UITS User Survey

2021 UITS User Survey IUK – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

(At start of the survey): As you get started, please take a moment to share with us any thoughts, concerns, issues, and/or ideas that you may have. What positive experiences with UITS staff or services have you had? Are there concerns or negative interactions that you want us to know about? Do you have recommendations for new services or improvements to existing ones? (You will have a chance to review, amend, or add to your comments before submitting your responses.)

(At end of the survey): If you entered comments at the beginning of the survey, they are displayed below. If you would like to edit your comments, share recommendations for additional services and support resources, or add additional comments or suggestions please enter them below.

The responses are listed by respondent case number. Case numbers, in which the respondent did not leave any text, are not included.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:

My experiences with UTIS staff have been positive overall. While the process to request things like web services is time-consuming and a little cumbersome, the staff have been prompt in processing my requests and completing the work and have been very helpful overall. I have also had good luck with staff fixing problems in my classroom and taking care of issues with my school-issued laptop.

I asked for a microphone several times for use in class and was never given one so I purchased my own so students could hear me. As far as the technology support overall, it is generally good. Though I still have had some sound issues in the classroom I teach in.

More training and support for staff at non-Bloomington/ IUPUI campuses.

Be creative in supporting faculty, especially in non-Bloomington/IUPUI campuses with cutting edge technology which fits the budget. Example: do not hawk 10 year old monitors for 50$ a piece!

There have been some interactions with student associates that have come off as rude and demeaning. But the other UITS staff where I work are helpful and kind.

Some of my issues relate to having a MacOS, and I don't feel most of the time that UITS is equipped to help with this OS and should be. There are also issues with Exchange and Mac, for example, I don't have a button on my Mac Exchange for Phishing and I have to forward the email instead. Not that this is a huge deal but it is one example of the issues that we have with Mac and accessing what we need to at the university.

I've found the staff to be very friendly and helpful.

The response time was phenomenal. Thank you for doing an excellent job.

I would like an IT person assigned to various departments    similar to how librarians are assigned to given areas. I would like to be able to direct students to a specific person who is familiar and aware of the technology being used in my courses.

UITS has always been a primary part of my courses at all IU campuses on which I have taught courses.

Our campus staff are really responsive.

Staff responses:

The full-time UITS staff are consistently prompt and helpful. While the students who work at the Help Desk are courteous, it often feels like they don't have the training or experience required to assist students and faculty. In the past the Help Desk has been staffed by students who seemed to have stronger client/customer service skills, so I'm not sure if the issue is with hiring or training.

Working in faculty support, my job often depends on faculty success in technology, so if the IT side of the faculty issue is an issue, I need UITS to either take over or assist. IUK's UITS group is awesome for this. They are knowledgeable and dependable. I greatly appreciate their services because they along with our department make a great team to support our faculty.

Our local IT support is amazing and typically very prompt to address issues. What I dislike is when I am sent to Bloomington and get voicemail. Sometimes my issue may be urgent due to being in the [IRD]'s office. I recommend giving me and the [IRD] a phone number to text someone who may be able to provide quicker service.

I appreciate the helpdesk assistance that I have received working from home.

One of my most recent interactions was about an update we needed to make to a web page. We needed to update a PDF that is on the web. We made changes to the form, but there were additional issues (accessibility) that needed to be updated as well. We attempted to make the changes in our office by looking at the links that IT staff provided to us as well as by googling on the web to resolve the issues. There were numerous emails back and forth with IT because we thought we had fixed the issues, but then we were told no we hadn't. Being sent webinars on how to resolve the issues did not help. It was extremely frustrating for me to have to try and figure out how to fix the form when I was already inundated with my "normal" work.

Another frustration I have is that I use OnBase pretty frequently. There have been times when I've had issues in OnBase, and I've reached out to IT, and they seem more confused or not as knowledgeable about OnBase. I know not everyone uses OnBase, but if there were someone on our campus that had further training in OnBase that would be extremely helpful. I've had other people that use OnBase ask me how to resolve questions or issues they have with OnBase because they couldn't get help from IT.

One positive experience I have from the last year with IT was when I was notified that my email account had been hacked and that I needed to change my passphrase. The notifications were extensive, and it was helpful that the service member reached out to me and my supervisor to make sure I knew I needed to change my passphrase. It was also easy at the helpdesk to get it changed.

I also think that IT sends out too many emails. I appreciate that they keep us updated with what things are changing or what things will be upcoming, but I feel like they send these emails, or a variation of the email, every week. I try really hard to read all the emails, but it is often overwhelming to try and read all the emails and know what is most important (like migrating to new servers or services). Often things that will be impactful to our office and campus as a whole are not noted as such in these emails.

In response to the next questi, yes, I would be willing to participate, but unfortunately with my current workload there is not a way that I would be able to participate.

The UITS staff on our campus (IUK) are outstanding. They respond quickly, are helpful and kind.

I have been very pleased by the support of our local UITS team, especially during the pandemic.

The UITS staff at the Kokomo campus are an amazing group of hard working individuals. I personally have contact with [IRD] and his crew on a daily basis, and it is always a pleasure. I don't think the campus understands how hard they work to create a positive experience for everyone on campus. I work in Facilities, and whenever we as a group are on campus getting everything ready for students [IRD] and his team are here as well. The challenges that they faced to be ready for students in 2020 were just as extreme as the facilities department, and they met the challenge above and beyond.

Yes. I feel new services are sprung on us without any training or preparation. You may understand all the jargon explaining what you are doing, but I don't. Perhaps have someone who knows little about technology read the content of your emails. For example, the switch from iuk.edu to iu.edu? All the old iuk addresses still populate when names are enetered in email; why not just delete them from the system once they have been updated? Plus, I have four different devices and had to call UITS to find out how to update each one inidviudally. Which they did help me with, but still, isn't there an easier way?

Communication between UITS and the campus community could improve. I feel that this migration, although we received info on it, has been a tough transition, and it isn't over yet.

IU Kokomo’s UITS team were very helpful and sensitive to my frustrations during the recent migration. Working remotely I had several issues. IT were more than accommodating, using the computer remote technique to get me set up.

Undergraduate responses:

No, everything available is accessible and easy to use.


The one positive experience I’ve had with UITS at IU Kokomo was help resetting my password for one.iu.

I love UITS on campus. I have worked individually with [IRD] and [IRD] from my freshman year to my senior year. They have helped so much from getting my laptop set up to helping me out with other small issues on my computer. They were so helpful, nice, and accommodating! In addition, [IRD] and [IRD] have been Johnny on the spot with issues technology-wise in the classroom!

So far everything has been thorough, straight forward, and friendly staff.

I have had very positive experiences with UITS staff. They did a wonderful job welcoming me to campus as a freshman and setting up everything I needed on my laptop.

I do not have any concerns at this time.

All experiences with IT have been positive and I greatly appreciate the option to contact them directly and receive immediate assistance. If my questions or problems have not been able to be taken care of right away, IT has always followed up quite quickly and resolved the issue.

When I first went to UITS I got great service; the staff was very friendly and very helpful.

I had a good experience with the staff when I went to an appointment to have software downloaded onto my laptop. They were knowledgeable and nice.

All IT experiences that I have had have been satisfactory. I appreciate that the staff members not only help find solutions but also show me how to fix the problem so I can learn more about my device.

I do sometimes have issues with Duo login as it does not always remember my information. Logging in quickly is not always an option.

A good experience I had with UITS is when I was locked out of my duo mobile login. I was able to get back into my account in a timely manner.

I will admit some bias up front as I work for UITS [IRD] as a helpdesk consultant and student technician. Overall I think our people try very hard with their work, especially over the past year where we were very understaffed for the amount of work to do. Everyone is usually very helpful and cooperative.

For our campus, I think our physical setup for Crimson Cards is rather lacking. As it stands taking online photos and asking for pickups works fine, but if we had to take a photo in person there is no way to maintain physical distancing. Taking a photo also involves having the person come into the office and making sure our screens have no sensitive information on them. Lastly, it aesthetically looks like a stopgap solution instead of a professional one. I think making and distributing cards could be made better if we had a better setup.

I think this survey is outdated when it asks about IU Secure, as we already should be on eduroam. Ever since moving to eduroam I think the wireless network on campus has been great; I personally have never had slow connections on it.

For our support center, we are presently understaffed, and bringing in new people would assuredly help. I don't mind the hit-the-ground-running style of the place, but aside from introductory training we really don't get anything in the way of follow-up training or formal training for any new issues. Usually when a new thing comes along (like the exchange migrations recently), we usually get a heads up and then have to figure it out as we go. I do not know if IUB and IUPUI have more formal training or not, just an observation.

I don't have any concerns or comments for you, but the times I've used this resource, it's been helpful

Everyone is always very nice. Quick and efficient as well

I didn’t have any issues. They IT guys are always helpful when I need them.

i have had nothing but pleasant experiences with the staff and the services provided! i have always been able to get an appointment to get everything fixed i need to!

I called recently with an issue of not being able to reach a certain page on my laptop because my sync wasn't on and it was throwing error messages. Even though it took a little bit of time, the woman that helped me got it to where my computer worked and I got to the page I needed to get to.

It would be nice if UITS was open later than 5pm, because a lot of times I don't get to an assignment until around that time.

I have had many positive services with UITS staff. The one that I remember the most is when I got my computer for my first semester and I emailed [IRD]. He helped me set up my computer through Zoom, and it took about 4 hours. He was very nice and talked me through every step and helped me download the things I needed for my major.

I have always felt as though I was able to have any questions answered in a timely manner. Additionally, my interactions with the workers has always been very helpful.



No bad comments. Any issue i had was resolved right away.

I have never really had any experiences with the UITS staff.

The staff is super helpful and nice. They seem to take their time and get the jobs done. No complaints or recommendations.

The people providing the services are very nice.

Overall great service! One suggestion would be to add a free security software program like Mcafee or Norton. One issue I have is with making another IU account; I found it hard to understand how to make an account for IUPUI when I transfer there from IUK next semester.

There were times I felt the staff was not as nice as I thought, but they were helpful.

I've had nothing but positive experience. Everybody helps me get what i need to have a successful year.

I just don't know what all I can go to UITS for. Once, I had an issue with my macbook, but they said the only thing I could do is go to Apple to fix it. I guess I just don't know the limitations of UITS and when to and not go in for an issue I have.


All good so far.

A positive experience that I had was that my IT staff made sure I had everything I needed set for my education. The day he was aiding in setting up my laptop, Office was not working through IU. He checked until it was fixed and didn’t care the time; he was determined to make sure I had them on my laptop. The only improvement is that the services would be back on campus and not virtually.

Graduate responses:

Given the pandemic, I was very impressed with the IT help I received in setting up my computer. It was done over Zoom, and the man I worked with was very professional and patient with my slow internet.

I think the services offered from the UITS staff is an amazing perk of attending IUK. It saves students time and money and still allows for us to have programs needed and up to date technology to be able to perform successfully in our courses.

I think the system for signing up for classes and paying bills, etc. should be much more streamlined. There's multiple interfaces and redundancies, and it's also quite non-intuitive at times. The new interface for the course search is nice; perhaps the rest could be designed to work with that.

I seem to have difficulties when I need to log on to the wireless service on campus and often have to use guest login.