience I had with UITS has been positive. My one criticism is that in April/May, response times were slow, but that's understandable with everybody transitioning to working from home.

In my job (IU Press) I receive many complaints about the Buy.IU interface and difficulty of navigation (especially for individuals who must register as suppliers), but personally I haven't had any issues with it. If possible, I think some kind of reform should be made to make the site more accessible to individuals who need a one-time payment for their professional services.

I've enjoyed working with the individuals who set up, install and deliver software/hardware

My experience is almost 100% satisfaction; rarely does my IT question get unresolved. I've been here

3.5 years, and I have been VERY pleased!

When I contact my UITS staff in Bryan Hall, they are always professional, courteous, answer all of my questions, and then they ask me if there is anything else they can do for me or do I have questions about their visit.

I always begin with Knowledge Base when I have a question, and usually that answers it.

I've had positive experiences with UITS staff overall. They've been friendly enough, attentive to needs, and knowledgeable.

My interactions with UITS have always been positive.

 UITS response is typically fast. However I often get confused with UITS and my school IT services, not fully understanding who to contact when, what emails are important, etc.

I would say about half of the time when I call in, it is helpful. Sometimes I just get referred to KB or to my unit's IT pro.

I thought the roll out of Teams, etc. was done poorly. No one seems to know how to use it including our IT. It seems like whenever some new technology or update is done, we are just expected to figure it out while we try to continue to do our jobs.

On-site IT services for staff in my building are responsive, helpful, and polite.

Outstanding service and professional and polite service.

I feel neutral about UITS and have no suggestions for new services or improvements.

All positive experiences.

Recommendations: find a replacement for FootPrints. Maybe consider something like Freshdesk.

I have no complaints at this time.

UITS staff has always been very helpful and responses address my questions and concerns quickly and efficiently.


The IIDC technology staff are awesome. I do not have any recommendations for improvement for the services they provide.

Overall I believe UITS provides superior support and services. As we see instructional modalities continuing to shift to a combination -- in-person, hybrid, and online -- it will be imperative that IU and IUB find ways to ensure those who are negatively impacted by the digital divide receive assistance.

I will say that since we have moved to Tech Select, I have been quite impressed with the way that Tech Select has taken on its role and working to fix our needs quickly and efficiently. I have had several problems, and they have taken care of them in a very professional and timely manner.

The biggest problem we had this year was the migration to IU print service. It gave us a lot of headaches for a few days, but this was not a problem Tech Select; it was the printing service.

In general UITS support staff is very helpful. I prefer to call support rather than email because I think it can be easier to work through a tech issue. Perhaps there could be a way to have a "call back" system so you don't have to wait on hold for a long time when call volume is high. But I've always been satisfied with staff even if I've been waiting. If the classroom support IT people are also someone I can evaluate in my comments, I would like to give them rave reviews. I've dealt with one person in particular, [IRD], who has been exceedingly helpful and willing to accommodate.

I'm not sure if this is part of UITS purview, but there is one frustrating thing that happens with university computers, where you get a notification saying your computer is going to restart in X number of minutes, and you can either snooze (which doesn't push the restart back) or restart right away. Totally understand the need to update the computer, but it seems a little aggressive to not be able to postpone.

I have been at IU for 35 plus years. I have never had an unsatisfying call to the help line. (5-6789) In addition the IT team within my department is excellent in maintaining and making sure that I have the IT needs- hardware and software--that I need to fulfill the IU and departmental mission. Thank you very much!

Regarding the focus group question. I don't think I am tech savvy enough to assist in that regard.

Things change so quickly it's challenging to keep up with it all and remain efficient.

The knowledge base is a fantastic resource. IT Chat has been very helpful in the past, as well.

One concern that was brought up just this week was the migration of Email. This is taking place right as classes are starting, and it would have helped if it had taken place prior to the semester starting. Also, my Director and Ast. Director are being migrated this week while I am not. So now our calendar sharing function will not work correctly until my migration takes place. Better planning of office wide accounts taking place together would have been helpful.

I was a bit disappointed by the confusion surrounding the exchange migration. Our departmental IT person had to send three separate follow-up emails with extra information with details of how we needed to make the migration happen. It was pretty technical stuff, and I was surprised by the lack of institutional support.

I feel like UITS shares information via e-mails very well. I feel informed.

The migration away from Box has introduced significant workload for our research center this year. We appreciate the support we have found, but could use more. Training for staff on Google Drive, best practices for organizing our folder structure in Drive, and a dedicated point person we could contact specifically about the migration would all be/have been very useful for us. These resources might exist, but we have had difficulty finding them.

Always have positive experiences working with [IRD] and [IRD]on renovations of spaces. They are great!

Interactions with staff are always productive. They go above and beyond to help in any way they can. They don't mind clarifying details or working through follow-up questions (simple or difficult). Even more importantly, I appreciate that they never seem condescending or exasperated. It has to be a tough job, so kudos to the frontline staff. We're lucky to have them.

Improvements: I wish more attention and training would be given to how software interacts across systems. For example, we are beginning to use Microsoft Teams, but we find limitations for our department. Not enough in-depth training about how to manage our data so files aren't duplicated on our server vs. One Drive, etc. IU Office 365 seems to have programs like Microsoft Project, Whiteboard, etc., but our department doesn't seem to be able to access many of those programs.

I have always had positive, helpful, and timely responses from UITS.

As we have moved to many online video and shared file storage platforms, training in these areas have been limited prior to rollout. Our organization is working to catch up.

For the love of all things good, the loss of productivity and time due to the Box migration into the land of the Wild, Wild, West of Microsoft and Google could have paid to keep Box a part of our file storage and collaboration for the next several years. This is our department's number one nightmare - aside from COVID issues, if that tells you how disruptive it has been.

Something that our dept would find helpful would be to make sure all LSP's and Support Services are fully aware and trained in any upcoming change, and then an email to us users could be 'dumb- downed' a bit for those of us who do not know the lingo. Some emails make it sound like we need to do something right away, but it doesn't always apply to each person so better explanations would be ideal. Thanks!

One suggestion would be someone in UITS with expertise with Macs.

All in person and email communications have been very helpful. Sometimes working on the work PC, needing admin help for common programs like adobe acrobat, Microsoft, skype/Lync, and printer drivers gets to be a little tedious. It would be great when setting up the new machines to have all those and other common programs listed as to-dos for the turn over cycles.

Every interaction I have had with UITS staff and services has been positive. Staff reply promptly to help resolve any issues or answer questions. If the issue is complex, there is always willingness to chat over phone or Zoom. The only exception to this is TechSelect. They are slow to respond, and it often takes a manger or director to contact them to "light a fire".

The decision to migrate to different platforms--for example IU Box, and IU email migration was done with no concern for how it would be disruptive to the people who use those tools.

The process to purchase software in the School of Education is very time consuming and a waste of time for all involved. The $120 upgrade I recently purchased was paid with the p-card after weeks of waiting for multiple approvals.

Wouldn't know what to do without UITS!!! Very thankful for all that help us!

Our IT support group is always very helpful and knowledgeable.

I've had very positive experiences with support during the transition to work from home.

However, I'm very, very frustrated with the transition away from Box. I feel like the timeline and messaging have been confusing, and we are being left without a truly equivalent replacement.

I am 100% pleased with my UITS interactions. I commend them for all the work helping us staff during the pandemic!

Though our school has embedded UITS support, I find that when I have issues it's much easier/faster to call 5-6789. The folks that work that support line are amazing. I've only had one or two times over the years where the person wasn't helpful or was short. Mainly I know I can call that number and the folks will really listen and try to help me.

Because our school has instituted tighter data controls than the University as a whole, I often struggle trying to do my collaborative work with others. It is very frustrating because the policy put in place does not allow for my work to be done in a satisfactory manner.

Well first off you all do a great job of keeping us up and running, especially during COVID. Kudos to all your efforts.

But really, during one of the most challenging times we have ever faced at IU, that's when UITS decides to move everyone out of Box and then to top it off, ask us to start using Microsoft Teams. It would have been very thoughtful if those quite disruptive moves could have been postponed for a year while we adjusted to this new way of teaching and learning.

Losing Box was not pleasant. I am still not satisfied with the replacement options and no guarantee that IU will not jump ship to another vendor next week.

I know the project work load appears very heavy right now and maybe at the worst time for that work load to be higher. With that said I feel the UITS Tier 2 response has still been very good, professional, and making every effort to keep things moving along.

The one improvement I would like to see is the continued efforts to provide IT Pros with project communications. For Example I feel the IUSecure wireless retirement and the transition to Eduroam could have been better. I know less people are using the wireless networks but even more reason to have communications about that service. With many IT Pros remote we are not always experiencing the same services as those that may be on campus. I feel the overall communications from Campus Network could be improved.

I have only had good interactions with UITS. I work remotely, and I lose connection to my desktop while on my laptop from home. This is usually something that happens regularly every day. There is nothing further to report.

I believe UITS does an excellent job! Every time I contact a UITS representative, the service is extremely helpful!

They have been very helpful and polite when I've had a need.

I have had almost all positive experiences with UITS! They are very helpful. I am still using a very old version of WCMS to edit my departmental website, and it's not even supported anymore by anyone so it can be super hard to get help with it. I basically had to find one person who will help me from time to time from IU Studios, and she is nice enough not to charge me for small questions, but it is very challenging. I know the College of Arts and Sciences is working on migrating everyone, but it seems like they don't have enough time or staff to do it very quickly.

I have generally have good experiences with UITS, though most of my IT interactions are through CITO. I think you've all done a phenomenal job in supporting us through a very difficult time moving to a virtual campus. I do, however, wish that there had been more instruction/guidance on the changeover from Box; my group did not use institutional storage beforehand, so trying to navigate and understand what our options are and what to choose has been a little frustrating. Still, I have a couple people from UITS/CITO helping me try to learn the systems and determine the best choice. It does help to have LinkedIn Learning available, since sometimes the UITS training options are few and far between for the topics I need.

Know what you want in the first round of development; you may never get another.

The chat with a UITS staff member function was very helpful when I was troubleshooting Canvas issues. They provided helpful advice; however, once our conversation was complete and the issue was marked resolved, our chat disappeared. I was not expecting that to occur so I was unable to save the instructions they provided to reference at a later time. This is something that I would recommend is changed so that the chat Box does not automatically close once the issue is marked as resolved.

I have no concerns or issues and have only had positive experiences with UITS staff in terms of service. The IT Staff with IU Athletics department is superior in terms of availability, service, and professionalism. Thankful to work alongside such knowledgeable and caring personnel.


I normally resolve computer issues with my department's IT department, but I occasionally access help from UITS. They have always been courteous and helpful.

Always have positive interaction with UITS staff when I call for support.

Concerns over the migration to Microsoft 365 for email. I haven't had to deal with it yet, but staff and faculty have.

It's not very easy to do on own--need assistance from our IT people to get it to work. Bad time of semester to migrate given emails were not working and needed to make contact and do Zoom meetings.

We are going through this email migration process currently, and it has been a pain. Our office is extremely busy right now, and due to the changing of emails, it took down our skype and therefore our ability to answer calls. Not everyone is tech savvy and doesn't understand what we need to do.


I have not had to contact UITS in a very long time. Appreciate that you are there if needed, though.

All of my previous interactions with the CITO staff have been good. The personnel are very responsive, knowledgeable, and able to fix whatever problems I have had in the past.

TechSelect needs to be more responsive to phone calls or emails. Emergencies are treated almost the same as routine questions, instead of being highly prioritized and quickly resolved.

It seems UITS has been rolling out new processes (Office 365/Exchange Online) while most of us have been working from home due to Covid. This has led to confusion among staff who aren't always the most tech savvy. It would have been nice if additional instruction had been given besides saying your local IT person will help.

The folks with SCT2, the SCCM team, & IUB DNS Admins are great to work with. Whether I'm looking for assistance with accounts, DNS, SCCM or just have the random issue, they are polite & professional.

None at this time.

I deal with them when they need to do work on servers at our houses. It always goes well.

Is it VPIT or UITS? What should ya'all be called?

The Finance office folks are very nice. And, the people who've helped me from TechSelect are also very pleasant.ADVICE: Some of your TechSelect folks are about to burnout. They need more staff to carry the load. Please get HR exception and hire more people. The ones left are struggling. (My unit gets exception approval frequently. It can be done.) DATA WAREHOUSE: I need clear instructions on how to access the data. It would be nice to start putting out info to help people since many people are now trying to create in programs like Power BI.

I miss having free access to Lynda.com. So many options and levels.

Love my Adobe software, but I checked that option in the survey somewhat low because of it being in the Cloud. I'm old and feel more comfortable with something more concrete than a cloud. In the same vein, I'm missing my IU Box Sync . . . especially now that I'm working from home with a slower Internet service. Searching for images in the Cloud was excruciatingly slow! I prefer having my files on my computer (can view and find images quickly) and the Cloud being my backup. And, that IU Box Sync backed up my files automatically was a dream. I'm operating similarly with my Google Drive account: files on computer--except that I have to remember to back up the files, which isn't always dependable. This system also won't work well if and when I return to the office and need office and home computers with the same files. Maybe I can retire before then! My department required that some files be put on MS 0365 account, but it doesn't work well. I can't copy up files from my computer, but I did find that I can copy them from my Google Drive account to the 0365 account.

I use Mac Mail, but appreciate having access to OWA to set out-of-office messages.

I understand that IU had to leave Box for financial reasons.. and I am sure UITS is aware of the cost in terms of person hours to make that change themselves - but for the record, this has cost our group a lot of time (= money) as well to transfer, rearrange, retrain etc. to TWO new systems.

Pretty pleased with the stability of our video platforms. The transition away from Box for document sharing and storage has been problematic

Everyone is helpful, professional and positive.

I have not had any negative experiences with UITS.

I think OnBase could use some upgrades; I don't like how it times out after few minutes of not being in use, lets you do everything, and when you get to save gives you an error. This is only one issue of many I have noticed.


I keep losing my secure signature in Outlook during power outages and surges. Am not sure what to access to get this back.

I've always had great experiences with UITS. They swoop in in my moment of desperate need and then *poof*, problem solved.

I appreciate the educational efforts UITS has put forward during the pandemic. The videos and tutorials on how to use Zoom, etc., have been very helpful. My only complaint is unrelated; when there are outages, it is often quite a while before they are reported on the UITS status page.

This is in response to the question below about participating in the UITS focus group. I just want to say I do work remotely. So anything I could help with from home I would be willing.

The majority of my interactions with IT at IU are with EITS. The professionals in that department are

excellent stewards of my individual tech needs and the needs of the office in which I work. No complaints or recommendations for improvement!

We rarely interact directly with UITS staff because over many decades at our lab we either had IT people or worked with RSTS or now Tech Select.

My biggest complaint over the years has been that UITS encourages safe practices to best avoid loss of data & privacy yet encourages the use of Google services, when Google is the biggest criminal organization involved in such information theft on the planet!

I have always had excellent interactions and support from our IT professionals. Timely resolution of issues and quick turnaround on requests.

I have had almost entirely excellent experiences with UITS support staff over the phone. So much better than the vast majority of technical support offered by most companies. Even when I have stumped the person with my problem initially, they have been patient and well-resourced to dig deeper and find an issue, and they're not condescending. I think the whole team who is answering calls should be celebrated.

The only thing I can think of right now is that there should be more locations for getting the token for logging on to your email or other IU sites. A lot of my staff don't use computers on a regular basis. So, they either misplace or lose their token and then have to go to the Library to get another one. We have a UITS computer lab here in the IMU, and it would make it easier to for them to get a token here.

Offering more classes on computer basics would be helpful.

I appreciate the complexity of maintaining a secure network with the diversity of needs across the IU campuses. However, the customer service interactions generally are bad, and the failure of UITS to understand its roll generally as a supporting unit and instead drives processes that it does not own. The lack of problem solving and innovative thinking I've observed from my UITS interactions is disappointing. Instead, the response I get are rigid and condescending. The technology that I use should support the work that I do; the work I do should not support the technology. Often it feels like the tail is wagging the dog.

UITS has helped with getting students through creating a guest account for Canvas and quickly answering questions that the students have had for the classes I teach. They are quick and help out, quicker than I can get back with students, and the problem has been solved and students share it took a matter of minutes.

I have participated in the IU Online annual trainings, and I am grateful for those, and it helps me to stay up to date on current trends, best practices, and all with technology.

UITS help to educate and keep me up to date as well on Phishing to keep me and the university and students safe. I am very thankful for these reminders, updates, tests, and communications.

The one continuing frustration we have is the 24 hour wait period between a student creating the IU IT account and being able to login with that information. Our program works with high school students, and it would work best if they didn't have this delay.

I have never had a negative interaction, I have had to wait a few days for a response a couple of times, but understand that instant responses are not always possible, especially with our current work environment.

I really liked Box and how it was so easy to organize and share files with my coworkers and keep things nice and tidy. We have not figured out a way to access and organize things as easily in One Drive.

Your job is not easy, as you deal with lots of "issues" and time constraints, but you are appreciated!

Lack of good Linux/Unix workstation support. 90% of my tasks require this, so I end up running two machines to run the mandated Microsoft Software.

Red Desktop is wonderful! Best computing interface - easy for everyone. IU Anywhere is getting better. Wish there was a brief description or link to a page that quickly describes the purpose of the installed applications - something like IUware. Also it would be GREAT if IU added Globus connectivity for Google Drive ( Globus Google Drive Connector).

I will first say that every person at UITS I have interacted with has been friendly and helpful. My only negative is that the SSSP approval process is unpredictable--sometimes almost instant, and sometimes a few months. The process seems like a "black Box" and it's difficult to know what is happening with a request, why it's delayed, etc.

My only thought is that there have been a lot of changes recently that have been even more complicated because we are working from home. Things like moving from Box to Teams or migrating to a new email provider may seem like they are simple steps for us to complete, but it is just harder and more complicated with us working from home and not meeting as we normally would. Hopefully these changes will make next year easier and less cumbersome. I will say, I do enjoy the use of teams more than Box!

Generally very satisfied with IT support and services, although too many system replacements/upgrades where little or no notice given and glitches in productivity result due to either inadequate testing before implementation or lack of adequate explanations to prepare users for uninterrupted services. It would be great if central offices better engaged the university community in

plans for these type of upgrades/revisions, particularly in the realm of administrative systems.

Maybe this resource exists and I just haven't come across it, but it's become very confusing to understand the differences between, and intersections or overlaps among, OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint, IU Google Drive, OneNote. Frankly, at least part of the difficulty is due to confusing rollout processes which never seemed to explain the latter factors, and the subsequent conflagration of seemingly competing storage and information management options; which explains why I mentioned OneNote above: the new Teams and other software seem to overlap with previously available software, which made it additionally difficult to understand what software to use for what. All too often the answer seems to be, "Talk with your unit's tech support." This is a legitimate referral, of course, but it's inadequate. UITS could do a better job of contextualizing apps, sites, and related features in relation to other apps, sites, and related features. It isn't enough to just provide a brief description or a few isolated, siloed bullet points of features of a given app.

As I went thru the survey I noticed there are services I didn't even know existed; for example, apparently I can somehow create a personal webpage and have it on the IU server? I subscribe to The Monitor but rarely read much of it because there just isn't much there and it's boring to look at. Wouldn't The Monitor be a great place to make people aware of services like the ability to create your own website thru IU services? I also wasn't aware there is a Report Phishing Outlook plugin, and when I did a Google search for it nothing helpful came up. (Is the Knowledge Base mapped in Google?? Whether UITS likes it or not, I think most people go to Google, and fewer people think to go to Knowledge Base search.)

By the way, Tableau is god-awful. It's too complex, too big, too difficult to use and navigate. I would love to look up how many students changed majors and to what in a given chunk of time, or what the average GPA arch is for students in major X or Y after they transfer in to IU; but I'm not a data miner, nor is it my job to be. It isn't enough to supply a bunch of data. There need to be infinitely easier ways for staff and faculty to simply ask for certain institutional data and be supplied with the answer or information, instead of being told, "Go to this very dense and complicated data site or Tableau object and find it yourself." And I don't think lobbing that one to unit IT is the answer. They have their hands full already.

Generally, really good service and UITS staff. No problem and everyone is reactive.

It would be good to have an option/explanation on how to share easily calendars between IU Outlook, IU Gmail calendar, and external Gmail/Outlook calendar. It is confusing and complicated.

The past year and semester was full of positive experiences with UITS staff. I work in the IMU with meeting services, and with the implementation of academic classes in the building, my staff called upon UITS staff to help with tech issues in the classroom. They were quick to respond and help us get and keep the classes running smoothly. It was simple to get into contact with someone, know when they could make it to the building, and know that the issue was going to be fixed. Thank you UITS Staff!

I have always been impressed by the friendless of every interaction I've had with UITS staff. I am starting my 3rd year here as an IU Bloomington employee, and I know that I have not even scratched the surface of the resources and benefits you guys have to offer. I know it's on me to take the time and do the research on your website to see what's available. So I'd say, anything you can do to make

digesting all the stuff you guys do and have to offer for staff would be helpful for slackers like me.

I'm not sure if TechSelect should be included here? When I have submitted a ticket and used their services, I have been extremely satisfied, pre- and post- pandemic.

Regarding managing technology remotely, I have felt out on my own. I've had to study KB and other resources to educate and troubleshoot for myself (I'm still not sure I'm receiving updates for my computer - there's no WIFI servicing the area so I don't always connect to VPN, does this matter? Not sure. Who do I ask?). Microsoft Storage/ Microsoft Secure Storage start up and implementation has seemed a bit confusing, and I know Outlook Exchange is coming, so Microsoft Teams will need to be learned.

I search through the Monitor for info, not always knowing if it is applicable to me. The targeted emails have been the best.

While I'm sure there are many things that UITS does very very well, all I can think about is how frequently the UITS-owned printers have issues, and how poor the UITS assistance is when this happens.

I had a positive interaction with UITS staff today when I called the help desk for questions on the exchange migration.

it's difficult to get things done as needed without in-person visits.

I was wondering if it is possible to get an institutional license for Overleaf, which is a collaborative LaTeX writer. I noticed that both the Luddy School and Purdue have such licenses.

I have never fully understood the costs associated with services provided by UITS, especially as they involve researchers. How are researchers and/or their academic units expected to pay for services that should be at the core of what UITS provides? The services provided by UITS are extremely hard to understand. A lot of technical talk, but practical, on the ground application to researchers is severely lacking.

The UITS help desk (5-6789) is always extremely helpful. They are able to provide guidance in a timely manner.

I don't have any negative experiences really; however, I have had a security review that has been in- process for a year with very little updates. I can't imagine how many security reviews there are, but I do think if there was a place where users could log in and see the status easily that might be beneficial (especially if you need additional information).

More autonomy in terms of the individual computer and email account usage would be highly appreciated.

More Wifi outdoors around campus.

My experiences with UITS (and/or AIT) staff have always been positive. There was some confusion when I initially brought my entire work set-up home about how UITS could support me remotely, but I brought my computer to the UITS building so the issue could be fixed.

Wow. Didn't realize UITS's reach until completing this survey! I have some small grumbles about the way things work/don't work well, such as: recently, the asymptomatic testing registration site said there were no available appointments (for the entire week of January 25), which just seems unbelievable. I wish there was a reason why there were no appointments.

I miss Box. I don't like OneDrive. It's not easy to figure out and/or share files with colleagues. Perhaps it'll take time to adjust to it. Box was intuitive; OneDrive hasn't been, so far. Further, once I set up OneDrive, every time I want to save a file, the "recent locations" pop-up Box defaults to a small subset of these OneDrive file locations, not the usual ones on the LAN. It's extra clicking just to put files where my department stores them.

There's been a lot of technology changes. You've tried to break down the changes step-by-step and explain why changes are happening, which has been helpful. It's still annoying, though (because of the pandemic conditions). I'm never really sure I've done things correctly. For example, I think I did the Outlook thing last week, but now I can't see the preview out of office messages from colleagues like I used to.

Several of the services that I use daily have been inconsistent in the work-from-home environment.

I'm one of those people who doesn't care about technology until it doesn't work. Alternately, I just want it to work without the hassle. I think UITS does a very good job. Whenever I have trouble and call the help line I always get terrific help. The one thing I find less useful is the knowledge base, which rarely answers my questions or helps me. So, I get a little frustrated when I'm directed to it.

Whenever I had computing issues that required assistance, I was helped quickly by UITS staff.

Overall, excellent support and services. Migration from Box to MS / Google was (and still is) extremely confusing and expected too much of end users. Communications around the migration to Exchange Online could have been better. Several of my peers missed the emails entirely and were shocked when their email wouldn't work on their computer or phone.

I am VERY disappointed with the way that Karst was decommissioned! The named replacement system was not ready when the licensing for Karst ran out. So, while I was waiting for information on the replacement system, there was NO communication with users about the status of Karst or its replacement and what to do. Really poor planning and communication on UITS' part!

Sometimes it's annoying to return to my desktop and find it's been reset overnight while I had procedures running in the background or a number of projects open.

So far, I have nothing but good things to say. Our reps at Tech Select are awesome. Christian and James both are helpful, and [IRD] has really helped me out a lot while working from home.

The knowledge base guidance on what web hosting or file sharing services should be used for which level of data classification (i.e. restricted, critical, etc.) needs to be standardized and improved.

For example, there are UITS training materials on their website that say that none of the IU-provided sharing services (Sharepoint, Teams, etc) should be used for work file even if they're non-restricted. That's contradicted by the knowledge base article about them.

A year or two ago, our center tried to contact IU data stewards to receive guidance on what web hosting services at IU were suitable for hosting a web application that collected restricted data. No one was willing to give us a clear answer other than "use Redcap" as they did not know enough about other IU systems to feel comfortable giving advice. There was no authority at IU that we could find to give a direct answer on this problem.

Our IT folks are amazing - patient and responsive despite having a significant amount added to their workload since COVID and needing to adjust to remote mgt.

I don't typically have communications with UITS except more recently due to completing the Software and Services Selection Process, which I'm not a fan of even though I understand some of the benefits for UITS and Purchasing. For me and my colleagues, it's just another speed bump, when there are some purchases we can't anticipate needing until we discover we need it and are on a tight deadline to get our deliverables for external sponsors completed.

I am very satisfied with UITS' level of service and expertise.

I always have to hunt for how to report IT security issues along with when I should report them. I didn't know there were tools to do this. Maybe I just haven't checked out UITS' new website lately??

All positive experiences

My only issues have been in determining who to contact at the various enterprise teams to get a new ticket started or to get my issue addressed in a timely manner.

Staff have always been friendly and helpful when I've called with an issue. One complaint I do have is the Knowledge Base website. It's very difficult to navigate, and I don't like how all steps for every method are listed on one page. I wish, for example, there was a button you could push for PC or one for Apple, or one for Firefox vs. Explorer. It's very wordy, too, and hard to understand for folks who aren't familiar with computers. When someone says "just look at the Knowledge Base" I know I'm in for 30-45 minutes of digging before I find my answer.

I can't recall having any negative interactions with UITS. In my experience, UITS has consistently provided prompt and effective assistance.

I am having continued issues with shared drives not connecting to my Surface laptop while working from home.

I would like to know why IU Google doesn't support a paid student subscription. I have tried to sign up for the student discount from YouTube, but Google says the IU organization does not allow for payment options. This is inconvenient, as I have to pay full price for the subscription even though

YouTube is a common resource for academics.

Knowledgebase support has been great for the most part. CAITS support have been confusing due to different instructions regards to how to submit the request (i.e. ticket system vs direct e-mail to respondent) and the time it takes to resolve the issue due to lack of supporting staff.

Always a great experience, and they are always kind and successful. Thank you so much

It's always been good.

I have always had positive help with UITS when I have called for help.

So far so good

I work with [IRD] and {IRD] on occasion to plan fiber installs to various buildings. They are always eager to meet and discuss potential paths to get service to the building. They are a pleasure to work with.

great service

My interactions with UITS has been routine and positive.

IU Mail works most of the time. Too many damn phishing tests. Jeez, do these highly paid admins have nothing better to do?

I haven't really needed to interact with UITS staff/services. The VPN worked great for the couple of months I was wfh, but now that I'm back in the office I haven't had need to interact much.

My biggest pain point was getting a new Mac laptop set up during the pandemic. It required nearly two hours in person with the TechSelect person getting everything configured. It seems like there has to be a better way to get everything installed and configured, with just a verification in person that everything looks good and physical handoff.

I have had nothing but negative experience with UITS/Tech Select in the past year. A more convoluted, impractical, and unfriendly system for solving issues I have rarely seen. No one seems to know how to get questions answered; workers assigned to my issue often do not have the appropriate permissions to fix the problem at hand. Re-think this awful Tech Select model because it isn't working.

UITS is very good at quickly responding to me when I need help. I do wish they would clarify the difference between an email with @iu vs @indiana. I used to think they were interchangeable but perhaps they are not.

Integrating IU Google forms has been somewhat challenging - some students were not familiar how/where to login prior the access or how to switch between personal Google and IU Google.

I wish that whoever makes these decisions in UITS would take some time before simply dropping (with essentially NO notice) applications or platforms used by faculty. The situation with Piazza - it's going to disappear; no it's not; yes it is) is unconscionable. I realize that the decision was about cost and data privacy, but dithering like that is simply inappropriate. And the migration to Outlook 365 was also very poorly planned, with long waits on the phone for help.

Most of my questions have been answered. Only a few in the past year that UITS could not, due to it being a Microsoft or personal PC issue.


I have had many positive interactions, especially when I have needed to connect our advocates (who are retired faculty and may not be as computer savvy) to UITS for assistance. Challenges have included being disconnected or having problems and getting back in touch with the original person I spoke with...especially this summer when I was having trouble with a new laptop that was provided by IU but wasn't set up to access any IU systems. That said, we were in the midst of a pandemic--nothing was usual and I understand this!

UITS staff have always seemed knowledegable when responding to concerns in our building.

In my particular circumstances, COVID 19 has greatly impacted my interactions with UITS services. I will complete the survey, but note that my experience over the past year has been greatly decreased and is not typical of my normal circumstances.

I do not have any problems.

Always helpful

UITS was able to assist me with getting a mifi remote internet Verizon jetpack, so I can successfully work remotely with decent internet.

UITS staff have always been enormously helpful- even when I come to them with the most basic issues. I've never had a concerning interaction with any staff member.

My overall experience with UITS is very positive, and the people in the group tend to be top-notch. However, as an IT-Pro one of my biggest concerns is the degradation in response times for SCT2 (sct2@iu.edu). I get the impression this group is understaffed, and I have seen response times slow to a crawl over the past year. I want to emphasize that my interactions with individual people on the back side of SCT2 are generally very positive, but the time to get an initial response to email queries can be several weeks, which is frustrating.

I think UITS is wonderful. It would be better if [IRD] was still working there, though.

I have had all good interactions with UITS staff and services. I have no recommendations at this time.

In the SoE, our IT support is called ETS. I'm not sure they are directly UITS staff.

I would like to see IU adopt Power BI online services as a next step in Microsoft products available for departmental or enterprise use.

I have always had positive interaction with UITS staff when completing work orders. Very helpful and punctual.

I really appreciate the live chat function, as I can multitask with meetings and/or teaching while I am trying to assess my concern.

Overall, I am pleased with my experience. However, I wish IU would have chosen ONE path for all of us to migrate to either Google or OneDrive. It is hard with multiple choices.

I also, seemingly randomly, lost access to my exchange webpage; I do not recall getting an email that this would not be supported and was in a bit of a pickle when I could not access my email anymore.

The UITS staff has always been helpful when I have used their services. I appreciate the resources they provide and the helpful guides on their websites, particularly the tips and tricks tech guide that

makes finding resources easy.

I've had nothing but positive interactions when UITS was needed.

In my position, I don't interact or need UITS often.

My biggest concern is that the service is inconsistent; I have had times when UITS was very prompt and effective in resolving my issue/problem. At other times, I am transferred between more than one person and - even after all of that - the issue is not resolved. Greater consistency in quality of service would make my overall experience with UITS very positive.

Most of my experiences have been with UITS staff that work in the O'Neill building. They are all fantastic. I have also worked with UITS staff to get help with getting locked out of my account on a regular basis.

When I started working remotely from home when the Pandemic started, I had abundant help from UITS setting up my computer and my connections.

[IRD] is a pleasure to work with. He has great customer service skills and he is willing to educate me along the way. What an asset to have as part of your team!

I try to avoid interacting with UITS as both an individual user of services and on behalf of research projects I manage. It seems the first response is always the user must be an idiot and doesn't know what they are talking about/reporting, followed by an admission that there was a problem but it can't be resolved by UITS and the user needs to do a LOT of manual fixes. Despite the seemingly good advance preparation for the migration from Box to OneDrive or Google, the migration was not smooth. For all of the dozens of shared Box folders I owned, NONE of the shared permissions migrated; and yet I received a report that the migration was successful and shared permissions were transferred. When I started receiving emails from people who could no longer access the folders, I reported it to UITS. The first response was condescending and gave me instructions for accessing the excel report that I had referenced in my help request. The second response was giving me instructions to give to the people with shared permissions on how to access the shared folders -- basically, another "the end user is at fault" assumption. Finally, on the third go-round, UITS staff acknowledged that I wasn't an idiot, and others were also reporting problems with the migration of shared permissions. The solution offered was for me to go through the excel report and reshare folders with all the previous users, or wait for them to complain and then share. There was no acknowledgment that the migration was botched, and no explanation for why the reports said that these permissions were transferred. So when UITS started rolling out the migration of Exchange accounts to Exchange Online, I knew to expect problems. Three years ago when I switched mobile phone providers, I started getting mail delivery system notices of non-deliverable messages to my AT&T account that no longer exists. Despite months of investigation by our local IT support personnel, this problem couldn't be resolved, and I continue to receive almost daily non-delivery messages. Expecting problems with the switch to Exchange Online, I used Exchange ActiveSync to connect my iOS phone to my Exchange account to test that it works-- I lost contact information (just phone numbers remained) for a handful of important contacts. Our local IT support staff couldn't explain/resolve the problem, so I deleted the account. When I actually migrated and was forced to configure my phone for Exchange Online, the same thing happened. I figured it would be a trip down the rabbit hole to contact UITS for help, so I'm still finding partial contact info and recreating the contacts. Unfortunately, notes on some of these contacts that were added over several years are permanently lost. I've also had experience with information security office reviews of vendor's data collection platforms conducted prior to finalizing contracts. No complaints about the professionalism of the staff and the thoroughness of the reviews, but these reviews caused a 4-mo delay in launching a study, even when no IU data was being transmitted -- the plan called for us to receive subject data collected into the vendor systems and then downloaded into secure data environments at IU for our researchers to analyze. My overall impression of UITS is that a lot of time and resources are spent on changing systems for back-end efficiencies with little apparent improvements in functionality for the end-user. When these system changes result in problems for the end-user (me), I'm not a happy camper.

Very quick responses.

UITS has been great to me. Every. Single. Time. Thank you!

Most of my experiences with UITS staff have been very professional and effective.

IT help is wonderful. However, many, many of the software applications are awful. One big, expensive one is Buy.IU.

For individual issues, I've had good experiences with technical support, although during the recent Exchange migration, it was impossible to get through on the phone, and I ended up being helped by CITO. It appeared they weren't well prepared for what to expect, which could point to a need for better communication between UITS and its campus partners. More generally for users, the relationship between UITS and CITO isn't clear, and UITS seems like such a huge organization that it can be hard to understand who does what if you have a problem that goes beyond individual user issues.

Kudos to IT Connections. It's my favorite campus newsletter. The stories are interesting even when I don't personally know the people involved.

My interactions with UITS staff have all been positive. Even when I am making bonehead mistakes, they are kind and patient and helpful.

Response time is improving greatly.

All positive experiences. Personnel have been very nice and helpful.

UITS has always been a great help.

They were able to help when I called with a problem.

When we had in-house UITS staff at the Student Health Center, I had excellent experiences with their responsiveness and assistance. Now that I have to file a ticket, wait for someone to contact me, and coordinate a time to work together remotely (or have them come over), it is much less convenient and is much more difficult to access assistance.

ICT2 support team is responsive, which is appreciated.

Box transition was well advertised, but the confusion introduced by the mix of OneDrive, SharePoint, and the entanglement of the MS suite is frustrating to end-users, who are often seeking/expecting solutions from the account owners. Especially frustrating to group accounts nestled within UITS ownership due to data security.

The knowledge base is extremely helpful and I reference it quite often in my work. When I find faculty who want a bit more specific help, I can go to the knowledge base, learn how to do a task, and the relay it back - so very helpful!

The switch from Box happened at a seemingly inconvenient time, but now that instructors have automatic access through IU to GoogleDrive, the timing was actually great. The GoogleDrive works well with Canvas, and the fact that IU had already started that switch made working with instructors on integrating documents from their drive into Canvas much easier! You provided so many helps and webinars preparing everyone for the switch, that at least on our end, it seemed to go over very smoothly and no one was surprised. Well done!

I have not directly interacted with any UITS staff that I am aware of.

None at this time

I haven't had any interaction with the UITS staff.

Most of my experiences have been positive. There have been only one or two times when there seemed to be a delay in getting a hold of someone by phone.

I have had nothing but positive experiences. Thank you for the help, it's greatly appreciated.

Excessively confident and empty messaging largely in contrast to the much more frustrating reality of how various things like migrations (Exchange Online, Box, etc.) actually roll out. It's definitely very difficult to anticipate details and potential problems, even ones one might reasonably expect to be anticipated, but one might wish for the triumphant language of the messaging to stop. When the reality is not so triumphant, it perhaps doesn't help? But I also want to say thank you for all the tireless work that individuals must have put in to help with the increased tech-reliance due to COVID - it must have been an enormous undertaking — very grateful. (Please do not extract that one sentence for quotation, thank you.)

Advocating same message for years: hire more staff and pay them what they are worth. Working harder and with less staff is taking its toll. UITS promotes tools such as JAmf and SCCM with very little back end support in real time.

I have had positive and negative experiences with UITS. I have had people that would go the extra mile and not give up until the problem was solved even if they had to go further or to someone else to obtain the answer. And I have had combative reps that want me off the chat.

My experiences are typically limited to the Exec IT team.


Our biology technical support staff in the Biology building is fantastic! Always knowledgeable and beyond helpful! [IRD] and [IRD] are the best!

The migration from IUBox was really disruptive and frustrating. I understand this change was to save money but the time spent by our lab ensuring we didn't lose any files in the transfer was significant. If this happened across the entire campus, I wouldn't be surprised if the time lost to this task cost more than the new storage system.

My interactions with UITS staff have been great; they are helpful and kind.

The switch to office 365 sucks, as my computer did not accept it, and I spent way too much time

getting a loaner, and everything was hard to set up without tech help in person. I was very frustrated, even with their help, after I got home and had issues.

I love the Knowledge Base. It's not perfect--sometimes I can't find what I need or the wording isn't super clear--but most of the times it has exactly what I need in easy-to-digest language. Keep up the great work!

I also think communications from UITS have been great. Particular examples are your handling of the Zoom security changes, the Box retirement, and the Outlook migration. Status.IU is also fabulous.

I'm not sure if this is related to the purpose of this survey, but I thought I would share anyway: the dedicated IT professionals at the Maurer School of Law are phenomenal. I seriously don't know what we would do without them. I do know that our work and teaching and student satisfaction would suffer without their always-available expertise. I have a colleague in COLL-IT Zone 4 (CITO) who is tremendously frustrated with not having a dedicated IT professional (let alone a whole team of them!) in their building (GISB). So many tech support issues fall on their shoulders because there isn't time to get someone from CITO or it's just too inconvenient to do so. My colleague is not an IT professional and should not be spending their time solving the building's IT issues. They just happen to be both kind and under the age of 40, so everyone asks them for help. I would hate to transfer to a building/department that didn't have dedicated IT professionals.

I work with Exec IT in Bryan Hall. They are consistently terrific--professional, kind, knowledgable, and prompt. I'm grateful for their expertise and willingness to help, always.

Last year, I went to UITS for help configuring my Samsung phone for my IU email. No one seemed to be able to figure out how to do this on my first try. The request was escalated up the chain, still with no resolution. I was finally able to get IU email on my phone. With the recent change-over of course I had to delete and add again.

UITS has always been very helpful anytime I've needed them.

UITS is always quick to respond and resolves my issues.

(1) occasionally I get a call dropped at the 855-6789 helpdesk. It always happens at UITS's end. Are you aware they sometimes just HANG UP ON US? (2) There are just one or two UITS helpdesk staff who could learn to stop talking and listen more, although otherwise they are smart and capable. [IRD] is one. But generally I have found the quality to go UP over the 15 years I've relied on UITS, and I really appreciate how hard they try to find an answer to my question. They sometimes don't have a clue about my IT problem, and I sometimes resolve it myself. But I'd say they get it right 90% of the time, and that's pretty impressive. Thank you for training them so well in customer service.

UITS staff is always helpful and never makes me feel stupid, even though I KNOW I ask questions they must get 5000 times a day.

In my experience, help line staff have been very effective in helping to resolve computer issues. I don't have much success when I have to utilize KB -- I don't find the information complete, user friendly, or helpful and am often frustrated after utilizing KB.

I have interacted with [IRD] regarding telephone services on many instances, and she is professional, and over the top helpful. The ExecIT staff who serve Bryan Hall are always on-the-spot helpful and include compassion for the needs of the user in the way they offer help.

The guys at UITS/CITO are always tremendously helpful and friendly!



The centralized availability of downloadable apps is extremely useful. Nevertheless, it would be nice to have some more basic software, for instance Prism, available on this platform.

No concerns or issues.

Staff were highly professional, understanding, and friendly

I have heard from colleagues in multiple units/departments that the migration to exchange online is going horribly across the university, and I'm concerned that we seem to be plowing forward before these issues are addressed.

My interactions have been positive.

No complaints here; always received friendly speedy service.

Not enough collaboration. Year after year I keep hearing things like " edge leverage and trust," and I never see it. it is always "do it our way or we will use the policy stack and punish you with it." Comments on policies are a joke when they are always ignored. Like most large organization UITS is full of itself and believes that theirs is the only perspective that counts. I call bull shit. Furthermore, many of the senior people in UITS are incredibly arrogant.

The UITS has been very helpful this past year when I've contacted them about IT needs, questions and concerns.

They have been most helpful whenever I have needed them!

I have worked on campus from the mid-1990s (!) and have worked in two departments and one research institute. My interactions with UITS was different in the different settings. I also work a lot with GIS technology as well as occasional high performance computing, so have worked with other niches of computing, as well. In academic departments, I feel very alone and find it is difficult to connect resources together for an entire compute-support structure. The turn-over in staff is probably to be expected, but in many cases, bad experiences have been because of the lack of continuity in support. Most IT staff have *not* been around campus since the mid-1990s. My research program relies entirely on my brain and computing resources. When the support is insufficient, my research is insufficient.

Slate storage is EXTREMELY slow. Often times, the cursor freezes when editing a file on the command line using VIM or emacs. Even simple commands such as "ls" can hang for 30 seconds. I've taken to working on geode when a project is urgent, which is less than ideal.

It has been hard to schedule time to meet with UITS staff in the distance.

I have not had great experiences with Tier 1 UITS staff in solving various challenges i've had with my computers.

Many of the services outlined in the survey are ones that I have not heard of, including around IU security.

I find the explanations and instructions on the KB system unhelpful.

Our department is served by Exec IT. I have found them extremely helpful and responsive. The times I've had to call during COVID, they have done a great job walking me through things over the pho

Sometimes general UITS notifications don't have enough info. E.g., not sure what I am supposed to do about eduroam or the new notice we got this week.

The staff is always friendly no matter how busy they are and how minor my issue is.

Positives: I am very fortunate to be both supported and led by the expert consultants in Executive IT Support. Every member of the team is professional, they know their users personally, and the level of advice--sometimes 24 hours a day--is exceptional.

Negatives: Box--Google--OneDrive migration. Unfortunately, this was a disaster for me. I now have files in multiple locations that truly should never have been in cloud storage to begin with. The collaborative work functions that existed in earlier iterations of oncourse, etc. are now gone in favor of just cloud storage. But, what hasn't been done is the appropriate education to users on what belongs in cloud storage. So it is not uncommon for me to get 10-15 links every day to documents on one of the cloud storage locations. They are then sitting there, "clouding" my ability to get to the materials that I actually need.

I had a great experience with a Box admin who was able to get me access to a Box folder in a timely manner. It was much appreciated help.

I had one occasion where my comments on a Jira ticket were not responded to by the IMS team for several days. There wasn't even an acknowledgement or a "Hey, we're working on this..." It was very unnerving.

I have no substantial comments.

I have had excellent service any time I needed assistance

I find that all interactions with UITS employees have been positive.

I am not sure that I ever have interaction with UITS staff. As a member of the VPCPF team we have our own staff (or at least I think the three tech folks are emplyed directly by VPCPF).

Personally I have appreciated working with UITS over the past 11 years that I have worked at IU. I appreciate the staff, and I think with a few changes it could be a better experience. A minor thing that I think could help some staff is the email conversation templates could be easier to read if they had some minor edits (such as text Boxes, indentions to responses, invitations to Zoom someone if the staff member has time to dedicate towards working on the issue at that time remotely, etc.).

Ability for users to access all services remotely that were previously performed at walk-in locations pre-COVID - i.e. resetting duo access, obtaining duo token, etc.

I believe we have exceptionally talented people working at UITS who have a strong desire to provide quality services to the IU community. I especially appreciate the extra work that goes into security protections for the faculty, staff, and student populations. These are important hidden services for many, but the knowledge and efforts that go into keeping IU safe is, I think, very important and worthwhile.

There are many divisions within UITS that provide a lot of services - I've used a variety and I've been continuously impressed over the years with attitudes, competencies, and knowledgeable staff who will, when needed, go the extra mile to help out.

Very much appreciate all the quality efforts. Keep up the great work!

A ticket was closed out once they realized they could not fix the issue, but they did not contact me informing me that this was the case.

I have been very pleased with UITS. I have had no issues with working remotely from home and think UITS has done a fantastic job.

Positive: Our team here at IUSO ([IRD] and [IRD]) are SUPER helpful and always quick to respond and help out; it is so great to have them available remotely as well as on site. I feel that they can resolve issues quickly

Chatting with UITS and getting quick answers is great.

Room for improvement: The informational emails, particularly the ones about important things (like email migration), aren't always as clear as they could be; sometimes I, as a lay person have no idea what they're asking me to do. Maybe have someone not super tech savvy read the emails before you send them out. Also consider more concise and/or fewer emails that are more to-the-point.

With OneDrive, it would be great if there were a way to attach files to email directly from OneDrive. I'm constantly downloading files, then attaching to email.

I have had to rely on UITS several times in the past 11 months to unlock my account. Not quite sure what keeps happening, but they always are helpful and are able to unlock it quickly so I can get back to work. The Outlook migration was a bit rough; it seemed like there were several variations of how it went (in my unit) from (hopefully) migrating automatically, to having to find workarounds because the given instructions were not helpful. It was surprising that something so big and messy had seemingly so little instruction/notice as to something like the Box migration.

The staff I was in contact with were all pleasant and had some tips to help, but eventually the phone call on day 3 was when it was escalated to the Mail Migration Team. Many thanks for doing that, but it took several days of no access during a busy week.

I've been perplexed at the lack of apparent planning with this rollout to Outlook 365: four of my staff have also had problems, and it caused large disruptions on our end. I'm disappointed this rollout wasn't smoother and since we were on day 2, we felt like guinea pigs and were instructed to try things that were not helpful or productive.

Again, not faulting the consultants--but the overall decision to move now and with lack of a clear plan was chaotic.

Thank you.

I have been very impressed by and appreciative of Exec IT during this pandemic year. In my 26 years at IU, I have always been well supported in person and occasionally by phone. This year, their work has been invaluable and beyond impressive.

100% satisfied.

I have had a terrible experience with the migration to Outlook 365; now my email runs slow after a full day of being unable to access it and multiple emails to our help desk. Why is hosting all of IU's emails on Microsoft's cloud a good idea for our university? And right in the middle of the semester? Terrible timing

Love Zoom access, and mitigation sign-up is wonderful.

I use Tier 2 support regularly and find the responses to be helpful and timely to my needs. We also utilize centralized services like JAMF and Config Manager offered and supported by UITS to the whole campus.

Everything has been great throughout the last year! The transition from working in the office to home

was seamless, with some help from prior set-up. Network connectivity through VPN and applications have been consistent. Thanks for all the good work!

I'm newer to IU, so I'm not especially sure what's considered UITS and what is not. Our IT person is generally responsive to my occasional needs.

I feel sometimes there is an assumption of adoption by UITS; for example, I've seen reference to the phishing plug-in for Outlook for a while now, but I don't think I've ever seen information on how to get it--I still just forward suspicious emails to the phishing address I was given when I first started. I have also run into specific network problems on campus that walk-in support suggested some very drastic solutions for (like, reformat my computer--drastic) when the actual problem was that the instability of the wireless network had kicked me off IU's network and locked access to some of my documents.

Overall, though, when I've had issues that could be resolved over email or chat, UITS has been very helpful!

We are an auxiliary so go through tech select for some things and UITS for other things. It's honestly confusing and a bit offputting when you don't know which one to go to to fix a tech issue.

All of my interaction with UITS has been phenomenal!

I wish the VPN were more reliable. Every week I have issues with getting disconnected. Today I got disconnected in the middle of a Zoom meeting. Not good.

Need better options for remoting into work.

Need better options for email. I've had issues with the old and new systems.

i took a class online in the fall semester, and UITS was unable to help me figure out why images weren't downloading on Canvas pages. it wasn't a big deal though and did not impact my ability to complete the course.

I have no experience or suggestions.

My experience with UITS has primarily been very positive. My only complaint, which is out of your control with the IU hiring freeze ,is the delay in responding back. We are all aware you are doing your best; with most of campus working remotely you have a heavy load, but with so many working at home we sometimes need very quick responses.

I do feel that some of the migrations of new programs and procedure are not always ready and have support for the actual begining of the migration to the user. Exchange migrration is an example as I need to consult with my IT to understand the process and get all my devices set. Another example is that the move to the new phones from analog lines. I understand the need; however, I am still struggling with concerns from 2/3 years ago concerning the Recsport mailboxes.

My recommendation for improvement would be to add customer service staff who can assess the user situation, and handle ongoing communications between the user/department and the technician.

I think UITS does a decent job overall, certainly when considering the scope of the operation.

I wish, when using the CAS logger, that I only had to do it one time in a single browser session. I can login into my email and have to login again to Canvas, and a third time to a different application. Its obnoxious.

I wish the Atlassian Bamboo application deployed to the server. Right now with Bamboo, there is only Continuous Integration. It would be awesome to offer both CI/CD. Bamboo is actually a worse product than certain other CI tools. Without Continuous Delivery for Bamboo the only reason I would use it is because its a huge pain in the ass to get the firewall team to change anything.

Speaking of which... have a clear and governed process for firewall exception. It's been completely arbitrary in my experience, and a total pain.

Oh, and WCMS is a complete joke and a total nightmare. Cascade is a bad product, and IU's implementation is maddening

My experience with UITS staff has been great, but I am concerned that the UITS leadership is so chaotic. No one has said so explicitly, but to an outsider it looks like the constant change of leadership and direction is stressful and slowing down production.

I work mostly with the Kelley office of UITS - KSBIT. They are wonderful. Of course, I prefer being able to go to the office in person, but from what I can tell they are just as responsive and helpful remotely. I haven't really used their services a lot lately.

I think my main recommendation would be to clarify the different branches of assistance. I always have to be transferred to a different office for Canvas issues vs. laptop vs. other things. Which is fine, I guess, I just would prefer to know who is the right person to contact.

I have no issues with UITS whatsoever. All positive experiences.

Overall, my interactions with UITS have been positive. However, response times and response levels vary quite a bit amongst different teams within UITS, and the imposition of so many significant migrations (Box, Exchange Online) during what is already a very difficult year for everyone has been challenging for staff and faculty, to say the least.

I have only had positive experiences with UITS staff.

One thing that I would like to see is more connectivity between the various IU websites. It can be confusing when students are trying to order transcripts through the Student Central website or one of the satellite campus websites when there is a centralized one that is arguably more streamlined and specialized for it, for example.

Very friendly and helpful service.

Making the change to Exchange has become very difficult.

When I have put in requests through the online form, the responses have always been prompt in the last year. Usually I will get a phone call the same day I request assistance!

I'm concerned that occasionally I have a non-UITS issue but the technicians do not know where I SHOULD go to get my problem addressed. It would be good for the service staff to know more about the entire IU system so they know who we should contact for more specific/system specific issues.

I know that there are many factors in deciding which tools and applications to support, but I would like UITS and the IU administration to give more weight to the potential productivity costs of discontinuing services like Box or imposing additional security requirements on email and other services before implementing them. The additional stress of these transitions is particularly unwelcome in the midst of the current pandemic.

I know that the pace of change in IT is swift and often unbroken. However, from a user standpoint, there is a real value to stability and the comfort with systems that comes from familiarity. Each change of systems, platforms, apps, etc. comes at a cost to productivity, at least in the short term.

Staff is very competent - my IT problems are always solved in a timely manner.

Haven't had much need for UITS services, but when i do they seem to be very knowledgeable.

Sometimes the "help" has acronyms that I do not know the meaning of. I can not think of one just now. Whenever I have contacted UITS and get a live person, they have been very helpful.

Even the questions--sometimes I am not sure of exactly what you are asking: platforms, system name,

"web content management" not sure if that is who I contact about a website. I do not think I would be a good candidate for a focus group due to overall lack of knowledge. I am one those that can read something in KB and still not know what to do.


I have had great customer service from UTIS whenever we have had issues in Center with printers or computers!

No concerns or issues

None at this time.

Whenever I submit an IT ticket, it either takes several days for someone to get back to me, or else no one ever does. However, the help I have received has been excellent.

Also, several of my colleagues and I are still experiencing fallout from the email migration that is making work difficult.

I work 100% remotely. I have trouble with Zoom when using VPN. Unfortunately my support requires connection to VPN. I haven't figured out if it's my internet connection (xfinity 200MB) or the VPN, but it's frustrating for me and my clients.

I'm interested to find out how UITS (and the rest of us) can provide better support experiences through Service Now than we are able to provide with Footprints. I have no specific concerns about my own support experiences.

No negative interactions, I've always been impressed with UITS over my years at IU. And I appreciate in non-COVID times being able to pop into the IMU or Wells to consult face-to-face. That can be very

helpful when on campus.

I'd like to suggest a better way, visually, to access information. There's so much great information, but it's a sea of words and links.

Given the pandemic, I believe UITS & OVPUE IT have done a terrific job!

Simplify the KB. Really narrow topic and give proper procedure for it in simple form 

Since several of us have been working remotely most of the time for nearly a year, I have to say that I find support to be lacking.

Laptop updates are questionable as to whether they happen or are correct. If a computer has to be rebuilt - there usually isn't a back up available.

Real time support is often understaffed and slow. Many of us are on call 24/7. I think tech support should be as well.

I generally have positive experiences with UITS staff -- I appreciate their friendliness.

Thorough information is available online but sometimes difficult to find and follow.

It would have been better to not give two cloud storage solutions when Box was phased out. Some depts are on Google Drive and some are on OneDrive (or Teams).

It's been very confusing and would have been so much better if only one was chosen for those of us who rely on the cloud so much for storing and sharing files.

Our department works with Tech Select, and the team provides friendly, professional service. However, the use of Bomgar to work through issues is challenging. It would be nice if they would also initiate a phone call or Zoom so they could provide specific instructions.

The staff I have had the pleasure of working with have been exceptional. Always nice, positive, and honest.

I have been very satisfied with the services provided. Anytime I have had minor issues, UITS staff has always been very helpful and extremely pleasant.

UITS staff have been pretty good in the past year with likely more demand for services.

Never have issues with them. Very responsive.

The UITS service is good.

I have found the service at UITS to be exceptional--folks are responsive and willing to work through difficulties.

One thing I have found frustrating is that the move from Box went to two options -- that roll out made it difficult for cross team work because you have to deal with some using Google and some using OneDrive. It made for a much larger learning curve and files all over the place.

Is it possible for Outlook to work seamless and faster? Currently it has been slowing down a lot. Appears like it goes into thinking mode a lot, regardless of working on desktop on campus or remotely working from home using VPN.

UITS staff have always been helpful to me, when I needed their assistance.

The move away from Box has created a lot of extra work and wasted time interacting with our cloud stored files. There are many key components of Box in regards to daily workflow management and editing of files that did not translate in the new Microsoft Sharepoint system. We explored both Microsoft and Google Drive as work environments, and Microsoft seemed to be the better fit. But every day that passes makes me miss Box. The two biggest points of need are a replacement for BoxEdit specifically for editing and saving Adobe files, along with a robust search engine that allows you to search the entire directory of files regardless of where or what you are currently viewing.

I have always had good experiences with UITS. Very prompt service.

I didn't realize how much of my work is connected to CITO. I should be more proactive in utilizing the resources and learning tools. I appreciate the KB articles, which exist for pretty much any topic one could think of. They're not always as clear to me, but again I could probably be more proactive in seeking to understand.

One of my concerns is the length of time it takes to get a response (sometimes the need is immediate in our corner of the IU world). Plus, I am not sure UITS has a specific capture of how our department works with a daily deadline-driven workload (not faculty based, but research-driven). I normally do not have time to do the tech work myself (when I receive directions to fix it myself), but still need it fixed quickly, so that can be a bit frustrating. In other words, I miss the days when we had our own tech help, who knew what we did, how our assignments are managed, and could administer help without asking WHY do you need that? ! I am sure UITS is much busier with covering a higher percentage of IU, so it is difficult when we used to have our own group who could focus on just our work.


[IRD] has been an incredible resource for me on solving issues when I was able to work with him.


Tickets usually take a very long time (up to 2 weeks) to get a response.

I have experienced very timely and helpful responses when reaching out via email and phone.

The UITS employees that I've worked with have been responsive and have worked quickly. They also provide a lot of insight when I have questions. I don't think I've had a bad interaction with a UITS Staff member.

Information about storage limits or account figures on HPC is sometimes hard to find or confusing.

With regard to the recent email migration, I'm not as confident about moving to a cloud-based system. While I have reservations about anything that is cloud-based, I will defer to you, the experts, to make sure that this will work. I'm not necessarily "anti-cloud" as the cloud has been a lifesaver in some situations. But, I am skeptical of a project of this magnitude being cloud-based.

Over the last year, UITS has shown to the University a steadfast and calm response to rapid change. Perhaps this is what they have been preparing for all of these years. Migrations to new systems on UITS's part have been nearly seamless. Their responses to end-users have been helpful and have resulted in more and more user-friendly experiences for staff and students.

Their work throughout this Pandemic has raised the level of service to the community of Indiana University to great heights.

[IRD] and [IRD] have been excellent collaborators!

Recommendation: For WCMS Priority Support contracts, allow unused support hours to roll over month to month.

Undergraduate responses:


They helped me connect my computer to a better WIFI, so I have no complaints.Very good about being quick to answer phone calls to the help line.

I have issues with the printers regularly, where I upload documents to the mobile printing site, and thenthey don’t show up at any of the printers when I swipe my crimson card. I have used the computer labat the IMU before and asked for help from the UITS person there, and he was no help whatsoever.

I called UITS once because I couldn't log into Canvas, and they fixed the issue in a timely manner.

The UITS staff was very helpful and welcoming when I had questions about accessing my IU account.

Not really anything negative. When I emailed a couple times the person responding did not read the full email. That being said the person tried to advise me on how to fix the issue, when I already tried that certain procedure, which was stated in the email.

Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work! I'm sure it hasn't been easy this past year.

Most of the time the solstice systems do not work. UITS online is very helpful, and the people are always helpful.

UITS support has been very helpful when there is a problem

Since everything is on Zoom right now, it’s frustrating when campus WIFI isn’t 100% .

I haven't had many encounters with UTIS. The one I did have pertaining to a technical issue was resolved extremely fast and concisely. Overall, my perception of UTIS is positive.

One of the biggest changes that I would like to see is in regards to IUAnyWare. I think that overall it is great, but it's really frustrating that if one disconnects from a computer, they are not able to log back into the same computer. I have lost 2 important files that way, and I think it would be really beneficial to have a designated desktop for each IU student if possible.

UITS has always been super friendly and helpful with me! I have no issues

I have not interacted with any UITS Staff to my knowledge. I did have trouble connecting all of my devices to the Campus WIFI when I first moved in; however, I have had no issues since.

The UITS staff has always been available to help me with technological issues. A positive experience I had was going to the technical help center at Wells Library and sorting out a WIFI issue on my computer with a UITS representative.

This semester I have had trouble with my iPhone, and because of this issue I had trouble getting into any of my IU accounts because my DUO mobile app is connected to my phone. I went to UITS staff services in Wells Library and was able to get a DUO coin. Without the help of a staff member I would have missed assignment dues dates and virtual learning lectures. I have had no negative interactions with UITS. I recommend that you send out DUO coins or make it a more known option instead of the DUO mobile app!

I personally have not had any interaction with UITS and the staff or services, but I know it’s available to me if I need it.

I have asked them to help me Bootcamp my MacBook Pro; they were very nice and helpful. I have not had any negative experiences.

Igps, class search engine, shopping cart - all feel outdated and unwieldy. Have always disliked using them to a point of scheduling in person. Being able to filter classes by degree requirements with, say, a tag system would be amazing.

None off of the top of my head.

All good!

The UITS team in Wells Library was always willing to help me whenever I had an issue with my computer even if it was super late; they were always super helpful and nice about helping me.

I haven't had many interactions with UITS, but they've all been helpful.

I have had only pretty good experiences with UITS staff or services.

Every issue that I've had has been small, and the people I contacted with questions were able to solve them super quickly. The UITS website can be confusing sometimes, but you can always contact staff and they can help.

Why can't we get campus WIFI at the edge of campus? I live in the Evermann/Redbud area, and it's kind of annoying that I have to set up my own router. It creates a lot of competition and slows down everyone's WIFI since each apartment has their own. I had better WIFI when I lived in the dorms.

Make the Duo login verification process easier (ex: allow the site to "remember me for 7 days" on the Safari browser.)

The printing is difficult to navigate.

Everyone who helps me at the library.

Love the free trainings online!

The UITS staff is very helpful when any issues arise, and I love the ability to chat with them through my laptop to solve issues.

No comment

Zoom isn't working so many times it's ridiculous. Laundry alerts are not exactly the correct time (the machines stopped, I didn't see that on the app, and someone moved my clothes). iGPS doesn't have enough filters. Student Center logs me out after two minutes.

Overall nothing but great experiences with UITS.

I briefly worked for UITS during my time as an undergrad as a part of Campus Outreach and really enjoyed my tenure there.

All of my experiences with UITS have been great. Especially in the virtual environment inflicted by COVID-19.

Any time I have ever had a tech problem, UITS has solved it right away!

Minor issues with Zoom , such as not being able to authenticate at times, etc. Most of these have been fixed, but some remain.



I currently have not had a negative experience with UITS staff or services because no issues have appeared that would cause me to use them.


I have not had contact with UITS yet, but I do suggest making them easier to access; making the information more readily available would be very beneficial.



Zoom meeting issues.

Canvas is awesome! Love how everything is in the same place!

I had a negative experience with the UITS staff and services. I was trying to fix my TV and was treated rather rudely from the staff.

UITS staff has always been helpful and prompt in assisting me. I have no concerns or negative interactions with UITS. I also have no recommendations for new services.

I contacted UITS once when I needed help with Canvas, and they helped perfectly!

When I was still on campus, the WIFI sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t.

I hate duo.

I would recommend making an app with tech tips and then notifications can be sent to people’s phones when a certain program or website is down

I have had issues with my laptop throughout the year, and UITS staff was really helpful.

Um when I call that tech support phone number at like 4:30 am asking some stupid question, some nice person always answers like right away and is really patiently like, "did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in" and I'm like, "ohh yeah its fixed," and its like the only iu phone number that actually works.

Whenever I face problem with my Canvas and I email the IT supports, they always reply fast and help me solve the problem.

So far I have had no negative interactions with UITS

Nah, service has been pretty good if I have received any; can't say for sure if I have or have not.

I have a current issue with one or two of my classes regarding being able to access their Zoom class for the lectures. For some reason when I try to join these two classes, I get a message from Zoom saying it is restricted access and to sign in, but once I try to sign in it says you cannot log in to Zoom this way.

My experiences with UITS in he past have been good. I typically do not require technology help, but I have felt comfortable calling or emailing UITS and received assistance.

They helped me set up Office on my Mac which was nice.

This was not me personally, but I was with a friend of mine when she went to talk to UITS about getting a WIFI hotspot for a location without internet as we were leaving campus last spring for COVID. She didn't end up needing it, but they were super helpful, and I wanted to commend that.

Some services like iGPS and student center can be slightly confusing. For example, the my degree progress tab on iGPS only shows up from a certain page and not another.

The UITS staff was really helpful when I had troubles downloading Microsoft software.

I feel as though everyone was very friendly and nice. I never experienced any negative interactions with a staff member. They never had an issue when I had a question or concern. Nor have I ever used the services.

Slow internet in on-campus apartments.

Always willing to help and easy to contact. Crashing of Zoom/Canvas occurs sometimes, specifically Kaltura.


I think that if we can have the option to log in without a limited date. I wanted it to be an unlimited date so that I don't have to do the login process over and over and over and over again. I find it quite annoying to do it over and over again. I don't mind if it logs itself out, but I can favor the two-step login if there is the unlimited date option.

When I had trouble logging in, I called UITS and talked to the staff. He was helpful and instructive.

I haven't personally had any notable positive or negative experience with UITS. I think the website is nice, easy to navigate. I do think that UITS is underrepresented. My profs might occasionally mention that UITS exists, and they'll put the link in their syllabus, but I feel like I tend to forget about the resources UITS provides.

At the beginning of the semester, I only had the ability to download half of the Adobe apps available to me in my IU subscription. I had to call UITS four times to resolve the issue. Each call took approximately an hour. On the fourth call, the staff member had me enable a remote desktop and found that the issue had to be resolved with a request from UITS to Adobe. While I was frustrated to have to speak with four different staff members before resolving the issue, all were polite and gave new suggestions to resolve the issue.

I have not had any experiences with UITS.

I haven’t interacted with UITS but classmates have said that they are really helpful.

I don't necessarily have any negative interactions. In terms of improvement, I really enjoy the IU knowledge base, but it would be nice to have a live chat you can go to online (if there is already one, I apologize but perhaps better advertising of services might be more effective). I also think that clarifications about IU printing would be more helpful. I realize it's listed on the printer, but I've heard students mention that we are allocated a certain number of prints before we pay for them, which I'm not sure is true or not, but I think having an informative guide to printing and promote that to students would be nice. I also think better maintenance of printers in all buildings would be useful, or having an app where we can find printers closest to us in buildings we may not be familiar with would be helpful as well (or also knowing which ones are out of service).

I have had no issues with any of my experiences with UITS to assist in any technological issues.

During my first semester at Indiana University Bloomington, I have had very good experiences with reliable service as well as WIFI. I know things have heavily relied on network, and I have almost never had trouble completing my assignments because of any tech issues. I will be bringing a tv this semester and am interested to see how the WIFI will play out with that.

With this year I haven’t used a lot of those campus centered features.

Wireless internet in the Music Annex can be pretty spotty at times. I don't like the printer UI and wish that it were more user-friendly and had better access to different settings (for instance, ease of selecting color/BW printing or which edge to flip double-sided pages). I also frequently have failed prints using mobile print on my laptop PC. 

The only interaction I had with UITS has been when my roommate was trying to connect her Xbox to IU WIFI. It took almost an hour.

I enjoy being able go use computer lab desktops with IUAnywhere from my computer at home so I use programs like Microsoft office and adobe cc that would otherwise be very expensive.

I have had a few times in which Canvas was messed up and UITS has been able to help, but other than that, I have very little experience with them.

I've had nothing but great experiences, and I don't know what else could improve.

Maybe somehow add our academic advisement information on what courses/ requirements we need still to igps. That would be very helpful when searching/planning for classes.


Last semester I had to do a project on an Ubuntu machine, and my laptop didn't have enough storage to run the project on a VM. UITS helped me get set up in Luddy with all the software I needed. It was a lengthy process since I couldn't download software myself for the project, I had to keep asking for more stuff. The people at UITS I worked with were great and answered all my questions.

I haven't had to use UITS a lot in my time at IU but the experiences I have had have been positive.

UITS helped me troubleshoot setting up my gaming system my freshman year in my dorm, helped me figure out IU anywhere for certain apps on my Mac, and they set me up with a token for duo.

It would be cool if UITS could promote tech/apps they think are necessary to have in college or that would make things easier. I'd also love it if there were easy options for students to learn things like excel or coding that UITS could promote or encourage students to complete. Above is what I wrote before taking the survey. After taking the survey I see that UITS does offer some of those services I was talking about; I just wish they were a little more advertised.

I have not had many encounters with the UITS staff recently, but I recall freshman year they were extremely accommodating and helpful in solving my computer problems

The print@iu.edu doesn't work anymore.

After the survey, I realize that I've never seen or heard of half of the services that UITS has to offer.

I don't have any concerns about UITS, and I have no negative comments. I also have not had much interaction, so I do not have any recommendations.

I came to a UITS employee with a problem on my laptop, and they not only solved that one, but two other problems I didn't even realize I had. So nice to go above and beyond.

They were helpful!

UITS have done a wonderful job with making sure my technology needs are taken care of when they respond to me. Sometimes its difficult to connect to UITS and make sure I have them timely interact with me. I do not want to undermine their importance and how great of a job they do, but if I am struggling with a IU program or technology the response time needs to be sooner.

None as of now.

I have had nothing but positive experiences in the past.

I have not had any experience with UITS staff.

I had two positive experiences with UITS in my time at IU. They helped me set up my smart tv at my dorm on the campus WIFI and helped me figure out my Zoom account log in for IU Zooms when classes moved online!

I would say the tech end of things is great right now.

I have had issues figuring out WCMS, and have often wished that it would be easier to hand over website privileges to a UITS assistant and have them assist with technical issues directly.

Announcements concerning Zoom sign in and/or sign up should have been more specific. Beginning this semester, I was locked out of my account because I wasn't aware that as part of the new security, I couldn't just sign in to my Zoom account. I had to go to another option and select my school before signing in. (Note: I know this is different because it wasn't the same last semester.) When I contacted the support staff at IU, the person I talked to was able to look and see what the problem was but didn't have the authority to fix it. They then proceeded to try and get ahold of three different advisors to unlock my account, of which no one answered. This caused me to miss all but 10 minutes of my first class. I was also told by the person I contacted that they were getting a lot of calls about this issue.

- Common layout for all the One.IU (Student Center, iGPS, etc.) applications.

They have helped me with Canvas and the campus WIFI and both were great experiences.

 My favorite part about UITS is the fact that they have the station at the library to help.

They are super helpful with any problems I've ever encountered.

I have had mostly good experiences with UITS staff and services. The duo mobile does get annoying though. And I am not sure if laundry machines are included in this topic, but half of them do not work properly. I also think that there should be more covid testing locations so I don't have to walk 20+ minutes. Besides that though, I think UITS has done a great job.

I only have positive things to say about UITS staff and services. I've been to the UITS office many times at Wells Library and the IMU about tech issues, and the staff always solves them quickly. I can tell they're very knowledgeable and provide important information related to my tech issues. For new or improved services, I would maybe advertise to all IU students about office hours where they can dropin or schedule a virtual appointment. I'm not sure if you all have virtual office hours since I've never been myself, but I think that would be super helpful for all students.

UITS has never given me any negative experiences, and I believe that is very beneficial for all students and facility on this campus.


I've had to get in contact with IT a couple times, and it usually doesn't take too long, and the service is good.

I've always had good experience with the staff. My biggest beef with UITS is when the printing service goes down and I can't print out the assignments I need for class. Or when I try to print things, and they never come out of the printer. And the wifi in my Union Street apartment doesn't extend through my whole bedroom, so I have to use cellular data to go on my phone in parts of my room.

Every time I have encountered UITS they have been kind and helpful. They go out of their way to make sure that all of my concerns are dealt with and make me feel comfortable to ask additional questions.

I've only had positive experiences with UITS. I had issues freshman year with my laptop, and UITS was very responsive. They helped me navigate next steps when they couldn't solve it but also one time fixed a problem in like 5 seconds (it was wonderful). Last year I had issues signing into my accounts when my phone broke (duo), and they were totally prepared and helpful with that as well. They're good!

I had an issue with a program I was using last semester, and UITS spent roughly 3 days fixing it and gave me a report that I could give to my professor since I could not do an assignment until it was fixed.

They were very helpful!

My interaction with staff have all been good. They help my problems in a concise manner.

I have had good experiences. With COVID, technology has been tricky, and they have always been helpful.

I have no feedback! Everyone is helpful and excellent during these difficult times.

A great service to help IU students use the technological services at IU.

I had difficulty with one quiz; it only let me take it once.

This is my first semester at IU, so all good so far!

I have had a great experience with the UITS staff. They are very helpful when I come to them with problems.

I have had neutral experience. Some bad/frustrating, some easy.

The UITS Staff has always been very helpful when I have contacted them. No complaints.

no concern

I have never had a bad experience with a staff member. I used to work in the dorms, however, and it seemed like the printers were always in disarray and never worked properly.

No concerns

No recommendations

Every time I call UITS my problem is solved very quickly

Friendly and helpful staff and some easy to use programs.

Once I had a problem with my laptop in the Well's Library, and I went to UITS for help, and they couldn't figure it out. They were nice, but students, so not really experienced enough to know what was going on.

They are very helpful at syncing my laptop to the printers.

The bursar/ paying your bills needs to be done with purely IU, not a third party company. It looks sketchy and has a high service fee to pay bills to IU-- about 10% when using credit card. Also, it is hard to navigate, and there was a class action lawsuit against the current third party company.

I don't like how I am not allowed to access my course work until I schedule a covid test every week. I don't believe that should be linked. I also am concerned about accessing my course work without my phone, since there is Duo Mobile.

All my experiences with UITS have been great. At the beginning of the semester I had to call to get wifi on my gaming device, and the gentleman on the phone was very helpful and even sent me an email to help even more if I ran into any further problems. This was a great experience overall. I think UITS is a great service so should continue as is.



I found UITS helpful. I have not really needed their help in a while. Someone from UITS helped me with bootcamp on my Mac.

I've only had one or two experiences with UITS, but they have all been positive.

I am fully happy with the services and UITS staff. I don't have any negative feedback.


They are helpful at Wells.


When I had problems with Canvas and WIFI, UITS was very helpful to guide me through everything.

Units has always been very helpful. Being an informatics major, UITS has been a part of my experience at IU, and they are always nice and helpful.

Great always

I lived in Campus View, the internet in the evening is sometimes slow and not connectable.

All the times I’ve called UITS they’ve tried to help as much as possible and fix all the problems I have.

They’re fast in solving my problems.

So far the Zoom services have worked for me.

I have only had one experience using UITS support, and it was a very pleasurable experience, and they were able to help solve my problem quickly and effectively. All other services that UITS provide are helpful and work efficiently.


UITS staff is very helpful.

I haven’t had any interactions with UITS staff .

It's great.

I would say that I haven’t had very many negative experiences with staff, and I believe they do their best to deal with and address problems very efficiently


they are always willing to help and walk me through things that i am confused on

UITS staff has helped me solve SPSS issues for my M-346 course.

Any time Zoom or Kaltura has had an issue (either with being down or with an abundance of people trying to access them such as at the beginning of the pandemic), UITS was always very supportive and helpful, not to mention responsive and fast-acting. Whenever teachers receive emails for tech failures, the problems are nearly always remedied before I even have to deal with it.

On campus wifi can be spotty, and it is inconvenient that the wifi does not extend to outside of many buildings when current indoor areas to study are limited or nonexistent.

I have not thought about it;I have not had to utilize this resource very much. But it is nice to know that it is available for support for tech issues.

I don't have many experiences with UITS. I mostly haven't had technical issues so far. There was the first week of fall 2020 where like everything crashed, and it was nice to have the crash reports show up in UITS so I could know it wasn't just me.


UITS helped me transition my computer software to be able to do my job from home during the pandemic. I did not get put on hold for a long time or have issues understanding what the problem was.

I appreciated the help immensely.

They always reply quickly and help with whatever issues I have.

When I had an issue with my computer this semester I did a live call where they actually fixed the problem remotely very quickly and efficiently. It was a good experience. I am confused if we are able to walk in in-person for appointments at IT support at the libraries, however, and don't feel that that information is easy to attain.

Applied for exemption for Mitigation testing, due to the fact I had tested positive for COVID January 4th, and I still get text messages/ notifications every week about signing up for mitigation testing.

DUO Mobile also gets excessive when I have to login to every account with it every time. Takes a lot of time.

I appreciate the access granted and the availability of the services!

I liked the old way we registered for classes better. The new updated version we used for spring 2021 was very confusing

I had a positive experience when my emails were not forwarding correctly and staff helped me resolve this!

Sometimes I'd wish there was a software available that I wanted like Parallels, and I wish there could be like a texting or quick chat with help that is actually fast.

Canvas needs to stop being down randomly.

I have only had positive experiences with UITS. Once I was having trouble with Canvas and was quickly pointed to the right solution.

Very helpful with move-in and connection to wifi for computer and console. The wifi is a bit lagged at times and it is hard to complete work at the speed I need to.


Very helpful.

If it were easier to access the services it would be very nice.

I had a great experience working with UITS when I needed a hot spot at home during this pandemic. It was great to have people who were understanding and considerate of my needs during this crazy time.

I would recommend sending monthly e-mails about helpful tips and such because I am often bombarded with too many e-mails from the university.

Many thanks!

I have no negative interactions or concerns.

I have not had any negative experiences, and every time I have needed help (not often), I have received the necessary assistance.


I had many frustrating issues with my computer first semester, so I called UITS support several times for help. Every time, the staff member on the line was friendly and patient. When it turned out I needed a new ethernet cable installed in my dorm room, the communication was clear, and the staff installing the new Box were so friendly and swift.

I personally have contacted UITS when it came to Zoom issues, and they were able to help me get access. Something I think might be helpful is potentially sending out instructions on how to access iu

Zoom on the phone. I know a lot of people have issues with this.

I had a good experience with UITS last year. I was having trouble with my computer dropping the installment of wifi all together. I was in a frustrated state, and the person who answered my call was great. He listened and explored different avenues of what could work. We found an option that worked for the time being! I eventually got a new computer. I benefit from many of the services provided. I use Office365 and OneDrive.


I think everything has gone very well for me personally and don’t have any complaints or suggestions.

It would be better if the school wifi could be more stable and fast in the future, even though I may not have had chances to test that recently.

I thought for the most part Canvas worked well. I wish that when Professors posted lectures that it would save my progress watching if I had to go do something else.

I had a good experience with UITS when I when I got a new phone and needed help getting the WI-FI to work on it.

I wish the hiring process was more specific in terms of timing/expected response time for a position on


UITS helped me when I had a question about IUanyWare, and they were very helpful and willing to answer any questions that I had.

No bad reviews or experiences very neutral.

i've never needed to use UITS staff, but i have had to use iuware through UITS

Overall, UITS staff have been great.

I have never had any problems with the computers in the libraries or in Wright. I have not had any problems with the staff. When I needed help when the printer didn't seem to be working, the staff was friendly and willing to help.

I have had consistently wonderful service from UITS over many years. It is a privilege to work at a university with such an excellent IT organization, a true leader among national and international peers.

All experiences have been positive except the wifi.

The only experiences I've had directly with UITS service and/or staff have been very polite and helpful.

I can't recall any unpleasant experience.

That being said, the way to set up emails within the IU accounts aren't very user friendly. And when using that same account in different areas, (student info/parking passes/etc.) it's apparent that not every department uses the same records system, and it becomes kind of a hassle to try to do things within my account.

I have had help from UTIS, and I enjoyed the experience. I remember that the person I worked with was very kind and helped me figure out my issue with my laptop quickly.

I have visited the UITS staff with some questions, and I was greeted pretty rudely at the door, and I never got to enter the building and was asked what I needed from the outside. When my question could not be answered, I was turned away.

When I’ve needed to register new devices or reset my wifi, UITS is generally knowledgeable and helpful.

I was very unimpressed with UITS recently. After moving the location of my meeting at the last minute, my router was supposedly set up but wouldn't work when I returned to my building. I then had to call where I was given another appointment that wasn't until the next day. I was told there were no appointments the rest of the night and that there was nothing that could be done. However, I was able to find [IRD] at the Evermann building who was able to solve my problem within 2 minutes.

During my sophomore year, I lived at BBHN apartments and someone came down and set up my wifi. She was nice, and it was done pretty quick.

I recently reached out to UITS about an issue with IUanyWare and they helped me a lot.



Great customer service.

One of the biggest concerns I have about this semester is about virtual learning in general. I feel that it is not as effective as in-person learning, and thus the class should adjust to this.

I have always had great experiences with UITS. They have been helpful in helping me get my laptop set up to the printer system at IU and answering questions and helping me get my Zoom fixed.

I've had minimal experience with UITS but when I have, it's been postive. I have had issues with IUWare in the past and questions that had to do with downloading software that were fixed almost immediately and entirely over the phone. Makes my life much better...so thanks, UITS.

I feel as if most things are running smoothly. At times the WiFi will disconnect from mostly my iPhone and it can become aggravating, but that is my only complaint.

My experiences have been great all-around. Would like to get fewer UITS emails. But would like clarity on where to go if I have issues.

I think online class is bad.


I have not had any issues with UITS but appreciate it being an accessible service to IU.

I have not had many interactions with UITS, but using simplified terms may help some students better understand how to fix their tech issues.

Especially with covid, people like to sit outside and do homework on campus, but it is hard to find a place outside an academic building where the WiFi is strong enough, so that could be a nice change if posible.

No bad experiences

I have also had good experiences with UITS when I need them!

One time I had to print out an essay and a printer wasn't not working. They helped me realize that I needed to refill the paper or switch the tray.

I have not had any tech issues and have not needed to contact UITS.

One of my biggest pet peeves when using IU systems, specifically one.iu.edu is that it forces you to relogin with every single thing you press. It would make more sense to have one login instead of logging in on every single page. I know other students who have the same complaint as well.

I have only ever had positive experiences with UITS

I've used UITS chat and virtual services in the past and have had positive, helpful experiences. I like that IT service members can control your screen virtually to aid in solving an issue.

I had a good experience with UITS. They came to set up my router and were on time, wore a mask, and answered all of my questions.

I have not had any direct interactions with UITS.

I have had positive experiences with UITS. I wish that the IUAnyware desktops would always load the same apps. If that could be fixed, I would greatly appreciate it.

From the experiences I have had for myself and my friends, our problems got solved easily and quickly.

I havent used it this year TBH, but last year it was helpful and had a positve experience.

So far I've had positive interactions; if I needed help or had a question I received answers/help.

For the most part, the UITS knowledge base is a great place to find answers; however, some of the information is very hard to follow. It seems that UITS members are hard to reach and often don't even respond. I think that many of the interfaces could be adapted to better suit the campus.

I have always had positive interactions.

If anything, I wish my classes would stop using so many different apps and services. I wish there were one single place that all my classes used, but I know that isn’t UITS’s fault.

I have not had any interaction with the UITS staff, but I know many people who have, and they had great experiences.


Although UITS has been helpful in certain instances, I find that they are incredibly hard to reach. I'm usually on hold for a minimum of 10 minutes, usually much longer, before I can speak to someone.

I only used UITS once, but the person I was matched with was extremely kind and helpful and took their time to help me solve my technological issues.

Help setting up my devices and IU gmail!


Instant messaging

I’ve never had a negative experience!

I would suggest improving the wifi login process. When I first came to campus, it was really challenging and confusing trying to sign into the wifi, and I had to use the IU Guest wifi for several days.

One time I went to Wells Library, and they helped with my computer. It was good.


All of my experiences have been positive

I haven't experienced anything.

I have had only positive experiences with UITS. Especially transitioning online! Regardless, I've always received prompt efficient help!

I personally have not had to work with UITS staff, as I have not had many issues with technology, but the bright side of that is that I have not had issues with technology! It seems that the staff is well coordinated to make sure that problems are taken care of.


UITS has alwasy been a pleasure to work with. Whenever I have an issue, they fix it right away!

Nothing has been off putting or strange with my experiences using UITS services!

Patient staff and solve my problem.

Various times for me to choose.

I’m not sure if this is a service already but possibly having a service where students can get their computers cleaned and serviced to run faster.


I have not had many experiences with tech members themselves, but the ones I have had have been great! The technology offered by IU is excellent. Kaltura sometimes won't play videos, but overall it usually works!

Not bad at all.

They were helpful when I lost my phone at getting me a token so I could log into Duo!

I have used UITS services at the libraries on campus and some of the IUB buildings. The interface is clean and quick to use. The WIFI availability is exceptional.

Always extremely helpful and are always able to quickly fix all of my problems

So far, I've had a positive experience with the UITS staff, but i do have a few concerns. I was on the phone for many minutes with one of the staff about an issue I had with my TV in my dorm. He wasn't able to help me in the end but right after I got off the phone, I Googled my issue and fixed it myself.

Also the wait is another issue.

The only issue I’ve found with IU technology is the difficulty finding and registering for classes.

I think the website needs to be updated because with most of the iu websites I find it hard to navigate and frustrating. I think also getting more databases that are easier to use on iOS because it can be very limiting for students who can’t afford computers and don’t want to have to go to a computer lab everyday.

I have had nothing but great experiences with UITS and its staff. I have had multiple problems with office 365 as well as IU anyware. They were there to help and made it seem so simple on what to do.

I had a misaligned Canvas page. UITS was able to help, and their predicted response time was accurate!

No concerns

Canvas no longer works (pictures won't load; 3rd party extensions don't work; general buggy laggy mess) on Safari & Firefox, no matter what changes are made, yet they're the browsers with the highest security ratings. I just *LOVE* compromising my privacy by using Chrome. There are no options in the other browsers to address security concerns for a single site without doing so systemwide, so it's a nogo for me. Chrome is not my go-to browser; I use it by necessity since it's the ONLY one that consistently works.

I have never knowingly had an interaction with UITS staff or services.

So far I have not encountered any negative interactions. I had positive experiences with logging in to my IU email account and using other computers to log in.

UITS live chat and KB has always been helpful in fixing any problems that I run into. Computing services are helpful and used regularly. Some of the older UIs could use an update.

They work great; I’ve never had issues!

Connecting non-browser devices to the wifi is a pain, and I’ve had horrible success accomplishing this on my own, without the supports of UITS.


Unfortunately, the UITS staff have not been helpful with Zoom this year, and I think that could be improved. Apps on IUanyware crash a LOT. The wifi on campus is at like 2/10 as far as functionality honestly, and the new Canvas update is nice looking but a little less intuitive if you need to submit a text Box AND a file.

Helpful everytime I needed something.

Wifi can still be a little tricky sometimes, but I think it has gotten much better throughout the year.

I had a virus on my computer and was able to get help with the current virus and how to avoid them in the future.

I have had no problems with UITS.

I was unaware that we can have a free prescription to The Wall Street Journal. Can UITS do more to promote/communicate all the resources the school provides and maybe have a catalog of all the services in one place?

My only issue was when the Canvas servers were overwhelmed one day and it shut me out in the middle of a quiz.

They are usually available and helpful in the couple times that I've used them.

I am living off-campus this semester so I have not had much contact with UITS personally, but I do know they are readily available, as my professors often let us know that during quizzes or tests, any issues we have will be handled by UITS.

UITS is so speedy, friendly, and kind. I love working with them, and they never make me feel like I'm doing something incorrectly. Thank you for all of your efforts!

UITS has helped me a lot in the past with IU Anyware issues that I've had. I think I've had difficulty with UITS when it was through chat since sometimes the staff didn't completely understand what issues I was having.

I don't have any outstanding initial thoughts.

Wifi is slow.

I have had very positive experiences with UITS and the staff when I have had issues with technology at IU. I do recommend that there be an easy way to find what all technological resources and programs are available for free to IU students, because I would like to explore some of those options but do not know where to start looking.


The WiFi gets very spotty very often.

I haven't had any major problems with UITS. The staff is always nice and willing to help with any problems they may assistant you in.

Up to this point, all of my interactions with UITS have been minor and went exceptionally well! The register for classes page where all our schedules and information is held looks like it's from 2004 and needs to be updated and modernized.

I do not have any concerns. Everything has been smooth so far


I have had very little interaction with UITS, but when I did it was very helpful.

UITS is very patient, but I do not use them that often.


I haven't yet had a sufficient experiences with UITS to have a negative or positive image.

I have to say school, on campus housing wifis are .. terrible. Not trying to say it in an offensive way but I am experiencing extreme difficulties within my courseworks because of how unstable my wifis are.

Overall, I have had positive experiences with the UITS staff and the services that they provide.

UITS is great because they are always available and someone can help you no matter when you need it.

I am new to UITS,so I do not have any advice or concerns yet.

The UITS staff are always helpful either before the pandemic or during the pandemic. Whether its inperson or virtual, the staff are capable and knowledgeable enough to help me with tech issues such as Zoom, problems in logging in, a computer virus, etc.

I have had many positive UITS experiences. Accessing IU servers has always been easy and quick.

I haven't had too much experience with the UITS staff, but I did need help with Canvas at the beginning of last semester, and it was a positive experience because the employees helped me walk through the process of setting everything up.

The UITS Staff was very helpful when I needed to figure out how to use IUanyWare. They figured out my problem in a quick and efficient manner.

The internet is spotty (I live in Willkie) and my Zoom classes lag a lot.

Overall, have adapted to COVID/online learning very well; always willing to help students who are confused or need help.

I have only had positive experiences so far.

No comments

I have had nothing but positive experiences when dealing with UITS staff or services.

I have not received any issues within the last couple weeks since the second semester has started. I have run into issues that did not need any help, but I am glad to know that there is a system that can help me with issues in the future.

My experience with the IT services were great so far!

I have had positive experiences with the staff. Anytime I have called with questions, they were properly addressed and taken care of.

When I was locked out of my IU account due to a broken phone and losing access to my phone number, UITS was able to help me through the process of getting back into my account before a big test I had that day. I was super stressed about the situation, and the UITS staff on the phone was able to quickly relieve my stress by assuring me they could help with my issue.

Everyone is very friendly! The only issue I have is the long wait time, but I understand.

I have had a really good UITS experience this semester. I have no concerns and have had no negative interactions.

I have had positive experiences with the UITS staff.

I have had a few tech issues during my time here at IU, but luckily through UITS or friends or professors I have figured out my troubles.


No concerns

I have not had any experiences with UITS staff so far, so I am unable to answer this question fully. All of my technological needs have not brought up problems.

All the experiences I have had till now with UITS are positive; staff are very willing to help with my problems.

Graduate responses:

UITS Staff has always been helpful. I have had two occasions when I went on chat to fix the issues. Both times, I had positive impressions for the help and support I received, and the issues were fixed as well.

UITS staff was exceptional when I first attended IU. They were quick to reply and solve my issue.

I've had good interactions emailing for help. Generally prompt and helpful. Sometimes it is hard to find a telephone number to call. With IT Issues I often just need to talk to someone.

I really love the new restructuring of ONE.iu. It allows me to quickly find the resources I need. I do think there are some resources that are under utilized because people aren't aware of them. However, I can't mention them here because by their very nature I would not know about them. The WIFI in the law school was an issue for the entirety of last year and was a major issue that I felt was not addressed by UITS or the staff. On the other hand, the technology director assigned to the law school is awesome and always has helpful and useful emails he sends out, especially right before finals. The two factor login is annoying and I hate it. Especially because sometimes I don't have good cell signal on campus and can't get my 2nd authentication method.

You retired Box, but there is not an easy way to get to OneDrive storage. Can you make a button for OneDrive that will take me right there? Box was easy to access; make OneDrive easy to access too.

They are very quick in responding. Friendly. Professional. Most of my problems were solved perfectly with their help.

I love the ability to print from any printer around campus, using my student ID. I am dissatisfied with maintenance of printers. These machines are constantly out of service (and not just due to lack of paper and paper jams). WIFI service is great. I've never had a problem. I also love the online software packages available. I have made great use of them. The most burdensome challenge I've experienced was the inability to use Chrome, followed by MS Edge to view my mailBox in-browser. It took too long to solve the problem. That issue created significant obstacles for my productivity level.

Good communication and polite attitude.

Nothing special.

  • I like IUanyWare.
  • It is good to see which services are OK and which services are down.
  • I find knowledgebase very useful.


The duo based single-sign-on technologies ask me to authenticate too often.

There is no easy-access to tutorials/directions on how to configure more than one device as two-step verification tools.

I have contacted the UITS staff by chat a few times, and they have always explored or helped resolve my concern in a timely manner.

Why are we being charged a large tech fee when campus is mostly closed?

  1. My router needs to be setup to be used in the campus housing. It would be great to know what UITS has done to protect or regulate users' internet.
  2. Two IT support groups are available to the campus residents, but sometimes one group would ask me to seek help from the other group and vice versa. It's confusing..

Anytime I have had a technology issue, the staff at UITS have been very helpful!

I do not have any recommendations at this time. 

My most used service is printing, and I've had great access to printing in the Law library (I'm a law student). Also, the IT support in the law building is great and accessible. Sometimes the wireless internet is patchy on my phone.

I find the staff are resourceful and helpful!

I had to connect with them once over an issue with my local address. They were helpful.

All I meet were fine. But sometimes still find some problems with my school account. 

  • Wifi Access on the campus was not available at some locations such as bus stops etc.
  • It would be great to have third-party software on virtual systems for a limited time if there are any security issues.
  • Desktop and printing systems at multiple locations.
  • Access to WIFI in bus/commute services.
  • An easy way to communicate recommendations on the fly (such as page in one.iu or integrated to IUmobile).

Staff go out of their way to be helpful even when they are not sure of the answer. However, I have not heard back on some of my questions.

I went to IUB for undergrad and am now back for Optometry School. During undergrad, UITS was helpful and provided useful suggestions and solutions. I have only had one encounter with UITS during my time here for graduate school, but that time they were not able to help with the Compulink system we use. Since it is not a campus-wide program, they were not able to help. I was told to contact UITS by the optometry school if I was experiencing problems with Compulink; perhaps IUSO was not updated on the troubleshooting contact.

Availability and knowledge of staff has been great, both for me and my students.

I am very impressed with the receptiveness of the UITS staff. Last semester, [IRD] helped me work through lockdown browser issues that hindered me from taking my Contracts final at the originally allotted time. After [IRD] reset the exam times on Canvas, I was able to take it with no problems. I really appreciated the immediate help.

As an international PhD student, the UITS services are mostly great to my experience, including the communication with some UITS representatives (staffs). For instance, dealing with account- and software-related matters. For the improvement, I think that would be wonderful if some softwares for data analysis (e.g.., MAXQDA, STATA, and others) are available in the section of IUware. The notifications of recent changes and updates on technology-related matters are also well communicated.

Thank you.

I like UITS. If there was one thing to improve, it would be to accelerate IU's exchange email servers as well as Outlook Web Access. Sometimes, these take a while - especially calendars within Outlook Web Access.

The one time I needed help, that staff was very helpful and solved my issue in about 10 minutes.

All the interactions I have had with UITS have been good! Nothing sticks out to me as particularly poor encounters, and I have always been able to get the help I needed. 

I have really only had to use the computers on campus to print things, but I have had trouble printing things to a standard size through the print app, and I have also had difficulty locating printers and other work stations on campus as the mobile version of the UITS website has features built only for larger screens.

I would also add that features like IU exchange emails, duo security, and secure vpn might seem appealing to those existing in a cybersecurity bubble; however I would suspect that most students, including myself, find these to be counterproductive headaches for minor security gains.

Freshman year I used UITS at the library to help get Word, Excel, and Powerpoint downloaded onto my computer. I have not had any negative experiences. 

I think UITS responded very well to the pandemic and continuing support seamlessly despite everyone working at home. You are appreciated for that, and I thank you.

I read and scan emails every day, and as a long time faculty member it is difficult to keep up with technology. UITS offers so many great resources, but it is difficult for me to read every email that comes through to know what is relevant to me and what is not. I hate OneStart, as a faculty member and as a grad student. It is clunky, not easy to navigate, and I have a hard time finding the classes I need to register for. I feel as if it is an outdated system that IU is trying to continue to use. 

One recommendation would be to have all computers on campus have an information messaging screen saver. For example, what events are occurring that day on campus, what new technology has been upgraded or installed that is relevant to students, faculty, and staff. I once sat in a physician office exam room, and while waiting for the physician to come in I was able to watch the screen saver and see all of the events that Community Healthcare System had going on that month pertinent to patients and staff.

Please replace old network systems of northern campus apartments (BBHN, Everman, Redbud) Swain east & west has only one printer, which is always in high demand bc there are many classrooms and office rooms in Swain. Please put more printers at Swain.

No concerns, been great and helpful.

I'm not sure if this comment is related to UITS services, but I really don't like One Drive. IU Box was absolutely better. It's so bad that we had migrated to One Drive; it doesn't work well for shared folders.

I have not had any negative interactions. They were very helpful in addressing problems.

UITS has been very helpful with their different services and also in keeping the student up to date regarding any changes, security threats, etc.

All my experiences with UITS were pretty good.

Positive: using Karst supercomputer for research-related calculations; the supercomputer's team does an excellent job.

Negative: Software access for graduate students. I do not understand the Mathematica license situation.

I have very good experiences with UITS staff when I have had problems with using the IUAnyware. They are very eager to help with finding where the problem comes from, how to resolve the problem, and they will follow up even after the problem is solved. I think it's great to benefit everyone at IU.

Being remote, I haven't used a lot of on campus IT equipment, but when I was having trouble with my email last semester, I emailed our IT guy, and he helped me fix the issue.

UITS staff are always very responsible.  

I’ve had many positive and few negative experiences with UITS. Most of the time they’ve been very helpful in fixing issues related to software and downloading things like Word. The negative experiences I’ve had happened when they were unable to help me with a tech related issue and didn’t point me to the correct area that could help.

UITS staff has been helpful when I reach out to them. I appreciate the updates and good communication of what is going on. I think the resources are useful to me as a student. 

I have requested an account in our school's machine, and everything goes very smoothly.

I don't think there's enough resource in out IUCAT. For example, this year I'm a TA for course [IRD], but I can't find the textbook in IUCAT. [IRD]

I have had two interactions with IUTS. One was very positive but could not solve my problem. The other was very negative and also could not solve the same problem. I have only slight confidence in UITS capabilities at this time.

Positive: I have always appreciated having access to many great platforms (Adobe, Office, etc.) Negative: do not like having both OneDrive and Google Drive for file storage. I want everything in one place.

The UI of One.IU is very difficult to navigate. The lack of transparency and up-front information with the outage of essential services including Outlook was impossible to navigate. If you cannot sign in, but the only way to get the essential services to by-pass the issue is by signing in, there is a major issue with the system. Furthermore, why are we using Outlook at all when we have the rest of the Google suite? Google calendar and Google drive connect so easily to Gmail, and yet you have us jumping platform to platform for no reason. Finally, if internet security can flag your services as a risk, there is a serious problem. You need to reexamine your system closely, because there are a number of serious, glaring flaws.

I am a new student at IU. After creating my mail id, I faced issues accessing it. I used the UITS live chat feature, and my issue was resolved instantly.

A complaint I have is about the super-computing resource availability. Often on Carbonate, to get a few hundred low-memory jobs (~8Gb) to run, it takes a long time to hit a node. I feel like there should be a separate queue for these jobs, or there could be nodes with different resource availability. Often, I feel that I'm having to deal with people running hundreds of jobs that request 16 cores... which clogs up the nodes.

Also, is there a replacement for Karst yet?

Also, Big Red is too confusing to use, and therefore I do not find it useful for my needs.

Research desktop is great--I don't think this survey mentioned this. It's facilitates a lot of the work I do... not because its a GUI for the grid, but because it enables me to organize my projects and transition between lab and home computer.

They have been quick to respond to concerns.

The printers in the Kelley school of business were down for the entire semester. I wish the breakout rooms had a little bit more technology within them.

They are so helpful, thanks!

I have reached out to UITS couple of times initially for the issues regarding my account activation, and they have always responded to me in time and have resolved the issues within the given window.

I’m really not looking forward to my email access being changed for the second time in a year (Umail, Exchange, and now changing to something else). Also, the migration from Box to Drive was a huge pain.

I haven't been with the university for very long, but I appreciate the timely responses of the UITS staff.

It has been really frustrating to deal with multiple e-mail migrations over the past couple months. Also, I don't understand why Box has been discontinued, and I don't feel that enough support has been given in terms of demonstrating better alternatives for those of us working with lots of data.

I feel pretty satisfied with the IT support from the university.

All of the people I have corresponded with about high-performance computing have been wonderful. The responses are helpful and prompt. All other UITS interactions (via chat or phone) have been unhelpful. I'm often given a link to a knowledge base page that I have already looked through, or I'm talked down to like I know nothing about computing. Because of this, I do not contact UITS anymore for help unless it is for high performance computing stuff.

I've had several conversations with the UITS team in the last few months. All of which have solved or were able to troubleshoot my initial issue, as well as answer additional questions. I think the availability and the wait (usually never more than 10mins or so during busiest business hours) have been reasonable. I've found that my preferred method is phone conversations, although I have used the chat feature.

My experience with UITS has been positive. I've generally been able to access the services I need without issue. On the few occasions when I've contacted the support center, the issue has been satisfactorily resolved.

No recommendation.

Never used UITS since Covid. Should've defunded the department and given student money to pay for high speed WIFI for better education quality.

UITS has been very kind and helpful this year in several instances when I have needed their assistance I've used the chat service once to work out an issue with my email, and the staff member was very patient and helpful. I was very thankful for his assistance.

I know many students expressed issues with the Examsoft hardware for proctoring exams. Thankfully I did not need to download that for exams, though that may change in the future. Outside of that, I have had no concerns or negative interactions from my virtual school experience. I would recommend a different software program because I know the Examsoft has been an unpopular one amongst my peers. I would also add many law students would prefer to use Gmail instead of Outlook, but are unable to. Kaltura would also benefit from better subtitles on videos (not sure how that is possible, but have heard and seen issues).

I really haven't had much interaction with UITS.

Very friendly staff at Wells library.

Fast response for online communication regarding tech issue.

They have generally been helpful. Internet service is not good.

The Student Center application should be updated. I felt--seeing those HTML pages--it stands out of the rest of IU websites

I once had to rent an adapter cable for a presentation. Staff were very helpful.

The pre-recorded lectures and PowerPoint slides are not on my Canvas.

I was told that I would get a response in 5 days, but that is after my assignments are due.

I find Citrix Receiver to be frustrating at times, particularly when applications (e.g., Stata and SPSS) don't work when I'm trying to use a dual monitor. I have found no fix for this.

They are very nice and always happy to help.

So far I did not have bad experiences from UITS staff; they were really helpful.

1)          Box migration could have been done better (I understand there was a deadline to migrate all the data, but it was not clear when will the migration of individual and group accounts start (there was only a window provided) and I learned the fact that BoxNotes will not even get migrated after the migration). In the end, good job on getting this major project done.

2)          Migration to Outlook/Office 365 was great. Office 365 as a product has plenty to be desired. I do appreciate the training and presentations which started taking place after the migration (or at least I started noticing them after accounts I and my team uses were migrated).

3)          Hopefully Microsoft Teams will add more features before UITS leaves Slack.

The internet speed/bandwidth of Redbud Hill Apartments is too slow/small. Everything is online these days, and people are spending much more time at their own unit than before. For example, usually I could download everything I need in my office with a relatively faster speed using eduroam, but now it takes so long to do the same thing with a bandwidth of only 10M. So, the drawback of low bandwidth is amplified when staying at home everyday, and I have to spend significantly more time for these things. This is just the case when I am the only resident in my unit, and I couldn't imagine what the internet would look like if there will be a roommate in the future, probably a disaster. But living alone without a roommate also means paying more rent. So, I sincerely wish/demand UITS could improve the internet service in my apartment with at least a modern-level bandwidth like 50M. I think it's technically possible and reasonable, since the occupancy rate of on-campus apartments these days is pretty low. Thanks!

Pros: The free software. IUAnywhere is a god-send. 24 hour UITS line. Cons: Too many updates and changes. Reverting to Adobe Acrobat 2017 (from DC (a downgrade)). UITS phone line staff often don't have answers. Utter confusion with changes in signals (IU secure, IU guest, Eduroam,etc). Discontinuation of Box and no longer able to use Box Edit (catastrophic). Though wide, not tall enough Windows computer monitors in labs. Not enough MACs in labs at all (and none at all in most labs).

Recommendations: More training for staff. More standing desks on campus. A better and more user- friendly mobile app. Live updated website/section of IU app that shows which labs are open on campus (and directions/location) and status; so many building have different hours, and I feel like I have to move around so much).

UITS has always been very helpful!

All are good.

Not a big fan of Outlook on a browser. Life would be a lot easier if we could get Microsoft Outlook the application to stay on top of emails.

I have not had any bad interactions with UITS staff. An additional suggestion past COVID would be the lending of graphing calculators or usb cords. My undergraduate university would lend out graphing calculators, usb cords, laptops, and headphones. I would have appreciated this throughout my graduate program.


I think a continuation on customer service is needed. While UITS hasn't always done everything I wanted, I've always been pleased by their service.

I had a couple of issues with my PC during the semester, but they were always quickly handled.

I have had no problems with the staff. They have been very responsive and helpful. However, I would have preferred more storage in my scratch or no backup space since we are all working from home or easier ways/access from home to high storage space and its linking to computer clusters like silo, gh, kj etc.

I had a great experience with the UITS team in the very first week when I arrived at Bloomington. I had changed my Mobile phone, and I wasn't able to access the Duo Mobile application. I contacted the UITS team, and they solved my issue in 10 minutes with proper identity verification. Due to their quick actions, I was able to book my classes on time.

I really appreciate UITS staff! I haven't had to personally reach out to them because their videos on common issues are so instructive and helpful.

The base offerings of UITS--software, Canvas-based learning courses, file storage, etc.--are excellent. At IU, I feel like I have all the technology resources I could ever need to do my job and learn.

The one drawback with UITS is huge: customer service is abysmal if not completely absent. As a student and a staff supervisor (in a space that houses a UITS STC), I am continually thwarted and frustrated by the complete lack of customer service orientation with UITS. When there is a representative present (which is rare lately), they are moderately helpful--if you can find them. When we call for a consultant, no one shows up. The equipment itself functions maybe 50% of the time; that is not an exaggeration. How is it that printing functions are inoperable *campus wide* at the beginning of EVERY semester? The worst part about that is that UITS never has to answer for it, I do. But I have no power to effect a solution. That's very frustrating. And after 3 years of no intervention by UITS, this is now intentional on their part: UITS is choosing not to address the problem.

I've had a lot of positive interactions with the staff at Support Center Tier 2. My concern is that they are understaffed, and as hard as they are working, it is difficult for them to provide the level of service that they want and the IU community needs since they are buried under tickets. My other issue that I would love to see addressed is to provide more training for the IU community to be able to transition to using Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Power Platform (Power Apps and Power Automate). These are excellent tools to be able to use, but we don't seem to have a dedicated team who can assist people with questions on best practices and troubleshooting.

My experience with IT has been minimal, but when I have needed help (my Canvas was acting up), response was prompt and helpful. If you guys don't already have this, with the pandemic, it may be helpful to have Zoom appointments, since then you guys would be able to take control of the computer without being in person. 

I've had great experiences with UITS this semester. [IRD] was a great help when I was looking to get a Zoom Webinar license for the department. [IRD], [IRD], and [IRD] were wonderful to work with in getting Badgr set up for my class this semester with a limited time frame. I have also been taking advantage of the Adobe Creative Suite for a number of projects and will continue to explore its use this semester in a class with [IRD]. I would love for Badgr to be fully adopted--it could have a lot of interesting uses in the classroom. We're also having a little difficulty accessing Adobe Stock, but it seems like that is being looked into.

UITS Staff has been generally responsive. I honestly don't know if UITS Supports my office though. The structure between UITS and TechSelect is unclear as an outsider.

So far I have had good experience with the UITS except a few mentioned below:

1)          I feel every time logging into IU portal (Mail. One.iu and Canvas) becomes a little tedious due to constantly asking for Duo verification.

2)          When logging into Zoom(opening the Zoom desktop app), when I put my IU user name and paraphrase, I am unable to login, and it shows that the credentials are wrong. But when I open Zoom at iu in the web browser, its asks me to put in the meeting id. Also I am unable to join via the link sent by the professor.

I also feel that if there were ways like small tutorials kind of videos to show how to best make use of the services, it would be a better experience for the students.

All of my interactions with UITS have been positive. Staff is knowledgeable and friendly and always prompt when answering requests.

I like One.IU, but wish it was easier for me as an online only student to find IU library search databases.

There is a consistent lack of competent (or even present) customer service at the libraries, specifically to service the printers. I have myself experienced and seen dozens of others in situations where there was an issue with logging into a computer or printing on a university printer that was never resolved. The phone line is almost always unhelpful in these situations, and it is usually the resource that's used, as there are not usually staff on site to help.

UITS always responds in a timely matter to issues--which is much appreciated. I know, especially with this year, that things must be quite difficult for the UITS team, but I can assure you--from a student perspective--that their hard work is greatly appreciated.

My only major complaint with tech at IU is the requirement of DUO to do everything. I can't even check my email on my phone without going through DUO each time I check, and it's a major inconvenience. I don't understand why we need it. Especially since IU already takes such great lengths with account security through using such long passwords. I think it would be sufficient to only use one or the other.

Please note: I am an optometry student, so my responses are mostly tailored to the optometry building as I have only ventured to Wells library a handful of times for IT help--which has always been wonderful. However, I think having help on the south side of campus has much left to be desired. The optometry school itself has rather outdated technology that only works 50% of the time and 1 non-colored printer. With being 1/22 schools in the nation, you would think IU would work harder to make the optometry school nicer.

I am a new student here, till now I don't have any recommendations. Once I start using the services more, I will be able to give an informed answer on this.

For the brief experience that I have had, I can say that I miss not using Google and its suites (docs, sheets, drive...). It makes interacting with internal groups (same class, same batch) easier. Haven't used Outlook much yet so can't comment on how productive it can be.

Regarding communications, I wish there were a universal channel, be it slack or piazza or qa community. Plethora of choices is confusing, as you have to keep track of where your historical class conversations are etc.

I think for me there's a lot of confusion as to what department deals with which thing. I wonder if there's a way to make this easier for those of us who have problems that need to be addressed.

UITS staff has been extremely helpful. I've had positive experiences with UITS staff that also serve a adjunct faculty. I took a cloud computing class with [IRD] from UITS and O'Neill school, and as a student this has been helpful to have a connection with an employee of UITS in an academic setting.

I mostly have only worked with SPH IT staff, and they are wonderful. I do not even know if I have interacted with UITS staff on my own.

I had a great interaction with UITS when I picked up a hotspot for my wife (an IU PhD student). [IRD] was the person who I met to pick up the device, and he explained everything very clearly and was super pleasant to speak with. I would be happy to run into [IRD] again!

I have only ever had very courteous and pleasant interactions with UITS staff. I especially appreciate that UITS staff members consult each other if they are unsure about an issue. I would appreciate it if UITS could update the IU networks so that they are compatible with the latest Android security update.

I am an international student, and I have to say it is a huge impact the process for applying and being enrolled at universities in the States. But it really makes a difference to always have someone to call or write specially in this specific situation, where the in-person interaction has been taken out of the options.

A few times when I needed some help I used live chat, and each time the technician was polite, patient, and helped with the issue. Also, a couple of times I had to call the UITS, and again each time I received help, and the problem was solved.

I use Canvas on a daily basis for the courses I took, and it helps a lot to organize online classes and have the schedule for assignments and due dates.

I have just been using UITS services for a few month now. The services are presently satisfactory to me.

I have often used Knowledge Base as a helpful reference. and in the past have been several times to the in-person tech support in Wells. Both have been very appreciated.

I have only had one recent interaction with UITS staff, and they were very nice and helpful. I appreciated that they did not treat me like I was dumb even though I do not know much about technology. The migration to the new Outlook email was hard to get used to. It would have been less stressful to have been migrated during the summer when the university is not as busy.

I did have an issue with losing Microsoft Office on my laptop and downloading it again. I understand that it counts the number of times I download the programs, but it would have been nice if it recognized that I had downloaded to the same device before. This wasn't really pressing since we can download the programs five times.

Haven't had any issues.

I've been enjoying the chat-based help desk services.

I'm glad one.iu.edu exists for finding things in the student center, because otherwise I would never find anything.

In general, UITS has done a good job supporting us during the pandemic. So far I have not had an occasion to seek additional specific help and therefore can't comment beyond that.

Faculty, staff, and students should not have to pay a fee for Mathematica.

I love our UITS staff at IUN! They are all so helpful.

As indicated in my responses, my primary concern is how difficult it is to install software and script packages onto my school desktop as a result of policies related to the use of Macs on campus.

Although these policies may be helpful in many contexts, it is difficult when you are using different script packages that must be downloaded.

I interacted with UITS once this past year via the online chat. I was having issues using an IUAnyware app. The experience was pleasant, and my problem was resolved.

You are removing Mathematica from campus-wide licensing. This is okay. But, to buy a license through IU is more expensive than buying a license through Wolfram-Alpha and this does not make any sense to me.                   

The experience with UITS staff was awesome. I have faced some issues. And facing some. You can improve on that.

(i)          I was facing problem for login on my iu account in my mobile from a long time. I could login in laptop but when I login in my cellphone it says wrong username or password. I have contacted to the staff but they also couldn't help on this. However just a few days ago it started working automatically, I don't know how but now I can also login on my cellphone and use iu facilities.

(ii)         The IU guest internet and internet in the campus is very bad, it doesn't work at all. Please work on this and provide a good internet through out the campus.

(iii)        I sit in chemistry department and the internet connectivity there also in some rooms are very bad. In my office, wifi doesn't work good, it get disconnected or have poor connection. That affects my lectures and hence that's very irritating. Many time I have faced this, problem during my lectures, please work on it.

(iv)        I have ubuntu machine and IU VPN doesn't work there I don't know it's my laptop problem or an issue from your side. Please help me with that too.

In the fall my exchange account disappeared unexpectedly. When I called UITS, the representative was very helpful in communicating that there was a migration happening and helped me set my email up on my desktop, since exchange was unlikely to be available to me again soon. I was annoyed that I hadn't been aware of the change before it happened, but I immediately received all the help I needed to solve the problem.

I have had positive experiences with UITS staff at Wells Library and remotely.

I do not have any comments at this time.

Sending in questions regarding adobe.

Great excel course!!

No comments

All interactions have been positive & helpful 

Printing often doesn't work or the printer is out of ink.

I have not had many interactions recently, but I did in undergrad, and they helped out then fairly easily.

Any encounter that I have had with the UITS team has been great 

I had trouble logging into my Citrix Workspace account, and a UITS staff member helped me through distant screen control. I turn to the UITS 24/7 chat function whenever I can't solve a technical problem myself since then.

My quibble is I don't need as much printing quota as I pay for each semester. I hope the 40.00USD printing quota of my technology fee can be optional.

I used to rely on on-campus computer labs for completing all my coursework over the first two years at IU, but that's no longer possible. Mask-wearing policy is hardly enforced, and someone talking aloud on the phone without a mask in the computer lab makes it difficult for me to access technology services.

I have reported a fishing attempt from an IUPUI faculty member to UITS, and they reassured me that they were handling the situation. They could've given me advice regarding how to secure my account. Also, I have used the printing service for posters in the library, and they went as far as to help me figure out what size poster that I needed.

UITS services and staff have been very supportive whenever I needed any sort of help.

I have not had any issues that prompted directed engagement with UITS staff or services.

UITS service has been good so far.

My only complaint is, it is super slow to code on a server like carbonate. 

I have had mostly positive experiences with UITS, especially over the phone; the reps have been helpful and cheerful in working out the problems I'm experiencing. I have occasionally had issues with communicating with reps over live chat, who give answers that I later find out over the phone are incorrect.

One specific issue I have been encountering is that the Knowledge Base/help resources for IU List are not very intuitive, especially the help resources within the interface, which seem to be designed for a much more advanced user than I am as a list administrator.

Availability of 3D printer labs has been challenging over the past year.

My experiences with UITS have been mostly positive. EITS has been a great help in troubleshooting issues with my workstation, and I've had particularly good experiences with [IRD] and [IRD] in this regard. If I had any suggestions for improvement, it would be that I'd like to see more EdCert courses offered. I took one course on CompTIA Linux+ and found it to be both valuable and enjoyable.

I don't know, offhand.

I would like to be able to remain logged in to my IU account on my iOS devices. I am unable to check “remember me for 7 days” on my phone (cookies?). I really appreciate the range of software available to IU students, like Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud. Having the full version of Zoom is amazing. I like how one.IU.edu is very easy to navigate.

I've received some good support and some not-so-good support from UITS over chat. It seems that sometimes my questions were not considered thoughtfully before an answer was given, or the person did not seem to have a basic working knowledge of a very common problem. From doing my own document searches, I was able to get farther than when I contacted UITS. But the documentation is not super great too, so it took me hours. Sometimes the links send you in article-loops, where you expect the next article will offer instructions, but it is just another high-level "about"-type article, with links to other articles, which also do not provide instructions. 

I get asked to provide my user credentials and Duo authentication way too many times. Particularly using the high performance computing services and scholarly data archive. It's not uncommon for me to be asked a dozen times in a morning. It drives me crazy. These services definitely need a "remember me for 24 hours" button or something similar.

I've found UITS support to be extremely friendly and helpful.

Overall, my experience is positive so far.

Please revise the use fee for matlab and mathmatica, especially for those doing graduate research. A) We pay a technology fee B) the funding for it would either come out of our own pocket (for those of us making 20k a year) or out of our PI's budget. Sometimes we just need to use it to look at other peoples code, or to translate legacy code to other platforms. Fine if we transition courses off of using them, but we shouldn't limit the research of graduate students.

The Kuali platform for payroll of GA needs improvement. There should be option to delete entries of working hours from the calendar (with permission, of course) if someone forgot to punch out.

Helpful staff. I was able to get my issues resolved quickly.

They helped me fix a Wifi issue with my laptop when I first got here. Very efficient.

I had experienced a fraudulent email and UITS helped me immediately solve the query.

Only positive in general, nothing negative.

WiFi provided on campus is often unreliable and spotty for personal devices. Microsoft Office/Exchange offered through UITS is difficult to navigate and while a more secure platform, a very inaccessible suite for sharing documents, resources, and even for email. 

Overall, I've had incredible experiences using Zoom as provided through the university, and Canvas, and feel confident in those platforms as they're hosted at IU.

Also, I'm unsure where to go for many IT concerns as it relates to necessary coursework and resources.

Overall, I have really appreciated UITS staff and services. I primarily work with Chem ITG, but they are incredibly helpful. Overall, I do not appreciate the constant updates to technology (for instance, I have an exchange email account, which has to be transferred next week, just like every piece of IU tech I've used has had to have been over the past year). Otherwise, I work with research technologies, and that would be where most of my issues lie, insofar as the new supercomputer is slow and monthly updates seem overly extensive.

I got help installing SPSS on my MacBook pre-covid, and over the summer of 2020 my friend contacted the university to help with the installation of SPSS

They are helpful on solving the issues.

No comments. Everything has been good so far.

I've always had good experiences with UITS. I used to be a staff member, and UITS often helped me with managing our department website. I'm currently a graduate student and instructor. Since becoming a graduate student I haven't utilized UITS very much, if at all. 

I called UITS to get help with connecting to meetings, and the support member was so helpful and patient with me. They kindly walked me step by step through the troubleshooting process. Going forward I think it would be helpful to make a troubleshooting guide available for Zoom and other applications, especially related to MacOS updates (e.g., Catalina and Big Sur).

Things went fine with connecting for my loaner computer, but Im annoyed I cannot download software. Example: adobe tries to update everytime i log in, and i cant. It's a huge annoyance.

My colleagues at UITS Have always been positively supportive, skilled in the areas of my questions, and/ or referred me to the correct resources. They have helped resolve all issues.

I called UITS for a Carbonate question, and they helped me find the correct department. I emailed the HPS team and heard back very quickly. I've communicated with [IRD] before, and this person is always very helpful. Today [IRD] provided me with the webpage I needed for steps to solve my issue, and it was super fast. I don't know how [IRD] knows so much; they're a wizard with this computer stuff that frustrates me so. I really appreciate that IU has these help services. My question was answered, and I am a satisfied student!

Great service of UITS 

I have a suggestion regarding Kaltura video viewing in Canvas. When we bring our cursor over the Kaltura player in Canvas, the player does not automatically bring up the dialog Box to skip or change the speed of the video. Instead, we need to click on the player and make the video pause in order to make the dialog Box pop up.

UITS has always seemed very helpful to me, though I rarely need help from them.

I've had positive experiences overall with UITS. WiFi could be stronger, and the printers in the Jacobs library need to be more reliable. There should probably be more printers as well - music students have to print LOTS of music.

My only suggestion would be to allow for more than 7 days wherein the Two-Factor Authentication remembers us and allows us to sign in more quickly. A small suggestion, and really is only a nuisance to have to keep doing it. 

Applying to my online grad program, finding my courses, and scheduling those courses involve an immense amount of unintuitive and disconnected tasks. There are multiple locations to find what courses are available, and each one provides a different amount of information. Although scheduling courses is done through just one place, that one place is entirely unintuitive, particularly once you have selected the course and want to finish enrolling. There should be one system for looking for your course, for finding out the info about it (including the details of the course and the survey records for the course and instructor), and for enrolling in the course. There should be one page that branches down into each school you may be interested in. IU needs to actually be One.IU. And this system needs to be the same across all campuses. I can't imagine these issues would have been intentionally left had a UX expert followed even a small number of students through the application and enrollment process. One.iu.edu is not a single tool. It is a search engine to help parse the myriad of tools, and it is appreciated as compared to how things used to be, but what is really needed is just an iu.edu where anything and everything related to me lives in a coherent and non-duplicative format. Thank you for listening!

I have noticed on Zoom that some users bypass the waiting room feature for no apparent reason.

The online chat service is really helpful, and also they are responding whenever we have a problem in any relevant area. 

I have a had a very good experience with UITS staff and services. At the beginning of my studies at IU, I had encountered problems with my username and password, and I have had assistance from UITS staff with very good results.

Staff at the Kelley MBA building have always been quite helpful.

 Wi-fi issues on the second floor of the Kelley MBA building have caused class disruptions.

 A few days ago, I was unable to connect to the building printers via the BYOD drivers on my laptop.

I had trouble logging into my email and tried the live web chat, and it was really useful.

I don't have any suggestions at this moment, just a small complaint: I understand that the use of Canvas and other resources has increased a lot with Covid, but the internet connection has been really unstable in some buildings - I don't know if this is related. This has really been an issue when teaching synchronically through Zoom.

When I first started my journey to coming here, I felt like I wasn't wanted here because I wasn't getting any questions answered or any help even getting going. I'm not sure if this had something to do with tech, but I just wanted someone to know.

IUanyware (SAS) often failed to save my documents (unless I named them as something else).


I have had no negative experiences thus far!

I have none.

Students should be more aware of UITS staff and services. The information available can sometimes be too complex for those who are not technology savvy. UITS staff, in person, has always been helpful and kind when I had an IT problem.

They were very quick to responding to my question and gave me a solution! Very pleasant!

I hate how systems are always changing. I feel like I always have to learn something new.

UITS has helped when I needed to download software on a work computer (very helpful!) and worked quickly to troubleshoot an issue when I spilled some water on my touchpad and inquired about borrowing a mouse (also very helpful).

I’ve always had great service when needed.


Generally, I am satisfied with how UITS staff assist me. However, on my latest call to UITS call center, I have to wait like more than 10 minutes, although I am informed that there is no caller ahead of me.

I have not directly contacted UITS so far


Everything has been great thus far.


The printer page is a little bit confusing, it could not based on my device location data to adjust the printer showing order. I have not figured out how to use the printer selection on the website, so I could only use the swiping crim card on the printer methods.

I haven't used the high-performance computing resources yet for my coursework. I eventually will. I am happy and grateful for all of the resources available to us here at IUB. Thank you!

I have had a great experience with the UITS, and I liked all the service that you offer

I have contacted UITS twice in the last year, once because I couldn't access IU Email, and once because I couldn't access Adobe Stock. Both times they responded quickly, followed up within a few days, and either resolved the issue or found workarounds within a week. I have no complaints.

I really take advantage of IUanyware and in particular the virtual desktops. I use it every day for work. A problem I have, though, is with downloads from the Chrome browser. I get pop ups that I can't open the file location when it's downloaded. I then have to open the file and save it in a new location. This occurs quite a lot in my work.

I've had a lot of positive experiences using the UITS support chat - I think it's a great resource and the people answering questions have always been extremely helpful, courteous, and professional. I am also very grateful for the support of our department IT Manager, Jack Thomas [IRD], who always goes above and beyond to help with our IT needs and answer questions. 

Since I was an IUB staff member before I returned to school there have been a lot of complications with my accounts (for example, not allowing interlibrary loans even though I was a graduate student at IUB because I was a previously a staff member). It has made my UX with UITS services (staff are wonderful!) somewhat negative. It tends to make me feel like an outsider since I'm a nontraditional student with a background that is different from most IUB students. 

Student Center is not as intuitive as I would prefer. It can be difficult to find the information I'm looking for. I also have had a difficult time finding my Bursar account balance after my scholarship and student loan and scholarship disbursement information after my IU bill has been paid.

The services that I have used were very easy to access. Services like Carbonate, Canvas, Piazza, Box etc are very helpful for an IU student. They have helped me in understanding the course and in doing assignments.

I hate duo.

Not sure if this review related to UITS though. I suggest that the login process with the Duo Mobile can be automatically linked back to the page users are using. I know it works on the computer successfully, but when you are using a mobile phone and approved, the user has to close the Duo Mobile app then go back to the login page.

The connectivity and stability of Wi-Fi need to be improved.

Whenever I have had a technological issue, it was usually quickly resolved. My only problem was last semester when Microsoft Outlook and Canvas had connectivity issues with certain browsers.

I'm very satisfied with my interactions with UITS. I contacted them a couple of times for help with Zoom and Canvas. They were very knowledgeable and helpful. In both cases, they requested that I share my screen — to my surprise, it was more fluid than expected. They were able to jump on my computer and help out. I'm tech-savvy, but there are some limitations when it comes to specific functionality, and so the desktop connect was a great advantage.


UITS staff have been excellent in aiding professors during the live/online class sessions - they always respond quickly and offer great support.

Printing from my personal laptop to IU printers has not been working. i know there is a migration going on, but this needs to be resolved ASAP. Additionally, printing stations are hit or miss - some print with lines on the paper, others work just fine. 

Overall, I have been very satisfied with the help I've received from UITS, and I've been particularly appreciative this year. They've pulled me out of a crisis more than once. That said, last semester I was having terrible trouble with Canvas and despite multiple consultations (phone calls and emails), no one could identify the problem. It was only after it happened again that a new UITS person told me what it was: that you cannot copy old assignments on Canvas and then edit them to suit your needs for a new assignment. I cannot tell you the kinds of frustration the students and I had over this. I feel like this could have been avoided if we had received some basic training in Canvas before the school year started. I am not talking about just saying, "Here are some videos if you need help on Canvas." I am talking about making sure every single instructor receives the same basic training that includes things like what I just mentioned and also how to back up your site and how to work from a practice site.

Get rid of duo, or at least extend the amount of time we don’t have to log in. Also, the save does not work for certain Apple devices.

I haven't had any direct interactions with UITS staff yet, but their helpline comes highly recommended from my professors. As for the online resources available, I've found them to be fairly helpful. Any tech issue I've run into so far has a solution. This includes setting up Microsoft Exchange and trying to learn more about eduroam, among other things.

Always helpful.

I think that the staff responds quickly and clearly via email.

Any time that I have reached out to UITS staff, they have been super friendly and knowledgeable on the issue I am having. If they do not have a response to my question, they make sure to research it, provide me with resources, and/or ask others who can help us. I happen to always reach out when I am working in the early AM hours, so it's been nice to know that I can request help any time I may need it.

I have contacted the UITS staff only once when I was unable to access my IU Exchange account. I received a reply almost immediately and the problem was resolved within a day. Appreciate the swift support.

There are a lack of wifi routers in Merrill Hall; some rooms have very weak signal.

I have had two experiences: one was when I needed to add a new number to my DUO account and was out of the country - the staff was extremely helpful on the phone while maintaining my personal security. Second was when I went to the IT center for verification of Duo Mobile, and they were helpful there as well.

The Knowledge Base is a lifesaver.

Compulink learning often fails to work. Also, I don’t like how we have to sign into Zoom through IU.

Outlook is a really hard email system to use. I would highly recommend switching to Google. Many other schools use Google , and it's much easier to use, especially for those who have a MacBook. Exchange is not conducive to the work I do.

Good service. Mitigation testing information forms for people not living in Bloomington got somewhat confusing last semester, but that has improved so far this semester.

I've always had good experiences with UITS because they respond immediately to my issues and offer quality troubleshooting and solution suggestions.

I have not had to contact a UITS this year.

An IU IT person was very helpful and nice when there was an unauthorized use of my account-they locked it for me and helped change my password.

I wish the exchange email migration had been handled a little differently, on the other hand: that we could have had some choice as to when our account migrated.  

Responses are very helpful from UITS team. UITS team is always enthusiastic to help.     

I have classes that require use of Github and Docker. Learning these technologies in isolation consumes a lot of time. It would be nice if a "Getting Started" type tutorial to give you the "lay of the land" of these technologies was offered.  

Zoom is okay but I personally would prefer Microsoft Teams.

I love that we get Adobe software, Microsoft Office and SharePoint software, etc. for free. These are critical software in industry, and its nice they are offered.

For Python and R, it would be nice if there was a "trusted packages" list from UITS so we know whether or not a package has malicious intent.

Move storage away from Google to Microsoft. Google has privacy concerns. 

The one thing I wish IU had that it does not currently is an Asana license. Some of the advanced features of Asana are really nice to have, and wish I could use those for class.

Overall, I try to utilize all the technologies offered by IU that I can. There is critical software, and I'm going to miss being able to utilize these resources when I graduate.

Not many specific comments. I think the the self-service center on One.IU.edu could use some cosmetic updates.

UITS support for distance graduate students has been excellent.

IU's Covid-19 mitigation testing system used to send reminder emails shortly before a scheduled testing appointment, which was a helpful reminder of the appointment itself and a good reminder to not eat or drink before the appointment, but it stopped several weeks ago. I really wish it would be brought back. 

Additionally, I really wish that there was a way to access campus wifi when studying in more outdoor spaces, like in the wooded areas south of Woodburn Hall or north of Forest. I understand that there may be technical limitations, but even having stronger wifi in buildings that could extend a bit more into outdoor areas could be helpful, especially during the pandemic.

I am generally quite satisfied with UITS' service.

UITS has been generally okay. They have been a lot of help when I've needed to print big research posters in the library. Some people are more helpful than others, and I did have one issue with my laptop not connecting to any IU-affiliated wifi that UITS was never able to solve.

I have only had pleasant experiences with the UITS staff.

I had a great experience with a UITS representative through email, tackling some potential data loss in Box.

Once I had my computer system broken, I brought my computer to Luddy Hall's UITS student services. The student volunteers were very nice and patient and helped me contact the specialist, who can better deal with my operating system problem. After I brought my computer to the specialist, she helped me re-install the system and kept all my documents, without losing any of them. My problem was solved perfectly within one day, and I was really satisfied and happy with the experience with UITS. 

The waiting message could be more friendly. Though informative, the message does not affect the level of stress I experience when my homework disappears.

I've had friendly interactions with the employees, although at times it takes quite a while for someone to respond to you. I do appreciate the availability of tools, software and other resources.

Printing has always been an issue though, and students should be allowed compensation when they cannot utilize the printers on campus (due to them not functioning), and they must seek printing resources outside of campus.

I felt reticent to answer a UITS ticket response I received as the associate asked only questions that were answered in my initial ticket, and it felt like my concern wasn't being taken seriously. I opened my ticket on a Thursday, and it was closed on a Sunday after I did not respond - I had not yet returned to campus to be able to try different strategies. I ended up troubleshooting and solving my issue on my own. Additional training for staff to better respond to user submitted tickets could be really helpful.

The few interactions I have had with UITS staff have been professional, helpful, and brief. Most of their online services have worked well for me so far.

I have not had any direct interaction with UITS staff. However, I would like to be able to print to a campus printer using my personal device. The computer that is available for printing in my graduate office is very slow and outdated. It is a hassle to get it up and going just to print.

The only recommendation is WIFI connectivity in blind spots of the campus.

None, UITS has been extremely helpful.

There has always been someone helpful sitting in the first floor of the Cook Music Library to help with technology issues, which is great. The internet across campus is very helpful, especially during COVID. I have also found the access to all of the one.iu.edu services to work well. The only thing that sometimes does not work well is that the IUCAT search option filtering is not as effective as I would like.  

I've had an overall positive response with UITS staff and services. Whenever I have a question, the response time is pretty fast, and if the person doesn't know the answer, they are able to point me to someone who might.  

Nothing, everything seems great.

UITS mostly operates under the radar for me. When I have any problems they are usually able to help, but that is rare for me. I use a number of services but rarely think much about UITS to be honest.


I live off campus and take an entirely virtual and asynchronous curriculum. I haven't had many issues with IU tech services and have found them to be generally reliable. I attended IUPUI for undergrad in person and found tech services and support to be satisfactory for all my needs.

The only concern I've had is the apparent removal of Finale software from the computers in the Music Library, and the unreliable functionality of the MIDI keyboards there.

I have not had much personal experience with UITS, but it seems like they are helpful.

The wifi in the music buildings is very unreliable.


Miss me with all the ThAtS NoT My DePaRTMeNt when I tell you a printer isn't working on the network. Forward the email yourself, damn. 

Last year I had some problems having my IU email account. I contacted the UITS and it turned to be that my birthday was typed wrong by myself when filling the registration information. The guy helped me very quickly.

But after I corrected my birthday information, I still met some problems having my email account. I think the webpage related to this question still has the extent to be improved.

I moved in to campus housing and needed to set up the internet. Originally I was scheduled for that service 3 weeks later since I moved in, but the staff found that that was too long for me to wait. So I was rescheduled for the service a couple of days after I requested it. The fact that the staff proactively tried to provide a timely service was very impressive.

Before the virus hit, I occasionally used UITS services at Wells Library. I always found the staff to be helpful and professional. I have not had to use UITS since last March.

Positive experience with the IRB program use with prompt explanations and feedback.

I like that they are always available.

Always get great people on the Bloomington call-in number.

I never faced any issues ever. I feel UITS respond well on time.

I have called the UITS staff for issues with CompuLink, and they do not deal with the system, BUT the gentleman I spoke to found out who to call, put us on a conference call, and got me set up in the system when I got my password. He literally gave me THE best customer service I have ever had. I really wish I had remembered his name!


For the most part, my experiences with UITS have been great. The staff are professional and helpful and seem genuinely interested in solving the problem. They are also patient. As a distance student these past years, their help has been particularly valuable.

I had to format my computer and the UITS staff at the Wells Library had been very helpful. Also, I had problems with my domestic internet connection and the UITS personnel helped me resolve the issue.

UITS has always solved my problems super quickly and been really nice, I appreciate them!

UITS is extremely helpful with my requests for assistance. I am more concerned about some of the technology choices as opposed to the characteristics of UITS staff.

The mitigation testing is ridiculous; when I am out of town I can't get my exemptions accepted, and I am pulled constantly. Also with Duo login it is difficult to get onto your account if your phone breaks, and you can't change your number easily.

I had trouble trying to get an experiment online, and when I asked, I was told that UITS could not help me with this problem. I found this to be a bit odd and confusing, and ended up having to figure it out on my own.

Nope, it’s all good.

The supercomputing for everyone webinar series is nice, but it would be better if they were more accessible to people who are fully unfamiliar with the topic. For instance, I attended one on NVIDIA computing, and the talk was full of NVIDIA jargon/packages I was not familiar with.

I have called UITS a few times with Canvas related issues. They have always done all that they can to help and have been awesome to work with.

All experiences I’ve had are positive. Only complaint I’ve had is professors and not tech services.


I have received great help from UITS over the phone to fix issues on my work computer. However, the chat feature was less than stellar and almost non-responsive.

Back in October I could not access IU Exchange for several weeks, which negatively impacted my research since I needed that secure account to communicate with participants. Although I contacted UITS they were completely unhelpful. In the past, I wanted to create my own web page through IU. However, I found both the process and the help pages completely arcane, even though I have some experience with computer programming.

I always have wonderful experience with working with the support center staff at IU South Bend and IU Bloomington. Always very helpful.

Please work on making the printers in the law school more reliable.


Adopt GoReact for non-fee use to students and faculty. Find ways to boost the upload/download and viewing bandwidth for Kaltura; the increased university-wide use is making it harder and harder to be able to rely on this. 

I think the only time I've used UITS services was back when we could teach in person, and I would call with tech issues from the classroom. The staff was always really responsive and helpful.

The only real complaint I've ever had with the technology at IU is that it can be difficult to print anything in Wells library when it's busy, because to send stuff to the printer I have to find a desktop computer, and they're often all taken. I think I tried to set up whatever plug-in sends it remotely from my laptop, but wasn't able to get it to work. It would be nice to have computers that are reserved for sending stuff to the print queue in the printing stations themselves, that aren't for staying on for other work.

I have not had to talk to UITS staff for a while, but I do remember that when I did, they were very helpful, friendly, and quick-thinking to guide me through my problem.

One thing that has caused me problems in the past and that I am worried about in the upcoming future are the changes to the email system. There was a switch last semester, and I was unable to access my email account from a browser for a long time. Luckily, I have an Outlook app on my computer so I found that I was able to access it there, but it was an abrupt change. Similarly, I am apprehensive for the email system switch that is coming up soon.

I have had rapid and helpful responses when I had technical problems. When I was unable to connect to our lab's microscopy server, a staff member took a lot of time to help me resolve the problem.

I'm not sure that y'all are providing sufficient training to faculty and staff. I have a 500 level class in which the prof seems to have been given little to no training on Canvas.

My experience is so far good.

Generally, my experiences with UITS have been positive. The only area for improvement was that I had to call back within minutes for the same issue because the first agent I spoke with offered the "easy" solution; however, the easy solution did not allow for full functionality of the system.

UITS helped me get into my email when I locked myself out. But when I had trouble grading on Canvas, they told me that it was a problem with the software, and they couldn't help me.

I've had very positive experiences with the UITS staff. Timely, understanding, helpful, and— importantly—they make genuine attempts to explain the problem in a way that I can understand with my non-technical mind!

Most of the staff has been very patient and friendly.

The experience was good. The response was prompt and up to the mark. It helped me. 

I contacted the UITS on an issue regarding accessing the Google scholar proxy provided by UITS. The response was total shambles. The person initially didn't accept there is an issue, without trying to reproduce it. Later he said that he cannot reproduce, while the SiceHelp and many of my colleagues experienced the same issue. The person who handled the issue only gave me some random and trivial instructions like remove cache and use incognito etc. Finally, the IT support of the library informed us that they had troubles with the proxy and alternatives to download the papers. The UITS support is a waste of time, and they even failed to route me to the correct people who handle the service.

I conclude UITS support line is a total waste of money and time when it comes to getting support for any issue beyond "downloading a meme," and the people employed by them are not at all competent to handle anything beyond that. I recommend you train your people in the support line to be aware of the existing system issues and handle them with respect and propagate to the next level if they are not competent to handle it without sending random answers like the Google chrome support page, rather than wasting time and students' technology fees on brash and useless newsletters. (I have worked as a SE in a software company, and I am perfectly aware how to handle a support ticket, and what I received is a below-par rated service from you.)

I have found the staff extremely helpful. I have needed help with various software during my program.


Overall, I have been very pleased with the UITS team for their help and support through this forced Covid-19 transition. I've been particularly pleased with the customer service help that they offered when I was temporarily locked out of my account. I hadn't had occasion to use the direct customer service feature before, and it was wonderful.

I had a pleasant and efficient experience with UITS staff. The representative guided me through a simple Zoom log-in process clearly and politely, without making me feel ridiculous for having difficulties with navigation. Thank you!

It would be nice to not have to use Duo login every time I log in on my personal devices.

NO, the services are great.

No. I am satisfied with the service.

I like how we have access to any services through IUanyware. But it is confusing when there are multiple merges to different platforms (e.g., from Box to OneDrive).

I wish that IU technology wouldn't change mid semester, as there are often significant kinks to be worked out and cause hardships for those who utilize the software and technology.

So far all my experiences with UITS services have been positive. Compared to other institutions, the UITS services are hassle-free and easy to use. 

--I understand the purpose of the Duo login, but it does get annoying. 

--Printing (both from my IU office computer and using IU mobile print) has been very unreliable. 

--Student services portal (bursar, schedule, etc) is somewhat convoluted, but still manageable 

--Kaltura takes some getting used to. Some functions are still not very clear to me. 

--COVID testing portal works well!

i’ve only worked with IT services in person, and they were able to help. Maybe expanding online requests because one time i did that and had to wait a ~week for them to help, and in the meantime i fixed it after a few tries.

IUAnyWare is a horrible solution to the need to disseminate software. I'm not sure whether the issue is ultimately Citrix or something else, but as a researcher, if software is only available on IUAnyWare, I might as well not have it. The fact that it is SO SLOW and it times out makes it unusable.

I think you guys are the best. I do not have any issues or concerns.

I have greatly appreciated the live IT services (virtual and on the phone). They have helped me with all technical issues that I have had.

One recommendation is for IT to offer tutorials of Canvas and other important apps for fully online students. I was left to explore one.IU on my own when I first enrolled, and I had no idea where to find my classes, where to sign up for classes, etc.

I like the IUware. Just want to have more downloadable software since the COVID still traps a lot of people at home.

Stop changing email servers, especially during the semester. The disruption of the main form of communication while students are all learning via online learning only makes the learning process hard and creates resentment toward UITS among the students. I have not had any positive experiences, and I have not heard of other students having any positive experiences.

Please offer comprehensive and required Canvas and Zoom training for undergrads at the start of the school year, especially as part of freshman orientation. Teaching staff cannot act as IT staff, not should they be the midpoint between IT and students. IT needs to engage directly with students and have initiative here.

Why can't we just use Google Mail? This new mail server is the worst! This is what happens when Microsuck products are utilized. It constantly tells me that I have new mail, and usually I do not. It's so cumbersome to have to click extra to see messages - they don't always show up in previews.

I have not had issues with UITS, but I feel as tho all my data is secure. I really like the DUO feature, but I’m not sure what I would do if I lost my phone and needed to log in to my IU account.

Printing was a problem about 2 years ago, but I have not had to use it lately.

The amount of resources are a bit overwhelming sometimes, and I forget that we have them. IUCAT is confusing for me still, and I have a difficult time accessing journals or articles sometimes.

UITS was able to help me get into my Outlook account when I wasn't able to myself. 

I learned of some of the services that UITS provides only through the survey but I'm extremely excited to explore them at some point. As to my initial comment, I've always found the responsiveness for any sort of support super nimble and helpful - I called and was received help setting up my Duo over the phone ON CHRISTMAS DAY. I turned into an instant patron, and I strongly recommend keeping support consistent.

As to suggestions on change, UITS should market the presence and availability of some of the resources to students via email and other reach out events.

Everything has been great. All services provided have a very easy to interact interface and user friendly platform.

I like the services from IT, especially that of Excel. I would recommend that we could have Tableau training.

Everything has been okay with IT services.

The UITS staff member that I worked with over the phone was incredibly patient and helpful. Even though we were unable to fix the problem over the phone, he was very patient and worked to try all the options that he could think of using without having my computer right in front of him.

Helping us working the high-tech machines in IU. I recommend having more seminars related to the supercomputers and computational skills.

Please make DUO more effective. A "remember device" option would be great for at least a period of time. But more importantly, make it so I do not have to do it every time I open any new window. I cannot open Canvas and G-mail within 5 minutes of each other on the same machine without having to go through DUO. It makes the entire school process feel like much more of a chore then it should.

Otherwise I am very happy with our technology.

As a instructor it can be unintuitive about how to find the number I need to call for support if I have problems with the classroom projector, for instance.


I always get immediate response from the technicians.

IU Box was way more effective and usable than OneDrive.

I have to admit I haven't had many interactions with UITS. Off of the top of my head I can't think of any! I've been pretty isolated from the majority of the University due to covid. As well as, being a Computer Science major, I can figure out technology pretty easily, so that probably lessens the interactions I would need with UITS. 

One thing I guess I can comment on is that I'm a bit upset as a graduate student I am forced to use Outlook mail. I'd prefer to use Gmail.

UITS has always been extremely helpful whenever I've had issues. I think I've mostly interacted with them via the chat and/or e-mail options, but each time the people have provided efficient solutions/help.

UITS was very very fast with fixing issues with my computers at phd station.

It would be nice though, since we are all now on remote, if it had a more advanced online support system. 

It seems like some of the software licenses have changed or will change. If that’s true, more transparency around that would be helpful.

Also, for Research Desktop users, a quick “how-to” for Linux would be helpful. Things like file directory, getting programs to look/act like Windows, etc.

Finally, could you please create a way to map OneDrive to Research Desktop like Box was.

No concerns or issues; positive interactions (infrequent).

I attended the supercomputing seminar, and I got to know how to send my code to Carbonate. I think that seminar was a good opportunity to get started.

UITS staff has helped with my computer login problems; they have done a lot for me. It's a shame that the IU wireless network can be difficult to log into. There is also the issue of Jordan library being closed for a good chunk of the last two semesters, meaning that the printing was solely based on one set of computers.

As a virtual student, online classes have been made surprisingly easy to navigate through these technology systems.

Get rid of Exchange.

All the services provided by UITS have made online learning a lot easier than I thought.