UITS User Survey

2023 UITS User Survey IU Bloomington (IUB) – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

If you have any comments about UITS services, including recommendations for additional services or support resources, as well as any complaints, critiques, or compliments that you would like to share, please enter them below.

The responses are listed by respondent case number. Case numbers, in which the respondent did not leave any text, are not included.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:

I have an IU issued laptop and sometimes when I try to do something (say download new software) it prompts me to ask for approval. But I'm not supposed to use that box that pops up, I'm supposed to setup an SPH Tech Support ticket in One.IU and I wish the box that popped up on my computer automatically submitted to the SPH Tech Support system.
Important work-related email occasionally gets moved into the junk folder. For this reason I set outlook preferences not to move any mail. However, I still find new emails in the junk folder.
The transition to the teams phone service was awful. I am supposed to buy my own equipment, and there is absolutely no info regarding hearing aid compatibility. My experience with headphones is that it is virtually impossible to predict whether they will work with my hearing aids or not. I expect it to be the same with the headsets. For this reason, I do not even know how to choose something to buy.
Improve wireless connections in the basements of some buildings such as Global Studies. I have had a few incidents of breakdown of tech. in a basement classroom but unable to call IT for help on my cell due to no internet availability.
We need to have department level IT support. The recent transition to pull end-point management has been a disaster. We need help. This transition is having a negative impact on our work and we are becoming an undesirable campus on which to do research and teaching. We need to restore department-level IT support. I have heard and understand the security concerns, but there has got to be a way to train and stay in touch with all IT personnel to address the security concerns while still allowing effective department-level support and meaningful interpersonal relationships. Our faculty, students, and staff appreciate the chance to get to know the IT personnel. With the transition, we are already seeing negative impacts on IT personnel. They do not know to whom they report. No one is paying attention to them. We would love to have them back in the department.
CITO is like a government black ops program. They are extremely hard to work with and hard to contact.
The best and most helpful feature of IT support at IU is the 24/7 hotline with highly capable students available to help with any number of challenges. For me one of the worst experiences in CANVAS, but don't change it because then professors have to learn a whole new system again which wastes time, and the university is prone to shifting systems for something new which is bad practice.
I am consistently unimpressed by OneDrive. It has gotten better since we lost Box, but it still is a confusing and sometimes changing interface. Read/write speed is abysmally slow, compared to Google Drive. Download of very small files often fails. And ... why isn't there a link that takes me directly to OneDrive instead of the microsoft365 universe?
I had a GREAT experience with a UITS services yesterday. The representative cleared up SO many of my issues and was very patient with me. As a new adjunct- coming from 30 years in the field to the classroom my learning curve was steep, I have had many issues with the classroom setup- connecting computers, sounds, etc. At minimum it's very slow. But it's also not always set up the way it should be.
Canvas is a very complex tool and one that you need to start on the proper foot to really maximize it, but everything I learned was on YouTube tutorials I found on my own. If there were a way to offer some virtual training, it'd be helpful. It's not as much about being able to use the program as it is maximizing the potential. Perhaps this is available and I missed it?

The Music IT Services team (MITS) at Jacobs has been wonderful to work with, understand our needs and when we need autonomy as an audio technology department, but is there to help when needed. We need this kind of music-technology-specific trained staff and I don't foresee any way UITS could have the resources to be able to provide the support we need as faculty. Please allow the MITS team to operate independently so that we can continue to benefit from their specific skillset which is essential to our music technology needs and success.
I LOVE the 24/7 phone line. Please keep.

[IRD] from UITS training is awesome. [IRD] the best. Keep the trainings.

CITO is a disaster. No help at all anymore. If one has a tech issue, one cannot work. They take weeks and multiple tickets to respond. It's a disaster.
My main problem is that when I call in for a problem that requires an upper level consultant, such as the license for the software I am about to use in class has expired, the lower level person does not know who to contact to get it fixed. I am aware that there are KB pages that I can look at, but I don't always know how to find them, so there are of little value to me. Lower level people need to have a directory of who does what so I don't have to go up through several levels of management before I can find someone who can fix my problem. UITS needs to remember that not all of the requests for services are coming from students who barely know how to turn their computers on.
Zoom help hours were useful, if capacity, would be nice to bring back.
When UITS staff are assisting with an issue or software installation using the "remote takeover", would be useful to be in a phone call or zoom space with them too.
Timeframes/timelines for computer usage are unreasonable. Having to buy a new device every three years seems excessive.
Outlook is glitchy. It's frustrating when Office365 and OneDrive move things around. The wifi around campus and inside buildings is spotty.
This survey was way too long.
I've found calling the IT helpdesk to be extremely frustrating. The students answering the phone were not knowledgeable at all about addressing my issue (OneDrive app on my Mac is not syncing).
One drive has been slower than normal this semester.
Would love to see even greater access to Microsoft products without having to pay out of pocket/out of one of my IU accounts - more premium features.
Thank you for providing the queue so we can see the status of our help requests. This has been an improvement.
I would like to learn how to use the fax. We have a multi functional printer, which I believe has fax capabilities, but don't know how to use it. I may open a ticket with UITS for this.

I can first summarize the positive experiences as from my 2021 UITS User Satisfaction Survey: "Positive experiences: all staff at CITL for their knowledgeable help; some long-time support staff at the Bloomington IT Support Center who help faculty with setting up courses on Canvas. Some dedicated staff at STC."
Unfortunately, the list of negative experiences with UITS is growing over the years - none of the problems listed in previous feedbacks have been solved- in fact, many have worsened:
IU strategy towards UITS centralization about IT services has been detrimental to Computer Science over the years, and continues to be a major source of problems for Computer Science professionals. Examples:
1) STC Mac labs are converted to STC Windows labs, year after year, without any notice to faculty who use STC Mac labs. All my phone calls and emails asking for an explanation have gone unanswered, always. Courses that can not function without STC Mac systems are crammed into one single general- purpose STC Mac lab on the Bloomington campus, and nobody, at any level, is providing any explanation, nor solution.
2) UITS doesn't seem to be able to provide IT support for issues at the level required by Computer Science professionals. When I face an IT issue that I don't know how to solve, there's typically nobody at UITS with sufficient knowledge to help - and I'm not a trained IT support professional: I'm a software developer with about ~[IRD] years experience, and I've learned the platforms and tools I use. But I am not allowed -by UITS-enforced regulations- to fully manage the systems I personally use for work at IU, even when their level of security and privacy is mandated at a lower level than necessary - i.e. the UITS-enforced settings are less secure and less private than they could be, most of the time.
3) IT support for Mac systems and iOS is at most at the level of casual consumer, and not even close to IT support adequate for professional users. Whereas good IT support for Linux systems is provided by the Luddy School IT group, and I've heard that good IT support is also provided for MS-Windows systems. But there is no adequate Mac and iOS system support anywhere at IU, neither at UITS, nor at Luddy school.
4) UITS regulations provide insufficient privacy. Emails from IU mailing lists all include trackers, and it's impossible to opt-out from data snooping on those mailing lists, other than not clicking any links contained in those emails. Privacy settings in Microsoft Office are set to allow Microsoft to track users, and it's become impossible to switch off sharing data with Microsoft, when signing in with an IU account.
5) Information provided by KB, 25live, and other CTS web sites is often unreliable, and often wrong. For example, the only way to reliably find out what kind of OS is available in an STC lab, what software is available to users, or how many seats a room provides, is to go to the room in person - nobody either on the phone or by email is able to provide a correct answer, nor do UITS-managed web sites.
Would love to know how to receive a fax.
Laptop is so locked down it's nearly useless. Can't print or perform basic functions. Too small for professional graphics work. Usually buy my own.
Most of the time emails to UITS help (general, or specific to some topic) are not answered at all.
I'd love to see free access to GraphPad Prism.
When starting my position here, I would have appreciated some kind of online tutorial (just like the ones on FERPA, sexual misconduct, etc.) that goes over important information people should know regarding data management, storage, and sharing. It would be good to have targeted versions, such as teaching-related concerns, research-related concerns, admin-related concerns, etc.

Please focus on software licenses that are economical I.e. that have a high utility to cost ratio. This seems to be usually done, but for example there appears to be a lot of redundancy where the many competing tools are supported, but at additional cost in areas where there is an obvious dominant tool that must be supported (and thankfully usually is). However this inefficiency means other important tools are not supported. I also worry about this with a myriad of unimportant programs crowding out support for a few key programs.
Also, please get rid of your AI KB bot…it is useless in light of existing online search tools and free bots.
I would love some more tutorials/training on IUIE. I know it can be extremely helpful, but I don't know how to find what I need. I attended an IUIE Zoom training session once (several years back), but from what I recall, it seemed to be more about how to extract/format data from a document downloaded from IUIE, rather than how to actually sort through all the data in IUIE to get the information needed.
The UITS staff at Kelley are outstanding--quick, knowledgeable, capable, and helpful.
I really appreciate the IT support in my department. I was unaware of many of the research-related resources available that I might use so perhaps focused training for new hires (e.g., research faculty receive training on all research-related IT support available to them) would be useful during the hiring process.
Thank you for making SPSS free!
Please support Dropbox and get rid of one drive and share point. They are terrible.
You need to upgrade the computers or cameras (or both) used in LH. They always crash whenever I use them.
They have always been helpful to me.
Why on this round planet of earth are we still paying money for Zoom?! Teams is far superior, in quality, ease of use, and threaded conversations. I would sooner stand outside and yell towards colleagues' general direction than ever use Zoom again.
I consistently have poor service from the UITS Support Center [IRD] on the 4th floor of Wells Library. The staff are impatient, rude, and condescending, especially towards women and older individuals. I have been at IU Bloomington for over 10 years and this has always been the case. This is a toxic boys club that needs to be re-evaluated.
I am extremely unsatisfied with the Wi-fi on Campus. It doesn't work at all.
My office desktop is an iMac from 2015. I cannot use it because it is not updated. I use my own laptop that I have bought and maintain it myself. Is there anyway I can get a computer for work?
I'm very apprehensive of using UITS when I have technological difficulties in my classroom (projector doesn't project, computer is not working, etc.) because of the speed of service. I often need this help right away.
There were a couple of times that I joined the live chat with CELT staff members to reconnect my desktop to printers nearby. They were friendly and solved the problem quickly. I appreciate your support.

Better documentation/training needed for super computing/ SDA / etc.
UITS has totally lost sight of what's actually useful for classroom teaching in the humanities. The degree of security required to access basic resources is downright stupid: I shouldn't have to log in THREE TIMES in order to teach a class using my own PowerPoints. Duo is useless for people who don't own a smartphone, and honestly, it makes no sense unless the system being logged in to is susceptible to a breach (grades, financials, advising). I shouldn't need to pass your hypervigilant security screening to use the library catalog or to give a lecture on ancient culture.
I moved here this year. There have been many positives, but frankly the support and help and ability to move files and start up my lab were not helpful and in fact hindered my ability to keep my lab functioning
I preferred working with local CITO techs. They know my department and my needs, and were always available. Now the campus-wide tech services seem to be severely understaffed and it takes more than a month for someone to respond to a help request.
Please hire the people you need to do the job!!!
More money on technology is spent at schools other than Jacobs. It seems like those units are able to constantly update their systems and machines. We are left in the dark ages.
Canvas is horrible. There are so many ways to slice a loaf of bread and none of the information in the guides is able to truly help one discern if it is worth using.
IUIE is not user friendly and could use a refresh.
the IU HPC systems have been changing/upgraded so frequently that some of my modeling systems for climate change research constantly have to be re-compiled. Many times, the new OS/upgrades broke the modeling workflow, because the newer upgrades do not support legacy libs and dependencies.
I really dislike Microsoft Teams. Zoom works SO MUCH better.
The little bit of interaction I've had with UITS and the few services I use have all been good.
Generally very satisfied and all of my needs are met!
Would like to give a shout out to [IRD] and [IRD]. In a time of a lot of transition with TechSelect, they were transparent, honest and communicative in a way that we've not had before which I appreciate. Not always the answers we wanted to hear but appreciated the openness and responsiveness when I had a question. Thank you!
My main form of communicating (i.e., seeking help) is through 812-855-6789. The UITS assistants always do their best even when they cannot figure out what the problem is. Trying matters (which I appreciate every time I call).
This summer I was part of the Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities (IDAH) "boot camp." IU has vast resources and I feel like I have only scratched the surface. UITS gives a lot more time and attention to the needs of scientists.
A separate issue... I hate the flood of emails about "online teaching." I am never going to attend an

online teaching conference or seek special oversight/support for online teaching. Please customize those lists and send the emails to people who are actually interested!

Stop making changes without informing users. Speak in lay terms when talking to clients.
Train first tier support staff better- I always have to go to Tier 2.
The infrastructure for storage and computing is a catastrophe. Setting up a new lab has been so much more complicated and time consuming than necessary, and we are still working on it two months in.
The supercomputers are a good idea in theory, but it seems they were not ready to be launched for users. We should not need to spend weeks trying to understand how to use these systems, and for the record we are fairly competent in coding and have years of experience working with various servers - I cannot imagine what it's like for labs that are not. The online guides appear helpful but so many are out of date, they're complicated and send you to multiple other pages, and systems we work on setting up are then retired. Our research is suffering and at this point we are frustrated, tired, and disappointed.
From where I sit as an IU faculty & researcher, to me the relationship between UITS & IU is like the tail is wagging the dog. I do not believe there is enough consultation relating to user needs.
On the teaching side, Canvas & the UITS classrooms are an example. New things are implemented every semester [which is great!], but we are not told what those are. I am tired of having to wrestle with a new roll out of Canvas & new updates in UITS classrooms that always give unexpected surprises - a nightmare for the start of each semester. Canvas is also geared towards the student - seems like faculty & teachers in general have been completely forgotten.

On the research side? We had [past tense] an excellent HPC team - one that consulted with users. Since the recent upper leadership change this has all gone out the window, because the key HPC people have left IU, leaving us to pretty much fend for ourselves.
The IT folks are the best, most helpful, and kindest people on campus. They are always patient with my questions and very helpful with their answers. Give them all a big raise!
The services regarding classroom spaces are not good. I spend a good deal of time embedding relevant content in my classroom materials and at least 50% of the time, it doesn't work. And we have tested the materials EVERY time before I bring them to class. There will be no sound, no picture or even a yellow block in the middle of the screen. By the time the Tech people get there (and this is not their fault), I am well past that point in the class time. I have just stopped calling them. These classrooms have to be 100% up to speed to be useful.
We have embedded IT people in our medical clinic and that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. I am too busy between patients to futz with an online chat bot or phone call-- having an IT person who can come
in and help me directly is VERY IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY HELPFUL.

The UITS takeover of CITO has been an unmitigated disaster. What was once a high functioning, fully adequate tech support operation has been decimated. Faculty and staff in the College simply cannot get adequate and timely help with any problem, from minor to serious, at present, from garden variety software updates, to fixes for broken equipment, to classroom technology problems, to lifecycle replacements for archaic workstations. Leaving software unpatched is not a recipe for greater security. When and how are you going to fix this? And what on earth were you thinking? This has been a remarkably stupid and ill-executed administrative reform, and can serve as exhibit A of the costs of ill- informed centralization of resources under the present administration of IU.
Beyond this, the spotty wifi in classrooms remains a constant, low grade problem that wastes approximately half an hour of my time each day I teach, in order fix student problems with top hat attendance and quiz answers. More robust wifi infrastructure seems the obvious solution.
The biggest issue is that I don't know whom to call when I need something. My computer didn't work and it took like months for somebody to bring me a new mouse. Nobody looked at my computer.
It takes long to receive an answer and too long for something to actually happen. Microsoft Teams is horrible, Canvas could be so much better, the HLS building and many others don't have good internet connection (in the lower floor it doesn't exist at all; I cannot connect my phone to the internet and I need to use Duo Push). Duo Push and all the security things are ridiculous; it takes me up to10 minutes to log in.

In SPH, the monitors are ridiculous; if you are not next to them, they just turn off. There is so much that can be improved.
The UITS team in the School of Education at IU is great. They are very responsive whenever a problem arises during my teaching they are right there in the room within minutes of my call.
I don’t know how to answer my phone or indeed use my phone in my office at all. It might be great to learn that. I may have missed that training opportunity?
My understanding of all these services and/or my usage of them is basic. I need whatever program I need (Zoom, Kaltura media, Canvas) to work without any frustration - and am totally appreciative of support personnel who can talk me through problems when I need help. They are wonderfully patient and almost always able to help.

The amount of tools and apps you mention in the survey make my head spin. I'm at the stage of may career where I feel like computers and their various apps should be as easy to use as turning on an electric light switch, I don't want 'fancy' names for the lightbulbs, and I definitely don't have time to figure out how or know how they work. Just let them come on when it's dark and I need light.

And for heaven's sake - once I've figured out how something works and am using it to do what I need done - stop fiddling around to 'make it better'. That invariably results in me not being about to use it at all without spending previous hours trying to figure out the basics. I've had to give up programs altogether - which were once excellently helpful tools - because they we upgraded so much I could not figure out how to use them at all.
In Azure / IU SharePoint I am strongly missing a feature to filter my file search results by extension e.g.
*.txt or perhaps I don't know how to use it ;)
The call service is very helpful.

When I have asked for support I have been met with what feels like being talked down to or my problems are unimportant. I recently had a problem with my email being signed up for a bunch of newsletters that I did not request. I asked for help, never really received any. I found good answers on Google, but it would have been nice if UITS would have said "hey, don't respond to the messages to unsubscribe " and "hey, you may have clicked the box that said to sign you up for newsletters when
you thought it said cookies, so watch for this" or "hey, maybe you should log out of your IU google account before looking things up on the internet". Even some tips such of this would have been helpful. Unfortunately, I have received nothing more than "looks like someone signed you up as a prank". It makes me not want to contact UITS when I think I have a problem.
Please increase the quota allotment of Slate-Project. The current limit of 15TB for free is so small to the researchers dealing with big dataset.
Although I have used the services of the Help Desk in the Main Library infrequently, when I have needed to use them, the individuals working the desk have been extremely helpful, kind, and patient.
I was very sorry to see my actual desk telephone go. This was not a good move for UITS to make.

Chrome River and the Jaggaer network are a headache. We have lost international collaborators over the complexity of navigating Jaggaer and BUY.IU. And the time I have wasted on submitting reimbursements(especially ones that are more complicated, such as international trips or trips with multiple locations) Chrome River is ridiculous.

Waited on hold for more than 30 minutes today for UITS phone support for Canvas
Faculty member here - I've been here over 15 years and have tried to use the data capacitor and geode/slate ever since, but I have always been unsuccessful because they don't meet my needs. Instead I use my own hardware/servers. Geode and slate have gotten better, in that there is now sufficient (>10TB/user) spinning storage and no automatic 60 day deletion, which made them unusable. The main dealbreaker for me now is that I still need nightly incremental backup. Please,
PLEASE consider adding nightly incremental backup options to central spinning storage. If you do, I might actually be able to use them. Thanks.

Staff responses:

The School of Music needs to fund more technicians to be on call in the evenings and weekends so they can support the 1000+ evening performances that happen each year in the moment, rather than 9-5.
KB is a good resource... more of a MANUAL... but it is SO hard to navigate and understand if you are not as confident about tech or the topics. It seems like every thing links out to something else and it is too easy to go down a rabbit hole and get lost.
Please don't get rid of Zoom. Teams video calls are horrible compared to the quality of Zoom. The students also don't do well on Teams compared to Zoom.
The buy.iu system is one of the worst systems IU has.
I feel like our phone services need to be updated.

I prefer calling UITS over email or chat - phone conversations seem to support better communication and quicker resolutions.
I found Box to be superior to Teams for e-file storage and management.
It's sometimes not clear *where* I should go for help when I run into a problem. Like an account problem vs. a problem with Cascade. Then I spend a lot of time contacting the wrong people.
Thank you for all the help you do to keep the school network working so well!
UITS does a wonderful job and whenever I contact them for services, they are always right on it!

The SPH UITS team is also wonderful to work with!
The services provided are fine, but sometimes it can take a bit for someone to respond to either me or a colleague when we need something fixed sooner rather than later. However, I am aware of how small the staffing is, so it is understandable.
The UITS people that service the HLS are fantastic. [IRD] is normally who I work with whenever I have issues and he’s excellent.
As staff, I am almost always able to use my devices as needed.
All of the consultants are very patient and helpful. I have been here 35 years. While I know software pretty well, I know nothing about Systems and Hardware. So, they have to listen to me try to explain problems using language..."Like that thing that does this, is not working when I push the button that does that."
UITS Help Desk is extremely efficient. Thank you!
It takes a long time to get IT support help when you need a person to physically come and do something at your location. I'm sure staffing is a problem, but any updates that have to have an administrator password to complete are such a headache. The ticketing system is also slightly annoying. Maybe it works better for the back end, but is it really that much easier than an email?
Many units, schools, labs, research teams, Centers and Institutes utilize Slack as a communications and effective project management site. It would be a great service to IU if a contract was organized for the service to be available. The free features are very limited, so a contract for the full services would be very practical.

Additionally, Teams has been hard to learn, problematic, and not reliable. Almost every phone call I have the first thing people say to each other is 'can you hear me', indicating the vast issues of calling users have experienced.
Clear info on who to report issues too.
IU Telecomm needs more support and better tools to help the university. The migration to Team telephony was an unmitigated mess. The service is terrible and onboarding was atrocious. The team rarely closes tickets properly and doesn't communicate with customers at all. They need help.
SCCM team needs help too. There is some outage or breakage every week. There is always some new workaround that isn't communicated well.
We need long term backup solutions for units that are not in education. We need a critical data scanning tool.

As a staff member, I would like to know how to find out the status of my help request. I would like an estimate of how long help requests, such as acquiring a university computer, monitor and peripherals will take. I would like clearer guidelines on how to do things I need to do like set up group email accounts in my outlook app.
Keep up the great work!
The laptops that UCO employees received last year are cheap and not powerful enough to perform duties in a timely fashion. The remote PCs are faster, but they are fragile and will sometimes lock up for extended periods of time or disconnect randomly. If the remote PC system is to be continued, they will have to be replaced with quality devices. If the remote PCs will be phased out, then our university issued laptops should be upgraded with better processors and/or more RAM (because mine is so bad that it lags on Microsoft Outlook). I would rather make less money and have a quality university issued laptop rather than this $400 mass produced Dell that is more fitting for a undergraduate student rather than a university professional.

-BUY.IU is terrible
-IUIE is useful but outdated and clunky
-The controller's office reporting tools are new and easier to use, but are leave much to be desired in comparison to the types of reports and data that IUIE can retrieve
Individual help in the support centers is great. Keep up the good work.
Our IT team within the Student Health Center is top notch. My only complaint is that no one in IT is here at the Health Center when staff is logging in at the beginning of the day and when our first patients begin arriving. Problems, especially those created as a result of an update, often occur at the very beginning of the day, and it is frustrating to not be able check our patients in for their appointments due to computer issues.
I think the support features are helpful but it is a difficult to navigate system. One.IU does not give enough information about each feature, and I am not aware of how to use the different programs I have access to. I think more notice about the programs I am able to use would be helpful, though this might be due to me not exploring enough!
The job listings site for IU is extremely difficult to use, making an already difficult process that much harder. It constantly puts you back at the top of the list, so the lower listings are hard to access. I had the patience and need to go through everything, but many might not and it could easily deter them from exploring the site.
Very helpful when things are not working properly.
Overall the UITS team does a great job. Customer Service and help has improved during the past year.
The quality of laptops and associated accessories has decreased over the years. There is also an increase of issues seemingly due to incompatibility when trying to use a new laptop with existing monitors, docking station, desk phone. I have attempted to use the chatbox multiple times without any success. Zoom is easier to use than Teams. OneDrive has created multiple issues with file and folder permissions and formatting issues with documents.
Not much help for Mac users on campus, all of your IT or at least most of them are trained on PCs. Many of the issues I have had I have had to resolve myself.

In the IUIE when you request access to an object you fill out the form and after the request is granted if you want to query the object from an Oracle client e.g. Oracle SQL Developer instead of from the IUIE web you sort of have to guess at the object schema. For example dss_rds. or dss. or dss_kfs. The schema prefix is not really displayed anywhere before or after access is granted.
Looking forward to being able to use Power BI as an alternative to Tableau Server for publishing reports.
The EDSS team is providing critical work for local units to consume the services they support. This team should remain highly supported else local units will struggle.

When new vendors are chosen to replace existing services such as the Graduate Admissions moving to WebAdmit the back-end programmers are not really getting representation during the software selection process. Front-end staff that would be using the vended solutions are making decisions about which vendor to pick and then turning it over to IT folks to integrate with enterprise systems. We find out after the decisions have already been made and contracts have been signed that there are significant challenges to the software integration.
Have more classes online to communicate with all employees. Thanks.
Teams is absolute garbage: the IT help folks do not know how to access files or where things are actually stored and you can't use it for synchronous meetings because it is unstable and has unexpected behaviors.
Canvas is outstanding, please don't take that away.
None, thanks.
It just feels like it's very difficult to find information at times, especially so after the big IU rebrand where all the various webpages got a redesign. It feels like information for services are super hidden, and it's hard to find even a starting point sometimes.
Kuali is a hot mess. So is IUIE.
It's next to impossible to look up which employees on which work area. If there is a way, I can't find it. Which means it's not user friendly.
Thanks for all of your hard work!
More consolidated ways to contact departments. Everyone does something different.
I've had nothing but positive interactions with UITS.
A few weeks ago, UITS replaced all the computers our AIs use (in the department's open areas) but did not "hook up" the new computers with access to the Ricoh printer/scanner/copier they use every day for lesson prep. It took a week for this to be resolved, during which staff had to print these things out for the AIs. I strongly suggest that when a computer is slated to be replaced, UITS make sure the replacement has access to the same things the old one did!
I am proud to be part of the UITS team!
I don't see how KayBee the Chatbot adds anything to the kb docs. Is KayBee cheaper than hiring staff?

So glad we made the switch to using Teams! Skype was the worst as it always dropped my student advising appointments especially when we used this heavily during the pandemic when working remote. We still use Zoom for student appointments would be fine if we didn't. Teams is cheaper for the university so that would be a plus to pitch it.
I am really happy that the IU student health center has IT so readily available.
UITS needs to disallow the use of other services like Slack. When you allow this product specifically, it's like having different phone numbers to call for different groups at IU. Teams is a perfectly useful tool that should be the mandated tool for ALL IU people. It will also save a lot of money as I am quite sure that Slack is not a cheap item. Please do what is right and stop allowing Slack at IU.
eLearning Design and Services is absolutely amazing, all incredible folks!
You guys are very helpful and I appreciate your hard work so much! The understaffing and lack of live- support for things besides classroom tech can make tech issues as a staff member in a department very difficult, though. Whoever is in charge of funding UITS should be paying people better to retain them and hiring more staff, though I know this is much easier said than done. I miss the CITO Zoom Room constantly; it was the best way to get help! We're all confused about whether CITO is merging with UITS or something like that with the Shared Services model the new Administration keeps talking about, so it would be nice to get some clarity there. Re: our systems, Chrome River is the best one, and Buy.IU and KFS are the most confusing. Buy.IU is the worst. Buy.IU is not intuitive at all; I see different things than my boss sees, and the suppliers that I am trying to have register see different things than I see and expect me to be able to help them because I'm the one who initially reached out, when really I can't do anything and just have to get help from Purchasing using their support form.
You'll see something like "Exported to GLAPI" in the tracking steps, and you mouse over GLAPI and it doesn't tell you what that stands for or what it means or if that's the end or if it's going to be sent somewhere else next. Finally, the move to "help forms" instead of being able to actually speak to a person is somewhat frustrating; I understand why you do it, but sometimes there is a situation which would just be so much easier to resolve over Zoom with screen control or even just over a phone call. Sometimes I submit the form and I feel like my request just goes into the void. The KayBee chatbot does not understand complex problems and is no substitute for a real person with real problem solving skills, and it concerns me that you're trying to push chatbot solutions (not to mention the threat of AI in general eroding our ability to connect to and get help from people who have actual understanding and compassion in addition to problem-solving skills.) Again, the "request void" thing definitely related to the understaffing issue, but when a Professor comes to me saying "my office computer isn't working and I have class in fifteen minutes," it is disheartening that the only advice I can offer is to tell them to submit a ticket and wait.
Working 3rd shift a lot of employees that have crimson card problems are inconvenienced by the lack of help available at night, I really wish services were available until at least 11 PM.
Any and all updates need to happen off shift. Not in the middle of the day interrupting work. The rest of the world does it this way.
Also, fix outlook. The fact that it locks up constantly is beyond below par.
The phone system is a joke, you can't even dial out without turning on your computer. It is a lawsuit waiting to happen. How do I dial 911? Let me just tell the emergency to wait while I boot up.
The duo system is a joke too. I get the need to be secure, but that is ridiculous. How about limiting it to devices not already hooked into the system for a given period of time?
Update computers more often I use Illustrator and several other software but my desktop computer is too outdated to run the newest updates since about 2 years ago. I run six (6) machines off this desktop and it cant handle 2 things at once.
I still have no phone that works in my office after someone decided it was a good idea to switch with no regards to how phones would connect to the new system.

There needs to be better training for staff and administrators on the data warehouse. Yes, there are thousands of pre-made reports but there are no "guidelines" for new staff/admin on what reports they should be using and how. Many things are also restricted, so the process for obtaining the right information to make timely decisions is cumbersome. Data Managers do not understand the nuances between roles (Student Services vs Advising vs Admissions vs Admin vs Faculty). Everyone needs slightly different access and it would be helpful to have a baseline for IU roles and what IUIE access to permittable at each level/role.
I work with a lot of UITS employees in the course of my job and those experiences are overwhelmingly positive.

I've noticed that some of my general requests for service or questions take longer to get addressed than they have previously. I believe this is impacted by the higher levels of turnover we're all seeing and the general flux of groups being recently re-organized.
I receive way to much email from the various groups within UITS. So much email that it is now spam. There needs to be a better way to inform of updates/service changes/service options than so many emails.
It would be helpful to have a list of where departments are supposed to go or contact for IT questions/help. I will contact UITS but they will tell me I need to contact someone else and I can't find that information again later.
Microsoft Teams calls could be better, the interface is a bit weird and it can be hard to find a contact with search.
It needs to be made more explicit/clear who is available for assistance during the evenings and weekend hours when campus is still open and functioning but the majority of UITS folks are not working. This has been an issue across several semesters.
I am a returning IU employee. I wish there had been a smoother orientation for getting set up with tech and with accounts. It took 3.5 days for my first account to access to be approved.
Everyone that has helped me has been very professional.
Keep Zoom.
I provide support for staff at [IRD]. I had a [IRD] who followed instructions to request access to specific reports in the IUIE by completing the request form on the specific report. She never heard anything back after submitting the forms, so she reached out to me. I searched the knowledgebase and followed the instructions in the KB article titled "Get help for the IUIE" (https://kb.iu.edu/d/akgi) that says "If you can't find the answer you need, use the Feedback icon to send email to the IUIE Help Desk.
Alternatively, you can fill out the EDSD Support Form". And, when I went to the EDSD Support form, I filled out a form titled "IUIE Support Request" (https://uitsedsd- fireform.eas.iu.edu/online/form/authen/iuiesr) that then created a ServiceNow ticket and assigned it to the IUIE team. However, it was then moved it out of the IUIE teams queue into the SIS queue, and that team advised me to email contact Data Management (datamgmt@iu.edu). This was not an SIS issue, so it should never have gone to that team. Anyway, I did email the data management team, and they told me that my client's initial request would be addressed in the order it was received and I was not offered any assistance, and basically told to just wait. Another 2 weeks went by and my client still had no access to the reports she needed. So, I ended up asking some Kelley colleagues for help, and they pointed me to an online list of data managers. I found the name of someone in that list who managed IUIE academic reports and emailed her directly, and my client had the access she needed the next day. I found this whole process extremely frustrating because my client had to wait over a month to get access to something, and all the instructions we found and followed as well as all the IUIE, SIS, and
data management teams were of no help whatsoever.

Fix Kuali so it stops crashing! It is also unreadable and slow loading. Also don't fix what isn't broken,
e.x. the printers that staff use regularly used to be very straightforward. The printers that were a replacement are garbage!
1. I miss the Zoom room help because I preferred dealing with humans when I had an issue.
2. I am confused about if CITO and UITS are one and the same now. Is UITS managing digital screen issues that CITO used to do? Does UITS manage replacement of equipment, which is coming up for me? I don't know these answers.
3. I often get contacted by computer techs who don't know Macs, which is frustrating. For example, I never did get satisfactory help about managing fonts on my MacBook Pro.
4. Updating my OS can be less than stellar. For example, I recently installed the update, yet I still have a red notification icon on the System Settings icon in my doc. When I open it, it says everything is up- to-date. It's still that way, despite rebooting multiple times.
5. I know thar switching from Google to Outlook was a university-wide decision, but the interface is so clunky and searching for keywords rarely ends in successful outcomes.
6. The WCMS interface is a nightmare for me as a non-developer/non-programmer. There are some simple things I have conquered and then there are other things that make no sense to me and I have to dig through the documentation to try and remember where the solution might be. Sometimes the solution isn't in the documentation and I have to bother other university colleagues who edit the WCMS in another area of the university. Not user friendly and very complex for me.
7. Accessibility on the WCMS should be the university's responsibility to bring this compliant to this point. We have been told we have to use the WCMS, and then we are told that we have to do extra work and learn new applications to make things accessible. If the university wants their website pages to follow this standard, it should be built in and/or they should do what is needed to meet the standard they are assigning to their own WCMS. If there are more built-in accessibility features, then it will be easier for everyone using the WCMS to move forward with future edits and uploads. The pdf accessibility documentation we were sent recently is out of date.
8. Mind you, for all of my complaining, I have to say that techs who have helped me have all been very polite and friendly, and I have nothing against them personally. I appreciate their assistance when they assist me.
I appreciate all of our UITS people!
I have had some issues with using Microsoft Teams for video meetings. It will occasionally freeze up and my IU-issued webcam will stop working. Teams instructs me to unplug the webcam and plug it back it, but doing that does not resolve the issue. This is very embarrassing when I am leading a meeting.
I don't like Microsoft Teams.
I was shocked to find out that Crimson Card balances can be wiped out after lack of use if you're a current staff member. Can we change that policy?

Our local IT and UITS are definitely helpful. I generally use the chat feature if contacting UITS, because it's quicker.
Reduction of unwanted solicitation emails. Stronger filters.
None at this time. I appreciate all that UITS does to support the university.
We could use help with setting new hires up with IU email. We asked in the STC for help and was told we needed to send them to the Wells Library. These are new people and don't know campus and we can't afford to have someone walk them over.
Better training on programs. Most of the time we just get them and then are not sure how to use them easily. Kauli, Teams, BUY.IU

I would like to single out an IT hero, [IRD], who helped us with a situation last year, and was able to help us resolve a serious issue. Thank you to [IRD], thank you thank you, he is the pinnacle of superb support at IU.
Please stop pushing for MS Teams. Teams sucks and doesn't work well with Linux. Zoom works great for us and is higher quality. Also, I've had to use the thinclient computers over in the music library and they are extremely slow. This really doesn't leave a good impression on students in one of our most prestigious schools about the quality of IT at IU.
I just wish Microsoft applications worked better on Apple machines. I know this may be somewhat out of your control, but the fact that my Outlook calendar doesn't work as well as it should because of the computer I use is very disappointing and hinders my work being as successful. In addition, Teams is glitchy as far as consistently saving information and erroring while navigating files. I'm not sure if this has to do with my computer being a Mac, but this is also problematic and at least very frustrating.
There are not enough people working at UITS to actually address issues departments are having with technology. The College IT unit recently got folded into UITS and now it's basically impossible to get any help. Please hire more people.
I have very specialized needs as a Finance Staff person w/ an interest in data analytics/visualization. The IUIE reporting environment needs a major overhaul in terms of report object discoverability & data governance. The big wide flat table approach to providing data to end users is extremely limiting. I wish the University would provide more dimensionally structured data for use in analytical reporting versus the current extremely dated Excel reporting approach. That said, I work with people in the UITS Enterprise & Windows Administration (EWA) unit & am very happy w/ the support I get from them.
Our office is very fortunate that there are UITS team members that know and understand our unique needs. [IRD] and [IRD] assist our office with all things tech and are familiar with the programs used by OSC and the Office of Student Life. I hope we can continue to work with them as UITS changes.
It would be useful to have training for PDF accessibility.
IUITs has always been there for me and they have always been knowledgeable, kind and professional.
Sometimes the folks will give inaccurate info relating to the IU / alumni emails - please refer to alumni.iu.edu for further information on alumni emails :)
They are all very nice and have a lot of knowledge. They always make sure it is fixed correctly.
The people in UITS are so helpful and knowledgeable.
IU is over-the-top on secure access - it takes up too much time to access the things I need to get to for my job, and I don't like having to use my personal phone.
I hate Microsoft Teams, and I can never find anything. Bring back Box!
We need a signal booster in my building - the Ferguson. I have to run out to the lobby in order to duo- authenticate, and we sometimes lose signal altogether.

The service level agreements we have seem degraded, especially in the past year. Especially with JIRA tickets, tickets will be marked as "Complete" when they are not, and instead a new ticket is created. This misrepresents reality and frustrates us. We believe "Completion" must be used as a performance metric, incentivizing individuals to "roll a ticket forward into a new ticket" so it looks like the work was satisfactory.
The broad sweep to pull in all IT personnel to UITS has caused us considerable inconvenience and delay, slower and less reliable service, and crummy support. Not at all pleased.
Duo Login needs to be applied across ALL systems and websites. Its a pain in the ass as it is w/ the new code entry that slows this tedious process down even more, but needing to do it multiple times b/c there are unmarked groups of CAS/IU Login sessions some that can share a single Duo Login while others are in a separate 'group' and you have to sign in and/or duo in separately.
More training on Teams.
I really don't like Teams. I'm finding that it's clunky. It is not simple to organize--files/groups get buried and excessive clicking/navigation is needed to get places (Google Drive was much more straightforward). The faculty and other offices that our office works with seem to have trouble accessing information easily and often express frustration with the platform during meetings. I also find that screen sharing on Teams calls is not intuitive for people and arrange Zoom calls instead.
It's a bit frustrating that the connection quality of Zoom/Teams meetings/calls is often poor when I'm at the CIB compared to when I am working from home. Especially given that so few people are in the CIB generally.
I'm new to IU (as a staff member, anyway -- I was a graduate student a while back, as well) -- not that much contact yet, but having come from a non-higher-ed environment with FAR FEWER resources, I'm mostly just appreciative that a resources as all-encompassing as UITS exists and is easily accessible -- thanks for all the support!
I seriously dislike Teams phone services. They seem unreliable. They are clunky and go against a norm of telephone usage that many of us have used our entire lives. I was disgusted to see recently the head of some IT department say it was successful. My immediate thought was, "You don't use it! Your admins have to for you." It is horrible. Please, please go back to regular telephones.
Besides that, I really like the Knowledge Base and appreciate all you do to keep IU running. Thanks!
The Knowledge Base website is kind of annoying to use when I need help. The instructions are a bit too full of jargon for me to fully understand. Plus the pages are hard to navigate. If you're not working with a communications professional already I think it may be helpful to organize it better and put more information into layman terms. Some of us are not very technical but it would be nice to be able to click around a website and find what I need rather than bug your staff over and over again!
Our time kiosk breaks down almost weekly and sometimes it takes a while for them to get it working again and then it just stops again we need a new way of clocking in and out

I appreciate IT Resources emails for sharing information with staff. UITS does an excellent job of keeping systems running and attending to fixes. I find though that lately, my team spends a lot of time learning new tools and platforms (Machforms, OneDrive, Box, Skype for Business, etc.) only to shift to something else and something else again. Big initiatives like DSI appear out of nowhere with no explanation of purpose. Previous leaders of UITS were visible in making decisions. I couldn't tell you who the senior leadership at UITS is. I find this troubling and I don't know what it means for our future.
To me the biggest issue with IU tech services is the design of their web pages, knowledge base, etc. It is not user friendly and as a result, knowing who or what to turn to and when is very challenging. We have pages with giant pictures and minimal content that is huge and uninformative. There is communication using terms that people don't know. Messages about outages with terminology that doesn't make sense. Help files that don't help. It is so hard to find anything and usually it is because it doesn't exist. An example is the complete disarray for listservs. There is one 'tool' for the two different iu.edu and indiana.edu domains showing different information. There was information about migrating to a new exchange system that was written for anyone but normal users.
Just look at this page for example https://kb.iu.edu/d/biov?j=1658125&sfmc_sub=120120075&l=67086_HTML&u=44425504&mid=72099 10&jb=1005 and try to find out about the initiative to migrate and what it is in normal human terms (not for someone on the project). I think IU found a format from someone who said - that looks good and everyone focused on big pretty pictures and large buttons, but didn't engage anyone with user interface technical writing skills or UI/UX experience. Compare IUs online presence with any other university and you'll see. Try Purdue's home page. scroll to the bottom. Compare that with IUs home page (tons of white space, big fonts, scrolling down forever). Compare IU's UITS page https://uits.iu.edu/?_gl=1*7gp44t*_ga*NTU0MjkxMTEzLjE2OTc0ODYyNjk.*_ga_61CH0D2DQW*MTY5 NzczMTA0MS44LjEuMTY5NzczMjYzOC41OS4wLjA. with Purdue's https://it.purdue.edu/services/index.php. The URL alone demonstrates the issue (and this is just simulating a user going to the home page navigating to IT services and clicking). Its awful.
My only real complaint about the Teams phone system is that when I'm on a call on my phone, Teams will ring in above the current call/conference I'm on. I would think if the phone is already in use it would ring busy instead of overriding the current conversation.
With the increased use of cloud-based systems, performance has significantly declined. While I understand the technical benefits, this has been a loss to functional users. Teams is very frustrating.
I love having a UITS team member on site!
The support for staff is poor. They usually do not how to fix the problem and create more problems than they fix.
I would like to see more testing done before updating systems to make sure an update does not cause problems with other existing services.
I'm very worried about the planned replacement of the KB by a ServiceNow related knowledgebase. Years of training our staff and faculty where to go and how to use it are going to be wasted by a new system that looks completely different, and probably behaves very differently. My own experience with ServiceNow has been less than stellar, and I'm not a fan of subjecting the campus as a whole to it.
So friendly, professional and knowledgeable. Always patient and willing to help.
I appreciate the software options/use on our computers, and the numerous KB instructions. The rep answering calls for the affiliate crimson card was very helpful over the summer. I don't get wi-fi in the back room of our building, which is annoying for the "most wired on campus." The IUIE, BuyIU, KFS apps don't seem to fit our needs well--too many "quirks" that you have to work around. If CITO is part of UITS, they need better management--response time is three weeks or more, and you get different
answers from different techs.

No answer.
Teams calls are spotty and I often get feedback from the other person on the line that they can't hear me. I also get echoes regularly. Additionally, the interface between my computer and my phone get entangled and I've had a number of instances where in order to take the call, I've had to have them call my personal device.
I often have to wait several days for replies from UITS Tioer2 support.
No additional comments
I do have feedback but elect to not provide it at this time.
I think the transition to Teams was more abrupt than any transition I have experienced here at IUB. Also, I do not like that the phone and chat is integrated with all the other apps. I preferred SfB 100% more for phone calls and instant messages. I find the chat app to be very busy to the eye, and I have to hover over someone's icon and wait for a drop down to see if they are in a phone call. Transferring calls with Teams is much slower than SfB -- probably 3 X slower. If I could pop out calls separately, and if I could pop out all of Chat (as an app, not just as individual chat boxes, and somehow organize and clean it up visually, I would like it a lot more.
Crimson Card Services online or in person should be more readily available to 3rd Shift 24hrs. 3rd Shift Custodial services provides more staff than any other department on campus and staff should be able to upload and receive crimson card services all online.
Bring back the Zoom room. It was always very helpful and provided immediate help.
Overarching UITS services are very good. However, TechSelect, the UITS group that directly support my unit, is only mediocre. As a whole, I find their knowledge and skills to be lacking.
As a staff member I looked around for a long time trying to find a way to 3-D print on campus. First i made an appointment with and visited the Fine Arts Building fabrication lab and they weren't able to help me because they didn't have a way to bill me for a personal project (i.e. they could only use bursar or research accounts for billing, no personal cards). I then emailed the learning commons and they linked me to a KB article on 3-D printing which took me to a print request form that I later learned was retired. After a week of no response, I reached out to [IRD] directly, who was extremely courteous and willing to help. Not only did [IRD] complete my print for me, but he communicated with me the entire way and followed up with me to learn how i accessed the retired form. Within the next day, [IRD] was able to take down the retired form AND [IRD] followed up with people who had also mistakenly used the same form. [IRD] was awesome and I really appreciated his help.
The tech group in SPHB get a high five!
Microsoft Outlook 365 Web Exchange - I'm dissatisfied that it no longer automatically includes the email thread when you reply. I have to reference the original message when students, staff, and faculty reply to my email from the web exchange. It would also be nice if you could store multiple email signatures. Microsoft Teams Videoconferencing/Phone Calls - I work remotely and cannot access these functions via my remote desktop.

IUIE Active Employee Positions Report (Payroll) - It would be helpful if this report included account funding distribution for part-time / hourly employees. My RC has a lot of hourly employees whose pay is funded by multiple accounts. The report only provides funding details for F/T biweekly staff. I have to compare new reports with the last report I updated and double check via HRMS. This takes up a lot of time, especially when monthly and biweekly payroll is due on the same day.

Thank you for this survey and all your IT support!

I apologize for not answering several of the questions but I'm usually only on campus at night to work and I never get on the computers.
1) With all of the changes over the years, it is hard to know exactly where to go for what info. 2) Technology is so important to everything we do, I am not sure why some technical resources are 'pay to play' (such as web design/publishing and direct desktop support). 3) There are some very helpful people in many UITS offices, and these 'direct connections' are helpful in getting things done, but I am not sure how new-to-IU people figure tech things out sometimes because they do not have those connections.
I am a new employee, it would been nice to have one on one work threw all the info, to understand all requirements. Thank you.
The IUIE environment is not very user friendly. Despite tutorials, for a gen z (iGen), I should be able to figure it out and I still have issues with it after almost 3 years of using it. This makes me think it's more of a UI issue rather than a user issue. It's difficult to find the report you need and difficult to know which information you need to enter to gather the report.
Kuali TIME is just buggy sometimes. I wish processing speeds could be a bit faster, and being a payroll processor, wish it wasn't such a finicky system sometimes (such as when I am approving timesheets).
I am a HUGE fan of the Microsoft Teams initiative. I used Teams at my last job and loved it, and was so disheartened to start at IU with Skype. The only problem I have experienced with Teams so far is that unlike Skype, I am not able to automatically switch from a desktop call to my desk phone. Our school reps have mentioned that it has something to do with the phones and desktops not being on the same wavelength, or system (I'm sorry that's such a terrible explanation, but happy to elaborate if asked). Other than this, my experience with Teams has been great, and I am so looking forward to more Teams initiatives.

I just registered my "Team" and want to learn more about how we can use this to collaborate with our coworkers (for example, ours is for our HR team).
Thanks for doing this!
Please bring back Google Drive as an option! SharePoint is AWFUL. It's too complex and hard to use, and I've lost file after file trying to find anything on it.
Teams is fine, but sometimes quality of calls is not great.
The level of service to our department from Partnered Technology has not been great. People haven't been showing up at scheduled times, and it has been difficult to get a hold of people for answers when we have them involved in computer moves and setups. It delays our projects and causes confusion. It would be great if we could be assured that when we have something scheduled, a tech will be there. I think it went more smoothly when we didn't have a designated tech, but everyone helped depending on who was available.
The Executive IT team is fantastic to work with and very prompt in fixing anything I am having a problem with or need to order.
I have had all of my needs met in a timely and polite manner. I have nothing to add.

SIS (Administrative) needs to be replaced. It is not intuitive and the newish interface to get to the various application really stinks. It was easier to get to the apps that you needed before the upgrade. Maybe it is the lack of training on how to go from one app to the other. I usually figure out how to navigate applications quickly, but this has a lot of challenges and you are required to click a lot more rather than getting to the app you need. For example, you used to be able to go the Administrative center and then directly go to Class Roster and then off to another app. Now you have to do extra navigation to even find it. The data elements in the Admin Center are not up-to-date either - for example, the only allowable for Gender appear to be Female, Male or Other. The allowable values should be like these: Agender. Female/Woman. Genderqueer. Gender Fluid. Gender Non- Conforming. Intergender. Intersex. Male/Man. Also, is there even an field for Pronouns?
Tech support professionals are excellent, but IT leadership does not always adhere to Change management best practices, and instead decides on half-baked plans that then require significant effort to implement at ground level.
I cannot believe how unhelpful UITS was on a recent ticket about trying to register our Teams site. I got so many emails telling me to register and every time I tried to do it the site wouldn't work. Multiple times it wouldn't even load. Then I finally got it to load and it crashed. I spent multiple hours trying to do a simple task, and then when trying to inquire for assistant the support I received was extremely slow and unhelpful.

If you are sending mass communications scaring people that they might lose the primary platform they use to manage a large team, you need to make sure that 1) the registration system works, and 2) if it doesn't you provide responsive assistance to users. I was really disappointed with UITS in this case and hope you use this as an opportunity to improve internal communication processes.
More required training from UITS staff would be helpful.
IT offices need to be better staffed so they can devote mental energy to help requests and in a timely manner. It's frustrating to fill out a detailed report and get repeated responses that not only don't address the issue but are already referenced in the initial help request.
Information about major updates being led by UITS tends to be announced shortly before things are scheduled to happen. It would be helpful to have this information much further in advance for proper planning.
Thank you for your consistent and diligent hard work! I, and so many others, appreciate you!
Websites are a problem; it is a challenge to navigate through to find what I need and the chatbot is missing a lot of information. Communications about websites are also a problem; I have received multiple confusing emails about websites and ownership of websites (I don't think that I own any). If there is a plan about websites (commissioning / de-commissioning, re-designing, support for doing those things) perhaps a central place could be created (KB or website) could be created for this? I want to be a good steward of IU's resources and poor communication in this regard is deflating and defeating.
In Skype for business, we used to be able to pull up a contact card for someone to see their phone number. Now if you search someone in Teams, it does not show their phone number, it just gives the option to call them. If I am looking for their phone number to include in a document or email, where are we supposed to find it?
The new file sharing/saving system is confusing and difficult to use (Microsoft 365/One drive or whatever it is)
The UITS services I use are excellent. I am somewhat dissatisfied with the new phone system. Often calls get cut off.

Your level of support is not as good as it used to be, and it is unclear where to go for help. It also feels like no one wants to step up and truly help those who don't live in the Ivory Tower of IT. Group accounts: the website asks me to contact my local ITPro, who tells me they can't help and I need to use the support center. Teams: why is there a button in the upper right to create a Team, but in emails we are told to use the button on the left of the screen, or the Team is not secure and you will delete the Team? Could you PLEASE offer a training in Teams / file storage that explains when to use SharePoint, when to use Teams, best practices? Unless of course, you plan to abandon Teams soon in favor of the next storage system du jour?
The walk in support center folks are amazing, so there is that.
The only issue I've had is not being able to have a work laptop, but I don't know if that's this department or not. I was told there aren't enough to give me one, but it would be extremely helpful for my job.
A more user-friendly CMS that allows groups, versioning, etc., aside from confluence, would be good for document management. IU has never done that well at all.
I don't use the phone services because I haven't been able to get them to work, despite trying multiple options.

Undergraduate responses:

Wi-Fi services are concerningly bad considering the amount of tuition paid here at IU. From disconnections to interruptions on Canvas and Top hat.
Sometimes when I try to log into an IU page, I get an error for a stale request. Many times it is the first time I have used the page in a long time and makes many things inaccessible to me. This error shows up after I try to run a DUO request through and hit allow.
Please, please, please, please put more desktop computers in the library all of them are always being used.
Kuali often doesn’t work! This is very annoying especially when it’s on campus - it’s a campus platform, it should work on campus.
Mobile ID is not reliable at all, it rarely works properly.
I'm not sure if this is an issue that just me and a handful of my friends are having, but lately when I have been opening my laptop on canvas eduroam disconnects wants me to redownload it.
Wi-Fi 33 gets slow, one.iu.edu get confusing, duo push is annoying.
Wi-Fi 33 can be rather unreliable sometimes, and on various places on campus, such as the Radio TV building.
One thing I would suggest is to work on the wifi near the Education building... my wifi rarely works when I am in there.
EDURoam is very hard to connect with, I have had to re-download it multiple times and it still makes me sign in/doesn't work consistently.
I wish there was stronger wifi connection throughout campus. It can also be an inconvenience for MobileID to rarely ever work.
The wifi in Ballentine is terrible, need more modems.

The wifi is spotty all over campus. I love canvas!!

I feel as though the new email platform for students isn’t as good as the old one.
Hi there! Some suggestions I have to better UITS services is to make services like Canvas and One.iu more accessible for non-Microsoft devices. I have a lenux and I feel sometimes it can be difficult to access things like word and excel. One other suggestion I’d give is to make eduroam more accessible when you’re walking around campus. I know it may be difficult but I feel like eduroam starts to shut down when you leave a building. Other than that I think the UITS services at IU are pretty good! Thank you so much for the opportunity to do this survey!
I would just focus on making the WiFi more accessible because there are certain buildings where it rarely works.
If there was a way to condense some of the pages for class scheduling, I would appreciate that. Maybe have individual Schools' bulletins linked to the class scheduling apparatus in Student Center, or in the AAR report, have lists of classes which fulfill a requirement in the requirement's tab. Those are in some of my requirement tabs, but not all and it'd be useful to have those put there.

The issue of responsiveness in Indiana University's technology support services has been a recurrent concern among users. Prolonged wait times for assistance, delayed follow-ups, and unaddressed support requests have created frustration and hindered users' ability to work or study efficiently. The lack of timely response to technical issues not only impacts productivity but also erodes confidence in the support system, necessitating a critical evaluation of their responsiveness protocols to better serve the university community.

I'm very impressed by your resource quality and responsiveness. As a transfer student, I've experienced bad IT systems and can appreciate the work you do. Your interfaces bring a tear to my eye. All jokes aside, I can tell you guys work hard and it pays off!
I didn't even know that UITS provided services to help with your computer issues until I took this survey so getting more information out on that would help. I think most of the services IU provides do a great job to help students continue to learn.
The wifi does not work well.
Knowledge base has been very helpful for learning about how to use new technology, services.
I hope that in the future we can provide more clear instructions and access to printing on campus. I also would love to have more publicity and marketing for the IT training you offer such as using programs we have access to as students.
The wifi is abysmal and most places on campus block phone data so I cant even use the internet when needed. UITS help center never know how to fix anything and always redirect you elsewhere. Duo
mobile is even worse since the "remember me" option never works.

One big issue that I have to deal with is Wifi login. I own a Macbook air, and every time that I close my laptop, or walk into another building I have to re-login to the wifi. For example, let's say that I am working in my dorm, and I open my laptop. When I do so, I have to login to the wifi. But, if I were to close my laptop and reopen it, I have to go through the whole process again. Same thing goes for when I leave my dorm to go to another building.
I love kaybee the chatbot.
It would be nice if the campus Wi-Fi bandwidth would reach me when I'm outside doing homework.
I do struggle with IUanyware and wifi sometimes which can be frustrating so just improving use across those platforms.
Printers often seem to be glitchy or have pieces/components broken or missing that make them unusable. Furthermore, the wifi can be extremely spotty in some places on campus, such as at my on- campus job site.
More access to self-help or text based help so I don’t have to call people when something goes wrong. Things go wrong often.
Please change providers of bursar billing from Nelnet. They have repeatedly made mistakes when it comes to billing with saved accounts and creating new accounts. Additionally they have had multiple lawsuits against them due to their practices. It is also confusing to see on the bursar bill that you have a balance of a positive number when you are expected to pay that much and then negative if you have over paid.
Zoom has been crashing for nursing students in physiology class. We are being zoomed in from the RAHC to campus and it crashes. I don't know if this is an IT issue, but I thought I'd mention.
My biggest complaint is the internet speed and connection issues. There have been so many instances while I have been at IU my 4 years that there was many internet connection issues or the speed being so slow that it was basically unusable. Also, the IU wifis do not work well for my phone and I don't know why.
Wifi is terrible a lot of places on campus!!!
The printing software has been EXTREMELY slow lately. On any device and any wifi.
The wifi is slow at times.
Consistent wifi for all devices.
Generally very satisfied with UITS services.
I find it really helpful that IU pays for a Microsoft365 account. That is my most used resource.
I love the new duo login very convenient.
Duo Authentication may be a hard time when you do not have your primarily device with you.

Love that we use Canvas. I once went to a school that didn't use it and the difference in ease of use is night and day. Also our scheduler is great too. Before, I also had to schedule all of my classes and figure out conflicts by myself.

When using the IUTS online resources, It would be more appreciated to see pictures or screen captures of the processes since a lot of users are not very good at following instructions (I've seen this a lot in freshman or not so tech savvy individuals) and seeing images to follow are very well appreciated! They help a lot! (They've helped me a lot when it comes to the IT certifications I have obtained).
lots of strong opinions, but I'm generally very happy! great work & thanks. Eduroam
I do not like Eduroam. It is possible to go into any private cafe and use the Internet anonymously, yet they have fewer resources and less of a democratic mission than the worlds' universities. You can walk into any Google campus and use GoogleGuest wifi with no password or identification. It is telling, and shameful, that the universities have banded together in an unquestioned assumption that of course, of course, web browsing needs to be accountably tied back to punishable, identifiable students. It is dismaying their activist student bodies are so unable to think for themselves they have gone along with this nonsense. You are not deputized by governments in this way and should try harder to stay out of this business since there is an existence proof that it is possible to stay out of this business and a clear reason to do so.

There are some problems with Duo. It does not accept all my U2F keys, only about half of them. The U2F keys it accepts changed recently. This is their only business and reason for existing, so I feel they should accept all the keys that GMail accepts. In addition, it prompts too frequently for reauthentication. I understand there are hypothetical tradeoffs for "security," but I think if you demand metrics, how many security incidents are actually avoided by a doubling in prompt frequency and how serious are those incidents, you will settle on a much less frequent prompting schedule and find that cookies in a student's browser are about as good as an app on a phone.

Everyone seems to understand that multiple people can edit a Google Doc together, can "collaborate" on it. I think that Office365 has this feature, too, but nobody seems to understand it. I have tried a few times to do this with my classmates, and it's just not possible. I don't know if it's an IT problem or a publicity problem (for example, Microsoft still allows and encourages people to mail around .docx attachments to one another, while Google makes this deliberately difficult), but it should be solved because the collaborative features are powerful and should be understood by everyone.

IU needs a chat system like Slack. I feel it is expected these days. All companies in the real world offer this. I would like to plug matrix.org. You can hire them to run it for you, or set up and maintain your own Matrix / Element server while paying them nothing yet still be able to talk to all Matrix, because it's completely open source and federated like email. It can use IU login IDs. Currently in my class, the accepted thing for chatting "professionally"/academically seems to be GroupMe, which is glitchy, terrible, spam-prone, and demands a phone number. I would rather use VKontakte than GroupMe. It's the worst app in this class I have ever used, and it's disrespectful about my phone number, too, refusing to accept a Google Voice number when banks, PayPal, and Signal all do accept Google Voice. I resent having been pressured into using it, and especially resent being pressured to share a number professionally that I do not share with intimate friends. I did it anyway because I did not want to be excluded from class discussions, but this type of forced sharing is strongly inappropriate and should be resolved.
IU Anywhere

This is a great idea but the barrier to entry was kinda substantial: setting things up, then the virtual servers are slow to start. I am really excited to have access to all this software I could never afford, and to have it without needing to go to a computer lab or buy a powerful desktop. Yet when I tried to use it I spent an hour struggling without getting started. Maybe some focus groups could get a better ROI on these software licenses by getting them used more? It's probably better to focus on people who actually need MatLab for a class, though, and ignore my feedback.

Thanks again for your hard work.

The software packages are great, and it's great that there are multiple ways to get extra IT help. Some management systems could be reworked however like the meal system and perhaps some of the tools/apps on one.iu.edu.
The Wifi in some building is spotty and not always available in some of my lecture rooms. I would wish that the wifi access would be more dependable.
IUPrint has been difficult this semester. I lost almost 8 dollars on documents that never printed. And I even tried different printers thinking it was a hardware issue.
I would appreciate it if we had better wifi. I live on campus and I can’t even do a zoom meeting or send an email without having to go somewhere else to do it.
During the days of October 12-13. The wifi for eduroam in Willkie, Read, and Iagemen dorms was very weak.
UITS is really helpful
The IGPS is confusing to navigate, especially when it comes to signing up for classes and trying to search for them.
I do not like the Knowledge Base design - often the links do not work, or link me right back to the KB page, preventing me from finding the resources to resolve the issue I’m on KB for.
Everything works well and I know where to go when I need help.
Make the wifi actually work consistently.
Mobile ID does not work for me which is inconvenient. However that is the only technological problem I've really had.
You actually do really well and i appreciate that.
As a freshman, I am still getting to know all the resources the school offers, therefore more widespread promotion of IT Services would be nice
Please add more printers. There should be a WORKING printer in EVERY building.
Student study centers in large buildings like Ballantine should be expanded to fit more people, as they are often crowded.

Some things that would be nice to improve: wifi around specific areas in campus don't seem to work (I get the wifi bars but it doesn't work until I turn off wifi and just use data instead); mobile ID reliability (many times it doesn't work, even if I refresh or x out of the app).
It would be nice if there was better wifi service outside on campus for people who want to sit outside and work.
Recent WiFi outages around Northwest neighborhood.
The WiFi frequently goes out in my dorm(foster Harper)
Sometimes the wifi eduroam will randomly go out and it's hard to get connected again but for the most part eduroam is good.
Sometimes Eduroam cuts out and has difficulty on lower floors of buildings.
Wifi connection sometimes poor, sometimes it is not possible to connect; adobe programs and library desktop are awesome; however, charching of iPad on docking station at desktop pc not possible, IU print sometimes has synchronization issues, takes some time until docs are available, chat bot is rarely helpful as it is only slightly better than a google search
Lots of wifi outages over fall break.
Advertise services a bit more, and a little bit more intuitive website design so people can search how to solve issues or find services a little bit easier, especially since that population might not have the knowledge or skill on how to find technological services via technology.
I have found the WiFi in my dorms is not good and I have to use my personal data.

WiFi on campus is horrible, specifically in certain buildings/classrooms. And example is the Psychology Building, there are dead zones. Another one is near the bus stop in front of the Biology Building.

Another critique I have is how often the printers go down, or how the IU mobile print doesn’t find the printers for several tries.

UITS has always been there to help.
Having so many resources and computers to go to is super helpful when using platforms such as Excel or doing IT work for class.
I think it should be easier to know where to go for help or support.
Had moments where the wifi goes out.
No comments, overall good system.

I actually really like canvas now that I am used to it, but sometimes the kaltoreia media section the video just pauses randomly and won’t start again unless I refresh, which makes me lose progress in the video and is annoying to skip to the part you were at. Also I noticed some places on campus that the eudorm wifi is bad/non-existent.
I hope the guest wifi could be better.
More reliable wifi across campus. I notice that in some building it works better than others.
Though only complaint I have is the wifi regarding Eduroam. Eduroam is very spotty in the dorms which is where I do a majority of my assignments and printing.
In my opinion, Kaltura is the system that needs the most work.
All good!
Igps and AAR reports could be better they are set up where they are really hard to use.
There seems to be a disconnect between departments, and they all seem to be overwhelmed and behind.
The wifi cuts in and out and is slow very often. At Tulip Tree apartments the wifi will not connect oftentimes and/or is very slow on out devices.
I have to reconnect to wifi 2-4 times every hour while in class or working on homework. Every time my laptop turns off or is not used for a few minutes wifi disconnects and I have to manually reconnect.

The duo verification 2-step login is very tedious and seldom would I find it helpful. I think there should be some system in place which allows you to register some computers or phones so that you do not need to constantly use your phone to log into your Canvas homepage or other student services.
It's pretty good.
Sometimes Two-factor authentication Duo Security will keep making me sign in and I don't like this because it wastes time if I'm trying to log into Canvas for class.
Wifi coverage is not uniform across campus, making some common spaces unviable work spaces.
I definitely think one.iu needs a huge upgrade and hopefully soon- it is very outdated and hard to use.
I only use campus as a resource of tech at IU. I have my own laptop and desktop. I also do not go on campus if at all so I have no knowledge about WiFi or the IT support.
If someone applies to work with UITS, don't just leave them hanging for months at a time. If you aren't expecting to hire out for months, let the applicant know. I could've had a whole internship during the time I was waiting for a response.
The internet is always spotty and just not reliable, it's a huge inconvenience for students who do their homework on campus.

I would appreciate if there were services on campus for computer hardware help.
The security when logging into canvas. Consistently asking for verifying myself. Not the duo app.
Wifi speed fluctuates.
Please focus on making wifi on campus more convenient and accessible.
As of late, I have had some severe Wi-Fi problems. I can not get internet at most spots in my dorm on my phone (Collins). I also have inconsistent internet in several campus buildings, including (but not limited to) the dining halls, the musical arts center, the IMU. The Metz carillon as well, but that's more obvious why. Just a bit annoying when I want to pull up sheet music when I'm up there.
Either way, these had led to problems with classes such as online quizzes and submissions, as well as with my ability to stay connected to remote repositories and get projects done. Nothing fatal, but some serious annoyances.
I wish the services offers in Student Center and iGPS were combined. I also wish there was a tool that generated and allowed students to make a four year plan on either platform. For example, it would be very helpful if one of the platforms made it easy to see which required classes you have tested out of with high school credit. It would also be able to see which classes overlap when it comes to credit requirements between majors.
I live in Forest and struggle to get a stable wifi connection in my dorm room which makes it difficult to get homework done.
The internet keeps constantly disconnecting when you have multiple devices logged into it
I have used the library UITS helpdesk per my teachers recommendation and they were very patient, informative, and ACTUALLY fixed the issue. I have used this resource multiple times after I found out how easy and effective it is.
Would appreciate the implementation of co-majors in iGPS Degree Maps.

Graduate responses:

MS 365 apps are platform dependent. They don't have apps for Linux machines and web apps are not very user-friendly and the alternative to use IUAnywhere on Citrix isn't either. It doesn't make sense to pay for a product which restricts you to use their OS. It would be a good idea to switch to other services like Google instead of Microsoft.
I routinely have printing issues at SPEA.
[IRD] of IU etexts was not overly helpful. [IRD] always guided one to a Canvas class to figure out the solution. Very immovable.
I love the way I have always received helpful information.

It drives me crazy when campus stations do not have the OneDrive standalone application downloaded. I also wish we had access to a transcription service like express scribe.
SPH Annex on 9th street often has difficulties with Wi-Fi 33 connection.
Faster response.
BH208 classroom tech needs fixing.
I would prefer that information on how to use the supercomputers published on the website be clearer.
More printers plus servicing.
The wifi in Lindley Hall is often quite bad.
No further recommendations at this time.
I'm generally happy with UITS at IU. As a grad student, I'd love to see more grad-specific outreach efforts to have a better sense of what is available to us online and on campus. But the offerings themselves are pretty good.
The UITS is really doing a great Job! I hope they continue doing such amazing work.
There are a lot of services that claim to do similar things without much clarity about what actually works/real people that can help.
UITS is top notch! Systems are great. Interfaces are great. Support is fantastic. Keep the e-mail newsletters coming. They are helpful!
I have found that many of the resources provided related to Microsoft systems don't always function properly on Mac OS systems. I have found this to be frustrating since I am a Mac user and in Quantitative Analysis, I had some difficulty accessing certain functions on my computer through the IU technology systems.
I needed IT help for a class and they were very quick.
The wifi service fluctuates greatly in some areas of campus.
MS Teams, Outlook... just suck. We should be on a different platform like Gmail, Google Drive. I'm just so thankful professors still use Zoom instead of Teams.
The people that troubleshoot at ETS in the School of Education are fantastic. They always go above and beyond their call of duty. We are so lucky to have them.
Knowledge Base is so poorly organized and user unfriendly that it renders it effectively useless.
Doing a good job overall!!
Canvas could be less of an elephant. Duo is nice, but I faced issues while registering Duo on multiple devices. The folks at the UITS walk-in desk are lifesavers.
Improve zoom audio service for orchestra class in the Harp Department. Please.
Excellent job!
I wish there were more software in IUanyWare.

Having an improved Wifi Coverage across campus would be nice. Most of the times the coverage breaks outside the building.
Web-based MS office software isn't good for students to learn a basic computing skills.
I am super disappointed with the experience of google drive files transport from my old paid school account to my personal account. I contacted UITS live chat multiple times for issues related to it. I know that the main problem may not able to be easily solved by your people, but I was still a bit surprised at that nearly nothing could be done in fixing my issues. (I had mainly two issues, 1. how to transport my materials from old school google account to my personal account. Your people found the exact solution at that time and told me how (through it's automatic transferring function). However, later, I found that my files are transferred 3 times and a lot of them are absent. (so, each of my files have 3 copies and some folders are missing), and these were unexpected and not able to be fixed by now 2. the issue is that just stated. I have duplicated files on my personal google drive system now after the transportation. I contacted your support but it wasn't solved eventually. I thought maybe your guys know how to write scripts to massively search for duplicated names and delete them, but I seem to expect too much about that.
Desktop computers provided to graduate students could have more current specifications (i.e. newer CPUs) and more RAM.
Eduroam is basically unusable because of disconnect / reconnect problems. I can't move around campus without constant interruptions to what I'm doing. I use IU-guest instead because its more reliable.

One.IU is still confusing. It's like an app store where your searches don't get you what you want. edocs are completely un-navigable if you don't know the EXACT name of the form you need. It's completely unhelpful.
I am very glad we are now able to download SPSS to work offline. The online version was buggy.
Easier access to printing and equipment on all campuses needed.
I think it's a little hard to get connected to eduroam because they will always ask me about IU public network.
Connors at First floor of Wells Library do not have wifi signal.
Wifi has been spotty at the IU Law School several times this year. Printers have been unreliable and take money without printing. Help desk employees in the Wells Library were prompt and very helpful.
[IRD] serves the [IRD] and is always so responsive, courteous, and helpful. Appreciate [IRD] very much!
Printing is absolutely awful, the pharos system lags all the time, very unreliable.
I like that you send emails about security measures, but why is it always two different emails sent 1 minute apart or at the same time? I’d rather get two emails on different days or with more space in between.
We need more support for biology software on research computing

The environment across the various research machines like Big Red 200 and Carbonate/Quartz feels very inconsistent. It would be extremely helpful if, when possible, the modules available on Carbonate were also available on Big Red 200 and vice versa. Some software is only available on one machine and requires either that I compile a new version for myself or go through the tedious process of getting new software approved.
In addition, DCWAN was taken down without any true replacement. There are other options like Slate if you want large amounts of storage (which is extremely helpful) but nothing to my knowledge that could be mounted on department machines elsewhere on campus, which means I have to duplicate nearly a terabyte of data if I want to work with this data on one of the HPC machines and also share it with colleagues who use a department machine.
It would be great if you have more resources for students on how to use high compute machines at IU ex- big red, as it dose not support GUI out of the box, many users have trouble how to use it and especially while trying to take the full advantage of the high compute machines like how to schedule jobs or invoke the available GPU. As most of the UITS tech support don't have information regarding this.
UITS customer service is awesome. I never am worried about not having an answer to a question.
I set up a page for my student group through IU. It was a challenging, technical process, but I'm grateful for all the help I received from the University Web Development Team. The main issue I would like to bring up is that the "normal" IT services weren't able to help me, and they weren't sure where to send me either. I had to start messaging different groups until I found the web development team. The overall service I received after finding the right people was fantastic and I'm grateful for their help.
Wireless is spotty, particularly in administration buildings.
All good over here
The IT people in Wells Library rarely solved my problems.
I think all new students should automatically be receiving communication about all the systems and where to go find things that are important for them to be a successful learner. That really helps when a student has never experienced of used any of the systems unique to IU and Canvas.
It would be amazing to have wifi across the entire campus and not just in buildings if that were possible. More information on opportunities like 3D printing or borrowing technological devices would be nice.
Providing the Adobe Creative Cloud is an amazing service!
I'm an associate instructor. Whenever I have an issue with the tech in my classrooms, the UITS classroom support staff have consistently been extremely helpful. Very grateful! Thanks for all you all do!
One.IU is the worst platform I’ve ever seen. Class registration is extremely difficult. I recently started grad school here and my undergrad institution had a significantly easier university management and class registration portal to navigate and understand. One.IU is NOT user friendly and excessively complicated.
Thank you!

Support for personal student technical hardware in case of problems.
Update the schedule of the campus buses on google maps.
I preferred previous printers (for scanning) in Wells and Campus View Apartments.
Unable to use the zoom software in laptop using my IU user id, i can only use zoom through my browser, which is a bit annoying.
Wi-fi on campus is really bad especially in the upper floors of Wells library and outside of buildings.
It would be really nice to have staplers near the printers.
To expand the reach of the eduroam network and increase the number of computer labs with printers on campus.
Unstable wifi on campus, frequently cutting in and out; poor cell phone signal.
My issues get ignored and closed without being resolved. UITS does not do their jobs, the only thing they're good for is sudo permissions on IU machines.
My local IT professional (within the department) is amazing. The broader structure of UITS is very hard to navigate. I have had a number of "weird" tech issues that are really frustrating and are not always adequately addressed by university assistance, even though it's IU software or policies causing some of the challenges.
Crimson Card activation at the Regional Academic Health Center requires students to visit a single person in the IU Hospital for card activation which is inconvenient for all parties.
The service at the walk in desk of Wells library is not satisfying at all. The students seem lost and keep repeating the same advice that is not helping. Today my touchpad's bug after the update is not fixed yet!!!
They wont touch your laptop and over all are not very motivated to fix your issues.
Need better Wifi service outside on campus.
Canvas options for quizzes/surveys are still way behind google form. I wish that could be fixed.
School of Ed's ETS is great!
I appreciate this service. Please keep providing us direction with this service in teaching and learning.
No complaints. Everything is good.
The guide to register devices like TVs, consoles, etc. are still unclear this year. Still have several residents ask about it.
More support or directions to use High-performance computing resources like Quartz.
My online degree has been a great experience. IU had shown how strong a distance education can be.

The research desktop has been running extremely slow lately, especially with applications that interface with the file system (basically all of them) and MATLAB. I'm sure this has to do with the Carbonate switchover, but it has not been smooth recently.
Other than that though, I am always amazed by the instantaneous (for real, it is so fast) support that UITS provides. Access to the HPC computing technologies makes my research possible. I wouldn't be able to do anything without these services, so I am extremely grateful.
Please make Kaltura work without 3rd party cookies. Please add a notebook execution mode to the HPC systems.
I really appreciate all the resources. My only complaint pertains to the printers in the law library. It can be very difficult to print even when following the correct steps. Any improvement in this area would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I am an online student so I do not use many of these features.
For wifi service, there are a lot of shadow area and differences in speed. Hardware also need to be upgraded overall.
Webpages are not straightforward. Pretty difficult to understand the system to use.
The broadband network facility needs to be fixed.
After purchasing a laptop, I was burdened by the cost of purchasing software, but I was thankful to receive the software provided by UITS.
I face frequent issues with Top hat.
Please provide additional documentation for iOS users on how to connect to IU eduroam WiFi. Thanks!
As someone who doesn't feel that comfortable with technology, it's frequently unclear to me what services the uni does / doesn't offer and how to access them. There are plenty of things I think I would take advantage of it I knew how, and if I didn't have to seek out all the info for myself and then get confused by terminology on webpages.
Also, sometimes the community printers eat / refuse to print my documents, and the wifi connection nearby is sometimes so bad that the printer options won't even show up on my device when I type them in, standing immediately in front of the printer. It's deeply frustrating.
No comments. Satisfied!
Why doesn't the unofficial transcript enterprise application have an easy way to download a pdf? The most common use of this application is to get transcripts for applications and you have to literally print the whole page, which leads to terrible formatting. This seems like a very straightforward thing to implement, and very useful so it baffles me that we can't do it.
Eduroam is spotty and I often lose connection on campus.
I feel sometimes that there are too many tools that do the same thing (for instance, having both zoom and Teams, or having both Canvas and TopHat to construct student surveys and quizzes on). This gets confusing quickly.
Faculty need to be consulted and given at least 2-5 years (the length of external research grants) lead time to adapt to software and support changes such as Box disappearing. Given the shrinking budget for life cycle computer replacements on campus, UITS needs to fully support computers that are up to 10 years old.

Eudroam could be better near McCalla building
Microsoft Drive is incredibly hard to navigate. It's difficult to ensure files have been updated without re- uploading the entire file, whereas Google docs allowed for simultaneous collaboration, edits, and saving. I now instead just send new versions of files I have already shared to ensure everything is up to date.
All is great!
IU Edurom access it despite proper setting; might need to call in assistant to set it up. SO FAR , IU SECURE WORKS!, THAT TOO SOME TIMES ITS DISCONNECT AND CONNECTS IN LOOP!
If UITS can provide more desktop to extend the laptop screen, it would be helpful.
The services were very useful.
Canvas is good, there might be some user errors on some of the classes where announcements get sent by mistake over and over. Not sure what the root cause of that was, if it is lack of ease of use for the professor or what. That being said it doesn't happen often, only with the core 3 session class.
Thank you very much for the service!
Most of my responses indicating dissatisfaction reflect ease-of-use, or lack thereof. Many systems/programs/webpages are not intuitive or user friendly. For example, Kaltura is awful! Also, too often webpages cannot be found or no longer exist.
Would like to be able to access softwares like Figma etc. on the monitors on campus if I login.
I really like how committed the support team works. They are very open and approachable. I have sometimes visited the 4th floor at Wells Library for support and got all I needed.
More extensive info and examples for running jobs on Big Red 200/Carbonate would be helpful. Also more detailed examples of which UITS unit to contact with different kinds of issues is needed because I haven't been able to figure it out.