UITS User Survey

2023 UITS User Survey IUFW – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

If you have any comments about UITS services, including recommendations for additional services or support resources, as well as any complaints, critiques, or compliments that you would like to share, please enter them below.
The responses are listed by respondent case number. Case numbers, in which the respondent did not leave any text, are not included.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:


Staff responses:



Undergraduate responses:

The crimson card submissions need to be more clear about what is required to apply for the card. Also the IU mobile app is very useful but it shouldn’t be as easy as one click to accidentally unfavorite important applications from the row just by clicking the heart.
Helpful when needed.
No major complaints. The services are reliable and I have never had any major issues.
I was having trouble for weeks getting my emails to go through so I finally talked to IT and the person that helped me, fixed it in about 5 minutes. [IRD] was very nice and helpful.
All good


Graduate responses:
