UITS User Survey

2023 UITS User Survey IUS – Open Text Responses (Edited)

This text file includes responses to the following question of the UITS survey:

If you have any comments about UITS services, including recommendations for additional services or support resources, as well as any complaints, critiques, or compliments that you would like to share, please enter them below.
The responses are listed by respondent case number. Case numbers, in which the respondent did not leave any text, are not included.

Identifying references have been removed from this document and replaced with “[IRD]”. Responses are grouped by sample: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate students, and Graduate students.

Faculty responses:

I am not pleased with the new phone that I received within the last year. The old phone was better and would provide a notification on my email if a call was missed. It is hard to see at times with this phone if I missed a call.
Communications of all types are written for those who are adept with technology not the average faculty member or student. Rewrite everything for enhanced clarity.
The UTIS services on the Southeast campus are amazing. They have helped resolve issues in the classroom so quickly and effectively that it makes my teaching with dual power-points go very smoothly., Each of the member of staff has been a pleasure to work with!
The student computer (and classroom instructional computer) build, which I am told is now controlled by folks in Bloomington, is a disaster. Our local IT team handled this in the past and it was much more efficient. It now takes minutes, instead of seconds, for Windows to load every single time one logs in.
This takes precious minutes away from instruction (or additional preparation) and causes frustration with students (who are often coming to class at the last second), ultimately becoming another barrier to student learning. Remarkably, despite the LONGER load time, functionality has actually been reduced. We now have no ability to pin commonly used apps to the taskbar, no control over our homepage, and accessing portable drives has become cumbersome. This needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY. In a time when computing is typically more convenient for users, IU has gone backwards (I would be willing to bet that a long obsolete Windows 97 machine would win a startup race against our current machines).
It can be a bit difficult to connect to eduroam and it would be nice if there was a quick new device guide for Duo.
This semester there are several spots in the building I work that I am unable to get onto the wi-fi. While teaching a class, my students were unable to log on to the wi-fi to take a test! This is a serious issue as our students use internet often in class. I also need access to internet in different locations throughout the day and it has been a huge struggle lately.
Our campus UITS staff go out of their way to help us with the computing needs. They are available on campus anytime we call and very quick to respond to our needs.
I teach online courses (from home) and think that the university should provide me with a new desktop computer as frequently as a new one would be swapped out if I had an office on campus.
If I turn off my campus computer when I am not on campus, it takes too long to reboot because of the software that gets loaded I don't want, i.e., Adobe Creative Cloud. These programs run in the background and cause conflicts, memory use, and stalling of utilities. It would be nice to ASK if one wants these programs to automatically be on office computers.
Response to calls for technical support needs to be faster as was in the past.
We need help updating our school's website.
They are doing a great job!


Staff responses:

I am very pleased with UITS. The only issue I have had more than once is that a helpdesk student isn't always good at identifying the problem or understanding the concern I am having with IT. They often refer me to UITS site instead of walking me through the problem that is occurring. Oftentimes I have to find the solution through trial and error. The full-time staff are excellent and helpful.
Would love it if you could make the annual holidays appear on our Outlook calendars automatically. Better yet, the pre-populate the campus academic calendar dates now that all campuses are aligned.
So proud of the IU Southeast campus' department. Excellent customer service.
IUS IT is always willing to help. They don't just fix the issue but also show you how they fix it.
IUS IT helpdesk is ALWAYS very helpful with any issue I have. Attentive, wants to help, and offer solutions that I need!!!
Our UITS department is awesome at Indiana University SOUTHEAST Campus!
UITS is awesome! As is IUADAPTS!
Extremely satisfied with the support and help that our office receives from our local IT support guys. They are quick to respond and very helpful and considerate.


Undergraduate responses:

No comment.
Wi-Fi is extremely spotty. It gets worse the farther away you get from the IT office.
The only comment I have is that Mac os links should be more easily found. I have always received them quickly from tech support but have not seen them in the places where I find the windows download links (for things like SPSS).
I would love to have wifi in the grass field in front of the pond so that I can work on assignments while sitting out there. Currently the wifi doesn't reach from the University Center building.
I honestly don't have any complaints. Everyone that has helped me was kind and patient, which is a rare thing to find in technology support. Another thing I'd like to point out is that if they can't help you with your problem, they will point you somewhere you can get help. All in all, it's a really great thing to have on campus.
I really like how pretty much everything is easy to use and to navigate too. I do get pretty annoyed with the Duo two factor steps and I know a few of my friends also feel the same. And canvas is okay, I think mainly it’s how your instructor sets up your class but at times it’s hard to find things and other times I feel like it’s unreliable and nothing really has assured me that my assignments actually went through or my professor actually got my message and not the whole class. I use the study/ social spaces often and love them and all the staff I have talked with have been nothing but kind and nice.
IU Mobile Print has been almost unusable this semester.

I have not had to use many of the IT services and this is my first semester with IUS. My overall experience with the school has been awesome, so I venture to say if I do have any issues, UITS would rock it.
Often, these websites don't work on my devices. I have way more issues with IU websites and programs than any others. Reliability could use improvement in my opinion. Thank you.
The wifi IUS offers is not dependable. Connecting can be spotty and the speed is slow.
I've always enjoyed how NICE support members are, sometimes it just seems like they also don't know what they're doing. Also, the WiFi has been spotty lately.
I had a difficult time printing without items being cut off for anatomy. I also could not print at all without a crimson card. It seemed the help desk could have figured something out as I am an online student.
The duo security can be a little frustrating at times, because I don't carry my phone on me at all times. If it could be changed to once a week security checking, that would help a lot.
The only issue that sometimes occurs is issues with devices connecting to the wifi.
The printer on the top floor of the Physical Science building at IUS is very difficult to use and a lot of people have had trouble printing to it.
I always study at the library because I am unaware of any other areas to study. A list of available study locations and the resources they provide would be helpful. I always find the resources in the library very helpful and reliable thank you!
When the WORD services were changed over to our current plan, the transition was rough and not appropriately addressed ahead of time with students, which caused me difficulties in several classes with wasted time (18 or more hours over two days) attempting to address the issue with online chat support with no solutions provided by them, redoing work, and resulted in course late work. One project was a PowerPoint presentation that was almost complete and lost, requiring me to redo the assignment in Google Slides completely. The current word processing service is inferior to what we previously had available.
A. Duo authentication services render a student completely unable to participate in any course, classes, assignments, prevent logging into e-mail, and everything else should their phone be dead, missing or stolen, their number change, or they forget their device. There needs to be a means to login without needing a dedicated registered device you have previously registered. This issue also persists when simply using a brand-new phone as well even with the same number.
B. please do better when warning about IT scams and trojans/malware. You warn people weeks or months after the issues have already been out. It is the equivalency to warning a person just axed by a serial killer about there being a serial killer on the loose and that "they need be on lookout for them lest they become a victim"; it's a little late by that point.
It is a pleasure to be a student at IUS. There are great instructors and staff that has helped me along the way. Please remind ALL staffers to keep positive energy each and everyday because they never know what a student could be going through. A simple hello or have a great day can go a long way. Is there any way I could be placed on a list for a laptop? I was told no funds but that was a while ago.
Thank you in advance. Have a wonderful day!
Respectfully, [IRD]


Graduate responses:
