UITS User Survey

2021 UITS User Survey IUPUC – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

(At start of the survey): As you get started, please take a moment to share with us any thoughts, concerns, issues, and/or ideas that you may have. What positive experiences with UITS staff or services have you had? Are there concerns or negative interactions that you want us to know about? Do you have recommendations for new services or improvements to existing ones? (You will have a chance to review, amend, or add to your comments before submitting your responses.)

(At end of the survey): If you entered comments at the beginning of the survey, they are displayed below. If you would like to edit your comments, share recommendations for additional services and support resources, or add additional comments or suggestions please enter them below.

The responses are listed by respondent case number. Case numbers, in which the respondent did not leave any text, are not included.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:

They do a good job. The Columbus on-call person is great.

UITS staff and services have always promptly replied to my questions and concerns, especially when I may be dealing with an issue related to my desktop computer in my office or a question regarding a computer while giving a proctored test in the CLC. Thank you.

The person-to-person interaction is wonderful; however, the phone interaction is not as wonderful.

Any time I have needed support from UITS, the staff at IUPUC has been readily available. The staff is quick to solve any issues I experience in the classroom or office.

They were very helpful.

My local (IUPUC) team is fantastic. They can't always fix my problems or answer my questions (sometimes due to limitations of funding), but they try hard. They know the people on our campus. I like the adaptation to having an open Zoom meeting for help during COVID (business hours).

Routing is a problem. Calling Bloomington for an IUPUC problem is typically useless. Calling Bloomington for software help is ok - I have to be routed to an expert which can take awhile and sometimes doesn't happen (my example is Kaltura. One time I got to Zoom with an IU expert and I learned all sorts of helpful stuff).

None at this time

My experience has been quite positive- I have found staff to be responsive in a timely fashion and friendly when helping me. Tech specifics are not my strong point, and what may be simple for others is challenging for me, yet I never feel stupid asking for assistance. The staff also provide recommendations.

I do like the new tech, such as the OWLS; I appreciate the efforts to help improve what tech I have available.

I appreciate the phishing education and emails sent as I have learned (by error in clicking) more ways than I ever imagined how phishing efforts may present.

I have a concern: I have had trouble reaching some faculty via email this semester. The faculty have been in the nursing department. They appear to have multiple emails, and I believe they do not check all their emails. I advise you try to teach people that they can have a secondary or supplemental email box forward messages to their primary email address.

I went so far as to look up the [IRD] email in nursing so I could try to reach these people, and when I copied and pasted the email from the website for [IRD], I received a failed email message. If people have more than one IU email, please help them understand that they can make all the emails go to one box. I have three IU emails, and they all deliver to the same Box.

Please educate people about how to manage multiple email addresses--especially during remote working conditions, email availability is really important.

Staff responses:

Our UITS department at IUPUC is awesome. They are very knowledgeable and friendly and are always prompt when resolving issues.

I have had nothing but pleasant experiences working with IUPUC's UITS staff. They are wonderful people who not only know what they are doing, but like to help others, and that shows in their work.

My interactions with the UITS staff at IUPUC has always been positive. They are quick to respond, professional, and always work to find the best and fastest solutions to problems. They quickly adapted to the virtual environment and provide great service to staff working remotely.

Best and most helpful experiences are live (either phone, video or in person) conversations with a staff person ***from our campus.*** In that arena, issues are addressed and resolved quickly and easily.

Less positive is trying to work with UITS staff working at other campuses who are not familiar with local resources or rooms, or working with any UITS staff only through "ticket" email exchange. I would like to see an immediate offer for a phone call, video chat, or office visit in addition to self-guided instructions (i.e. IUKB article links) on every ticket. Communication about upcoming UITS initiatives and changes is improving somewhat. Exactly how those changes will impact end-users would also be helpful.

Post survey addition: I had never heard of some of the tools and platforms rated in the survey (i.e. Security Center, Pages)/had no idea they existed.

Our local UITS staff is wonderful. Had a recent problem with the Exchange Migration. There was no warning. Tried to follow directions on KB about how to restart Exchange on my devices. There was outdated information on those directions. Also, I didn't know my Exchange had been migrated. No warning or advance information about what to do. Local IT people helped me out. When I called the main help number, I could not get through, which the recording said was because of the high volume of calls due to the Exchange migration. Big time fail on UITS's part, especially during a pandemic when so many people are working from home.

IUPUC UITS staff are always very responsive when I contact with questions or help needs.

The Remote Desktop function is a constant headache. Since we have to work away from the office now (and have for several months), I’m surprised the interface is not i) more reliable, and ii) easier to use.

The process I have to follow to store, retrieve, use, edit, re-store, and manage documents is clunky, and the systems changes over the last couple of years have made them even clunkier to use.

Undergraduate responses:

I have had some issues with technology not working within the classroom. We have had to leave the classroom to go get a tech from the other building at IUPUC, and I think something that might be beneficial is an app that we could use to request a tech to a certain room.

I have had a great experience with UITS staff. They have been very helpful, friendly and knowledgeable.

I've only heard of positive experiences.

No positive or negative experiences at this time.

Nothing, I think everything updated works well.

Overall easiness of getting past vaccines and lying about them via email.

UITS staff has always seemed friendly whenever I had a question or issue. They are also pretty quick when resolving issues that I have seen within the classroom.

I do not have any concerns about UITS. I was able to utilize this service over the summer of 2020 and effectively resolved my technological issue with the help of UTIS staff.

I have only had positive interactions with the UITS staff so far. I do wish the internet connection stretched further across campus. With COVID, it would be especially nice to have internet outside.

I don't have any memorable interactions with UTIS staff.


I have had many positive experiences with UITS staff and/or services, which has made using technology on the IUPUC Campus run smoothly. They are always diligently on time and work well with any issues I have had.

I am very thankful for patience from UITS staff as I am an older student and not as efficient with understanding how to navigate my laptop. They are always helpful and respond quickly to my needs.

Graduate responses:

My interactions with UITS have been entirely satisfactory. I have been impressed with their responsiveness and ability to resolve issues.